Home United States USA — China COVID leaked from a Wuhan lab. Here's how we hold China &...

COVID leaked from a Wuhan lab. Here's how we hold China & Fauci accountable


Even before I launched my campaign for president, I’ve called for the United States to declare our independence from China because there have long been strategic reasons for doing so. But now we have powerful evidence that we must also hold China accountable for the COVID-19 pandemic.
The U.S. Energy Department recently concluded that the COVID-19 pandemic most likely arose from a laboratory leak in China. This represents a shift in position for the Energy Department which had previously stated that it was undecided about the origin of the pandemic – making it the second major U.S. department, after the FBI, to conclude that the virus originated in a Chinese lab. This is a critical catalyst that requires both a retrospective admission from key U.S. officials and prospective actions against China by the U.S. president.
Retrospectively, key U.S. officials and leaders in the private sector should publicly admit their mistake over the last two years in suppressing discussion of the lab leak hypothesis. 
This starts with the censors-in-chief at social media companies. Elon Musk has done a good job at Twitter in lifting the veil on government tech censorship, but Facebook and Google need to admit that they suppressed the fact that COVID-19 leaked from a lab and share the details.

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