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Samsung reportedly working on smart speaker powered by its Bixby assistant, codenamed 'Vega'


Samsung is said to be working on a new smart speaker running its Bixby digital assistant, which it introduced on the Galaxy S8 and S8+. But its development seems to have been hindered by Bixby issues.
Last month, at its Worldwide Developer Conference, Apple unveiled the HomePod, a voice-controlled smart speaker promising high-quality music playback, powered by its digital assistant, Siri. So it’s perhaps no great surprise that Samsung is said to be working on its own smart speaker, using its new Bixby assistant, which it introduced on its latest Galaxy S8 and S8+ flagship phones.
According to The Wall Street Journal, Samsung has been working on the new speaker – codenamed ‘Vega’ – for more than a year, but there’s no clear timeframe for its release. Several unnamed sources said that specifications for the device haven’t been finalized, and it seems that progress has been hindered by ongoing linguistic issues with Bixby.
Samsung still hasn’t launched a full version of Bixby for English-speaking countries, despite the Galaxy S8 and S8+ having been on sale for weeks. Last week, it emerged that Samsung is still scrambling to assemble the resources and tools it needs to develop Bixby’s capabilities, including a lack of data and foreign language experts. The firm originally said the English-language Bixby would be complete – with full voice support – by the Spring, but one source stated that it’s unlikely to be ready until the end of July.
But while some might be tempted to accuse Samsung of ‘copying’ Apple in launching a similar product to the HomePod, the South Korean tech giant has apparently been working on smart speaker projects for several years. Before it began work on Vega, it had previously planned to launch another speaker – codenamed ‘Hive’ – at Mobile World Congress 2015. However, development of that device was abandoned due to various software problems, including voice recognition issues.
In that context, the issues that Samsung continues to face with Vega seem like a case of history repeating itself. Until Samsung can make more meaningful progress in its development of Bixby, its new smart speaker is unlikely to come to market anytime soon.
If Samsung ever gets around to launching Vega, it won’t only be competing with Apple’s HomePod. The Amazon Echo has already established a strong presence in the smart speaker market, as has the Google Home. Meanwhile, new speakers are also being developed with Microsoft’s Cortana assistant, including the Invoke from Harman Kardon… which is now owned by Samsung .
Source: The Wall Street Journal

© Source: https://www.neowin.net/news/samsung-reportedly-working-on-smart-speaker-powered-by-its-bixby-assistant-codenamed-vega?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+neowin-main+%28Neowin+News%29
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Kim Jong Un Seeks to Exploit U. S.-China Tensions With Missile Claims


