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Регламентный комитет вынес решение о представлении на снятие неприкосновенности с Довгого


Комитет также признал наличие недостатков в данном представлении гнпрокурора, сообщает Интерфакс-Украина. »Комитет считает, что представление по пре…
Комитет Верховной Рады Украины по вопросам регламента направил представление генпрокурора Юрия Луценко о предоставлении парламентом разрешения на привлечение к уголовной ответственности народного депутата Олеся Довгого спикеру парламента Андрею Парубию.
Комитет также признал наличие недостатков в данном представлении гнпрокурора, сообщает Интерфакс-Украина.
« Комитет считает, что представление по предоставлению согласия на привлечение к уголовной ответственности народного депутата Украины Довгого… содержит существенные недостатки в части обоснованности злоупотреблений депутатом Довгим должностными полномочиями на должности секретаря Киевского горсовета, а также в части умысла по поводу злоупотребления должностными полномочиями в интересах третьих лиц », – заявил руководитель регламентного комитета Рады Павел Пинзеник.
Комитет принял решение направить председателю парламента этот вывод, представление и пояснение Довгого.
Ранее генпрокурор Луценко заявлял, что у ГПУ есть достаточно материалов, чтобы объявить подозрение народному депутату Олесю Довгому.
Ранее сообщалось, что глава САП Назар Холодницкий подписал представление о снятии неприкосновенности с внефракционного депутата Верховной Рады Олеся Довгого в рамках уголовного производства относительно незаконного выделения участков на Жуковом острове в Киеве в 2007-2009 годах.

© Source: http://nv.ua/ukraine/politics/reglamentnyj-komitet-vynes-reshenie-o-predstavlenii-na-snjatie-neprikosnovennosti-s-dovgogo-1428289.html
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How to Get Free Rides on the Fourth of July If You’ ve Been Drinking: Uber & Lyft Coupons


Here are free or reduced price coupon codes for Uber and Lyft for the Fourth of July. Find out tips on how to avoid surge prices today too.
There’s no reason to drink and drive on the Fourth of July. Many transportation companies are offering reduced-price coupon codes for the day, some which might even earn you free rides depending on how far you have to travel. You can also reduce your price even more if you know how to avoid surge pricing. If you know of any other good coupon codes, let us know in the comments below.
If you’ re a new Uber user, the following codes may be able to get you a free or reduced-price ride today. Keep in mind that when the fireworks end, Uber might surge its prices during higher traffic times. If you want to check on surge pricing, the app Flare is advertising that it helps with this service and lets you compare prices from multiple Carshare and Rideshare trips. SurgeProtector is another app that lets you find close locations that don’ t have Uber surges. To avoid surges, try to leave a little before the fireworks end or stay at your location longer. You can also pay attention to fare estimates on your phone, to get an idea of when is the best time to call your Uber. You can also share rides with people going to similar locations using UberPOOL where it’s available.
According to RetailMeNot and other sources, the following codes may work for you:
Note that these discount codes can be cancelled by Uber at any time.
Remember, even if there is Uber surge pricing, the cost is still cheaper than the cost of a DUI, impounded car prices, lost wages from being in jail, the cost of hiring an attorney, etc.
If you prefer using Lyft to Uber, the following codes may be useful. Note that Lyft may change or cancel these codes at any time. (Look at RetailMeNot or PromoCode2017 for more codes if these don’ t work.)
Lyft may also use surge pricing, like Uber does, during peak hours. This means that if you get a Lyft ride during the busiest times right after the fireworks, the ride may cost more than it typically does. However, if you schedule your Lyft ride in advance, you may be able to lock in current rates and avoid the surge. (Note: Some locations charge surge prices anyway, and it appears that Uber does not offer this option for avoiding surges.) But just remember, even if there is Lyft surge pricing tonight, the cost is still cheaper than the cost of a DWI.
If you’ re really concerned about surge pricing, you can also look into alternatives to Uber and Lyft. There are some similar services, although they aren’ t available in all areas.
One is Wingz, which lets you book rides in advance, 24/7. You can find some coupon codes for $5 off here.
Via is another app that some people like. You can download the iTunes version here and the Android app here. It serves New York City, Chicago, and D. C.
Flywheel in another alternative, downloadable on Android here and iTunes here. It works in LA, Portland, Sacramento, San Diego, San Francisco, and Seattle.
ZTrip lets you book a private sedan without the surge. You can choose a VIP black car or a taxi. The downside is that the waits can be longer. It’s available at 70 airports, plus Austin, Baltimore, Boulder, Colorado Springs, Denver, Houston, Jacksonville, Kansas City, Minneapolis, Northern Colorado, Orlando, Phoenix, Pittsburgh, San Antonio, Tampa, and West Palm Beach.
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© Source: http://heavy.com/tech/2017/07/free-rides-fourth-4th-of-july-uber-lyft-coupons-codes-drunk-drink-and-drive-surge-prices/
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July 4: Trump’s America Isn’ t More Independent Than Obama’s


