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D. C. and Maryland file anti-corruption suit against Trump over foreign 'emoluments' to his businesses


DC and Maryland file suit over payments by foreign governments to Trump businesses. It remains unclear if they have standing to sue and the suit is the latest example of blue states confronting Trump
Attorneys general for Maryland and the District of Columbia filed an anti-corruption lawsuit against President Trump on Monday, arguing that he is violating the Constitution by using his office to unjustly enrich himself.
It is the latest effort by politicians in blue states to challenge Trump in the courts and put a spotlight on the unusual conflicts of interest that arise when a billionaire business owner occupies the White House .
Their suit recites a now-familiar complaint that Trump, by retaining ownership of his hotels and other properties, is violating the ban on a U. S. official accepting “any present [or] Emolument… of any kind whatsoever from .. .any foreign state.” They cite reports that the embassies of Kuwait and Saudi Arabia are booking expensive rooms and holding events at the Trump International Hotel on Pennsylvania Avenue, possibly seeking to win favor with the president.
The constitutional ban on emoluments “helps ensure that the president serves with undivided loyalty to the American people, and the American people only, ” they said in the suit. “Never before has a president acted with such disregard for this constitutional prescription.”
The suit may be less important for what it says than for who filed it. Maryland and D. C. contend that as a “sovereign” entities, they have a special standing to sue the president in court.
A similar suit over foreign emoluments was filed in January by an ethics group known as CREW, for Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics, and it was later joined by a restaurant and some private hotels. They too alleged Trump was violating the Constitution and that their businesses were being hurt by the unfair competition.
CREW’s lawyers are part of the suit filed Monday, and they argued that Maryland and D. C. are suffering real injuries because some of their hotels and meeting areas are losing business to Trump’s properties. “The district and Maryland have the authority and right to vindicate their interest in providing and preserving a level playing field in the hospitality industry, ” they said.
A spokesman for the Republican National Committee denounced the suit as « partisan grandstanding » by the state attorneys. « This lawsuit brought against our president is absurd,  » said the RNC’s Lindsay Jancek. « The American people elected President Trump to lead this country, and it is time Democrats end their efforts to delegitimize his presidency. »
White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer said the suit appeared to repeat the earlier complaint from CREW. « It’s the same lawyers,  » he said. « We will continue to move to dismiss this case in the normal course of business. »
The Justice Department has urged a federal judge to throw out CREW’s suit on the grounds its plaintiffs do not have standing. Usually federal courts have said that a plaintiff must show that he or she has suffered a specific injury, even when asserting a constitutional principle.
But in recent years, states and their politically minded state attorneys have been getting in the courthouse door.
In 2007, lawyers representing Democratic-controlled states won a major victory on climate change when the Supreme Court agreed, by a 5-4 vote, that they had standing to sue the George W. Bush administration for its failure to regulate greenhouse gases.
And during President Obama ’s term, red states won standing to sue the administration over the healthcare law and the executive orders on immigration. For example, federal judges in Texas ruled the state had standing to sue the president because it would spend more money if more immigrants sought drivers licenses.
Harvard University law professor Laurence H. Tribe said the trend in favor of state standing bodes well for the lawsuit.
“In recent years, there has been a rapid expansion in the notion that the states must play an important role in protecting their rights — and at times, the rights of their citizens, ” Tribe and attorney Joshua Matz wrote Monday on the “Take Care” blog, which focuses on executive power. “Conservatives, in particular, latched on to more robust views of state standing under the Obama administration, rallying around the state of Texas as it became a full-time anti-Obama litigation shop, ” they said. More recently, the states of Washington, Oregon and Hawaii led lawsuits to challenge Trump’s temporary ban on foreign travel, they said.
If Maryland and D. C. survive a motion to dismiss their suit, they are likely to seek more information on Trump’s finances, including his tax returns, which the president has refused to release.
The suit also cites hidden benefits that Trump may be receiving. For example, it says the president, through his family-owned organization, “is seeking a $32 million historic preservation tax credit for Trump International Hotel. Approval of this credit is at the discretion of the National Park Service, ” it said. If approved, the tax credit would offset some of the cost of rehabilitating the building that includes the hotel.
If the states win their suit, Maryland Atty. Gen. Brian Frosh said, they would seek an order requiring the president to divest himself of his business holdings.
Twitter: DavidGSavage
1: 20 p.m.: This article was updated with the White House comment.
This story was originally published at 12: 40 p.m.

