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東芝 (6502. T) の 綱川智社長は15日の 記者会見で、 メモリー事業の 合弁相手である米ウエスタン・ デジタル(WD) (WDC. O) がメモリー事業の 売却に待ったをかけていることについて「WDが
[東京 15日 ロイター] – 東芝 (6502. T) の綱川智社長は15日の記者会見で、メモリー事業の合弁相手である米ウエスタン・デジタル(WD) (WDC. O) がメモリー事業の売却に待ったをかけていることについて「WDが(売却)プロセスを差し止める根拠はない」と述べ、これまで通り売却手続きを進めていく考えを示した。 WDは14日(日本時間15日朝)、東芝のメモリー事業売却は合弁契約に反しているとして、国際仲裁裁判所に売却の差し止めを求める仲裁を申し立てたと発表した。 WDの主張に対して綱川社長は「合弁契約に抵触するような事実はない」と反論。「入札の候補者には東芝の主張の正当性を説明し、懸念を払拭(ふっしょく)していくように努力する」と語った。 だが、仲裁判断の内容によっては、メモリー事業の売却が難しくなり、再建計画が見直しを迫られる可能性もある。 <異例の暫定数値公表> 東芝は同日、2017年3月期連結業績見通しを発表した。監査手続きが完了していないため、期末から45日以内に公表するよう要請されている「決算短信」ではなく、暫定数値を見通しとして公表する異例の事態となった。 綱川社長は「決算発表ができないことについて深くお詫びする」と謝罪。6月末が提出期限の有価証券報告書については「法定期限までに提出できるように監査人と協力して最善を尽くす」と語った。 2017年3月期の最終損益は9500億円の赤字を見込んでいる。米連邦破産法11条の適用を申請した米原子力子会社ウエスチングハウス関連の損失が重くのしかかる。 WDは14日(日本時間15日朝)、東芝のメモリー事業売却は合弁契約に反しているとして、国際仲裁裁判所に売却の差し止めを求める仲裁を申し立てたと発表した。 WDの主張に対して綱川社長は「合弁契約に抵触するような事実はない」と反論。「入札の候補者には東芝の主張の正当性を説明し、懸念を払拭(ふっしょく)していくように努力する」と語った。 だが、仲裁判断の内容によっては、メモリー事業の売却が難しくなり、再建計画が見直しを迫られる可能性もある。 <異例の暫定数値公表> 東芝は同日、2017年3月期連結業績見通しを発表した。監査手続きが完了していないため、期末から45日以内に公表するよう要請されている「決算短信」ではなく、暫定数値を見通しとして公表する異例の事態となった。 綱川社長は「決算発表ができないことについて深くお詫びする」と謝罪。6月末が提出期限の有価証券報告書については「法定期限までに提出できるように監査人と協力して最善を尽くす」と語った。 2017年3月期の最終損益は9500億円の赤字を見込んでいる。米連邦破産法11条の適用を申請した米原子力子会社ウエスチングハウス関連の損失が重くのしかかる。

© Source: http://jp.reuters.com/article/toshiba-wd-idJPKCN18B0MA
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'Will & Grace' stars sing and dance in revival trailer


Eric McCormack and Debra Messing promise a « bigger and brighter » show in a musical-inspired promo for NBC’s « Will & Grace » revival.
May 15 (UPI) — Will & Grace stars sing and dance in a first official trailer for the sitcom’s revival.
The musical-inspired promo sees Eric McCormack and Debra Messing promise a « bigger and brighter » show as their respective characters, Will Truman and Grace Adler. Megan Mullally and Sean Hayes also appear as Karen Walker and Jack McFarland.
« Did somebody say encore?! #WillAndGrace is back this fall on @NBC,  » the series wrote on its official Twitter account. « We’re back and ready to knock your socks off, honey! »
Will & Grace initially had an eight-season run on NBC from 1998 to 2006, and will return for a ninth season in the fall. Series creators Max Mutchnick and David Kohan will serve as showrunners, with James Burrows as director and co-executive producer.
« We’re thrilled that one of the smartest, funniest and most defining comedies in NBC history is coming back,  » NBC Entertainment chairman Robert Greenblatt said in January. « This groundbreaking series for everything from gay rights to social and political commentary — all disguised as a high-speed train of witty pop culture — is coming back where it belongs. »
Will & Grace focuses on the relationship between Will, a gay lawyer, and his best friend Grace, a straight interior designer. The show’s stars previously reunited in September for a 10-minute scene about the presidential election.

