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U. S. accuses Syria of mass executions


The U. S. also stepped up criticism of Iran and Russia for supporting the Syrian government
Washington — The Trump administration accused the Syrian government Monday of carrying out mass killings of thousands of prisoners and burning the bodies in a large crematorium outside the capital. It also stepped up criticism of Iran and Russia for supporting the Syrian government.
The allegation came as President Donald Trump is weighing options in Syria, where the U. S. attacked a government air base last month in response to an alleged chemical weapons attack on civilians.
But Trump hasn’ t outlined a larger strategy for ending the Arab country’s civil war or ushering Syrian President Bashar Assad out of power. These questions were sure to arise in his meeting at the White House with the United Arab Emirates’ crown prince Monday, a day before Turkey’s president arrives.
The State Department said it believed that about 50 detainees a day are being hanged at Saydnaya military prison, about 45 minutes north of Damascus. Many of the bodies, it said, are then burned in the crematorium.
“We believe that the building of a crematorium is an effort to cover up the extent of mass murders taking place, ” said Stuart Jones, the top U. S. diplomat for the Middle East, in accusing the Syrian government of sinking “to a new level of depravity.”
The department released commercial satellite photographs showing what it described as a building in the prison complex that was modified to support the crematorium. The photographs, taken over the course of several years, beginning in 2013, do not definitely prove the building is a crematorium, but they show construction consistent with such use.
In presenting the photographs, Jones called on Russia and Iran to press Assad’s government to establish a credible cease-fire with Syrian rebel groups and begin negotiations on a political settlement.
“We are appalled by the atrocities that have been carried out by the Syrian regime and these atrocities have been carried out seemingly with the unconditional support from Russia and Iran, ” Jones said.
State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert said Secretary of State Rex Tillerson had been “firm and clear” in a meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov last week that “Russia holds tremendous influence over Bashar al-Assad.”
A main point of that meeting “was telling Russia to use its power to rein in the regime, ” she said. “Simply put, the killing, the devastation has gone on for far too long in Syria.”
The war has killed as many as 400,000 people since 2011. It has contributed to Europe’s worst refugee crisis since World War II and enabled the Islamic State group to emerge as a global terrorism threat.
Trump travels to the Middle East later this week on his first official foreign trip.

© Source: http://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/world/2017/05/15/united-states-mideast/101714800/
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Who's to blame for ransomware outbreak?


Questions are swirling over who is responsible for the security flaws exploited by hackers in the world’s biggest ransomware attack to date, which crippled thousands of businesses and public organizations around the world.
Questions are swirling over who is responsible for the security flaws exploited by hackers in the world’s biggest ransomware attack to date, which crippled thousands of businesses and public organizations around the world. Here are some answers:
– Who bears the blame? –
Because hackers exploited a security hole in some Windows versions discovered by the National Security Agency, Microsoft says the intelligence agency bears some responsibility.
« This attack provides yet another example of why the stockpiling of vulnerabilities by governments is such a problem,  » Microsoft president and general counsel Brad Smith said in a weekend blog post.
Steven Weber, faculty director at the Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity at the University of California, said « the fault is pretty distributed — there are plenty of people to blame. »
Weber said the NSA’s primary mission is intelligence: « If I were sitting at the NSA I would push that argument right back to Microsoft,  » he argued. « They would say, ‘It’s our job to stockpile those weapons and use them against our adversaries.' »
Other factors were the large number of old, outdated software programs in use and often ineffective security systems.
Cornell University computer scientist Stephen Wicker blamed « profound ethical lapses » both on the part of the US government and the computing public.
The flaws « were known to the NSA and CIA, but were kept secret by those organizations to be exploited for their own data collection purposes,  » Wicker said.
But he added that a large number of businesses and other users failed to install a patch issued by Microsoft in March.
« This ‘free-rider’ problem — some manufacturers and users choosing to enjoy the benefits of the internet without taking the time and effort to maintain secure computing systems — is also unethical, and is a problem that will get much worse as the Internet of Things (IoT) continues to grow,  » Wicker said.
– How did hackers get this tool? –
Microsoft effectively confirmed what many analysts have stated, that the ransomware known as « WannaCry » was designed to exploit NSA software that was leaked earlier this year by a group calling itself Shadow Brokers.
President Vladimir Putin has said Russia — which has been accused of cyber meddling in several countries — had nothing to do with the massive cyberattack, and criticized the US intelligence community for creating the original software.
But Bruce Schneier, chief technology officer for IBM Resilient Systems, has suggested that a state-sponsored actor, most likely Russia, was probably responsible for the initial hack of the NSA.
« Whoever got this information years before and is leaking it now has to be capable of hacking the NSA and/or the CIA, and willing to publish it all,  » Schneier said in a recent blog post.
« The list of countries who fit both criteria is small: Russia, China, and… and I’m out of ideas. »
James Lewis, a cybersecurity specialist with the Center for Strategic and International Studies, said he believes the exposure of the flaw likely « leads back to Moscow » — but that the hackers who designed the malware are probably not Russian.
« One of the rules in Russia is that Russian criminals are not allowed to hack Russian targets,  » Lewis said. « This does not fit the pattern of Russian-sponsored activity. »
« The cybercrime market is really innovative,  » he added, « and they are quick to take advantage of vulnerabilities. »
– What about computer security at large? –
The attacks came a day after US President Donald Trump signed an executive order calling for improved cybersecurity in the federal government and better cooperation with the private sector.
But few see this or any single initiative as a silver bullet.
Weber said the attacks show the risks of an overreliance on computerized systems that are not fully secure.
« We have built an increasingly digital society on a very insecure foundation and we are starting to see the consequences of that,  » he said.
Weber warned there is no single entity capable of fixing this problem in the near future, since security depends on so many factors.
« If you want to look for an upside, it would be this would be a wakeup call,  » to improve computer security, he said.
At the same time, Weber noted that the attack could prompt more people to shun digital technology and turn back to analog systems that can’t be hacked.
Weber said there are already some signs that the public is losing confidence in the digital world as a result of security problems.
« For Silicon Valley and technology companies, their future depends on these underlying systems working,  » he said.