© Source: http://www.latimes.com/politics/la-na-pol-trump-payments-lawsuit-20170612-story.html
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North Korea Is About to Test a Missile That Can Reach Trump Tower


Is the U. S. president ready to put some muscle behind his tough talk?
Donald Trump famously boasted that “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’ t lose any voters.” I wonder if that offer is good for a North Korean long-range missile hitting the same spot?
I ask, because North Korea’s state media is now hinting that it will test a long-range missile capable of hitting New York — and trolling Donald Trump in the process.
You may recall that back in January, some media outlets got the idea that North Korea might test an intercontinental-range ballistic missile (ICBM) , prompting Trump to unleash a two-part Twitter tirade:
North Korea’s reaction to the tweets was fairly muted at the time, though state media eventually released a statement suggesting it would test its missiles when Kim Jong Un pleased. A period of silence followed. In hindsight, it’s clear North Korea wasn’ t backing down. North Korea just had a busy missile test plan for the 2017, and it wasn’ t about to alter it just because some buffoon was hate-tapping ill-tempered tweets.
Over the course of 2017, North Korea has been working its way through flight tests for all the new missiles shown off in the April 15 military parade to commemorate Kim Il Sung’s birthday. So far, North Korea has tested a new land-based variant of its solid-fueled medium-range ballistic missile, a new intermediate-range ballistic missile, a short-range Scud modified for greatly improved accuracy, and most recently an anti-ship cruise missile. According to the database of tests compiled by my colleagues, North Korea has been popping off a missile launch about once a week.
At this brisk pace, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea has checked off all the new missiles displayed in the parade except for two: the apparent ICBMs displayed at the end.
As if on cue, North Korea has now turned back to Donald Trump’s tweet. Last week, North Korea’s Rodong Sinmun newspaper carried an article that noted:
“Trump blustered early this year that the DPRK’s final access to a nuclear weapon that can reach the U. S. mainland will never happen.
But the strategic weapons tests conducted by the DPRK clearly proved that the time of its ICBM test is not a long way off at all.”
And, in case that wasn’ t perfectly clear, the article also stated: “The DPRK is about 10,400 km far away from New York. But this is just not a long distance for its strike today.”
North Korea wasn’ t ready in January to test an ICBM. That now seems to have changed.
What sort of ICBM is North Korea likely to launch? As I have noted elsewhere, most attention has focused on the missile that North Korea has been showing off since 2012, which the United States calls the KN-08. North Korea conducted a test of the KN-08’s engine last year. If the missile works — a fairly big if, to be honest — it would have the range to reach New York.
But there is also the possibility of a surprise. North Korea showed off two different heavy vehicles carrying canisters large enough for an ICBM, sending the clear message that there are multiple ICBMs under development. Other options include an ICBM based on the new engine that powered the Hwasong-12 or a larger solid-fueled ballistic missile. Each of these would be a surprise, in the sense that it represents a capability North Korea has yet to demonstrate. But then again, there is a first time for everything.
North Korea has said that the missile will “soar into the sky with dynamism” — although a first ICBM test is, more likely than not, likely to fail spectacularly. Rocket science is, after all, hard. But that first test will be a warning, a wake-up call that America’s long-running policy of attempting to scold the North Koreans into disarmament is at an end.
The Rodong Sinmun commentary argued that Washington’s “hostile policy will end… when the DPRK conducts the test-fire of ICBM capable of precisely striking any place of the U. S. mainland.” While I don’ t expect Trump’s level of hostility will decline, the phrase “hostile policy” is a North Korean term of art. And the Rodong Sinmun commentary is correct in a specific sense: North Korea’s test of an ICBM will complete the development of a nuclear arsenal with a defined strategic role. It is the final step in building an arsenal that can deter and, to use another term of art, repel an American invasion. If deterrence were to fail, and an invasion were underway, North Korea already plans the widespread use of nuclear weapons against U. S. forces in South Korea and Japan. U. S. officials have repeatedly said that such a threat is not credible: “Perhaps he’s got an enhanced capacity to conduct a nuclear attack” one U. S. official noted, “and then immediately die.” Or, as Trump told Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, “We have a lot of firepower, more than [Kim] has, times 20 — but we don’ t want to use it.”