© Source: http://www.upi.com/Entertainment_News/TV/2017/05/15/Will-Grace-stars-sing-and-dance-in-revival-trailer/8781494869838/
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Giertych znalazł już własną wersję ws. wezwania Tuska: "To próba przykrycia klęski ws. katastrofy smoleńskiej"


« Gdyby ktoś poważnie potraktował doniesienia o bombie termobarycznej, to dziś prokuratura (…) zajmowałaby się szukaniem morderców ».
Próba przykrycia klęski ustaleń komisji smoleńskiej to zdaniem mecenasa Romana Giertycha główny powód kolejnego wezwania Donalda Tuska na przesłuchanie w śledztwie smoleńskim.
Mamy do czynienia z klęską pana Macierewicza i pana Berczyńskiego – którzy ogłosili miesiąc temu bardzo szokujące ustalenia: że bomba termobaryczna miała doprowadzić do katastrofy smoleńskiej. Tymczasem miesiąc później Jarosław Kaczyński już bez obecności Antoniego Macierewicza – mówi, że nadal musimy zmierzać ku prawdzie. To oznacza przekreślenie całego dorobku tej komisji. I teraz trzeba to jakoś ukryć, przykryć… w taki sposób spróbować, by nie wyszła tak ordynarna klęska jaka jest.
– stwierdził pełnomocnik byłego premiera.
Gdyby ktoś poważnie potraktował doniesienia o bombie termobarycznej, to dziś prokuratura zajmowałaby się nie trzecio-, czwartorzędną kwestią, tylko zajmowałaby się szukaniem morderców, bo jeśli była bomba, to musi być ktoś, kto tę bombę tam włożył. Moim zdaniem to jest gra przykrywającą i oznacza upadek kłamstwa smoleńskiego
– oznajmił.
Jego zdaniem nie można wykluczyć, że były premier będzie wzywany „seryjnie” na kolejne przesłuchania.
Nie można było wyciągnąć wniosku czy to chodzi o zdradę dyplomatyczną, czy inne kwestie. Z komunikatu prokuratury, który został wydany kilkanaście minut temu wiemy, że chodzi o identyfikację zwłok i inne sprawy. To być może będzie seryjna próba utrudniania pracy przewodniczącemu RE …
– powiedział.
Uchylił się natomiast od odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy doradzałby zorganizowanie kolejnej demonstracji poparcia – przy kolejnym przyjeździe do Polski.
Nie jestem doradcą pijarowym pana przewodniczącego…
– zapewnił Giertych.
Adwokat skomentował też głośne wystąpienie profesora Lecha Morawskiego w Oxfordzie. Jego zdaniem nie jest to wypowiedź przedstawiciela TK, gdyż nie został on prawidłowo wybrany.
Odnosząc się do samej wypowiedzi – stwierdził natomiast:
Kwestia, że nie ściga się w Polsce homoseksualistów przypomina film sprzed lat, gdzie dziecko podeszło do Stalina, a ten je kopnął. A wtedy pojawił się napis: ” A mógł zabić…”
– dworował sobie Giertych. Dodał też:
Pan sędzia był łaskaw powiedzieć, że istnieje korupcja w TK, co zbliża się do zarzutu lżenia TK – ja bym na miejscu sędzi Przyłębskiej – zawiadomił prokuraturę
Zdaniem Giertycha prokuratura powinna też z urzędu zająć się sprawą przetargu na caracale.
Mieliśmy do czynienia z sytuacją, że osoba, która pracowała dla Boeinga storpedowała przetarg największemu jego konkurentowi
– powiedział.
Oceniając z kolei pomysł referendum konstytucyjnego ogłoszony przez prezydenta – zauważył, że nie ma potrzeby dopisywania do niego sprawy wejścia do strefy euro.
Słowa o polskim pieniądzu są wpisane w Konstytucję. Pan prezydent nie musi się o to martwić. Bez zmiany Konstytucji nie możemy wejść do strefy euro.
Jego zdaniem pomysł przeprowadzenia referendum to:
próba uzyskania przewagi w wyborach samorządowych, zmobilizowanie elektoratu, żeby poparł PiS
Pan prezydent proponuje referendum za 18 miesięcy. To era w polityce. Nie wiadomo, co będzie za 3 miesiące. To niepoważne…
—ocenił mecenas Tuska.
Jak na „nie-doradcę” od pijaru, pełnomocnik byłego premiera ma zaskakująco dużo do powiedzenia w kwestiach politycznych. A co do manifestacji…- wszyscy jeszcze pamiętamy podskoki mecenasa na jednym z marszów KOD. Ta dzisiejsza powściągliwość doprawdy – nie wygląda dziś zbyt wiarygodnie…
ansa/ TVN 24