© Source: http://www.digitaljournal.com/news/world/who-s-to-blame-for-ransomware-outbreak/article/492667
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Who are 3 judges who heard arguments on Trump travel ban?


Three judges appointed by President Bill Clinton heard the appeal Monday of Hawaii’s challenge to President Trump’s travel ban targeting six predominantly Muslim countries.
By PAUL ELIAS, Associated Press
SAN FRANCISCO — Three judges appointed by President Bill Clinton heard the appeal Monday of Hawaii’s challenge to President Trump’s travel ban targeting six predominantly Muslim countries.
The San Francisco-based 9th U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals heard arguments in its Seattle courthouse.
The 4th U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Virginia is considering a similar ruling.
The U. S. Supreme Court could take up the issue if the appeals courts issue contradictory decisions.
The three 9th Circuit judges are:
Clinton, a Democrat, appointed Hawkins in 1994 after Hawkins served as Arizona’s top federal prosecutor from 1977 to 1980 and as a U. S. Marine Corps judge deciding court martials from 1973 to 1976.
Hawkins was in private practice for 14 years before Clinton appointed him.
In 2012. Hawkins joined Judge Stephen Reinhardt’s majority ruling striking down California’s gay marriage ban. It was the first federal appeals court ruling that determined gay marriage bans were unconstitutional. The U. S. Supreme Court, in another case, ruled similarly three years later.
Clinton appointed Gould in 1999. After clerking for U. S. Supreme Court Judge Potter Stewart from 1974 to 1975, Gould joined the prominent law firm Perkins Coie, where he remained until his appointment to the bench.
Gould listens to oral arguments electronically from his Seattle court because of multiple sclerosis.
In 2014, he wrote the majority decision that high schools must provide the same athletic amenities to girls as boys. The ruling expanded the U. S Department of Education’s so-called Title IX mandate to treat male and female college athletes the same.
Clinton elevated Paez to the appeals court from federal district court in Los Angeles in 1999. Clinton had appointed Paez to the district court five years earlier after Paez spent 13 years as a state judge in California.
Before he became a judge, Paez worked as a staff attorney for the Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles, Western Center on Law and Poverty and California Rural Legal Assistance.
He wrote the majority opinion in 2011 that Arizona lawmakers went too far when they enacted strict immigration regulations, including making it a state crime to lack immigration papers. The U. S. Supreme Court later ruled similarly.