When Kim Jong Un gave the order for what North Korea claims to be its first successful intercontinental ballistic missile test, he knew it would ruffle feathers in Washington and Beijing.
When Kim Jong Un gave the order for what North Korea claims to be its first successful intercontinental ballistic missile test, he knew it would ruffle feathers in Washington and Beijing.
He may have even timed the launch of the missile, which Pyongyang dubbed the Hwasong-14, for maximum effect, ahead of the July 4 holiday in the U. S. and to throw a wrench into a planned meeting between President Donald Trump and Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping at the G-20 summit in Germany this week.
Whatever his motivations, Tuesday’s test — which follows a volley of other missile launches in recent months — shows Kim is not being slowed by international sanctions, Trump’s threats against him, or pressure from China. If anything he’s accelerating his efforts to acquire a bigger nuclear deterrent, with the ultimate prize a missile that can carry a nuclear-tipped warhead to the U. S. mainland.
That shows how difficult it will be to rein him in as he exploits differences between the world’s two biggest economies on how to handle the regime. Trump says China hasn’ t done enough to keep Kim on the leash, while Beijing’s ambassador to the United Nations warned this week the « consequences would be disastrous » if Washington and Pyongyang fail to resume talks.
« The launch’s significance lies in prolonging the game, but not changing the game,  » said Yang Xiyu, a former Chinese negotiator in six-party talks on North Korea’s nuclear program. « We now know North Korea has entered a marathon-like confrontation with the international community, ” said Yang, a senior researcher at the China Institute of International Studies. “Previously it was a middle-distance race. »
Read more: North Korea’s claims of its first successful ICBM launch
Trump turned to Twitter after news of the launch, before North Korea’s claim the missile was an ICBM. He wrote: « Perhaps China will put a heavy move on North Korea and end this nonsense once and for all!” In response, China Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said Beijing had been « indispensable » in pressuring Kim.
Reclusive North Korea has for decades relied on its weapons programs as a deterrent to outsiders. Kim is also no different from his father and grandfather — both leaders before him — in using his military clout as a bedrock for his internal power. Encouraging a personality cult around the Kim dynasty helps him keep a grip on generals at home and foster public obedience.
North Korea has called its weapons program a « precious sword of justice” against invaders. It has drawn comparisons with former dictatorships in Iraq and Libya, arguing that Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi fell because they gave up on developing nuclear arms.
The regime has also used provocations to secure concessions from neighbors in the form of aid. China, the main economic lifeline of North Korea, has been reluctant to press too hard in case it leads to the collapse of the regime and chaos on its border.
Read more: Options for dealing with North Korea
Tensions are rising between Trump and Xi over a broader range of issues. In a call with the U. S. president this week, Xi complained about a  » negative  » turn in ties. The U. S. has in recent days announced a $1.3 billion arms sale to Taiwan, published a report ranking China among the world’s worst human-trafficking offenders and called on Beijing to let ailing Noble Peace Prize winner Liu Xiaobo seek cancer treatment abroad.
North Korea is likely to dominate the Xi-Trump talks in Hamburg. Trump has said all options including military force are available against Pyongyang, though its neighbors warn a strike could be disastrous for North Asia. South Korea’s new government favors talks to bring Kim to heel, also putting it potentially at odds with Trump’s administration.
« The message North Korea is sending is simple: Whatever you do, our capability is getting greater and greater and we are not changing our policy,  » said Andrew Gilholm, director of analysis for North Asia at Control Risks Group. « You are going to have to change yours.”
Following Tuesday’s missile launch, North Korea bragged it was a « full-fledged nuclear power » with ICBMs that can hit any part of the world. « The DPRK will fundamentally put an end to the U. S. nuclear war threat and blackmail,  » it said, using an abbreviation for the nation’s formal title.
Kim’s actions don’ t come without risks. Even Xi may have limits to his patience with the regime, especially if he risks appearing weak. And under Trump the U. S. has become more vocal about the potential for a military clash.
“For Xi, North Korea is an affront to his image as a great leader on the world stage, ” said Gilholm. “It is humiliating when he’s being ignored by a 30-something tin pot dictator just over the border. So China’s patience wearing thinner. There is a real chance they may squeeze harder than before.”
Still, Zhang Liangui, a professor at the Chinese Communist Party’s Central Party School, said that Kim made a « classy move » to manipulate relations between the major powers.
« The leaders from both sides need to be very careful to not let North Korea manage their relationship,  » he said. “The ICBM launch could make an enormous impact on China-U. S. relations and even cause severe damage.”

© Source: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-07-04/kim-seeks-to-exploit-u-s-china-tensions-with-missile-claims
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Європарламент проголосував за додаткові торговельні преференції для України


Преференції будуть введені на строк до трьох років, в якості доповнення до Угоди щодо поглибленої та всеохоплюючої зони вільної торгівлі.
ЄП схвалив 100 мільйонів євро допомоги Молдові за умови дотримання жорстких вимог Європарламент проголосував за додаткові торговельні преференції для України Європарламент затвердив єврокомісаром доповідача з українського безвізу Україна не впустила чеського депутата, який був спостерігачем « референдуму » в Криму Глава МЗС Польщі: з Бандерою Україна не увійде до Європи Обираючи між РФ та членством у ЄС, Сербія обирає ЄС – прем’єр-міністр Крок до вигнання: Росія шантажує Раду Європи новою кризою
Кремль виконав свої погрози та призупинив фінансування Ради Європи. Цей крок не залишає багато варіантів: або у наступні роки Росія « схаменеться » та сплатить борг з відсотками та пенею, або – рано чи пізно – постане питання про її членство у Раді Європи… Друзі України та вороги атомної енергетики: чи увійдуть « Зелені » до нової німецької коаліції
Свідчення політичної ваги « Союзу 90/Зелених » – історичне рішення Бундестагу про легалізацію одностатевих шлюбів. Адже ухвалення такого рішення було ключовою вимогою партії для участі у майбутній коаліції. Формування такої коаліції – вкрай бажаний сценарій для України.

