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LSWA Class 2A All-State Baseball, All-State Softball Teams


Riverside, Hannan, St. Charles and Haynes are represented on first teams
Here are the Class 2A All-State baseball and softball teams, as selected by a panel of the Louisiana Sports Writers Association:
P | Braydon Jones, Lakeside, Sr.
P | Spencer Davis, Sterlington, Sr.
P | Ty O’ Neal, Ouachita Christian, Sr.
P | Matt Collins, Opelousas Catholic, Sr.
C | Jake Gray, Lakeside, Sr.
IF | Nick Lucido, Hannan, Jr.
IF | Tanner Wiegand, Rosepine, Sr.
IF | Dalton Dopson, Sterlington, Sr.
IF | Thomas Stevens, Notre Dame, Jr.
OF | Lloyd Nash, St. Charles, Jr.
OF | Joe Vercher, Menard, Sr.
OF | Bryce Wallace, Ouachita Christian, Jr.
Utility | Beau Ross, Many, Sr.
Utility | Mason Vicknair, Riverside, Sr.
Utility | Connor Pellerin, Episcopal, Sr.
Utility | Jarrett McDonald, Sterlington, Jr.
Utility | Connor Fawcett, Kinder, Sr.
Most Outstanding Player: Spencer Davis, Sterlington
Coach of the Year: Justin Boyd, Opelousas Catholic
Honorable mention: Zack Gieger, Riverside; Evan Pfister, St. Charles; Jordan Loving, Riverside; Bryson Broussard, Loreauville; Gaige St. Cyr, Opelousas Catholic; Sam Jarrell, Opelousas Catholic; Dawson Ritter, Many; Cole Downey, Calvary; Haden Goudeau, Bunkie; Seth Traweek, Ouachita Christian; Jonathan Snuggs, Ouachita Christian; Alex Egan, St. Thomas Aquinas; Wayne Stabiler, Episcopal; Cameron Christian, Menard; Bryce Roberts, Rosepine; Skylor Wilhite, Ouachita Christian; Collin Kirsch, Notre Dame; Jayke Stewart, Lakeside; Chris Khammany, Kinder; Stag Credeur, Sterlington; Jacob Barr, Sterlington; Bryce Wallace, Ouachita Christian; Aaron Parker, Mangham; Gage Huff, Mangham; Connor McKoin, Ouachita Christian.
P | Jensen Howell, Menard, Sr.
P | Morghan LaTour, Rosepine, Sr.
P | Marcella Gossen, Notre Dame, Jr.
P | Sarah Chamberlain, Calvary, Sr.
C | Lauryn McMahon, Rosepine, Sr.
IF | Haylee Brinlee, Rosepine, Jr.
IF | Morgan Woodard, Menard, Sr.
IF | Camryn Flanagan, St. Thomas Aquinas, Sr.
IF | Madison Watson, Riverside, Sr.
OF | Kennedy Smith, Notre Dame, Jr.
OF | Toni Perrin, Riverside, Sr.
OF | Sydney Williams, Hannan, Sr.
Utility | Arron Dye, Mangham, Sr.
Utility | Codi Vernace, Haynes, Sr.
Utility | Summer Atkins, Pickering, Sr.
Utility | Lexi Johnson, Riverside, Fr.
Utility | Cam Neatherly, Mangham, Fr.
Most Outstanding Player: Sarah Chamberlain, Calvary Baptist
Coach of the Year: Scott Wilcher, Mangham
Honorable mention: Sarah Gartman, Kinder; Melise Gossen, Notre Dame; Tori Collins, Opelousas Catholic; Kathryn Gonsulin, NI-Catholic; Madison Watson, Riverside; Lindsey Osbon, Hannan; Maddie Cochran, St. Charles; Caroline Julian, St. Charles; Jori Bryant, St. Charles; Bree Newman, Calvary; Emily Daniel, Calvary; Gussie Treadway, Calvary; Laney Taylor, Lakeside; Kori Allen, Red River; Ny’ Keria Jones, Lakeview; Keely Dubois, Many; Shay Drew, Many; Sydney Lewis, Rapides; Leann Franks, Mangham; Jade Brady, St. Charles; Desiree Squires, Rosepine; Kate Trahan, Kinder; Kelci Bodin, Loreauville; Hannah Smith, NI-Catholic; Rachel Collins, Mangham; Grace Wolfe, Doyle; Abby Gwinn, Menard; K. B. Briley, Sterlington; Kamryn Spears, Doyle; Karlee Kraft, St. Thomas Aquinas; Olivia Johnson, Menard; Ashleigh Caruso, Rapides; Mia Romero, Loreauville; Tanner Wilson, Sterlington; Breanna Sylvestri, Sterlington.
Jim Derry can be reached at jderry@nola.com or 504.232.9944. Follow him on Twitter at www.twitter.com/JimDerryJr .
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Turnen: Hambüchen beim Turnfest feierlich verabschiedet


