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Here’s what’s on the menu for Hollywood this year


Hollywood’s eating its big-time blockbusters and tent poles because it can’t afford to shove them out when only four humans are going to the movies.
Hollywood’s eating its big-time blockbusters and tent poles because it can’t afford to shove them out when only four humans are going to the movies. However, Meryl Streep — may her tribe increase — is starting a newie: “Places, Please,” about the made-up life of a Broadway star. It films in NYC this summer. Director Michael Cristofer and Streep have worked together before. And, loving their craft, the subject is a valentine to the profession. Meanwhile, George Clooney and Julia Roberts — previously together in the “Ocean’s Eleven” franchise — are together again in “Ticket to Paradise.” Originally a 1936 film starring Wendy Barrie, now gone, and made by Republic Pictures, now gone, it’s got a subplot of amnesia and a main plot about a divorced couple who work to prevent their daughter from making the mistakes they did. It shoots later this year in Bali, which is where my Indonesian godchild is till COVID isn’t. Something else we can look forward to is going backward. A fabulously exciting reheated menu is creeping our way. On TV’s griddle are adaptations of ancients “Fatal Attraction,” “Flashdance,” “The Italian Job,” “Grease” and “The Godfather.

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