© Source: http://www.eurointegration.com.ua/news/2017/07/4/7068037/
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‘1776’ The Movie: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know


It’s Independence Day, which means it’s the perfect time to watch 1776, the silly, cheesy musical about the founding of the U. S. Here’s a look at the musical.
William Daniels as John Adams in 1776.
“Somebody open up a window!” Yes, today is Independence Day, which means that it’s time to watch the wonderfully cheesy 1972 musical 1776. Most of the movie is completely historically inaccurate, but its wonderful cast and catchy songs have made it a favorite among audiences. It’s certainly not among the great Broadway or movie musicals, but how can you say no to a movie featuring Ben Franklin making sexual innuendos and frequent jokes about New Jersey?
The book for 1776 was written by Peter Stone (Father Goose, Charade) , with music and lyrics by Sherman Edwards. The film was directed by Peter H. Hunt.
As it does every year, Turner Classic Movies is airing 1776 on July 4. This year, the film airs at 10: 15 p.m. ET, following the 8 p.m. ET screening of Yankee Doodle Dandy.
Here’s a look at 1776 .
Long before he was best known for playing the principal Mr. Feeny on Boy Meets World, the 90-year-old William Daniels was a star of the stage. He made his Broadway debut in the 1943 production of Life With Father. He didn’ t appear in a film until 20 years later, when he was in 1963’s Ladybug Ladybug. Other 1960s film credits include A Thousand Clowns and The Graduate.
On television, Daniels also famously voiced KITT on Knight Rider. He also won two Emmys for playing Dr. Mark Craig on St. Elsewhere. For many though, he’ ll always be Mr. Feeny, a role he played from 1993 to 2000 on Boy Meets World. He reprised the role in the 2014-2017 spin-off Girl Meets World.
In 1969, Daniels starred as John Adams in the first production of 1776 and he reprised the role in the film. The late Ken Howard, who would go on to become the SAG union president, played Thomas Jefferson in the film and on the stage. The late Howard Da Silva played Benjamin Franklin on the stage and screen.
Daniels was to be nominated for the Best Featured Actor Tony, but felt he should have been nominated for the Best Actor Tony. Since his name wasn’ t billed above the title though, he wasn’ t nominated.
The film version of 1776 has never quite earned the same love as the stage version. Roger Ebert gave the movie two stars in his review, writing that he could “hardly bear to remember the songs, much less discuss them.” He called it an “insult” to the real Founding Fathers.
The New York Times’ Vincent Canby wrote that the film is “far from being a landmark of musical cinema, but it is the first film in my memory that comes close to treating seriously a magnificent chapter in the American history.”
During the 1972 awards season, the film was almost ignored completely. Harry Stadling Jr. earned the film’s only Oscar nomination, for his cinematography. It earned a single Golden Globe nomination for Best Musical/Comedy. It did land on the National Board of Review’s Top 10 list though. 1776 was also a box office disappointment for Columbia Pictures, coming at a time when musicals were already falling out of fashion.
The musical earned a much better reception though. It won Best Musical; Best Performance by a Featured Actor in a Musical for Ron Holgate; and Best Direction of a Musical for Peter H. Hunt. Stone also won the Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Book of a Musical. 1776 has only been revived once, in 1997. That production was nominated for Best Revival of a Musical.
In light of Lin-Manuel Miranda’s Hamilton, 1776 might seem quaint to today’s audiences. But as Miranda told Daniels during a March 2016 discussion for the New York City Center, the musical had a major impact on Hamilton.
Miranda told Daniels of the show:
1776 created such an iconic, indelible image of Adams that we just know who that is now. It’s also, I think, one of the best books—if not the best—ever written for musical theater, in that you long to see them talk to each other. Which almost never happens in a musical. Most musicals, you’ re waiting for the next song to start. That book is so smart, and so engaging.
Miranda told Daniels that he felt 1776 “paved the way” for Hamilton. Like his own show, 1776 tries to portray the Founding Fathers as real people.
“I think it makes them accessible to us in a very real way, ” Miranda explained. “To begin an opening number with everyone telling another guy to shut up—what better way to pull these people that we see on statues and on our currency off of the pedestal? It’s an extraordinary opening number.”
1776 has another thing in common with Hamilton. They both became political lightning rods in their own time. On the stage, the production included the song “Cool, Cool Conservative Men, ” with President Richard M. Nixon did not like at all. Since producer Jack L. Warner (in his first production outside Warner Bros.) was a friend of Nixon’s, the president had input on the final version of the film seen in theaters.
As the Los Angeles Times reported in 2001, Warner agreed to cut the song out of the film and even had to re-edit already released trailers that included the song. Warner hoped that the scene would be completely destroyed, but the editor kept it in storage. The 2001 restoration of the film includes the song and it’s been part of the film ever since.
“I felt somewhat raped [by Warner’s edits] , ” Stone told the LA Times in 2001. “It was an invasion, but he had the power to do it, because he had the copyright. And the studio heads, they still have that power.”
In 1970,1776 became the first full-scale Broadway show performed at the White House. But Nixon didn’ t want “Cool, Cool Conservative Men” or parts of “Mama Look Sharp” performed. Daniels told Miranda that their producer refused to let the show be performed with out the song.
“Let’s just say the cast performed with additional verve. I was sitting right next to Nixon, and even I was getting nervous, ” Hunt told the LA Times in 2001.
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The Star Spangled Banner: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
The film has a long list of historical inaccuracies. Martha Jefferson didn’ t really rush to Philadelphia to be with Thomas Jefferson when he was writing the Declaration of Independence and there were far more members of the Second Continental Congress than depicted in the film. Even John Adams’ very personality is different from what he was like in reality at that point of his life.
On of the biggest inaccuracies of the film though is its depiction of the Declaration of Independence being signed on July 4. As History.com notes, it was on July 1 that 12 of the 13 colonies’ representatives approved Richard Henry Lee’s motion for independence. On July 4, Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence, which is why July 4 is considered Independence Day.
But it wasn’ t for another month that the document was signed. Many signed on August 2, after New York’s delegates finally voted for Lee’s motion on July 9. Other delegates signed at a later date.
Of course, when you’ re writing a 168-minute movie or a two-act musical, time has to be condensed.
Read More From Heavy
Yankee Doodle Dandy: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
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Регламентный комитет направил Парубию представление на снятие неприкосновенности с Довгого


