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School reopenings off to a rocky start as students and faculty test positive across the country


The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill on Monday moved all of its undergraduate classes online after 130 students tested positive for the coronavirus in the last week.
Monday was the first day of school in some parts of the country but an outbreak at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is forcing the school to go entirely remote learning. It was a busy, hectic weekend for colleges across the country bringing students back on campus. And yet, if this were a test of whether students could adhere to mask and social distancing requirements, it’s clear many would fail. « I mean, there’s still parties going on. There’s still people not wearing masks, » one UNC student told CBS News. Videos showing UNC students partying without masks and ignoring social distancing led to a blunt editorial in the student newspaper. « We all saw this coming, » it said. « We’re angry — and we’re scared. » Late on Monday, the university moved all of its undergraduate classes online after 130 students tested positive for the coronavirus in the last week. And a warning about younger kids who are returning to school: « We’ve certainly seen that there could be some more severe damage done to the heart and in some of these rare cases, » said Dr. Nicholas Rister, a pediatric infectious disease specialist at Cook Children’s Medical Center in Fort Worth, Texas. Nationwide, more than 560 school districts are starting the year off in person. New safety protocols inside a high school in Wylie, Texas, include tables inside the cafeteria with markings to remind students to keep their distance.

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