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В Киеве Порошенко встретится с Тиллерсоном


Порошенко и Тиллерсон обсудят продолжение координации усилий по противодействию российской агрессии против Украины
9 июля в Киеве президент Петр Порошенко проведет встречу с государственным секретарем США Рексом Тиллерсоном. Об этом сообщает пресс-служба главы государства.
Согласно сообщению, визит Тиллерсона в Украину состоится во исполнение договоренностей президентов Украины и США.
Порошенко и Тиллерсон обсудят вопросы укрепления стратегического партнерства между Украиной и США и продолжения координации усилий по противодействию российской агрессии против Украины.
Стороны также рассмотрят вопрос реализации договоренностей, достигнутых во время визита Порошенко в США 20-21 июня.
29 июня министр обороны Украины Степан Полторак сообщил, что глава Пентагона Джеймс Мэттис в ближайшее время посетит Украину.

© Source: http://news.liga.net/news/politics/14780590-v_kieve_poroshenko_vstretitsya_s_tillersonom.htm
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Chinese gay man wins landmark lawsuit over forced ‘conversion therapy’


Henan hospital that treated him for ‘anxiety disorder’ against his will ordered to make public apology and pay compensation
A gay man in the central Chinese province of Henan has successfully sued a mental hospital over forced conversion therapy, in what activists are hailing as the first such victory in a country where the LGBT rights movement is gradually emerging from the fringes.
The district court in Zhumadian ordered the hospital to make a public apology and pay the man 5,000 yuan (US$735) ­in compensation after he was forced to undergo treatment for “anxiety disorder”, according to court ­documents.
The hospital had infringed on the right of 38-year-old Yu Quanhu, not his real name, to individual freedom, the court said in its June 26 judgment. But it did not weigh in on the practice of gay conversion therapy.
Yu was sent to the hospital by his wife and relatives in October 2015 after he tried to get a divorce. He was kept there for 19 days, during which time he was forced to take medicine and given injections by staff, Yu told the court.
The hospital released him after he called friends for help but he told China News Service last year that he was unable to lead a normal life afterwards. He said he left his family home because he was worried about being forced into hospital again.
Yu’s lawyer, Huang Rui, told the South China Morning Post that they were pleased with the ruling. “Winning this lawsuit can give all gay people confidence that they can safeguard their rights through the courts, ” Huang said, adding that the verdict would also act as a deterrent to other hospitals carrying out such treatment.
Gay rights activist Peng Yanhui said it was “the first case that ­homosexual people [have won] after being forced to undergo treatment for mental illness”.
Peng said the ruling would send a message to parents who tried to send their gay children to hospital for treatment. Beijing removed homosexuality from its list of recognised mental illnesses more than 15 years ago but stories are rife of families ­admitting their relatives for so-called conversion therapy.
Peng said he hoped the case would prompt the health department to pay more attention to the harm done to gay people forcibly admitted to hospitals and psychiatric clinics because of their sexual orientation.
Peng himself checked into a private conversion clinic in 2014 to investigate its ­advertised electro­shock treatments. He then sued the clinic and was awarded 3,500 yuan in compensation by a Beijing court for the suffering he had endured.
While few mainland Chinese have religious objections to homosexuality and homophobic violence is rare, the authoritarian politics and conservative society’s preference for marriage and childbearing create subtle barriers that keep most gays in the closet.
Vibrant gay scenes do exist in large cities including Shanghai, which has an annual gay pride ­parade, and depictions of same-sex relationships are increasingly seen in film and television.
Additional reporting by Associated Press

© Source: http://www.scmp.com/news/china/policies-politics/article/2101282/chinese-gay-man-wins-landmark-lawsuit-over-forced
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Hands-on: Nokia 3 review