© Source: http://wpolityce.pl/polityka/339860-giertych-znalazl-juz-wlasna-wersje-ws-wezwania-tuska-to-proba-przykrycia-kleski-ws-katastrofy-smolenskiej?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+wPolitycepl+%28wPolityce.pl+-+Najnowsze%29&utm_content=FeedBurner
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Judge hearing Muslim ban case likens Trump’s ban to Japanese internment


There are a handful of old Supreme Court cases —the pro-slavery Dred Scott case, the pro-segregation decision in Plessy v. Fergusson, the anti-worker decision in Lochner v. New York — which are…
There are a handful of old Supreme Court cases —the pro-slavery Dred Scott case, the pro-segregation decision in Plessy v. Fergusson, the anti-worker decision in Lochner v. New York  —  which are considered so odious that no lawyer should ever cite them except to compare their opponent’s argument to the discredited reasoning in that case. Korematsu v. United States, which upheld the World War II era decision to round up Japanese-Americans and put them in camps, is one of those decisions.
So when a federal appellate judge compared the Trump administration’s defense of its Muslim ban to Korematsu on Monday, that was a pretty good sign that the ban is in trouble.
Korematsu reared its head in response to Acting Solicitor General Jeffrey Wall’s argument that courts cannot dig into Trump’s true motives for issuing the Muslim ban — or at least, that they can’ t dig into Trump’s many statements as a political candidate — and must largely accept as fact that Trump implemented the ban for the non-discriminatory, national security reasons stated in the order.
As a candidate, Trump repeatedly promised to ban Muslims from entering the United States if elected president. He later suggested that he would frame the ban as a prohibition on people from Muslim-majority nations entering the country, rather than as a direct ban on Muslims, to avoid the legal issues that arise from a direct ban. “People were so upset when I used the word ‘Muslim,’ ” Trump said, so he shifted his rhetoric to talk about “territory instead of Muslim.”
Initially, Trump fulfilled this campaign promise by issuing a broad order banning travel by nationals of seven Muslim-majority nations, although he later watered down the original order and reduced the number of impacted nations to six after his first order ran into trouble in the courts .
The new order, at least on its face, claims to be an attempt to advance national security and not an actual Muslim ban. According to Wall, the courts have very little authority to look past the order’s explicit language to examine whether Trump really had a more nefarious motive when he signed his executive orders — even if Trump repeatedly bragged about that motive.
Wall bases this claim on the Supreme Court’s decision in Kleindienst v. Mandel, which held that, when a foreign national is excluded from this country “on the basis of a facially legitimate and bona fide reason, the courts will neither look behind the exercise of that discretion, nor test it by balancing its justification against the First Amendment interests of those who seek personal communication with the applicant.”
One of the major problems with this argument, however, is that the Court effectively limited Mandel in a 2015 case called Kerry v. Din. Though there was no majority opinion in Din, the Court’s all-important swing vote, Justice Anthony Kennedy, wrote that courts may look into an executive branch official’s true motives when there is “an affirmative showing of bad faith” on the part of that official.
On Monday, Korematsu came up after Judge Richard Paez, a Clinton appointee, noted that the Trump administration’s interpretation of Mandel and Din would have also shielded the executive order providing for Japanese internment .
At the time of this order, the Justice Department admitted more than half-a-century later, the government knew that only “a small percentage of Japanese Americans posed a potential security threat, and that the most dangerous were already known or in custody.” This was after a federal court determined that there was “substantial support in the record that the government deliberately omitted relevant information and provided misleading information in papers before the court.”
The government, in other words, acted in bad faith. It claimed to have a valid national security reason for detaining thousands of innocent people of Japanese descent. But it knew better. And it outright misled the courts.
The similarities between this history and Trump’s justifications for his Muslim ban were not lost on Judge Paez . “Would the Korematsu executive order pass muster under your test today?” Paez asked, while citing arguments raised in an amicus brief filed by the Fred T. Korematsu Center for Law and Equality. “There was no reference to Japanese in that executive order, and look what happened.”
In response, Wall plead ignorance — “I’ m not familiar with all the ins and outs of that executive order.”