Berlin (dpa) – Deutschlands beste Turner und 55 000 Turnfest-Teilnehmer haben Fabian Hambüchen unter den Augen von Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel einen
Berlin (dpa) – Deutschlands beste Turner und 55 000 Turnfest-Teilnehmer haben Fabian Hambüchen unter den Augen von Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel einen unvergesslichen Abschied bereitet.
Insgesamt 27 Medaillen hatte der Hesse in 14 Auswahl-Jahren für den Deutschen Turner-Bund (DTB) erkämpft. Die Zehntausenden Turnfestteilnehmer feierten den Reck-Spezialisten schon bei der Einfahrt ins Olympiastadion in einem gelben Cabriolet. « Solch eine Kulisse ist außerhalb des Fußballs ganz selten zu sehen. Das ist ein phänomenaler Moment », sagte Hambüchen, von Emotionen überwältigt und den Tränen nah.
Nachdem in einem Film noch einmal Stationen seiner Laufbahn über die drei Videowände flimmerten, verwies Hambüchen Spekulationen über ein Comeback in den Bereich der « Gerüchte »: « Ich habe als Olympiasieger alles erreicht. »
Der DTB hatte Hambüchens Verdienste bereits am Nachmittag mit der Flatow-Medaille gewürdigt. Die Medaille wird im Gedenken an die jüdischen Turner Alfred und Gustav Felix Flatow verliehen, die im Konzentrationslager Theresienstadt umgebracht wurden.
Angela Merkel hatte die Turner aus allen 22 Landesverbänden in der Hauptstadt herzlich willkommen geheißen. « Berlin ist seit drei Tagen im Turnfieber », sagte die Kanzlerin und forderte alle Gäste auf: « Lassen Sie sich anstecken von der tollen Stimmung in der Turnstadt Berlin. »
Zuvor war Ex-Weltmeister Eberhard Gienger bei seinem 5192. Sprung mit dem Fallschirm im Mittelkreis der Arena gelandet. Die Turnfest-Teilnehmer in ihren bunten Trainingsanzügen genossen bei einer farbenprächtigen Gala mit 6000 Mitwirkenden trotz regnerischen Wetters eine große Vielfalt von Show-Acts und Gruppenvorführungen.
Hintergrund: Fabian Hambüchen, der Medaillensammler

© Source: http://www.t-online.de/sport/id_81375384/turnen-hambuechen-beim-turnfest-feierlich-verabschiedet.html
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After Trump's Withdrawal from Paris, Nukes Are More Crucial Than Ever