Nokia’s budget Android phone is a brilliant all-rounder with an even better price tag. Take a look in our hands-on review with the Nokia 3, which is finally expected to go on sale in the UK this month.
Ashleigh Macro | 54 mins ago
Price comparision from, and manufacturers
Nokia is back, and with it comes new Android phones that we expect could fly off the shelves when they’ re launched later this year. HMD Global, a Finnish startup, is using the Nokia brand to bring the three new phones to the market, as well as a reboot of the famous and much-loved Nokia 3310. Here, we take a closer look at the Nokia 3, the cheapest in the new smartphone range. Read on for our Nokia 3 hands-on review from MWC 2017. You can also find out more about its bigger siblings in our Nokia 5 review and Nokia 6 review.
Also see: Nokia 8 and 9 rumours
The Nokia 3 is the cheapest phone in the new Nokia Android range, with a price of £119.99. It should go on sale in the UK on 12 July 2017.
That means we can place the Nokia 3 firmly in the budget smartphone category, so we’ re looking forward to putting it through its paces when we get it back to the Tech Advisor labs to find out whether it can take the top spot in our budget smartphone chart. That’s cheaper than the two most recent Moto G phones, the Moto G4 and Moto G5, which used to dominate the budget smartphone charts.
The Nokia 3 has a 5in smoothly sculpted Gorilla Glass screen housed in a neat and compact polycarbonate body with a rounded aluminium frame that we think looks brilliantly premium considering its price tag.
We also actually prefer the 5in HD screen size to some of the bigger offerings in the flagship high-end category. It means you can fit the phone comfortably in the palm of your hand and most people will find they can use it one-handed without running into any problems when it comes to reaching the edges of the screen.
The Nokia 3 is available in Tempered Blue, Silver, Matte Black or Copper, and is 8.48mm thick. There is a slight camera bump, but we love how symmetrical the camera, flash and Nokia logo are on the rear of the device, continuing the deceivingly premium look and feel even in those smaller details.
The Nokia 3’s 5in screen has a resolution of 1280 x 720 pixels like the Nokia 5. We found it to be bright and reasonably crisp, and wouldn’ t expect more from a phone with a great price tag like this one.
Inside the Nokia 3 is the MediaTek MTK 6737 quad-core 1.3GHz processor paired with 2GB RAM, which is definitely a budget chipset so we wouldn’ t expect anything particularly speedy from this handset. It’s going to run most apps without too much trouble so we expect this won’ t be an issue for most anyone planning to use it for social media and casual games, but don’ t expect to be able to play any power-hungry games or apps without running into some lag.
There’s 16GB built-in memory with support for up to 128GB more thanks to the MicroSD card slot.
Both of the Nokia 3’s cameras are 8Mp, which isn’ t fantastic and was definitely noticeable compared with the Nokia 5 and Nokia 6’s offerings (13Mp and 16Mp respectively) . It’s good enough for the odd photo, but you won’ t want to use this as your main camera on a holiday or for taking photos you intend to print and frame. The rear camera offers an LED flash, though, and both have autofocus.
The non-removable battery is 2,650mAh, which should manage a day without charging but we’ ll need to wait until we get it back to our labs to find out just how many hours you’ ll get out of it.
The Nokia 3 runs a delightfully simple “Pure” Android 7.0 Nougat complete with Google Assistant and without any fancy trimmings to overcomplicate things. There’s no bloatware and no overlay to worry about, and you’ ll get software updates regularly. Fans of stock Android will certainly love the Nokia 3’s approach to software.
We’ re strangely excited about the Nokia 3 considering the fact that it’s budget and there’s nothing particularly innovative about it. It’s just a really good all-rounder with such a great price tag that it’s hard not to recommend to anyone not wanting to spend loads to get the best smartphone tech available. We think this is going to a hugely popular new handset and we wouldn’ t be surprised if it knocks the Moto G out of the top spot in our budget smartphone chart.
Price comparision from, and manufacturers
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© Source: http://www.techadvisor.co.uk/review/smartphones/hands-on-nokia-3-review-3655424/
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北朝鮮は、 日本時間の 午後3時半から、 国営メディアを通じて「特別重大報道」 を行い、 キム・ ジョンウン朝鮮労働党委員長の 立ち会いの 下、 「大陸間弾道…
北朝鮮は、日本時間の午後3時半から、国営メディアを通じて「特別重大報道」を行い、キム・ジョンウン朝鮮労働党委員長の立ち会いの下、「大陸間弾道ミサイルの発射実験に初めて成功した」と発表しました。 これに先立ってアメリカ太平洋軍は、北朝鮮が発射したのは、ICBM=大陸間弾道ミサイルではなく、中距離弾道ミサイルだったという見方を明らかにしています。北朝鮮は、4日午前9時39分ごろ、北西部のピョンアン(平安)北道クソン(亀城)付近から日本海に向かって弾道ミサイル1発を発射し、日本政府によりますと、およそ40分間飛しょうしたあと、日本のEEZ=排他的経済水域内に落下したと見られていて、発表はこのミサイルの発射を指したものと見られます。