© Source: https://www.yahoo.com/news/north-korea-test-missile-reach-201904958.html
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Schweres Erdbeben in der Ägäis – ein Todesfall auf Lesbos


Ein Beben der Stärke von mehr als 6,0 ereignete sich zwischen Türkei und Griechenland. Vor allem auf grieschichen Inseln gab es Schäden. Menschen rannten in Izmir in Panik auf die Straße.
Ein starkes Seebeben hat die Westküste der Türkei und griechische Inseln in der Ägäis schüttert. Auf der griechischen Insel Lesbos kam eine Frau ums Leben. Die Feuerwehr barg das Opfer aus den Trümmern ihres Hauses in einem Dorf der Insel, wie die griechische Nachrichtenagentur ANA-MPA am Montagabend berichtete. Auf Lesbos wurden mindestens zwölf Menschen verletzt.
Von den Verletzten sei niemand in Lebensgefahr. Das teilten die Ärzte des Krankenhauses der Insel Lesbos mit. Nach Angaben der Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik (ZAMG) in Wien hatte das Beben am Montag eine Stärke von 6,0.
Das Zentrum des Seebebens lag etwa zehn Kilometer unter dem Meeresboden der Ägäis zwischen der griechischen Insel Lesbos und der türkischen Küstenmetropole Izmir. Die Stöße waren noch in der rund 330 Kilometer entfernten türkischen Millionenmetropole Istanbul und in der etwa 300 Kilometer entfernten griechischen Hauptstadt Athen zu spüren. Es kam zu einem kleinen Tsunami, der aber keine Schäden anrichtete, berichtete der Chef des griechischen Geodynamischen Instituts, Efthymios Lekkas, im Staatsradio.
Am schlimmsten wurde nach Angaben des Bürgermeisters der Inselhauptstadt von Lesbos, Spyros Galinos, die Ortschaft Vrises getroffen. « Mehrere Häuser in Vrises sind schwer beschädigt oder eingestürzt », sagte er im Rundfunk. Auch in der Ortschaft Plomari wurden mehrere Häuser schwer beschädigt, wie Augenzeugen im Fernsehen berichteten. Zahlreiche Straßen seien unpassierbar nach Erdrutschen, teilte der griechische Verkehrsminister Christos Spirtzis mit.
« Die Menschen sind fast alle auf die Straße gerannt », berichteten Augenzeugen. Hotels wurden nach Behördenangaben nicht beschädigt. Seismologen rieten den Menschen, deren Häuser beschädigt wurden, im Freien zu bleiben. Es bestehe Gefahr, dass diese während eines Nachbebens einstürzten. Der Zivildienst sollte am Abend Zelte in den betroffenen Regionen rund um die Ortschaft Plomari aufschlagen.
Der Gouverneur der türkischen Provinz Izmir, Erol Ayyildiz, sagte der staatlichen Nachrichtenagentur Anadolu, nach ersten Erkenntnissen gebe es weder Opfer noch Schäden zu beklagen. Das Hauptbeben ereignete sich vor der Küste des Bezirks Karaburun in der Provinz.
Bezirksbürgermeister Muhammet Özyüksel sagte dem Nachrichtensender CNN Türk, das Beben habe etwa 15 bis 20 Sekunden gedauert und sei sehr stark gewesen. « So einen Stoß habe ich noch nie erlebt. Ich habe gedacht, das Gebäude stürzt ein », sagte er mit Blick auf die Bezirksverwaltung. Auch an der türkischen Ägäis-Küste berichteten Augenzeugen, Menschen seien in Panik auf die Straßen gerannt.
Der Seismologie Marco Bohnhoff vom Helmholtz-Zentrum in Potsdam sagte, es habe sich um ein sogenanntes Dehnungsbeben gehandelt, bei dem sich die obere Erdplatte in diesem Fall in Richtung Nord-Süd ausgedehnt habe. Das Epizentrum habe in zehn Kilometern Tiefe gelegen. Ein Beben in dieser Tiefe werde auch in mehreren hundert Kilometern Entfernung gespürt. Man müsse mit Nachbeben von einer Stärke bis 5 Grad rechnen. Beben dieser Art würden in dieser Gegend etwa zweimal im Jahr registriert.
Im europäischen Raum kommen die meisten Erdbeben in Griechenland, den südlichen Teilen des Balkans sowie im Westen der Türkei vor. Auch Italien und der westliche Balkan sind besonders betroffen. Der größte Teil der schweren europäischen Beben ereignet sich nahe den Rändern von Afrikanischer und Europäischer Platte. Dort kann es zu Spannungen kommen, die zu Beben führen.
– (c) APA

