Home United States USA — IT Elon Musk finally finds 'someone foolish enough to take the job' of...

Elon Musk finally finds 'someone foolish enough to take the job' of Twitter CEO


Though we’re not sure NBCUniversal ad exec Linda Yaccarino appreciates the description
Opinion Tesla investors have been huffing and puffing about how CEO Elon Musk is « too distracted » by his latest plaything for some time now, and it looks like a new Chief Twit has been found to throw under the Cybertruck.
Musk made the announcement on Twitter that there was a new boss in town yesterday, saying « She will be starting in ~6 weeks! » and that he’d be stepping back into an exec chair and CTO role, « overseeing product, software & sysops » – all things Musk is an expert in.
But who could it be? Who will ride in to save Twitter as it continues to swirl down the drain into internet cesspit territory? Perhaps this person is the new chief? Or this one?
To the likely disappointment of Musk’s hordes of parasocial sycophants and yes-men, it won’t be a female version of himself, but Linda Yaccarino, says the Wall Street Journal, citing its favorite source – « people familiar with the situation. » Incidentally, The New York Times has been chatting to « two people with knowledge of the matter » who agree.

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