© Source: https://thinkprogress.org/trump-korematsu-385265d02357?source=rss—-e5293acf313e—4
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South Korea’s ‘dreamy’ presidential bodyguard sends internet into a frenzy (PHOTOS)


South Korea’s new head of state may be turning heads online – but, unfortunately for President Moon Jae-in, it is the dreamy bodyguard at his side who is really the focus of drooling netizens.
Sworn into office on May 10, President Jae-in’s administration has been dubbed the ‘Reign of Beauty’ given the nature of some of his Cabinet picks. His government has also been hailed as the ‘handsome brigade’ on social media with bodyguard Choi Young-jae, in particular, stealing the limelight.
Twitter user Elena Yip tweeted several ‘smouldering’ photos of Young-jae which quickly gained 25,000 retweets as well as lots of excited interaction.
The Korea Times reports that the dashing bodyguard’s photos had more than 30,000 views on Daum, a South Korean web portal. The publication also reached out to the president’s campaign office to find out about his relationship status.
Fawning fans of the former officer with Special Warfare Command are bound to be disappointed, however. He is married with two daughters.

© Source: https://www.rt.com/viral/388470-south-korea-president-bodyguard/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=RSS
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Former Paramount Pictures CEO Brad Grey dies at 59


Grey was at the studio helm for the release of the top-grossing film in the studio’s history, « Transformers: Dark of the Moon,  » filmed in Chicago.
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Brad Grey, an influential Hollywood leader who served as the chairman and CEO of Paramount Pictures for 12 years, has died.
A family spokeswoman said Monday that Grey, who was battling cancer, died Sunday at his home in Los Angeles. He was 59.
Before exiting Paramount in February, Grey oversaw franchises like “Star Trek, ” ”Transformers” and “Mission: Impossible, ” prestige properties like “There Will Be Blood, ” ”No Country for Old Men, ” ”Up in the Air, ” ”The Big Short, ” ”The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” and “Babel, ” and multiple films from Martin Scorsese including “The Wolf of Wall Street, ” ”Shutter Island” and “Hugo.”
Grey also produced Scorsese’s “The Departed, ” which won Best Picture in 2007.
During his storied career in the entertainment business, Grey founded the management and production company Brillstein-Grey Entertainment with the late Bernie Brillstein, co-founded the production company Plan B Entertainment with Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston, and produced multiple Emmy Award-winning television shows, including “The Sopranos, ” ”Real Time with Bill Maher” and “The Larry Sanders Show.”
His Hollywood peers and colleagues offered their remembrances on Monday.
Director Ava DuVernay, who worked with Grey on “Selma, ” wrote on Twitter that she had dinner with him prior to the film’s release.
“Fab stories. Good laughs. And shrewd advice that I still use, ” DuVernay wrote. “May his soul be at rest.”
“G. I. Joe: Retaliation” director John Chu called Grey, “A really good man. Kind & classy and a helluva boss.”
“Oh man the world has lost a gentleman, ” Chu wrote on Twitter.
Current Paramount Pictures CEO Jim Gianopulos also released a statement Monday.
“All of us at Paramount are deeply saddened by the news of Brad Grey’s passing, ” Gianopulos said. “I was proud to call Brad a friend, and one I greatly admired. He will be missed by us all, and left his mark on our industry and in our hearts.”
Viacom President and CEO Bob Bakish said he was, “An extraordinary talent with a passion and gift for storytelling that won’ t be forgotten.”
Sumner and Shari Redstone, in a joint statement noted how Grey’s “tremendous kindness and talent inspired so many of us in the entertainment industry.”
“As a producer and industry leader, Brad brought great storytelling to audiences around the world, ” added MPAA Chairman and CEO Chris Dodd in a statement. “His contributions to the creative community will be enjoyed for years to come.”
“Transformers: Dark of the Moon” was filmed, in part, in Chicago. | PARAMOUNT PICTURES
Among his achievements at Paramount, Grey was at the helm for the release of the top-grossing film in the studio’s history, “Transformers: Dark of the Moon” (part of which was filmed in Chicago) , led the acquisition of DreamWorks SKG, and shepherded the distribution agreement with Marvel, releasing “Iron Man, “Iron Man 2, ” ”Thor” and “Captain America” before The Walt Disney Company acquired Marvel Studios in 2009.
Recently, however, the studio had struggled with underwhelming box office receipts for films including “Zoolander 2” and “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows, ” and counted losses of nearly $450 million last year, leading to his exit in February.
Born in New York in 1957, Grey started out in the entertainment business as an assistant to Harvey Weinstein, who was then a concert promoter. His first client was comedian Bob Saget, and his partnership with comics, including the late Garry Shandling, helped make his name in the business.
Grey is survived by his wife, Cassandra Grey, their son, Jules, three children from a previous marriage, Sam, Max and Emily, his mother Barbara Schumsky, his brother, Michael Grey, and his sister Robin Grey.
The family asks that, in lieu of flowers, donations be made to the Lawrence J. Ellison Institute for Transformative Medicine of USC.

