Home United States USA — Political Special prosecutor for election fraud needed NOW

Special prosecutor for election fraud needed NOW


Tolerance? Unity?
Tolerance is what liberals demanded from conservatives for the last 50 years. Tolerance for busing. Tolerance for abortion on demand. Tolerance for the LBGTQ …

Tolerance? Unity? Tolerance is what liberals demanded from conservatives for the last 50 years. Tolerance for busing. Tolerance for abortion on demand. Tolerance for the LBGTQ agenda. Tolerance for riots, looting, crime. Tolerance for China ripping off the USA. Tolerance for U.N. globalism. Tolerance for American companies off-shoring manufacturing and then shipping those products back for sale in the U.S. Tolerance for illegal immigrants. Tolerance for ineffective public education. Tolerance for all things Black Lives Matter – including being painted on the street – more than blue lives or any other lives. Tolerance for affirmative action for 50 years – meaning jobs going to unqualified people, admission to colleges for unqualified people and quotas based on race. Tolerance for all the things that hurt average, working Americans. And now those same liberals want conservatives to tolerate what happened in this election, to look the other way – for the good of America, for unity, for peace, for « healing. » How much unity and peace did those liberals show America for the last four years? None. They opposed Trump from the first day he was elected with « resist, » « obstruct, » « impeach, » false accusations about Trump colluding with Russians to affect the 2016 election,94% negative reporting about Trump by the media, riots in cities controlled by Democrats, and now election fraud and irregularities.

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