Home United States USA — Political The Indictments Are Trump's Rocket Fuel

The Indictments Are Trump's Rocket Fuel


In using the Department of Justice to bar Trump from office, Democrats are strengthening him and making it likely that he will be the 47th President.
With every new indictment of President Trump, the Left’s success in hijacking America’s institutions becomes clearer and clearer. The Left’s weaponization of our most fearsome government agencies is complete and total. The rule of law—the very foundation of our justice system—has effectively collapsed. Democrats profoundly fear Trump’s re-election, and yet, in their ever-intensifying use of the Department of Justice to bar him from office, they are only strengthening Trump and making it increasingly likely that he will be the 47th President.
Trump’s enemies are so consumed with hatred for him that they cannot think or act strategically. They believe they are being strategic by orchestrating flimsy if dangerous indictments in New York, Florida, Washington D.C., and Georgia soon as well. They think they’re burying him under a blizzard of charges, draining his resources, and distracting him from campaigning effectively for re-election. And they may be right that their despicable lawfare will hobble him until November 2024 and beyond.
But they’re missing the central point about Trump and his powerful, unprecedented appeal to voters: As an America First outsider, he established an organic emotional bond with the people, who view him—rightly—as their champion, a man who sacrificed everything to improve their lives and restore the America they love back to greatness.
That’s an incredibly potent draw, and it’s one that cannot be overcome by conventional political means. Hence the ruling class’s increasingly desperate and relentless attempts to destroy him, from the Russia collusion hoax to two bogus impeachments to encouraging the violence of radical groups in an election year and more.

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