Комитет также признал наличие недостатков в данном представлении гнпрокурора, сообщает Интерфакс-Украина. »Комитет считает, что представление по пре…
Комитет Верховной Рады Украины по вопросам регламента направил представление генпрокурора Юрия Луценко о предоставлении парламентом разрешения на привлечение к уголовной ответственности народного депутата Олеся Довгого спикеру парламента Андрею Парубию.
Комитет также признал наличие недостатков в данном представлении гнпрокурора, сообщает Интерфакс-Украина.
« Комитет считает, что представление по предоставлению согласия на привлечение к уголовной ответственности народного депутата Украины Довгого… содержит существенные недостатки в части обоснованности злоупотреблений депутатом Довгим должностными полномочиями на должности секретаря Киевского горсовета, а также в части умысла по поводу злоупотребления должностными полномочиями в интересах третьих лиц », – заявил руководитель регламентного комитета Рады Павел Пинзеник.
Комитет принял решение направить председателю парламента этот вывод, представление и пояснение Довгого.
Ранее генпрокурор Луценко заявлял, что у ГПУ есть достаточно материалов, чтобы объявить подозрение народному депутату Олесю Довгому.
Ранее сообщалось, что глава САП Назар Холодницкий подписал представление о снятии неприкосновенности с внефракционного депутата Верховной Рады Олеся Довгого в рамках уголовного производства относительно незаконного выделения участков на Жуковом острове в Киеве в 2007-2009 годах.