© Source: http://diepresse.com/home/ausland/welt/5233770/Schweres-Erdbeben-in-der-Aegaeis-ein-Todesfall-auf-Lesbos?from=rss
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McDonald's will use Snapchat to hire for 250,000 summer jobs


The fast food giant announced the seasonal hiring push on Monday. The key? Social media.
The fast food giant said Monday that it plans to hire 250,000 crew members for the summer in the U. S.
To get the word out, the company is turning to Snapchat.
« As we see the younger generations seeking out their first jobs, we want to make them aware of the great opportunities available at McDonald’s,  » Jez Langhorn, a human resources executive with McDonald’s USA, said in a statement.
Starting Tuesday, the company will roll out a series of 10-second Snapchat ads that show McDonald’s workers talking about why they like the gig. Viewers can swipe up to go straight to the company’s careers website, where they can apply for jobs at local restaurants.
Related: McDonald’s pulls ad about a boy whose father died
The positions are temporary and will last from June to August, according to McDonald’s (MCD) spokeswoman Andrea Abate.
The chain has targeted young people for summer work in the past. Last year, McDonald’s said it expected to hire more than 130,000 people ages 16 to 24 for summer jobs.
The company declined to share how many seasonal workers it ultimately brought on, but said this year’s number marks an increase.
McDonald’s currently has about 850,000 restaurant employees in the U. S., Abate said.
Every year, the number of 16- to 24-year-olds actively seeking work gets a big bump between April and July, when school lets out, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Last July, there were 23.1 million people in that age group who were either working or actively looking for a job.

© Source: http://money.cnn.com/2017/06/12/technology/mcdonalds-summer-hiring/index.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+rss%2Fcnn_latest+%28RSS%3A+CNN+-+Most+Recent%29
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Тисячі учасників та сотні затриманих: Як пройшли мітинги проти корупції в Росії


