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Halle Berry Reaches Hefty Child Support Settlement—Why Celebrities End Up Paying Such High Sums


Halle Berry has finalized her divorce from Olivier Martinez—and reached a child support settlement—after almost eight years.
Halle Berry and her ex-husband Olivier Martinez have reportedly finalized their divorce and reached a child support agreement after nearly eight years of fighting for custody of their 9-year-old son, and while the $8,000 per month she’ll pay Martinez for child support may seem hefty, it’s a relatively small price to pay in the world of the ultra-wealthy.Key Facts

Movie star Berry and French actor Martinez filed for divorce in 2015 after just over two years of marriage, but legal proceedings stretched for more than seven years.

The two will share joint legal and physical custody of their son, according to court documents obtained by CNN, and Berry will pay her ex-husband 4.3% of any annual income she makes above $2 million, $8,000 a month in child support and will pay for their son’s private school tuition, extracurricular activities, health insurance and therapist, according to USA Today.

In California, where a majority of celebrity divorces are filed, child support is determined not necessarily by how much a parent makes but is based on the disparity of income between the two and how much time the child will spend with each parent, according to California Child Support Services.

California law outlines that it is a parent’s responsibility to support a child “according to circumstances and station” and to provide their children a “lifestyle commensurate” to their own, which can mean celebrities make high-dollar payments to ensure their children will live a similar lifestyle to the one that they would have if their parents were together, or when moving between parents. Some Of The Biggest Celebrity Child Support Settlement
Kanye West and Kim Kardashian—West’s net worth was valued at $1.

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