Solar and wind cannot entirly replace fossil fuels, making nuclear power an essential part of fight against climate change
In the wake of President Donald Trump’s announcement that he was withdrawing the United States from the international climate agreement, governors from over a dozen states immediately announced they would take climate action on their own.
There is much that Governors and state legislators can do, but study after study after study finds that keeping existing nuclear plants—our largest and most reliable source of clean energy—operating is one of the most important and cost-effective ways to prevent carbon emissions from increasing.
Over the last three years five nuclear plants were closed prematurely in states including Vermont and California and were replaced almost entirely with natural gas, which increased emissions.
Now, half or more of all nuclear plants are at risk of being closed prematurely over the next decade and a half, according to research by Bloomberg New Energy Finance and Environmental Progress.
The main reason is that the fracking revolution has delivered a surplus of cheap natural gas. That’s delivered cheaper electricity and lower emissions when it replaces coal plants. But it’s also made nuclear plants, particularly smaller ones in states that deregulated wholesale electricity markets, uncompetitive.
But another reason for nuclear’s woes is that it is excluded from most state and federal subsidies for clean energy, which is why solar and wind have boomed during a time of low natural gas prices.
A recent study by the nonpartisan federal Congressional Budget Office found that renewables received 114 times more than nuclear per unit electricity in 2016, and similarly high amounts since 2005.
And over 30 states, including all of those whose governors criticized Trump, have clean energy mandates that exclude nuclear.
Even today’s fracking revolution is a product of federal subsidies. Between 1978 and 2007, the federal government invested $24 billion on fossil energy research that led to the fracking revolution—including $10 billion in tax credit subsidy for “unconventional” oil and gas drilling.
Nuclear received funding for research and development in the 1950s, but solar, wind and fossil fuels received similar amounts in the decades since.
While solar and wind have expanded significantly in recent years, they still provide only six percent of total electricity compared to nuclear’s 20 percent, and they do so unreliably.
And where solar and wind only provide power for 10 to 30 percent of the year, depending on where they are located, nuclear reliably provides electricity day and night, rain or shine, for over 90 percent of the year.
Making matters worse, perverse incentives created by subsidies for wind have forced nuclear plants in states like Ohio to pay penalties for producing electricity at times when the grid is at risk of being overloaded by huge surges of electricity from wind, often in the middle of the night when it’s not needed.
And while batteries have become cheaper, they are still too scarce and expensive to back up solar and wind farms. Just to store 10 percent of the electricity created during the day by one of the largest solar farms in the world, Topaz, in California, would require four times more Tesla Powerwall batteries than were manufactured last year.
What that means is that solar and wind cannot replace fossil fuels and, worse, risk locking-in cheap natural gas, which is needed to quickly replace lost solar and wind generation when the wind stops blowing and the sun stops shining.
Over the long-term, Congress should implement a tax on carbon emissions, and return the money to ratepayers. Such an approach would create a strong incentive and level playing field for all forms of clean energy. And it would give all Americans, even ones skeptical of climate change, reason to support aggressive action.
In the meantime, governors who are outspoken advocates for climate action must act to protect nuclear plants which, once their closed, cannot be started back up.
Last year, the two of us and dozens of other scholars and scientists urged the legislatures and governors of Illinois and New York to recognize nuclear plants for their environmental benefits. Both states eventually did so, and at a lower cost per unit of electricity than the subsidies given to wind and solar.
Now, it’s time for other states including California, Ohio, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey—whose governors have criticized President Trumps withdrawal from the Paris agreement—to follow, and match their strong words with even stronger action.

© Source: https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/after-trumps-withdrawal-from-paris-nukes-are-more-crucial-than-ever/
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カタール国交断絶、見えない歩み寄り 周辺国が仲介も


サウジアラビアやエジプトなどがカタールと断交した問題で、 周辺国が仲介を試みている。 サウジ、 カタールとともに湾岸協力会議(GCC)に加盟するクウェートの サバハ首長は5日、 カタールの タミム首長と電話で協…
サウジアラビアやエジプトなどがカタールと断交した問題で、周辺国が仲介を試みている。サウジ、カタールとともに湾岸協力会議(GCC)に加盟するクウェートのサバハ首長は5日、カタールのタミム首長と電話で協議。同じくGCCのオマーンのアラウィ外相も同日夜、タミム首長と会談した。ただ、カタールは断交への反発も示しており、歩み寄りは難航しそうだ。 5日までにカタールとの断交を発表したのは、サウジ、エジプト、アラブ首長国連邦(UAE)、バーレーン、イエメン、モルディブ、モーリシャスの計7カ国。 サバハ首長はタミム首長との協議前にサウジ政府の代表団と会談しており、サウジのサルマン国王のメッセージをカタール側に伝えたとみられる。 カタールのムハンマド外相は、5日に放映された同国の衛星テレビ局アルジャジーラとの会見で、対話による解決を望むとしながらも、断交について「GCC諸国をつなぐ市民や家族の結びつきに影響を及ぼす一方的措置」と批判した。 実際、カタールと断交した周辺…

© Source: http://www.asahi.com/articles/ASK664RC5K66UHBI01N.html
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St. Mary’s elementary students raise funds to build water tower – Orange County Register


Last year, St. Mary’s students helped raise thousands of dollars to build a water tower in China. This year, St. Mary’s will use raised funds to build another water tower in China or In…
Last year, St. Mary’s students helped raise thousands of dollars to build a water tower in China.
This year, St. Mary’s will use raised funds to build another water tower in China or India.
The students earned money from recycling bottles and getting a matching donation from the parent of St. Mary’s alumnus Craig Cullen.
During the school year, third-grade students at St. Mary’s have been working on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) projects, including communicating with kids in India about geography and water.
The school has partnered with Level Up Village, a private company offering STEAM courses, to help connect St. Mary’s students with projects and students outside the U. S.