© Source: http://www.wral.com/who-are-the-3-judges-hearing-arguments-on-trump-travel-ban-/16702218/
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ГСЧС начала работы по разбору завалов Коломыйского колледжа


В Ивано-Франковской области, где произошел обвал одного из корпусов экономико-правового колледжа, начаты работы по разборке завалов…
КИЕВ. 15 мая. УНН. В Ивано-Франковской области, где произошел обвал одного из корпусов экономико-правового колледжа, начаты работы по разборке завалов подразделениями ГСЧС, передает УНН со ссылкой на пресс-службу ГСЧС Ивано-Франковской области.
“В 15: 50 подразделениями ГСЧС начаты работы по разборке завалов. На месте происшествия работает 81 спасатель и 9 единиц техники ГСЧС и мобильно-оперативная группа Управления ГСЧС в Ивано-Франковской области под руководством начальника Управления Владимира Чернецкого, ” — сообщила пресс-служба.
Сообщается, что произошло разрушение фасадной стены на площади около 80 квадратных метров и перекрытия здания с четвертого по первый этажи учебного корпуса Коломыйского экономико-правового колледжа.
Отмечается, что на момент начала разрушения на первом этаже в помещении столовой находилось около 20 человек, администрацией заведения были выведены на улицу. По предварительной информации жертв и пострадавших нет.
Напомним, в Коломые обвалилась часть корпуса экономико-правового колледжа.

© Source: http://www.unn.com.ua/ru/news/1664520-dsns-rozpochali-robotu-z-rozbirannya-zavaliv-kolomiyskogo-koledzhu
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Japanese Woman Makes Delicious Dishes In The Tiniest Portions Possible


The food looks great but the portions are so small.
A Japanese woman is on a quest to prove good meals do come in small packages.
Yukiko Hasada buys  regular-sized ingredients at her local grocery store and turns them into teeny-tiny gourmet meals that she features on her YouTube channel, Bistro Miniature.
How to make mini food!
A post shared by Bistro Miniature (@bistro_miniature) on Oct 18,2016 at 7: 38am PDT
Hasada has whipped up a variety of dishes including chocolate gateau and itsy-bitsy  bowls of Japanese ramen. She’s even cooked cod in white wine sauce.
How to make mini food! #バレンタイン #Valentine #tiny #miniature #mini #ミニチュア料理 #本当に食べられるミニチュア料理 #miniaturefood #チョコレート #chocolate
A post shared by Bistro Miniature (@bistro_miniature) on Feb 13,2017 at 11: 26pm PST
Hasada was inspired to become a mini food chef when she came across a miniature kitchen set.
That was two years ago. Since then, she’s gotten a taste of fame thanks to the popularity of her instructional cooking videos, some of which have surpassed 1.5 million views.
“I mainly get my inspiration from real dishes that I cook for my family, ” she told Barcroft TV. “ I like to come up with the dishes that complement the cuteness of mini utensils.”
Hasada carves down everyday ingredients and then cooks them on a  doll-sized kitchen stove.
Her most difficult creation has been the soft-boiled egg, created for a tiny serving of chow mein.
“Using the right temperature is essential when making soft-boiled eggs, ” she told Barcroft.  “The most difficult part is definitely how to control the fire power since I can only use blocks of solid fuel in my mini stove.”
Tiny food creations like Hasada’s are influenced by the Japanese fascination with things that are “kawaii” or cute, according to Makiko Sano, a London-based expert on Japanese food and cooking.
“Japanese people love ‘kawaii’ things, and things that are very small and delicate: the younger people in Japan use it to describe nearly everything they see, ” she told The Telegraph. “Things like these videos are a hobby to people in Japan, and sometimes it gives them the feeling that they are living out their small, fantasy world.”
#ミニチュア料理 #minifood #tinyfood #miniaturefood #miniature #本当に食べられるミニチュア料理 #キャロットケーキ #人参ケーキ #CAKE #mini CAKE #CARROT CAKE
A post shared by Bistro Miniature (@bistro_miniature) on Apr 12,2017 at 4: 18pm PDT
But Hasada sees big things in her future, she told Barcroft, such as her own line of miniature cooking utensils.
A photo posted by 따뜻한 공간, 따뜻한 사람✨ (@adorable_han.ul) on Jan 26,2016 at 10: 28pm PST

© Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/yukiko_us_5919cb06e4b05dd15f09d1da?ir=WorldPost&utm_hp_ref=world
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Brutalne pobicie gimnazjalistki. Ustalenia po kontroli w szkole