День Росії 2017 року відбувся на тлі мітингів проти корупції в декількох російських містах і ознаменувався масштабними затриманнями опозиційних політиків і супротивників режиму Кремля…
День Росії 2017 року відбувся на тлі мітингів проти корупції в декількох російських містах і ознаменувався масштабними затриманнями опозиційних політиків і супротивників режиму Кремля.
У понеділок, 12 червня, в багатьох російських містах пройшли антикорупційні мітинги, які організував російський опозиціонер і засновник Фонду боротьби з корупцією Олексій Навальний.
Мітинг в Москві був заздалегідь погоджений з владою міста, проте в останній момент його перенесли з проспекту Сахарова на Тверську вулицю в зв’язку з тим, що не вдалося встановити сцену і звукову апаратуру. У Санкт-Петербурзі аналогічна акція не отримала схвалення з боку мерії, оскільки влада не хотіла, щоб люди вийшли на Марсове поле.
Затримання Навального
Напередодні мітингу в Москві правоохоронці затримали Олексія Навального при виході з будинку, дістатися до Тверської вулиці він не зумів.
У поліції пояснили, що Навальний затриманий для складання адмінпротоколів за ч.8 ст.20.2 (Повторне порушення правил організації мітингів) і 19.3 (Непокора законному розпорядженню співробітника поліції) КпАП РФ.
Москва: понад 700 затриманих
У центрі Москви, за даними ОВС-Інфо, затримали понад 700 осіб. В основному затримання проходили в районі Тверської вулиці. У той же час МВС РФ підтвердило затримання тільки 150 осіб.
Силовики щодо протестувальників діяли досить жорстко. В об’єднаній групі громадського спостереження заявили, що ОМОН під час затримання бив людей головою об автозак і кийками по ногах. Один з демонстрантів розпорошив перцевий газ в обличчя співробітнику ОМОНу.
Серед затриманих на антикорупційному мітингу в Москві – політик Ілля Яшин, голова руху Відкрита Росія Олександр Соловйов, журналіст Відкритої Росії Микита Сафронов, координатор руху Марія Баронова. На акції проти корупції під гарячу руку силовиків потрапив актор Олександр Паль, який знімався у фільмах Гірко! і Гірко! 2.
Влада Москви оцінила число демонстрантів на Тверській в п’ять тисяч осіб.
Санкт-Петербург: 900 затриманих
У Санкт-Петербурзі поліцейські затримали більше 900 учасників акції на Марсовому полі, підрахували в ОВС-Інфо. За офіційними даними, в мітингу брали участь близько 3,5 тисяч осіб, затримали 500 осіб. Місцеві ЗМІ оцінили число учасників приблизно в 10 тисяч осіб.
Серед затриманих – журналіст Давид Френкель і депутат Максим Резник. До координатору руху Відкрита Росія Андрія Півоварова і прихильника руху Миколи Артеменка силовики прийшли додому.
Реакція офіційної влади
Влада Москви назвала мітинг проти корупції провокацією, яка « зіпсувала настрій » святкуючим День Росії. « Ми мали рацію – це була стовідсоткова провокація людей неадекватних, що не відповідають за свої вчинки і слова », – повідомив глава департаменту регіональної безпеки Москви Володимир Черніков.

© Source: http://nv.ua/ukr/world/countries/mitingi-proti-koruptsiji-v-rosiji-1305970.html
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Боевики применили тяжелую артиллерию на Донбассе