© Source: http://chicago.suntimes.com/entertainment/former-paramount-pictures-ceo-brad-grey-dies-at-59/
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U. S. accuses Syria of mass executions


The U. S. also stepped up criticism of Iran and Russia for supporting the Syrian government
Washington — The Trump administration accused the Syrian government Monday of carrying out mass killings of thousands of prisoners and burning the bodies in a large crematorium outside the capital. It also stepped up criticism of Iran and Russia for supporting the Syrian government.
The allegation came as President Donald Trump is weighing options in Syria, where the U. S. attacked a government air base last month in response to an alleged chemical weapons attack on civilians.
But Trump hasn’ t outlined a larger strategy for ending the Arab country’s civil war or ushering Syrian President Bashar Assad out of power. These questions were sure to arise in his meeting at the White House with the United Arab Emirates’ crown prince Monday, a day before Turkey’s president arrives.
The State Department said it believed that about 50 detainees a day are being hanged at Saydnaya military prison, about 45 minutes north of Damascus. Many of the bodies, it said, are then burned in the crematorium.
“We believe that the building of a crematorium is an effort to cover up the extent of mass murders taking place, ” said Stuart Jones, the top U. S. diplomat for the Middle East, in accusing the Syrian government of sinking “to a new level of depravity.”
The department released commercial satellite photographs showing what it described as a building in the prison complex that was modified to support the crematorium. The photographs, taken over the course of several years, beginning in 2013, do not definitely prove the building is a crematorium, but they show construction consistent with such use.
In presenting the photographs, Jones called on Russia and Iran to press Assad’s government to establish a credible cease-fire with Syrian rebel groups and begin negotiations on a political settlement.
“We are appalled by the atrocities that have been carried out by the Syrian regime and these atrocities have been carried out seemingly with the unconditional support from Russia and Iran, ” Jones said.
State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert said Secretary of State Rex Tillerson had been “firm and clear” in a meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov last week that “Russia holds tremendous influence over Bashar al-Assad.”
A main point of that meeting “was telling Russia to use its power to rein in the regime, ” she said. “Simply put, the killing, the devastation has gone on for far too long in Syria.”
The war has killed as many as 400,000 people since 2011. It has contributed to Europe’s worst refugee crisis since World War II and enabled the Islamic State group to emerge as a global terrorism threat.
Trump travels to the Middle East later this week on his first official foreign trip.

© Source: http://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/world/2017/05/15/united-states-mideast/101714800/
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Who's to blame for ransomware outbreak?


