Home GRASP/Korea Top South Korean Buddhist leader steps down over allegations of corruption, fatherhood

Top South Korean Buddhist leader steps down over allegations of corruption, fatherhood


South Korea’s biggest Buddhist denomination ordered its executive head to step down Thursday amid mounting allegations he forged his academic credentials,
SEOUL – South Korea’s biggest Buddhist denomination ordered its executive head to step down Thursday amid mounting allegations he forged his academic credentials, accumulated vast wealth and broke his vows of celibacy.
The 56-14 vote of no confidence in Seoljeong, president of the Jogye Order, by its central committee is the first in a history that dates back hundreds of years — the organization is believed to have been established in the 12th century.
With more than 3,000 temples, 13,000 monks and 7 million followers, it accounts for most of South Korea’s Buddhists and is highly influential in a country where religion remains a powerful social force.
But it has long been dogged by corruption allegations and factional feuds.
Many rank-and-file members and civic groups have staged protests to demand Seoljeong’s resignation over the allegations, and a senior reform-minded monk was taken to a hospital this month after a 41-day hunger strike outside the Jogyesa temple, the order’s headquarters in central Seoul.
The order’s spiritual leader, Patriarch Jinje, has also called for Seoljeong’s ouster. Buddhist activist Cho Jae-hyun said the order’s 24-member Council of Elders was expected to approve the move next week.

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