This July 4, it’s worth examining if Trump’s America is more independent from the world than Obama’s was. It turns out it isn’ t.
When President Donald Trump took office, many expected him to usher in a new « independent » U. S. foreign policy, breaking the bridges forged by President Obama to multi-national organizations and significantly shifting the direction of American statecraft.
That hasn’ t happened.
This Independence Day, hardly anyone argues anymore that the new administration is seeking independence from international institutions or binding treaties. Indeed, the U. S. has been forward-leaning on the global stage—reassuring NATO; broadly engaging in the Middle East; laying out new initiatives in Latin America; renegotiating, not scrapping NAFTA; talking tough on North Korea; sparring with China; embracing India; and redoubling efforts in Afghanistan.
Critics now complain that Trump is decoupling the U. S. from the post-World War II liberal order, the network of international institutions that fostered globalization. At least philosophically, there is no question that Trump and Obama come at foreign policy from opposite perspectives. Obama was a structuralist who believed that the keys to peace and prosperity are global institutions that normalize the behavior of states. Trump, on the other hand, is a realist. The sitting president holds that nation-states are the coin of the realm, the real power in the global order.
But in practice, the kid from Chicago and businessman from the Big Apple are less far apart than their rhetoric suggests.
For starters, the Constitution still binds the left and right. It still limits what presidents can do overseas, both through specified and imposed powers given to the executive branch, and the separation of powers that gives both the courts and Congress some say in what America does in the world.
In addition, regardless of their politics, presidents get elected to protect the nation’s interests. Those interests don’t change dramatically unless the world dramatically changes. That’s why U. S. foreign policy always has more continuity than change from one administration to the next.
Further, presidents are hardly purists. Obama had a predilection for multi-nationalism, but he was perfectly willing to go his own way when he thought it suited U. S. policy. Likewise, Trump has no prohibitions against a multi-national approach. U. S. commitment to NATO is as strong as ever. Rather than pulling out of the United Nations, the U. S. has been proactive in its leadership role. Trump went to the G7, and he’s going to the G20 and ASEAN summit.
There are still distinct differences between Trump and Obama. Some are mostly stylistic. The Paris climate accord is a case in point. Obama committed to it because it fit his politics, not because it really moved the ball on dealing with climate change. Trump pulled out because he didn’t care about a symbolic commitment. Neither president’s choice tells us much about the real exercise of American power in the world.
Other differences are more substantive. Obama’s instinct was to make a deal and then use the deal and multi-national instruments to normalize the behavior of adversarial states. That was the plan with the Russian reset and New START treaty, chemical weapons accord with Assad, and Iran nuclear deal. Trump’s instincts are to take action where there is a clear deliverable to U. S. interests on the front end, not trust the global order to tutor good behavior on the backside.
However, to portray these differences of statecraft as moving from interdependence to independence—an unmooring of the U. S. from the liberal world order—is a profound oversimplification. In practice, Trump will be seen using different approaches to solving America and the world’s problems—sometimes acting unilaterally, but mostly working with friends and allies, and often through multi-national institutions.
Trump will certainly in the end have different policies. He may in the end produce different outcomes. But, in the final judgment, it may be far more difficult to differentiate between interdependent and independent foreign policies than the current raging controversy over Trump’s international leadership suggests.
James Jay Carafano is vice president of the Heritage Foundation and directs the think tank’s research on foreign relations and national security issues.