© Source: http://nv.ua/ukraine/politics/reglamentnyj-komitet-vynes-reshenie-o-predstavlenii-na-snjatie-neprikosnovennosti-s-dovgogo-1428289.html
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Регламентный комитет вынес решение о представлении на снятие неприкосновенности с Довгого


Комитет также признал наличие недостатков в данном представлении гнпрокурора, сообщает Интерфакс-Украина. »Комитет считает, что представление по пре…
Комитет Верховной Рады Украины по вопросам регламента направил представление генпрокурора Юрия Луценко о предоставлении парламентом разрешения на привлечение к уголовной ответственности народного депутата Олеся Довгого спикеру парламента Андрею Парубию.
Комитет также признал наличие недостатков в данном представлении гнпрокурора, сообщает Интерфакс-Украина.
« Комитет считает, что представление по предоставлению согласия на привлечение к уголовной ответственности народного депутата Украины Довгого… содержит существенные недостатки в части обоснованности злоупотреблений депутатом Довгим должностными полномочиями на должности секретаря Киевского горсовета, а также в части умысла по поводу злоупотребления должностными полномочиями в интересах третьих лиц », – заявил руководитель регламентного комитета Рады Павел Пинзеник.
Комитет принял решение направить председателю парламента этот вывод, представление и пояснение Довгого.
Ранее генпрокурор Луценко заявлял, что у ГПУ есть достаточно материалов, чтобы объявить подозрение народному депутату Олесю Довгому.
Ранее сообщалось, что глава САП Назар Холодницкий подписал представление о снятии неприкосновенности с внефракционного депутата Верховной Рады Олеся Довгого в рамках уголовного производства относительно незаконного выделения участков на Жуковом острове в Киеве в 2007-2009 годах.

© Source: http://nv.ua/ukraine/politics/reglamentnyj-komitet-vynes-reshenie-o-predstavlenii-na-snjatie-neprikosnovennosti-s-dovgogo-1428289.html
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How to Get Free Rides on the Fourth of July If You’ ve Been Drinking: Uber & Lyft Coupons


Here are free or reduced price coupon codes for Uber and Lyft for the Fourth of July. Find out tips on how to avoid surge prices today too.
There’s no reason to drink and drive on the Fourth of July. Many transportation companies are offering reduced-price coupon codes for the day, some which might even earn you free rides depending on how far you have to travel. You can also reduce your price even more if you know how to avoid surge pricing. If you know of any other good coupon codes, let us know in the comments below.
If you’ re a new Uber user, the following codes may be able to get you a free or reduced-price ride today. Keep in mind that when the fireworks end, Uber might surge its prices during higher traffic times. If you want to check on surge pricing, the app Flare is advertising that it helps with this service and lets you compare prices from multiple Carshare and Rideshare trips. SurgeProtector is another app that lets you find close locations that don’ t have Uber surges. To avoid surges, try to leave a little before the fireworks end or stay at your location longer. You can also pay attention to fare estimates on your phone, to get an idea of when is the best time to call your Uber. You can also share rides with people going to similar locations using UberPOOL where it’s available.
According to RetailMeNot and other sources, the following codes may work for you:
Note that these discount codes can be cancelled by Uber at any time.
Remember, even if there is Uber surge pricing, the cost is still cheaper than the cost of a DUI, impounded car prices, lost wages from being in jail, the cost of hiring an attorney, etc.
If you prefer using Lyft to Uber, the following codes may be useful. Note that Lyft may change or cancel these codes at any time. (Look at RetailMeNot or PromoCode2017 for more codes if these don’ t work.)
Lyft may also use surge pricing, like Uber does, during peak hours. This means that if you get a Lyft ride during the busiest times right after the fireworks, the ride may cost more than it typically does. However, if you schedule your Lyft ride in advance, you may be able to lock in current rates and avoid the surge. (Note: Some locations charge surge prices anyway, and it appears that Uber does not offer this option for avoiding surges.) But just remember, even if there is Lyft surge pricing tonight, the cost is still cheaper than the cost of a DWI.
If you’ re really concerned about surge pricing, you can also look into alternatives to Uber and Lyft. There are some similar services, although they aren’ t available in all areas.
One is Wingz, which lets you book rides in advance, 24/7. You can find some coupon codes for $5 off here.
Via is another app that some people like. You can download the iTunes version here and the Android app here. It serves New York City, Chicago, and D. C.
Flywheel in another alternative, downloadable on Android here and iTunes here. It works in LA, Portland, Sacramento, San Diego, San Francisco, and Seattle.
ZTrip lets you book a private sedan without the surge. You can choose a VIP black car or a taxi. The downside is that the waits can be longer. It’s available at 70 airports, plus Austin, Baltimore, Boulder, Colorado Springs, Denver, Houston, Jacksonville, Kansas City, Minneapolis, Northern Colorado, Orlando, Phoenix, Pittsburgh, San Antonio, Tampa, and West Palm Beach.
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© Source: http://heavy.com/tech/2017/07/free-rides-fourth-4th-of-july-uber-lyft-coupons-codes-drunk-drink-and-drive-surge-prices/
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July 4: Trump’s America Isn’ t More Independent Than Obama’s