Боевики не прекращают нарушать договоренности о деэскалации конфликта на востоке Украины, с начала суток зафиксировано 25 вражеских обстрелов, …
Боевики не прекращают нарушать договоренности о деэскалации конфликта на востоке Украины, с начала суток зафиксировано 25 вражеских обстрелов, осуществленных не только по оборонительным укреплениям украинских военных, но и по прифронтовым населенным пунктам. Об этом сообщает пресс-центр штаба военной операции на Донбассе на своей странице в Facebook.
« К сожалению, в течение дня в результате вражеских обстрелов один военнослужащий ВС Украины погиб. Еще четверо наших воинов получили ранения », – говорится в сводке по состоянию на 18.00 понедельника, 12 июня.
Так, на Приморском направлении в начале суток боевики совершили плотные обстрелы из 152-мм артиллерии участков территории вблизи населенных пунктов Графское и Ольгинка. В частности, в поселке Графское снаряд взорвался на дороге вблизи здания по улице Молодежная. Также в результате вражеского обстрела повреждено общежитие, где жили студенты Лесного колледжа.
В населенном пункте Ольгинка по улице Центральной повреждено более десяти жилых домов – осколками повреждены стены и кровли, побиты окна. В результате обстрела выведена из строя электрическая подстанция: более сотни частных домовладений остались без света. Никто из местных жителей не пострадал.
На том же направлении боевики в течение дня из минометов калибра 82 мм вели огонь по позициям украинских военных вблизи Марьинки и Чермалыка. Из гранатометов и стрелкового оружия различного калибра незаконные вооруженные формирования террнеоднократно обстреливали украинских военных в районе Широкино, Водяного, Талаковки, Гнутово и Павлополя.
На Донецком направлении после того, как незаконные вооруженные формирования сразу после полуночи совершили обстрел из минометов и гранатометов украинских опорных пунктов в районе Луганского (на Светлодарской дуге) , на этом участке линии соприкосновения установилось некоторое затишье.
На Луганском направлении бандформирования около 10 раз прибегли к вооруженным провокациям против подразделений сил военной операции. В первой половине дня по позициям ВС Украины в районе Троицкого противник открывал огонь из 120-мм минометов. Вблизи н.п. Новотошковское и Новоалександровки – из минометов калибра 82 мм.
Кроме того, у Новоалександровки боевики дважды применяли противотанковые ракетные комплексы. А неподалеку Крымского боевики били в сторону позиций ВСУ из вооружения БМП. По оборонительным укреплениям украинских военных в районе н.п. Желтое, Лобачево и Малиновое боевики открывали огонь из пехотного вооружения.

© Source: http://www.segodnya.ua/regions/donetsk/boeviki-primenili-tyazheluyu-artilleriyu-na-donbasse-1029342.html
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Бойовики застосували важку артилерію на Донбасі


Бойовики не припиняють порушувати домовленості про деескалацію конфлікту на сході України, з початку доби зафіксовано 25 ворожих обстрілів, …
Бойовики не припиняють порушувати домовленості про деескалацію конфлікту на сході України, з початку доби зафіксовано 25 ворожих обстрілів, здійснених не тільки по оборонних укріпленнях українських військових, а й по прифронтових населених пунктах. Про це повідомляє прес-центр штабу військової операції на Донбасі на своїй сторінці в Facebook.
« На жаль, протягом дня в результаті ворожих обстрілів один військовослужбовець ЗС України загинув. Ще четверо наших воїнів отримали поранення », – йдеться у зведенні за станом на 18.00 понеділка, 12 червня.
Так, на Приморському напрямку на початку доби бойовики здійснили щільні обстріли зі 152-мм артилерії ділянок території поблизу населених пунктів Графське і Ольгинка. Зокрема, в селищі Графське снаряд вибухнув на дорозі поблизу будівлі по вулиці Молодіжна. Також в результаті ворожого обстрілу пошкоджено гуртожиток, де жили студенти Лісового коледжу.
У населеному пункті Ольгинка по вулиці Центральній пошкоджено більше десяти житлових будинків – осколками пошкоджено стіни та покрівлі, побиті вікна. В результаті обстрілу виведена з ладу електрична підстанція: більше сотні приватних домоволодінь залишилися без світла. Ніхто з місцевих жителів не постраждав.
На тому ж напрямку бойовики протягом дня з мінометів калібру 82 мм вели вогонь по позиціях українських військових поблизу Мар’їнки і Чермалик. З гранатометів і стрілецької зброї різного калібру незаконні збройні формування обстрілювали українських військових в районі Широкиного, Водяного, Талаківки, Гнутового і Павлопілля.
На Донецькому напрямку після того, як незаконні збройні формування відразу після півночі здійснили обстріл з мінометів і гранатометів українських опорних пунктів в районі Луганського (на Світлодарськ дузі) , на цій ділянці лінії зіткнення встановилося певне затишшя.
На Луганському напрямку бандформування близько 10 разів вдалися до збройнихпровокацій проти підрозділів сил військової операції. У першій половині дня по позиціях ЗС України в районі Троїцького противник відкривав вогонь зі 120-мм мінометів. Поблизу н.п. Новотошківське і Новоолександрівки – з мінометів калібру 82 мм.
Крім того, біля Новоолександрівки бойовики двічі застосовували протитанкові ракетні комплекси. А неподалік Кримського бойовики били в бік позицій ЗСУ з озброєння БМП. По оборонних укріпленнях українських військових в районі н.п. Жовте, Лобачеве і Малинове бойовики відкривали вогонь з піхотного озброєння.