Brutalne pobicie gimnazjalistki. Ustalenia po kontroli w szkole – Do pobicia gimnazjalistki w Gdańsku doszło poza terenem szkoły. Zarówno nastolatce jak i pozostałym uczniom zapewniono po incydencie wsparcie pedagogiczno-psychologiczne – to wstępne ustalenia kontroli przeprowadzonej w szkole przez
Do pobicia gimnazjalistki w Gdańsku doszło poza terenem szkoły. Zarówno nastolatce jak i pozostałym uczniom zapewniono po incydencie wsparcie pedagogiczno-psychologiczne – to wstępne ustalenia kontroli przeprowadzonej w szkole przez pomorskiego kuratora oświaty.
Sąd rodzinny zdecydował o umieszczeniu napastniczek w młodzieżowym ośrodku wychowawczym / Wojciech Stróżyk / Reporter
« Kontrola zakończyła się dzisiaj koło godziny 16. Zebraliśmy dokumenty, jak przebiegała procedura w tzw. sytuacji kryzysowej, bo tak to należy nazwać. Będziemy je teraz analizować. Z wstępnych ustaleń wynika, że do zdarzenia doszło poza terenem szkoły, ale w bliskim jej sąsiedztwie. Sprawdzamy, czy był tam monitoring. Dyrekcję o pobiciu poinformował anonimowo i telefonicznie świadek » – powiedziała pomorska kurator dr Monika Kończyk.
Jak dodała, w obu szkołach – i w tej, w której uczy się pobita dziewczyna, jak i w tej, do której uczęszczają napastniczki, wprowadzono dyżury pedagogów i psychologów dla uczniów i rodziców. Przygotowano też zajęcia z zakresu empatii i relacji międzyuczniowskich.
« Chcemy też zaapelować, żeby agresja nie rodziła kolejnej agresji. Już docierają do nas sygnały nawet od młodzieży, że pojawiła się w internecie fala hejtu. Dlatego apelujemy: stop agresji, przejawom agresji. Szanujmy godność każdej osoby » – podkreśliła.
Do pobicia gimnazjalistki przez inne uczennice doszło w czwartek. Policja otrzymała zgłoszenie o bójce przed szkołą na gdańskim Chełmie. Policjanci znaleźli tam pobitą 14-letnią dziewczynę. Pogotowie przewiozło ją do szpitala. Nastolatka doznała obrażeń, które nie zagrażały jej życiu. Dzień po zdarzeniu jedna z uczennic na portalu społecznościowym umieściła film, na którym widać, jak grupa dziewcząt bije, ciągnie za włosy i kopie po głowie siedzącą na chodniku dziewczynę
W poniedziałek sąd rodzinny zdecydował o umieszczeniu dwóch nieletnich podejrzanych w młodzieżowym ośrodku wychowawczym. Trafiły tam na czas trwania sprawy przed sądem. W odniesieniu do trzeciej nieletniej sąd zastosował dozór kuratora.
Prokuratura Rejonowa Gdańsk-Śródmieście wszczęła również śledztwo w sprawie niedopełnienia obowiązków przez pracowników szkoły w związku z pobiciem uczennicy. Postępowanie to ma na celu wyjaśnienie, czy w związku ze zdarzeniem ktoś z funkcjonariuszy publicznych, jakimi są m.in. pracownicy szkoły, nie dopełnił obowiązków. Sprawa będzie badana pod kątem ewentualnego braku właściwej opieki czy też braku zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa.

© Source: http://fakty.interia.pl/pomorskie/news-brutalne-pobicie-gimnazjalistki-ustalenia-po-kontroli-w-szko,nId,2394092
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Trump to Light White House Blue to Honor Police


Signed proclamation Monday declaring “Peace Officer Memorial Day” Signed proclamation Monday declaring “Peace Officer Memorial Day.”
President Trump announced Monday that he’ ll light the White House blue to honor police officers for Monday’s Peace Officer Memorial Day.
The president signed a proclamation Monday declaring the day “Peace Officer Memorial Day” and the upcoming week “Police Week.” At the signing ceremony, Trump said that he would also request that American flags fly at half-mast to memorialize fallen officers, according to a pool report.
“During Peace Officers Memorial Day and Police Week, we honor the men and women of law enforcement who have been killed or disabled in the course of serving our communities. Police officers are the thin blue line whose sacrifices protect and serve us every day, and we pledge to support them as they risk their lives to safeguard ours, ” Trump said in the text of the proclamation.
The document goes on to note that out of the 118 officers who died on duty last year, 66 were “victims of malicious attacks.” That represents an increase of almost 40 percent from the previous year, according to the administration.
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© Source: https://www.infowars.com/trump-to-light-white-house-blue-to-honor-police/
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Trump to Light White House Blue to Honor Police


