Home United States USA — Cinema Dear Tom Brady: Football Is Not War

Dear Tom Brady: Football Is Not War


Dear Tom Brady,
Football is not like the military.
Recently on his “Let’s Go” podcast, Tom Brady made a comment about work-life balance in the NFL to NBA superstar Kevin Durant, and I quote, “I almost look at football season like you are going away on deployment.”
No, Tom it’s not, it is actually nothing like that.
I was in the football business for a decade and I know how crazy the hours are. Time away from your family is tough on both parties, but I am not worrying about any of my players running over an IED, getting hit by an RPG, or being in gunfights in a foreign land.
Football is a game, one that I will love forever, but this comparison is both naive and arrogant. Yes, the NFL is unbelievably violent, but it isn’t played in Fallujah or Baghdad.
The real heroes aren’t the ones throwing passes or scoring touchdowns.

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