© Source: http://www.ocregister.com/2017/06/06/st-marys-students-raise-funds-to-build-water-tower/
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Is Trump seeking refuge in Cincinnati amid Comey storm?


Donald Trump on Wednesday makes his first visit to Cincinnati since becoming president.
Amid the firestorm centering on former FBI Director James Comey this week, President Donald Trump on Wednesday will visit an obscure location in Cincinnati to discuss a topic not on the minds of many Americans.
Trump will announce his plan for fixing the nation’s aging locks and dams systems at 1 p.m. from the private Rivertowne Marina along the Ohio River in the East End.
It will be Trump’s first visit to Cincinnati as president, and his first stop in the Queen City since he kicked off his nationwide victory tour at U. S. Bank Arena on Dec. 1.
Wednesday’s event is not open to the public, nor is it located anywhere near a locks and dam – the closest one of those being 30 miles up river in Clermont County.
Trump to speak at Rivertowne Marina on need to fix levees, dams and locks
Trump’s visit comes as Comey prepares to testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday about his conversations with the president before the Republican fired the top law enforcement administrator last month.
Trump lost Hamilton County in the November election, but the Republican dominated in every bordering county in Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana. His victory in Ohio played a key part in propelling Trump to the White House.
The president then wrested control of the state party from Gov. John Kasich in January, when Trump-backed Cincinnati native Jane Timken was voted Ohio Republican Party chair.
Trump repeatedly talked glowingly about Cincinnati during his campaign, recalling that one of his first real estate ventures was in Bond Hill in the early 1960s.

© Source: http://www.cincinnati.com/story/news/politics/2017/06/06/trump-seeking-refuge-cincinnati-amid-comey-storm/374906001/
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Nach «Amerika zuerst»: Kanada will stärkere Rolle spielen


Montreal (dpa) – Als Reaktion auf die von US-Präsident Donald Trump betriebene «Amerika zuerst»-Politik will Kanada künftig aus dem Schatten des Nachbarlands tr
Montreal (dpa) – Als Reaktion auf die von US-Präsident Donald Trump betriebene «Amerika zuerst»-Politik will Kanada künftig aus dem Schatten des Nachbarlands treten und international eine stärkere Rolle spielen. Die Tatsache, dass die USA den Wert ihrer globalen Führungsrolle infrage stellten, mache deutlich, dass Kanada einen eigenen Kurs setzen müsse. Das sagte die kanadische Außenministerin Chrystia Freeland vor dem Parlament in Ottawa in einer Grundsatzrede. Kanada werde eine aktive Rolle in multilateralen Foren wie der Nato übernehmen.

© Source: http://www.t-online.de/nachrichten/id_81375446/nach-amerika-zuerst-kanada-will-staerkere-rolle-spielen.html
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Oculus Rift *still* isn't headed to Mac anytime soon


Apple macOS may have opened up to VR, but we likely won’t see Rift join HTC Vive for a while.
Alongside details on iOS 11 and the HomePod speaker, one of the more surprising (and exciting) announcements from Monday’s WWDC 2017 keynote was Apple opening macOS to virtual reality development. iOS 11 HomePod WWDC 2017 virtual reality development
While this paves the way for HTC Vive support on Apple machines, you may not want to hold your breath waiting for competitor Oculus Rift to follow suit. HTC Vive Oculus Rift
Despite Apple’s upcoming Metal 2 graphics API being optimized to handle virtual reality on the Mac, Oculus still isn’t ready to make the leap to the platform.
« We’re committed to bringing PC VR to as many people as possible, but no news on MacOS support at this time,  » a company spokesperson told Road to VR. Road to VR
This isn’t the first time Oculus has kept its distance from Macs, with company co-founder Nate Mitchell saying a few months back the idea isn’t out of the question, but that support won’t be implemented in the near future. won’t be implemented in the near future
Last year, Oculus’ other founder Palmer Luckey ruled out Oculus Rift support on macOS until « they ever release a good computer. » Luckey, who left Oculus in March this year, was referring to a lack of graphical power needed to run VR on Apple computers at the time. who left Oculus
It’s unclear if Apple’s reinvigorated iMac lineup (especially the high-power iMac Pro) will be on par with what Oculus needs before changing its tune. iMac Pro
However, should VR take off on Apple computers, Oculus would be remiss to bench the Rift while HTC’s headset soaks up all the glory (and customers) . 7 things you might’ve missed during Apple’s WWDC 2017 keynote 7 things you might’ve missed during Apple’s WWDC 2017 keynote