Signed proclamation Monday declaring “Peace Officer Memorial Day” Signed proclamation Monday declaring “Peace Officer Memorial Day.”
President Trump announced Monday that he’ ll light the White House blue to honor police officers for Monday’s Peace Officer Memorial Day.
The president signed a proclamation Monday declaring the day “Peace Officer Memorial Day” and the upcoming week “Police Week.” At the signing ceremony, Trump said that he would also request that American flags fly at half-mast to memorialize fallen officers, according to a pool report.
“During Peace Officers Memorial Day and Police Week, we honor the men and women of law enforcement who have been killed or disabled in the course of serving our communities. Police officers are the thin blue line whose sacrifices protect and serve us every day, and we pledge to support them as they risk their lives to safeguard ours, ” Trump said in the text of the proclamation.
The document goes on to note that out of the 118 officers who died on duty last year, 66 were “victims of malicious attacks.” That represents an increase of almost 40 percent from the previous year, according to the administration.
Read more

© Source: https://www.infowars.com/trump-to-light-white-house-blue-to-honor-police/
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Регламентный комитет Рады передал в сессионный зал проект постановления о лишении мандата Артеменко


Регламентный комитет Верховной Рады выполнил « техническую миссию » относительно возможного лишения мандата…
Регламентный комитет Верховной Рады выполнил « техническую миссию » относительно возможного лишения мандата внефракционного народного депутата Андрея Артеменко, сообщил заместитель председателя указанного комитета Владимир Арешонков.
Комитет по вопросам регламента Верховной Рады утвердил проект постановления о досрочном прекращении полномочий внефракционного народного депутата Андрея Артеменко и рекомендовал парламентариям рассмотреть его в сессионном зале. Об этом заместитель председателя указанного комитета, нардеп от Блока Петра Порошенко Владимир Арешонков сообщил в комментарии телеканалу « 112 Украина ». Он отметил, что на заседании комитета отсутствовал Артеменко и его представители. « Он сообщил, что будут присутствовать его представители, его адвокаты, должно было быть двое людей, никто не пришел. Данный вопрос рассматривался в отсутствие представителей народного депутата. Особенно вопросов у нас не было, потому что есть действующий указ президента. Комитет должен был выполнить чисто техническую миссию », – добавил Арешонков.
Чтобы лишить Артеменко мандата нардепа, решение должно набрать от 226 голосов в парламенте.
27 февраля Артеменко заявил, что у него есть гражданство Канады « и не только ». Он отметил, что является автором законопроекта о легализации двойного гражданства.
30 апреля лидер Радикальной партии Олег Ляшко сообщил, что президент Петр Порошенко подписал указ о прекращении украинского гражданства Артеменко в связи с добровольным приобретением им в 2005 году гражданства Канады.
4 мая данный указ Порошенко опубликовал депутат от Радикальной партии Дмитрий Линько .
5 мая Государственная миграционная служба Украины подтвердила информацию о прекращении гражданства Артеменко .
11 мая стало известно, что Артеменко обратился в Высший административный суд с требованием признать незаконным и отменить указ президента Порошенко о прекращении его украинского гражданства.
15 мая Артеменко заявил, что президент « заблокировал ему въезд в Украину » .

© Source: http://gordonua.com/news/politics/-reglamentnyy-komitet-rady-peredal-v-sessionnyy-zal-proekt-postanovleniya-o-lishenii-mandata-artemenko-188295.html
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同級生殺害 逮捕の少年 事前に「火のつけ方」など検索


都立高校3年生の 18歳の 少年が交際相手の 少女の 自宅に火をつけるなどして殺害した疑いで逮捕された事件で少年は、 事前に「火の つけ方」 などをインタ…
都立高校3年生の18歳の少年が交際相手の少女の自宅に火をつけるなどして殺害した疑いで逮捕された事件で少年は、事前に「火のつけ方」などをインターネットで検索していたことが新たにわかりました。一方で、2人の間の明確なトラブルはわかっていないほか、殺害方法についての少年の供述が変遷しているということで、警視庁は当時の状況をさらに詳しく調べる方針です。 東京・墨田区に住む都立高校3年生の18歳の少年は今月3日から4日にかけて高校の同級生で交際相手の佐藤麻衣さん(17)を台東区内にある麻衣さんの自宅マンションの部屋に火をつけるなどして殺害したとして殺人の疑いで逮捕され、15日午前、検察庁に身柄が送られました。 警視庁によりますと少年は、調べに対して「手で少女の首を絞めて火をつけた」と供述しているということですが、押収した携帯電話の解析などから事件の数日前に「火のつけ方」などをインターネットで検索していたことが新たにわかりました。 一方で、2人の間の、明確なトラブルはわかっていないほか殺害方法についての少年の供述が変遷しているということで、警視庁は当時の状況をさらに詳しく調べ事件の全容解明を進める方針です。

© Source: http://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20170515/k10010982351000.html
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