This July 4, it’s worth examining if Trump’s America is more independent from the world than Obama’s was. It turns out it isn’ t.
When President Donald Trump took office, many expected him to usher in a new « independent » U. S. foreign policy, breaking the bridges forged by President Obama to multi-national organizations and significantly shifting the direction of American statecraft.
That hasn’ t happened.
This Independence Day, hardly anyone argues anymore that the new administration is seeking independence from international institutions or binding treaties. Indeed, the U. S. has been forward-leaning on the global stage—reassuring NATO; broadly engaging in the Middle East; laying out new initiatives in Latin America; renegotiating, not scrapping NAFTA; talking tough on North Korea; sparring with China; embracing India; and redoubling efforts in Afghanistan.
Critics now complain that Trump is decoupling the U. S. from the post-World War II liberal order, the network of international institutions that fostered globalization. At least philosophically, there is no question that Trump and Obama come at foreign policy from opposite perspectives. Obama was a structuralist who believed that the keys to peace and prosperity are global institutions that normalize the behavior of states. Trump, on the other hand, is a realist. The sitting president holds that nation-states are the coin of the realm, the real power in the global order.
But in practice, the kid from Chicago and businessman from the Big Apple are less far apart than their rhetoric suggests.
For starters, the Constitution still binds the left and right. It still limits what presidents can do overseas, both through specified and imposed powers given to the executive branch, and the separation of powers that gives both the courts and Congress some say in what America does in the world.
In addition, regardless of their politics, presidents get elected to protect the nation’s interests. Those interests don’t change dramatically unless the world dramatically changes. That’s why U. S. foreign policy always has more continuity than change from one administration to the next.
Further, presidents are hardly purists. Obama had a predilection for multi-nationalism, but he was perfectly willing to go his own way when he thought it suited U. S. policy. Likewise, Trump has no prohibitions against a multi-national approach. U. S. commitment to NATO is as strong as ever. Rather than pulling out of the United Nations, the U. S. has been proactive in its leadership role. Trump went to the G7, and he’s going to the G20 and ASEAN summit.
There are still distinct differences between Trump and Obama. Some are mostly stylistic. The Paris climate accord is a case in point. Obama committed to it because it fit his politics, not because it really moved the ball on dealing with climate change. Trump pulled out because he didn’t care about a symbolic commitment. Neither president’s choice tells us much about the real exercise of American power in the world.
Other differences are more substantive. Obama’s instinct was to make a deal and then use the deal and multi-national instruments to normalize the behavior of adversarial states. That was the plan with the Russian reset and New START treaty, chemical weapons accord with Assad, and Iran nuclear deal. Trump’s instincts are to take action where there is a clear deliverable to U. S. interests on the front end, not trust the global order to tutor good behavior on the backside.
However, to portray these differences of statecraft as moving from interdependence to independence—an unmooring of the U. S. from the liberal world order—is a profound oversimplification. In practice, Trump will be seen using different approaches to solving America and the world’s problems—sometimes acting unilaterally, but mostly working with friends and allies, and often through multi-national institutions.
Trump will certainly in the end have different policies. He may in the end produce different outcomes. But, in the final judgment, it may be far more difficult to differentiate between interdependent and independent foreign policies than the current raging controversy over Trump’s international leadership suggests.
James Jay Carafano is vice president of the Heritage Foundation and directs the think tank’s research on foreign relations and national security issues.