© Source: http://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20170704/k10011041951000.html
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North Korea heralds ‘final step towards nuclear state able to strike anywhere’


Pyongyang claims successful launch of intercontinental ballistic missile days ahead of meeting between Chinese and US leaders
North Korea on Tuesday said it had successfully tested its first ­intercontinental ballistic missile, catching military experts­ ­off-guard and ratcheting up ­pressure on its Asian neighbours to take a harder line against the hermit nation.
The launch comes at a sensitive time in global affairs. Chinese President Xi Jinping is due to meet US counterpart Donald Trump at a G20 summit in ­Germany in the coming days, and South Korean leader Moon Jae-in wrapped up a visit to the White House last week.
The missile was launched at 9.40am and flew about 933km, reaching an altitude of 2,802km, before falling into the sea inside Japan’s exclusive economic zone after a 39 minute flight, the North’s official media reported.
The launch was tracked by the US and Japan, which said the ­missile reached an altitude that “greatly exceeded” 2,500km.
Hype vs reality: doubts North Korea can miniaturise nuclear weapon into missile nose cone
It appeared to be the most successful missile test yet by North Korea, flying higher than the 560km recorded by Seoul in the previous test carried out in May.
Pyongyang said the success of the ICBM – which it calls the ­Hwasong-14 – marked the “final step” in creating a “confident and powerful nuclear state that can strike anywhere on Earth”.
Andrei Chang, founder of military affairs magazine Kanwa Asian Defence, said he was surprised by Pyongyang’s progress in its missile programme. “Now there is only one question remaining – whether the missile will be equipped with a nuclear warhead one day. North Korea’s missile experts are very smart, and it’s possible based on the existing progress and capability, ” Chang said.
Based on the missile’s similarity to China’s own ICBMs with a range of more than 6,000km, he estimated it could strike Alaska, but the lower 48 states as well as Hawaii would be out of range.
China’s foreign ministry said it opposed the test and called for restraint by Pyongyang, as well as calm from all sides. “China urges the DPRK to refrain from acts that violate UN Security Council resolutions so as to create necessary conditions for resuming dialogue and negotiation, ” ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said, using the North Korea’s official name.
Beijing remains Pyongyang’s strongest ally and the country’s economic link to the world.
One Chinese foreign affairs ­expert said North Korean leader Kim Jong-un might have intended the test as a reminder to China and the US of Pyongyang’s presence ahead of Xi and Trump’s meeting in Hamburg.
Kim might also be trying to sow tension between Beijing and Washington over how to contain the North’s weapons programme, according to Sun Xingjie, a professor at Jilin University. Disagreement between the two sides could see the US move closer to Japan and South Korea, which in turn would push China towards North Korea, he said.
Trump has grown increasingly impatient over the deadlock in resolving the nuclear crisis, and blamed China. He discussed the issue with Xi by phone on Monday, but both sides failed to ­announce any progress beyond reiterating their commitment to a denuclearised Korean peninsula.
Trump took to Twitter after the launch, writing: “Hard to believe that South Korea and Japan will put up with this much longer. Perhaps China will put a heavy move on North Korea and end this nonsense once and for all!”
Trump calls Xi as tensions escalate over Taiwan, North Korea
Xi met Russian President ­Vladimir Putin in Moscow on Monday ahead of official talks. A joint statement issued by the two foreign ministries called on North Korea, South Korea and the United States to agree to a plan that would see Pyongyang suspend its missile programme in exchange for Washington and Seoul putting a moratorium on their large-scale military exercises.
Alexander Gabuev, a senior associate and chair of the Russia in Asia-Pacific programme at the Carnegie Moscow Centre, said he expected Sino-Russian ties to continue to grow, but there were limits. “It increasingly appears the Trump administration will be tough on many issues which constitute China’s core interests, and the US will be unable to improve relations with Russia … However, there are limits – Beijing and Moscow don’ t want to enter a military alliance relationship.”
Additional reporting by Associated Press and Reuters