© Source: http://fortune.com/2017/07/04/july-4-independence-day-2017-usa-donald-trump-barack-obama/
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Grabiec: Politycy PO będą obecni podczas wystąpienia prezydenta USA na pl. Krasińskich


Podczas wystąpienia prezydenta USA Donalda Trumpa w czwartek na pl. Krasińskich obecna będzie grupa polityków Platformy Obywatelskiej, w tym m.in. Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska, Rafał Trzaskowski i Andrzej Halicki – poinformował PAP rzecznik PO Jan Grabiec.
« Platforma Obywatelska wyśle 6 lipca na plac Krasińskich kilkudziesięcioosobową delegację na wystąpienie prezydenta Stanów Zjednoczonych Donalda Trumpa » – powiedział PAP rzecznik PO.
Dodał, że obecnie opracowywana jest pełna lista osób. Wiadomo już – jak poinformował Grabiec – że są wśród nich: wicemarszałek Sejmu Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska, b. wiceminister spraw zagranicznych Rafał Trzaskowski, lider mazowieckiej PO Andrzej Halicki, poseł Marcin Kierwiński. Grabiec powiedział, że on również będzie na pl. Krasińskich.
Rzecznik PO dodał, że politycy PO skorzystają z zaproszenia wysłanego w ubiegłym tygodniu przez ambasadę Stanów Zjednoczonych.
Każdy poseł – mówił Grabiec – otrzymał drogą e-mailową zaproszenie na uroczystości i może się jeszcze na nie zgłosić. Przedstawiciele PO – dodał rzecznik partii – będą zasiadać w sektorze przygotowanym przez służby dyplomatyczne USA. « Nie znamy jeszcze żadnych szczegółów. Myślę, że w środę będziemy wiedzieć na ten temat więcej » – dodał Grabiec.
Zaznaczył przy tym, że « zawsze takie wydarzenie organizowała Kancelaria Prezydenta RP, a w Polsce gościło już wielu prezydentów Stanów Zjednoczonych ». « Będziemy żądać wyjaśnień od Kancelarii drogą oficjalną » – zapowiedział. Prezydent Stanów Zjednoczonych przyleci do Warszawy późnym wieczorem w środę 5 lipca. Oficjalną część wizyty prezydenta Trumpa rozpoczną się w czwartek 6 lipca rozmowy w « cztery oczy » z prezydentem Andrzejem Dudą. Trump spotka się również z liderami 12 państw Trójmorza. O godz. 13 prezydent USA wygłosi przemówienie na pl. Krasińskich. Odlot amerykańskiej delegacji planowany jest na godz. 14.

© Source: http://www.gazetaprawna.pl/artykuly/1055388,politycy-po-beda-obecni-podczas-wystapienia-prezydenta-usa-na-pl-krasinskich.html
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大阪港にヒアリの巣、女王アリも? 国内繁殖の恐れ


環境省は4日、 先月30日に大阪港で見つかったアリを南米原産の 強毒アリ「ヒアリ」 と確認したと発表した。 国内でヒアリが発見されたの は神戸港などに続いて4例目。 女王アリとみられる羽の 生えた個体の ほか、 巣も
環境省は4日、先月30日に大阪港で見つかったアリを南米原産の強毒アリ「ヒアリ」と確認したと発表した。国内でヒアリが発見されたのは神戸港などに続いて4例目。女王アリとみられる羽の生えた個体のほか、巣も確認したという。同省はヒアリが国内で繁殖した恐れもあるとみて、国土交通省と連携し、全国の7港でヒアリの生息確認などを進めている。 女王アリの可能性がある個体(環境省提供) 環境省によると、6月23日に香港から大阪港に届いたコンテナの外壁に2匹のアリを発見。専門家の調査により、同29日にヒアリに似た毒を持つ「アカカミアリ」だったと確認した。 このため同省が同30日に大阪港の緊急調査を実施したところ、アカカミアリやヒアリの可能性のある数十匹のアリを発見。約10匹を回収し、残りは駆除するための遅効性の殺虫剤を使用したという。 3日に回収したアリがヒアリであることを確認。また殺虫剤を使用した場所を訪れて地面を掘ったところ、約50匹の死んだアリを発見、その中に女王アリとみられる個体もあったという。同省は巣を作っていたとみている。