© Source: http://ukr.segodnya.ua/regions/donetsk/boeviki-primenili-tyazheluyu-artilleriyu-na-donbasse-1029342.html
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Arizona Child Died After Allegedly Suffering Horrific Abuse From His Mother And Her Boyfriend


A Chino Valley, Arizona, couple were arrested for allegedly inflicting horrific abuse on a 10-year-old boy who was bound, beaten, and burned. The boy, Christian Pearson, passed away as result of his…
A Chino Valley, Arizona, couple were arrested for allegedly inflicting horrific abuse on a 10-year-old boy who was bound, beaten, and burned. The boy, Christian Pearson, passed away as result of his injuries on Sunday, June 11 at 10: 26 p.m.
On Thursday, June 8, the police responded to a 911 report of a child who had stopped breathing. When they arrived on the scene, they found a 10-year-old boy with second- and third-degree burns on multiple areas of his body.
According to Oxygen, the child had bruises on his back, torso, neck, head, and extremities. The paramedics were able to get the child breathing again and rushed him to a nearby children’s hospital. Once at the hospital, he never regained consciousness and remained in critical condition.
According to the Prescotte News, the boy’s father decided to take him off life support on Sunday night after learning that there was little hope he would wake up.
Daniel Terry, 26, and the boy’s mother, Julianna Moreno, were booked on felony charges, including attempted first-degree murder, child abuse, and aggravated assault.
Eric Pearson, Christian’s father, lives in Tuscan, Arizona, and wasn’ t able to see his son every day.
“He was a very good kid. He got straight A’s, he was very smart in school, ” Eric explained. “He liked to play sports, ride his bicycle. He played basketball every day. He was such a good boy.”
Pearson hopes that law enforcement will do everything they can to keep Terry and Moreno locked up.
Yavapai County Sheriff’s office released a statement asking those who attended a yard sale at Moreno’s residence that day to come forward and speak with a detective.
The statement went on to say that there was nothing the medical staff could do for Christian; his injuries were fatal. The paramedics’ efforts allowed Pearson’s father to see him and say goodbye.
Christian’s mother, Julianna Moreno, has an 18-month-old daughter who is currently in the custody of Child Protective Services.
The sheriff’s office revealed that since the child passed away, they will be upgrading the charges to first-degree murder for both Terry and Moreno.
The sheriff’s office said that all cards, stuffed animals, and other gifts delivered to the police station would be given to Eric Pearson. The father of the boy thanked the local community for their support during this difficult time.
[Featured Image by RPD PHOTO /Shutterstock]

© Source: http://www.inquisitr.com/4287237/arizona-child-died-after-allegedly-suffering-horrific-abuse-from-his-mother-and-her-boyfriend/
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Former President Barack Obama has traveled to 9 nations since leaving the White House