© Source: http://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy-defence/article/2101279/north-korea-heralds-final-step-towards-nuclear-state
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Produktlebensdauer: EU-Parlament gegen "Software-Obsoleszenz"


Die EU-Abgeordneten fordern in einem Bericht, dass für grundlegende Computerprogramme ein « angemessener Nutzungszeitraum » mit einer Update-Garantie festgelegt wird. Wichtige Software-Aktualisierungen sollen auch wieder rückgängig gemacht werden können.
Die EU-Abgeordneten fordern in einem Bericht, dass für grundlegende Computerprogramme ein « angemessener Nutzungszeitraum » mit einer Update-Garantie festgelegt wird. Wichtige Software-Aktualisierungen sollen auch wieder rückgängig gemacht werden können.
Das EU-Parlament hat am Dienstag eine Entschließung verabschiedet, in dem es sich für eine « längere Lebensdauer für Produkte » einsetzt. Es verlangt darin etwa Maßnahmen gegen die « geplante Obsoleszenz ». Damit wollen sie verhindern, dass Hersteller bewusst Schwachstellen in ein Gerät oder ein Produkt einbauen, um deren Lebensdauer zu verkürzen. Da der Nachweis für derlei Praktiken oft schwierig zu erbringen ist, drängen die EU-Abgeordneten die Kommission dazu, ein unabhängiges System entwickeln zu lassen, um Betrugsfälle festzustellen. Der Berichterstatter Pascal Durand von den Grünen begrüßte das Votum, « denn wir dürfen die ökologischen, sozialen und ökonomischen Folgen einer solchen Wegwerfgesellschaft nicht länger ignorieren ».
Für den Softwarebereich regen die Volksvertreter an, dass Lieferanten und Hersteller mehr Transparenz walten lassen. Sie sollen in Verträgen einen Mindestzeitraum angeben, in dem für Betriebssysteme Sicherheitsupdates bereitgestellt werden. Auch ein « angemessener Nutzungszeitraum » sei festzulegen. Dies müsse auch für eingebettete Systeme gelten, wobei die Produzenten hier zusätzlich Kompatibilitätsinformationen mitliefern sollten. Neue grundlegende Software habe generell « mit der vorausgehenden Generation » zusammenzuspielen. Ferner rufen die Parlamentarier nach einer Möglichkeit, « essenzielle Software-Aktualisierungen » wieder rückgängig zu machen.
Die Abgeordneten fordern generell Mindeststandards für langlebigere Produkte und deren « Widerstandsfähigkeit », die mithilfe europäischer Normungsorganisationen festgelegt werden könnten. Geräte oder Software sollen ihnen zufolge modular gebaut werden, damit sie leicht repariert und nachgerüstet werden können. Derzeit haben etwa Smartphones laut EU-Angaben eine durchschnittliche Lebensdauer von ein bis zwei Jahren. Auch bessere Informationen über die Verfügbarkeit von Ersatzteilen und eine aktive Förderung « zirkulärer Wirtschaftsmodelle » etwa über Steueranreize hält das Parlament für nötig. Es weist darauf hin, « dass durch die Stärkung des Grundsatzes der erweiterten Herstellerverantwortung und die Festlegung entsprechender Mindestanforderungen Anreize für eine nachhaltigere Produktgestaltung geschaffen werden können ». (mho)

© Source: https://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/Produktlebensdauer-EU-Parlament-gegen-Software-Obsoleszenz-3763365.html?wt_mc=rss.ho.beitrag.rdf
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Oklahoma City Zoo Celebrates Orangutan's 50th Birthday