© Source: http://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXLZO18446580U7A700C1CR0000/?dg=1&nf=1
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The Latest: Russia, China seek halt of N Korea weapons tests


Russia and China have proposed that North Korea declare a moratorium on nuclear and missile tests while the United States and South Korea refrain from large-scale military exercises.
The Latest on the Moscow talks between the presidents of China and Russia (all times local) :
4: 35 p.m.
Russia and China have proposed that North Korea declare a moratorium on nuclear and missile tests while the United States and South Korea refrain from large-scale military exercises.
The call was issued in a joint statement by the Russian and Chinese Foreign Ministries on Tuesday following talks between President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping.
The statement came after North Korea tested a missile that flew higher and longer than previous ones, sparking concerns around the world.
Moscow and Beijing suggested that if Pyongyang halts nuclear and missile tests while the U. S. and Seoul freeze military maneuvers, the parties could sit down for talks that should lead to obligations not to use force and to refrain from aggression.
12: 45 p.m.
Chinese President Xi Jinping is meeting with Russia’s President Vladimir Putin for talks on boosting ties between the two allies.
Xi’s visit comes amid a flare-up of tensions in U. S.-China ties and an anxiety caused by North Korea’s missile launch. The missile flew higher and farther than those previously tested.
Welcoming Xi Tuesday, Putin said they would focus on economic and international issues.
Before arriving in Moscow Monday, Xi warned President Donald Trump that « some negative factors » are hurting U. S.-China relations, as tensions soared over a U. S. destroyer sailing within the territorial seas limit of a Chinese-claimed island in the South China Sea.
Trump, Putin and Xi will attend the Group of 20 summit in Germany later this week. Putin and Trump are to hold their first meeting there.
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© Source: http://www.heraldonline.com/news/nation-world/world/article159565444.html
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Russia, China agree joint approach to North Korea, slam US over missile shield


MOSCOW (Reuters) – Russia and China have agreed a joint position
MOSCOW (Reuters) – Russia and China have agreed a joint position on North Korea designed to defuse tensions around its missile program and both want Washington to halt deployment of a missile shield in South Korea, the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Tuesday.
Moscow and Beijing had agreed on the need for a simultaneous freezing of North Korea’s missile and nuclear program and large-scale military exercises by the United States and South Korea, the ministry said in a statement.
The statement was released after President Vladimir Putin held talks with visiting Chinese President Xi Jinping in the Kremlin.
North Korea said on Tuesday it had successfully test-launched an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) for the first time, which flew a trajectory that experts said could allow a weapon to hit the U. S. state of Alaska.
The same statement said Moscow and Beijing wanted the United States to immediately halt its deployment of the THAAD anti-missile system to South Korea, a move Washington says is necessitated by the North Korean missile threat.
(Reporting by Denis Dyomkin/Vladimir Soldatkin; Editing by Andrew Osborn)

© Source: https://townhall.com/news/world/2017/07/04/russia-china-agree-joint-approach-to-north-korea-slam-us-over-missile-shield-n2350366
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В Украине запретили въезд 70 российским артистам


Государственная пограничная служба Украины поставила запрет на въезд в Украину 70 российским артистам.
« Сейчас въезд в Украину запрещен 70 российским артистам », – сказал пресс-секретарь ведомства Олег Слободян, сообщает « Интерфакс-Украина » .
По его словам, запрет на въезд поставлено на три года, причина – незаконное посещение Крыма.
Комментируя информацию СМИ о том, что якобы украинские пограничники отказали российскому актеру Владимиру Машкову во въезде в Украину, представитель погранведомства сказал: « Это неправда. Он не ехал через украинскую границу, согласно украинские пограничники с ним не имели дела ».
« В случае если он появится на границе, то Госпогранслужба будет действовать в соответствии с украинским законодательством и на месте принимать решение », – пояснил Слободян.
Напомним, российской комедиантци, известной по участию в шоу Comedy Woman, Екатерине Варнаве запретили въезд в Украину на пять лет.

