Home United States USA — Art First 100 Days: The Media gushes over VP Kamala Harris, largely ignores...

First 100 Days: The Media gushes over VP Kamala Harris, largely ignores border inaction


There seems to be a theme to the first 100 days of media coverage of Vice President Kamala Harris. The reports are light on policy, …
There seems to be a theme to the first 100 days of media coverage of Vice President Kamala Harris. The reports are light on policy, but heavy on fashion, footwear…and knitting. Last month The Washington Post’s Jura Koncius followed Harris to a crochet shop in Alexandria, VA, and concluded that the VP is making crochet cool again. Koncius wrote that Harris’ admittal that she crochets has enhanced the hobby’s « cool factor. » Crocheters, she writes, now feel as though Harris has given them more « street cred » and the fiber arts community is « a bit giddy » about it. Then, last Wednesday, the day of President Biden’s first address to a joint session of Congress, the New York Times posted a report entitled,  » 100 Days of Vice-Presidential Style, » with the subtitle, « Kamala Harris doesn’t want to talk about clothes. Neither does Jill Biden. You can understand why. But lots of people still want to know what they are wearing. » The editors retroactively analyzed Harris’ inauguration outfit, interpreting that her fashion choices marked « a new dawn for the American fashion industry. » « Ms. Harris wore clothes by three different independent Black designers, including a purple dress and coat that merged blue and red, » the Times writes. « It seemed to herald a new age of conscious dress, and a new dawn for the American fashion industry, reeling after four years of an administration that had trampled all political norms, including the tradition of using their clothes as an expression of patriotic duty.

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