Home United States USA — mix "Let Joe Be Joe" has been a Disaster

"Let Joe Be Joe" has been a Disaster


The pause, the fake applause and . cannibals?
Joe Biden has been a failure as the leader of the United States. There has never been one moment in the past four years when he has thought of us, the American people. He has only thought of himself and how badly he does not want to lose to Donald Trump, so he stands before the press at the White House Correspondents Dinner, and he lies.
He lies about January 6th. He lies that Trump said there would be a “bloodbath” if he lost, a false media narrative that should have shamed every so-called “journalist” sitting in that room, and most of all, he lies about what threatens the American people. It is not Trump. This country is facing far more serious problems, and yet no one has apparently told Joe Biden.
The past couple of weeks have been an unmitigated disaster for the Biden presidency, even if the press, the obedient sycophants that they are, won’t admit it. Someone thought it was a good idea to free Biden from his gilded cage and set him loose on regular folks – to let Joe be Joe.
In March, the New York Times laid it out:
What could possibly go wrong? Well, everything.
Everything that could go wrong did go wrong. Biden did not just have a major brain freeze while reading off the teleprompter; it also wasn’t hard to see that most of the “Joe being Joe” events were staged.
When Biden read the instructions—that he was supposed to pause so the crowd could erupt in rehearsed chants of Four More Years—his face froze, and for a minute, he looked lost and confused. Yes, that’s the President of the United States, in case you were wondering.
Biden seems increasingly like a fake president, not a real one. And that’s just fine for the people at the top. What does Howard Stern care about real life? They’ve been detached for so long that they can’t see beyond the safety of their own bubble.
That’s not true for much of America so desperate for real leadership they’re willing to disregard Trump’s failings as a luxury they can’t afford.
That Biden is seeking a second term in his state of severe cognitive decline is evidence of a political party corrupt beyond repair—but worse, in denial. It’s starting to look less like Biden genuinely believes he’s the only one who can beat Trump to someone who doesn’t want to lose to Trump.
In other words, he’s thinking of himself, not us. Not the American people. And where are the Democrats in all of this mess? Why are they going along with what is, by any measure, a slow-rolling catastrophe? And why do we have to sit there and watch all of the ruling elites like Barbra Streisand and Steven Spielberg do what they can to foist someone who clearly isn’t up for the job on the American people?
Oh, sure, they love their compliant George Spahn, who turned the White House into Spahn Ranch and allowed a cult to move in. Sign here, Joe. Say this, Joe. Go along with “gender-affirming care,” Joe.
And what of the Never-Trumpers? Rick Wilson, Charlie Sykes, Jonah Goldberg and David Frum? They are just fine putting someone in power who is obviously not there mentally anymore? They know Trump isn’t as bad as they have been saying. They know it’s all been a game, yet they refuse to concede, even for the sake of the American people.
But even still, you’d think they would have an ounce of human decency to spare the 340 million of us having to deal with an aging monarch well past his sell-by date. It isn’t just the gaffes. It’s the confusion, the startled, vacant eyes, and the fact that he can’t go anywhere unless his staff guides him. It’s a genuinely dangerous moment in history.
It isn’t that presidents haven’t hidden their physical ailments to improve their image in the public’s eye—like JFK’s back problems or FDR in a wheelchair.

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