© Source: http://ipress.ua/ru/news/v_ukrayne_zapretyly_vezd_70_rossyyskym_artystam_217149.html
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Raqqa: US-backed forces breach Old City's wall


The US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) breached a wall surrounding the Old City of Raqqa on Monday, the US Central Command said in a statement describing developments in the de facto capital.
In a CENTCOM statement, the US added: « Coalition forces supported the SDF advance into the most heavily fortified portion of Raqqa by opening two small gaps in the Rafiqah Wall that surrounds the Old City. »
The battle for Raqqa is not dissimilar to that of Mosul, where US-backed Iraqi forces are fighting to expel the last of ISIS fighters from Iraq’s second-largest city. But the fight to retake Raqqa has gone quicker, with attacking forces gradually forcing a diminishing number of ISIS fighters into a smaller area of narrow streets around the ancient mosque of Rafiqa, which has already been extensively damaged.
The Rafiqah Wall — which is 3 kilometers from the city center — is approximately 5 kilometers (3.1 miles) long, 3.8 meters (12.4 feet) high and 1 meter thick, Syrian state media reported in 2009.
ISIS fighters had planted mines and improvised explosive devices at several breaks in the wall, a US Central Command (CENTCOM) statement said.
« The portions targeted were 25-meter sections and will help preserve the remainder of the overall 2,500-meter wall,  » CENTCOM said.
CENTCOM and the SDF did not specify which area of the wall was breached.
The SDF launched an offensive to seize Raqqa on June 6. For more than three years, ISIS has used Raqqa as a staging ground for its deadly attacks on the Middle East and further overseas.
The group is running out of places to go. If ISIS is evicted from Raqqa it will lose the last vestige of any « governance » of its so-called caliphate. But it’s not just losing control of territory, it will also lose the facility to move freely between Syria and Iraq — especially since Iraqi militia seized the key town of Baaj last month.
The coalition hopes that the loss of Raqqa and Mosul will dull ISIS’ appeal to potential recruits.
« It’s hard to convince new recruits that ISIS is a winning cause when they just lost their twin ‘capitals’ in both Iraq and Syria,  » General Steve Townsend, the coalition’s commanding general, said.

© Source: http://edition.cnn.com/2017/07/04/middleeast/us-backed-forces-breach-wall-in-raqqa/index.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+rss%2Fedition_meast+%28RSS%3A+CNNi+-+Middle+East%29
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Russia, China: N. Korean must freeze nuclear activities, US halt THAAD deployment


Moscow and Beijing have agreed that North Korea should freeze its nuclear and missile programs, while the US and South Korea should abstain from holding war games in the region, Russian President Vladimir Putin said.
“ We’ ve agreed to promote our joint initiative, based on Russian step-by-step Korean settlement plan and Chinese ideas to simultaneously freeze North Korean nuclear and missile activities, and US and South Korean joint military drills, ” Putin said at a press conference after meeting with China’s leader, Xi Jinping, in Moscow.
Moscow and Beijing stressed the importance of taking North Korea’s concerns over its safety into consideration, calling them “ justified .”
“The two sides stress that justified North Korean concerns should be respected, ” a joint statement by Russia’s and China’s foreign ministers reads. “ Other countries should make certain moves to resume the negotiations, creating a peaceful disposition and mutual trust.”
“ A possibility of the use of military measures to solve the problems of the Korean Peninsula must be ruled out, ” the joint statement stressed.
While condemning Pyongyang’s nuclear and missile tests as violating UN Security Council resolutions, Moscow and Beijing urged the United States to immediately halt its deployment of THAAD anti-missile systems to South Korea.
“The sides agree that the deployment of THAAD anti-missile systems to Northeast Asia gravely damages strategic safety interests of regional powers, including Russia and China and do not contribute to the de-nuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, as well as towards establishing peace and stability in the region, ” the statement reads.
“ Russia and China oppose the deployment of the said systems and call on the countries involved to immediately halt and cancel the process of their deployment.”

© Source: https://www.rt.com/news/395244-north-korea-nuclear-us-drills-stop/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=RSS
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