Home United States USA — China Pelosi: China criticized her trip to Taiwan because. sexism

Pelosi: China criticized her trip to Taiwan because. sexism


Is she right?
Nancy Pelosi held a joint press conference with Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen during her brief visit to Taiwan. During the press conference, Pelosi accused Chinese officials of sexism over their criticism of her visit. Does she have a point?
Pelosi claims that when six male senators visited Taiwan in April, the Chinese officials “didn’t say anything.” That isn’t exactly true, though. At the time, the April visit by the all-male delegation was described as “condescending” and “irresponsible”. It’s a far cry from the criticism lodged at Pelosi.
Pelosi stumbled upon the truth as she complained of alleged sexism. The ramped up criticism she received is because of her position in the U.S. government. Her appearance ranks higher than that of a delegation of senators. In the presidential line of succession, Pelosi is second, with Kamala being first in line. The Chinese know that. She isn’t just a regular lawmaker coming to show support to Taiwan – who has a female president, by the way. Chinese officials have been concerned about a visit from Pelosi for months. Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi called Pelosi’s plans for a trip to Taiwan “a red line for U.S.- China relations.”
Tsai Ing-wen is Taiwan’s first female president. Pelosi said her meeting with Tsai was a moment to take ‘pride in women’s leadership.

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