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Media Lies, Claims Acosta Video is “Doctored”


Press invents bizarre conspiracy theory to distract from Acosta’s behavior
The mainstream media is attempting to distract from CNN’s Jim Acosta placing his hands on a woman during yesterday’s White House press conference by claiming a video of the incident tweeted by Sarah Sanders is “doctored”.
Acosta’s press access was revoked yesterday after he became embroiled in a verbal spat with President Trump and then appeared to overpower a White House staffer who tried to retrieve the microphone from him.
In an obvious effort to distract from Acosta’s behavior towards the woman (which some claim represents minor assault or battery), CNN and the rest of the mainstream media crafted a conspiracy theory that the video clip later tweeted by Press Secretary Sarah Sanders was “doctored,” sped up or “manipulated”.
The clip is not “doctored” or “sped up”. As you can see from the original editing track in Sony Vegas Pro, none of the individual tracks are “sped up”. A track that is sped up would show wavy lines in the original track field, which it doesn’t.
The claim being made my some media outlets that I “sped up” the Acosta video is a brazen lie.
Here’s the original editing in Sony Vegas Pro. As you can see, no tracks are “sped up” (sped up tracks would show wavy lines). I just zoomed in.
The only editing done to this clip is that it is zoomed in. The speed has not been altered from the original clip posted by the Daily Wire.
Original video footage of the full encounter also proves that the footage is not “sped up”.
While Acosta did not assault the woman, the White House is perfectly correct in asserting that he placed his hands on the female staffer. Acosta clearly used his strength to push down on the woman’s arm and overpower her so he could keep the mic.
Efforts by the media to invent conspiracy theories about doctored footage are a transparent effort to distract from Acosta’s behavior and shield him from criticism.
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Paul Joseph Watson is the editor at large of Infowars.com and Prison Planet.com .

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