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North And South Korea Leaders Announce Joint Olympics Bid Plan After Summit Talks


Kim Jong Un and Moon Jae-in have met for the third time this year.
Korean leaders Kim Jong Un and Moon Jae-in have made a series of announcements after meeting for talks in Pyongyang, unexpectedly stating that they will seek to host the Olympics together.
The two leaders are midway through a three-day summit, which will see them address a number of other issues, the focus being nuclear disarmament.
But during their joint statement, South Korean president Moon took a second to state their intentions to make a joint bid to host the 2032 Olympics.
Moon also revealed that Kim has agreed to permanently dismantle a missile engine test site and launch pad in the presence of outside inspectors. If the US take corresponding measures, he will also destroy his main nuclear complex.
“We have agreed to make the Korean Peninsula a land of peace that is free from nuclear weapons and nuclear threat,” Kim added, as he stood by Moon’s side. “The road to our future will not always be smooth and we may face challenges and trials we can’t anticipate.
“But we aren’t afraid of headwinds because our strength will grow as we overcome each trial based on the strength of our nation.”
The day saw the pair finalise the joint statement together before delivering it in front of the press.
North Korea has been demanding a declaration formally ending the Korean War, which was stopped in 1953 by a ceasefire, but neither leader mentioned it as they read the joint statement.

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