© Source: http://fortune.com/2017/07/04/july-4-independence-day-2017-usa-donald-trump-barack-obama/
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Grabiec: Politycy PO będą obecni podczas wystąpienia prezydenta USA na pl. Krasińskich


Podczas wystąpienia prezydenta USA Donalda Trumpa w czwartek na pl. Krasińskich obecna będzie grupa polityków Platformy Obywatelskiej, w tym m.in. Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska, Rafał Trzaskowski i Andrzej Halicki – poinformował PAP rzecznik PO Jan Grabiec.
« Platforma Obywatelska wyśle 6 lipca na plac Krasińskich kilkudziesięcioosobową delegację na wystąpienie prezydenta Stanów Zjednoczonych Donalda Trumpa » – powiedział PAP rzecznik PO.
Dodał, że obecnie opracowywana jest pełna lista osób. Wiadomo już – jak poinformował Grabiec – że są wśród nich: wicemarszałek Sejmu Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska, b. wiceminister spraw zagranicznych Rafał Trzaskowski, lider mazowieckiej PO Andrzej Halicki, poseł Marcin Kierwiński. Grabiec powiedział, że on również będzie na pl. Krasińskich.
Rzecznik PO dodał, że politycy PO skorzystają z zaproszenia wysłanego w ubiegłym tygodniu przez ambasadę Stanów Zjednoczonych.
Każdy poseł – mówił Grabiec – otrzymał drogą e-mailową zaproszenie na uroczystości i może się jeszcze na nie zgłosić. Przedstawiciele PO – dodał rzecznik partii – będą zasiadać w sektorze przygotowanym przez służby dyplomatyczne USA. « Nie znamy jeszcze żadnych szczegółów. Myślę, że w środę będziemy wiedzieć na ten temat więcej » – dodał Grabiec.
Zaznaczył przy tym, że « zawsze takie wydarzenie organizowała Kancelaria Prezydenta RP, a w Polsce gościło już wielu prezydentów Stanów Zjednoczonych ». « Będziemy żądać wyjaśnień od Kancelarii drogą oficjalną » – zapowiedział. Prezydent Stanów Zjednoczonych przyleci do Warszawy późnym wieczorem w środę 5 lipca. Oficjalną część wizyty prezydenta Trumpa rozpoczną się w czwartek 6 lipca rozmowy w « cztery oczy » z prezydentem Andrzejem Dudą. Trump spotka się również z liderami 12 państw Trójmorza. O godz. 13 prezydent USA wygłosi przemówienie na pl. Krasińskich. Odlot amerykańskiej delegacji planowany jest na godz. 14.

© Source: http://www.gazetaprawna.pl/artykuly/1055388,politycy-po-beda-obecni-podczas-wystapienia-prezydenta-usa-na-pl-krasinskich.html
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大阪港にヒアリの巣、女王アリも? 国内繁殖の恐れ


環境省は4日、 先月30日に大阪港で見つかったアリを南米原産の 強毒アリ「ヒアリ」 と確認したと発表した。 国内でヒアリが発見されたの は神戸港などに続いて4例目。 女王アリとみられる羽の 生えた個体の ほか、 巣も
環境省は4日、先月30日に大阪港で見つかったアリを南米原産の強毒アリ「ヒアリ」と確認したと発表した。国内でヒアリが発見されたのは神戸港などに続いて4例目。女王アリとみられる羽の生えた個体のほか、巣も確認したという。同省はヒアリが国内で繁殖した恐れもあるとみて、国土交通省と連携し、全国の7港でヒアリの生息確認などを進めている。 女王アリの可能性がある個体(環境省提供) 環境省によると、6月23日に香港から大阪港に届いたコンテナの外壁に2匹のアリを発見。専門家の調査により、同29日にヒアリに似た毒を持つ「アカカミアリ」だったと確認した。 このため同省が同30日に大阪港の緊急調査を実施したところ、アカカミアリやヒアリの可能性のある数十匹のアリを発見。約10匹を回収し、残りは駆除するための遅効性の殺虫剤を使用したという。 3日に回収したアリがヒアリであることを確認。また殺虫剤を使用した場所を訪れて地面を掘ったところ、約50匹の死んだアリを発見、その中に女王アリとみられる個体もあったという。同省は巣を作っていたとみている。

© Source: http://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXLZO18446580U7A700C1CR0000/?dg=1&nf=1
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