Home United States USA — Financial Biden is selling an economy on the rise. Voters aren’t buying it...

Biden is selling an economy on the rise. Voters aren’t buying it so far.


The president leaned into his achievements at a Labor Day event in Philadelphia, but a new poll reflects widespread disapproval.
According to the White House, the economy is on a steady upswing. Voters aren’t buying it, however, despite the declining inflation and steady job growth that President Joe Biden has repeatedly highlighted in speeches.
Biden again leaned into his economic achievements Monday with an appearance at the Tri-State Labor Day Parade in Philadelphia.
America has “the strongest economy in the world,” he told the crowd packed with union workers, highlighting the “nearly 13.5 million jobs” he credits his administration with creating.
For months, the president and members of his Cabinet have crisscrossed the country to preach the message the administration has packaged as “Bidenomics,” and in anticipation of the Labor Day holiday, Biden has been driving that message even harder.
In an op-ed in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel on Sunday, the president wrote that unemployment was “below 4 percent for the longest stretch in 50 years” and that wages and job satisfaction were up while inflation was down “near its lowest point in over two years.” On Friday, following the release of a jobs report that showed employers added 187,000 jobs in August, he boasted that America was in “one of the strongest job-creating periods in our history.”
But according to a Wall Street Journal poll released Monday, the president’s proselytizing has done little to sway voters.
The poll — which surveyed 1,500 registered voters from Aug. 24 to 30 and had a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 2.

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