Former President Barack Obama left office on Jan. 20, and has since been on what seems a non-stop tour of countries around the world.
Former President Barack Obama left office on Jan. 20, and has since been on what seems a non-stop tour of countries around the world.
No stranger to frequent travel, Obama took part in 156 foreign trips over the course of his eight years as president, positioning him as the third most traveled U. S. commander in chief. Former President Bill Clinton notched 210 trips, while George W. Bush accrued 190. Although he has left his Oval Office position, Obama has continued to travel internationally, with stops in the British Virgin Islands, French Polynesia and multiple European countries.
Click through to see each destination Obama has traveled to since leaving the White House:
Obama and his wife, former first lady Michelle, notably left immediately following President Trump’s inauguration for a vacation at Richard Branson’s private celebrity hot spot, Necker Island — located in the British Virgin Islands. The 44th president soon after departed for French Polynesia, where he was rumored to be vacationing alone while working on his book.
Since then, Obama has engaged in public life as a keynote speaker at events both foreign and domestic. In May, Obama spoke to the current global political climate at the Global Food Innovation Summit in Berlin, saying people « mustn’t isolate themselves. »
« If I become so convinced that I’m always right, the logical conclusion of that often ends up being great cruelty and great violence,  » Obama said.
Obama has also visited Edinburgh, London and both Milan and Tuscany within Italy.
RELATED: A look at Barack Obama post-presidency

© Source: http://www.aol.com/article/news/2017/06/12/barack-obama-traveled-9-nations-since-leaving-white-house/22138196/
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Memorial services held on anniversary of Pulse nightclub shooting


Hundreds gathered outside the perimeter of Pulse nightclub to pay their respects to the victims of the worst mass shooting in modern U. S. history
ORLANDO, Fla. — Hundreds of people have left flowers, cards and drawings at Pulse nightclub to remember the victims who were killed a year ago in Orlando, Florida.
Many cried and strangers hugged each other during solemn remembrances on Monday as the names of the 49 victims of the worst mass shooting in modern U. S. history were read out loud.
According to CBS affiliate WKMG-TV, multiple services will be held throughout the day. About 50,000 people are expected to attend an evening service in the heart of downtown Orlando at Lake Eola. A music-filled, late-night service will be held at the nightclub.
Gov. Rick Scott has ordered for U. S. flags around Florida to be flown at half-staff. A giant rainbow flag will be unveiled at the Orange County government building.
Church bells throughout the Orlando area rang 49 times at noon.
The first ceremony was held shortly after 2 a.m., and was closed to the public. It was held for survivors, victims’ families, club employees and local officials. It overlapped the time a year ago that gunman Omar Mateen started shooting inside the nightclub on « Latin Night. »
Pulse owner Barbara Poma and Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer spoke to families and friends of the victims during the private ceremony.
« I realize that gathering here in this place, at this hour, is beyond difficult,  » Dyer said during the service. « But I also know that the strength you’ve shown over the past year will carry you through today and in the future. »
People laid flower and lit candles early Monday outside the perimeter at Pulse. The fence has been decorated with vibrantly-colored banners. Some dressed as angels and stood guard outside the club before the service.
The private service was the start of what would be almost 24 hours of observations to remember the victims who died as well as the dozens of Pulse patrons who were wounded during the shooting.
The Orlando Gay Chorus performed Rachel Patten’s « Fight Song » during a second service, which was held around 11 a.m., outside of the nightclub.
Monday’s services culminated several days of events aimed at turning the grim anniversary into something positive. A foot race was held over the weekend, and eight gay and lesbian students were awarded $4,900 toward their college studies by a local businessman. Local officials have declared the one-year mark as a day of « love and kindness,  » and they are encouraging residents to volunteer or perform acts of compassion.
An exhibit of artwork collected from memorial sites set up around Orlando after the massacre will be shown at the Orange County History Center. The club’s owner, Barbara Poma, is developing plans to build a memorial at the Pulse site.
Mateen pledged allegiance to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) during the attack and was eventually killed by police during a shootout after a three-hour standoff. His wife, Noor Salman, is facing charges of aiding and abetting and obstruction in federal court, and she has pleaded not guilty to helping her husband.

© Source: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/pulse-nightclub-shooting-orlando-memorial-services-anniversary/
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