Home United States USA — Events Meghan Markle isn't responsible for the Kate Middleton scandal — and she...

Meghan Markle isn't responsible for the Kate Middleton scandal — and she shouldn't have to be


« Black women are always meant to do the saving when other people are being disrespected or attacked »
Kate Middleton is in the midst of one of the most baffling PR crises the royal family has seen in a while — so of course, some people want to badger Meghan Markle about it.
Ever since the darling Princess of Wales seemingly vanished from the public eye following planned abdominal surgery in January, the media and general public have only had one question: « Where is Kate? » 
After weeks of online conspiracy theories swirled, the speculation came to a head when social media accounts for The Prince and Princess of Wales posted a family portrait of Middleton and her kids for Mother’s Day in the United Kingdom. However, in a rare move, major news agencies like The Associated Press and Reuters immediately recalled the photo, which had been distributed by the palace, from circulation because it appeared to be digitally manipulated.
Soon thereafter, the Palace responded with a statement from Middleton who apologized saying, « Like many amateur photographers, I do occasionally experiment with editing. I wanted to express my apologies for any confusion the family photograph we shared yesterday caused. »
But even with a scandal focusing solely on Middleton — Markle, the former Duchess of Sussex is still dragged into the mess. The relentless British tabloids, who have continuously dogged Markle for years, are now inserting her into the Middleton debacle and placing responsibility on her to address and support Middleton.
Multiple publications have urged Markle to comment on the ongoing Middleton dilemma and credibility issue inside the Palace. In an interview with the Mirror, public relations expert Ryan McCormick said, « If I was advising Meghan, I would tell her to speak loud and passionate in defence of Kate. Meghan may not like being on the brunt of negative press but, she’s definitely more familiar with it than Kate.

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