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In Greek region of Macedonia, anger at imminent name deal


As lawmakers in Athens are poised to approve a landmark name deal between Greece and Macedonia, there is relief in many European capitals that a 27-year diplomatic dispute is nearing its end.
As lawmakers in Athens are poised to approve a landmark name deal between Greece and Macedonia, there is relief in many European capitals that a 27-year diplomatic dispute is nearing its end.
But in Greece’s Macedonia region, home to the ancient Greek-speaking kingdom made famous by Alexander the Great, there is mostly outrage.
« How can another country have Macedonia’s name? What are we, then? » wonders Eleni, a 39-year-old souvenir shop owner.
« It’s like taking away our soul, our history and culture, » she adds.
Eleni’s shop is a few metres away from the necropolis of ancient Macedonian kings in Vergina 485 kilometres (300 miles) north of Athens, one of Greece’s top archaeological sites.
Among the Macedonian royals buried there is Philip II, Alexander’s father.
The agreement expected to be approved on Thursday will rename Greece’s neighbour as the Republic of North Macedonia, a move which the government in Athens says will encourage trade and benefit both countries.
But critics here say the deal, brokered by Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and Macedonian counterpart Zoran Zaev in June, will merely create confusion and sow new problems.
A key sticking point for them is Greece’s recognition of a Macedonian language and identity north of the border.
To most Greeks, Alexander the Great is an integral part of their heritage
Many homes in this small village are adorned with blue flags bearing the Vergina Sun, an ancient Macedonian symbol believed to be the mark of Philip’s royal family.

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