Oklahoma City’s zoo is celebrating the 50th birthday of one of its most popular residents: a Sumatran orangutan named Toba.
Oklahoma City’s zoo is celebrating the 50th birthday of one of its most popular residents: a Sumatran orangutan named Toba.
The Oklahoma City Zoo and Botanical Garden says Toba is its longest-living mammal and the oldest zoo-born orangutan in North America. She was born at a Berlin zoo in 1967 and arrived in Oklahoma City in 1975.
Oklahoma City zoo primates coordinator Laura Bottaro says Sumatran orangutans in the wild typically live about 25 years.
The zoo hosted a birthday party Sunday, offering guests many of Toba’s favorite fruits including lychee, durian and jackfruit.
Sumatran orangutans are critically endangered. Scientists estimate less than 15,000 are left in the forests of Indonesia. Habitat loss, driven primarily by the cultivation of palm oil, is the main threat.

© Source: http://www.news9.com/story/35808872/oklahoma-city-zoo-celebrates-orangutans-50th-birthday
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СБУ ищет украинского журналиста, который скрывается в России


Служба безопасности Украины в Харьковской области объявила в розыск украинского журналиста Александра Чаленко, который скрывается в России. Соответствующую карточку разместили на сайте МВД. Он исчез 22 января 2016. Ищут Чаленко, чтобы задержать за « Посягательство на территориальную…
Служба безопасности Украины в Харьковской области объявила в розыск украинского журналиста Александра Чаленко, который скрывается в России.
Соответствующую карточку разместили на сайте МВД.
Он исчез 22 января 2016. Ищут Чаленко, чтобы задержать за « Посягательство на территориальную целостность и неприкосновенность Украины »/
Подозревают в распространении материалов с призывами к сепаратизму.

© Source: https://gazeta.ua/ru/articles/np/_sbu-ischet-ukrainskogo-zhurnalista-kotoryj-skryvaetsya-v-rossii/781695
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Tencent introduces time limit restrictions for younger players of China's most popular game


China, home to the world’ s largest internet user population, is worried about online game addiction among its younger citizens. As such, the country’ s biggest social media and gaming company, Tencent, is limiting play time for younger users of its incredibly…
China, home to the world’s largest internet user population, is worried about online game addiction among its younger citizens. As such, the country’s biggest social media and gaming company, Tencent, is limiting play time for younger users of its incredibly popular multiplayer mobile game Honor of Kings.
Also known as King of Glory, Tencent says the title has more than 200 million players across the world. It’s China’s biggest game, boasting 163 million monthly users from the country. And according to Reuters, 40.1 million of them are under the age of 19.
From today, users under 12 will be limited to one hour of playtime per day, while those between 12 and 18 will only be allowed two hours each day. Additionally, those under 12 won’ t be able to log in after 9 pm, and Tencent will be imposing restrictions on the amount of money younger players can spend on the game’s microtransactions.
“There are no rules to prevent indulgence in mobile games in China, but we decided to be the first to try to dispel parental worries by limiting play time and forcing children to log off, ” Tencent said.
The company also plans to push its real-name registration requirement for all users, and will treat anyone who doesn’ t provide accurate information as under 12 years old.
While the game is available across most of the world, Tencent didn’ t say whether it plans to expand the new measures beyond China.
Last year, the Cyberspace Administration of China proposed banning anyone under 18 from playing online games after midnight. It also wants schools to work with controversial internet rehabilitation centers that reportedly use methods such as electric shocks and physical punishments to “cure” online game addiction.

© Source: https://www.techspot.com/news/69976-tencent-introduces-time-limit-restrictions-younger-players-china.html
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Glendale police: Officer fatally shoots armed man


Glendale police say an officer fatally shot a man who reached for a gun during a struggle after police responded to a domestic violence call.
Glendale police say an officer fatally shot a man who reached for a gun during a struggle after police responded to a domestic violence call.
Sgt. Scott Waite says the officer fatally shot 23-year-old Patrick Sanchez during a Saturday evening encounter next to a vehicle.
The vehicle was outside a location where officers went in response to a call about two people being held against their will.
Waite says Sanchez grabbed his gun and didn’t comply with commands to drop it after officers attempted to pat him down.
No officers were injured.
According to Waite, the original call appeared to involve Sanchez and the female caller.
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© Source: http://www.sacbee.com/news/politics-government/national-politics/article159569169.html
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