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/techradar/allnews/~3/4418cgGgz2c/oculus-rift-isnt-headed-to-macos-anytime-soon
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【ソウル時事】 韓国の 聯合ニュースなどによると、 K-POPグループ「BIGBANG(ビッグバン)」 の メンバーで、 T.O.Pの 芸名で活動しているチェ・ スンヒョン被告(29)が6日、 所属先の ソウルの 警察部隊内で、 意識の ない状態で発見され、 病院の 集中治療室に搬送され
【ソウル時事】韓国の聯合ニュースなどによると、K-POPグループ「BIGBANG(ビッグバン)」のメンバーで、T.O.Pの芸名で活動しているチェ・スンヒョン被告(29)が6日、所属先のソウルの警察部隊内で、意識のない状態で発見され、病院の集中治療室に搬送された。精神安定剤を過剰に服用したとみられるという。 韓国メディアによれば、チェ被告は5日、大麻を吸引したとして麻薬類管理法違反の罪で在宅起訴された。兵役でソウルの警察に配属されていたが、在宅起訴を受けて任務から外れることになっていた。 チェ被告は日本でも人気を博したドラマ「IRIS-アイリス-」に出演。「シークレット・メッセージ」で上野樹里さんと共演するなど、俳優としても活躍していた。(2017/06/06-21: 05) 関連ニュース
【国際記事一覧へ】 【アクセスランキング】

© Source: http://www.jiji.com/jc/article?k=2017060601106&g=int&m=rss
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Accused leaker Reality Winner called Trump an 'orange fascist' on Twitter


Reality Winner, the federal contractor accused of leaking classified information to an online news outlet, posted about leaks and admonished the Trump administration on what appears to be her public Twitter account.
Twitter account under Sara Winners
Winner posted on Twitter as Sara Winners but didn’t seem too concerned with concealing her identity. Her profile picture is a photo of herself, and she posted a selfie in February.
She also uses her Twitter username @Reezlie on Instagram; however, her activity on the two platforms differed dramatically. On Instagram, she primarily posted selfies from the gym and pictures of food, while on Twitter she rarely posted about herself, focusing more on politics — behavior not uncommon for people who use both social networks.
Accounts she follows
Winner follows 50 Twitter accounts, among them Edward Snowden, WikiLeaks, several with links to the group Anonymous and « alt » government agency accounts that became popular after President Donald Trump’s inauguration, including AltFDA. None of the accounts appear to be personal connections.
Winner didn’t hide her disdain for Trump. On Election Night, when it became apparent that Trump would win, she tweeted, « Well. People suck. #ElectionNight »
On February 11, she was particularly active on the social network, tweeting directly at the President, describing him as an « orange fascist. »
Winner didn’t appear to post explicitly about hacking or leaking but did retweet and like several tweets on the topic.
She « liked’ a tweet from the hacking group Anonymous in November that hinted at hacking a Mac computer the then-President-elect was using.
Winner also favorited a February 15 tweet linking to an article about White House press secretary Sean Spicer’s reported lax approach to his personal data security and also liked a WikiLeaks tweet linking to a Wall Street Journal reported headlined, « Spies Keep Intelligence From Donald Trump on Leak Concerns. »
‘Alt’ accounts
She follows several « rogue » Twitter accounts designed to look like they are run by federal agencies. Many of these accounts claim to be run by agency employees unhappy with the Trump administration.
She retweeted a post in January from the « Rogue NASA » account that attempted to explain why such accounts were becoming more popular.
Winner’s Twitter activity slowed in mid-February, and the last time she appeared to tweet before her arrest Saturday was on March 5, when she tweeted at Anonymous, « what happened to the Feb 28th call for Trump to resign? »
Her mother, Billie Winner, said her daughter wasn’t especially political and had not praised past leakers such as Snowden to her. « She’s never ever given me any kind of indication that she was in favor of that at all,  » her mother said. « I don’t know how to explain it. »
Her court-appointed attorney, Titus Nichols, told CNN he was unable to confirm Tuesday that the Twitter account was Winner’s.
Earlier, he said he believes the government has a political agenda by going after his client, whom he says is a low-level government employee. Nichols said he hasn’t seen anything that would lead him to believe Winner is guilty of these charges.
CNN has reached out to Pluribus International to ask if it was aware of Winner’s Twitter account.

© Source: http://edition.cnn.com/2017/06/06/politics/reality-winner-twitter-account/index.html
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