Questions are swirling over who is responsible for the security flaws exploited by hackers in the world’s biggest ransomware attack to date, which crippled thousands of businesses and public organizations around the world.
Questions are swirling over who is responsible for the security flaws exploited by hackers in the world’s biggest ransomware attack to date, which crippled thousands of businesses and public organizations around the world. Here are some answers:
– Who bears the blame? –
Because hackers exploited a security hole in some Windows versions discovered by the National Security Agency, Microsoft says the intelligence agency bears some responsibility.
« This attack provides yet another example of why the stockpiling of vulnerabilities by governments is such a problem,  » Microsoft president and general counsel Brad Smith said in a weekend blog post.
Steven Weber, faculty director at the Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity at the University of California, said « the fault is pretty distributed — there are plenty of people to blame. »
Weber said the NSA’s primary mission is intelligence: « If I were sitting at the NSA I would push that argument right back to Microsoft,  » he argued. « They would say, ‘It’s our job to stockpile those weapons and use them against our adversaries.' »
Other factors were the large number of old, outdated software programs in use and often ineffective security systems.
Cornell University computer scientist Stephen Wicker blamed « profound ethical lapses » both on the part of the US government and the computing public.
The flaws « were known to the NSA and CIA, but were kept secret by those organizations to be exploited for their own data collection purposes,  » Wicker said.
But he added that a large number of businesses and other users failed to install a patch issued by Microsoft in March.
« This ‘free-rider’ problem — some manufacturers and users choosing to enjoy the benefits of the internet without taking the time and effort to maintain secure computing systems — is also unethical, and is a problem that will get much worse as the Internet of Things (IoT) continues to grow,  » Wicker said.
– How did hackers get this tool? –
Microsoft effectively confirmed what many analysts have stated, that the ransomware known as « WannaCry » was designed to exploit NSA software that was leaked earlier this year by a group calling itself Shadow Brokers.
President Vladimir Putin has said Russia — which has been accused of cyber meddling in several countries — had nothing to do with the massive cyberattack, and criticized the US intelligence community for creating the original software.
But Bruce Schneier, chief technology officer for IBM Resilient Systems, has suggested that a state-sponsored actor, most likely Russia, was probably responsible for the initial hack of the NSA.
« Whoever got this information years before and is leaking it now has to be capable of hacking the NSA and/or the CIA, and willing to publish it all,  » Schneier said in a recent blog post.
« The list of countries who fit both criteria is small: Russia, China, and… and I’m out of ideas. »
James Lewis, a cybersecurity specialist with the Center for Strategic and International Studies, said he believes the exposure of the flaw likely « leads back to Moscow » — but that the hackers who designed the malware are probably not Russian.
« One of the rules in Russia is that Russian criminals are not allowed to hack Russian targets,  » Lewis said. « This does not fit the pattern of Russian-sponsored activity. »
« The cybercrime market is really innovative,  » he added, « and they are quick to take advantage of vulnerabilities. »
– What about computer security at large? –
The attacks came a day after US President Donald Trump signed an executive order calling for improved cybersecurity in the federal government and better cooperation with the private sector.
But few see this or any single initiative as a silver bullet.
Weber said the attacks show the risks of an overreliance on computerized systems that are not fully secure.
« We have built an increasingly digital society on a very insecure foundation and we are starting to see the consequences of that,  » he said.
Weber warned there is no single entity capable of fixing this problem in the near future, since security depends on so many factors.
« If you want to look for an upside, it would be this would be a wakeup call,  » to improve computer security, he said.
At the same time, Weber noted that the attack could prompt more people to shun digital technology and turn back to analog systems that can’t be hacked.
Weber said there are already some signs that the public is losing confidence in the digital world as a result of security problems.
« For Silicon Valley and technology companies, their future depends on these underlying systems working,  » he said.

© Source: http://www.digitaljournal.com/news/world/who-s-to-blame-for-ransomware-outbreak/article/492667
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Who are 3 judges who heard arguments on Trump travel ban?


Three judges appointed by President Bill Clinton heard the appeal Monday of Hawaii’s challenge to President Trump’s travel ban targeting six predominantly Muslim countries.
By PAUL ELIAS, Associated Press
SAN FRANCISCO — Three judges appointed by President Bill Clinton heard the appeal Monday of Hawaii’s challenge to President Trump’s travel ban targeting six predominantly Muslim countries.
The San Francisco-based 9th U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals heard arguments in its Seattle courthouse.
The 4th U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Virginia is considering a similar ruling.
The U. S. Supreme Court could take up the issue if the appeals courts issue contradictory decisions.
The three 9th Circuit judges are:
Clinton, a Democrat, appointed Hawkins in 1994 after Hawkins served as Arizona’s top federal prosecutor from 1977 to 1980 and as a U. S. Marine Corps judge deciding court martials from 1973 to 1976.
Hawkins was in private practice for 14 years before Clinton appointed him.
In 2012. Hawkins joined Judge Stephen Reinhardt’s majority ruling striking down California’s gay marriage ban. It was the first federal appeals court ruling that determined gay marriage bans were unconstitutional. The U. S. Supreme Court, in another case, ruled similarly three years later.
Clinton appointed Gould in 1999. After clerking for U. S. Supreme Court Judge Potter Stewart from 1974 to 1975, Gould joined the prominent law firm Perkins Coie, where he remained until his appointment to the bench.
Gould listens to oral arguments electronically from his Seattle court because of multiple sclerosis.
In 2014, he wrote the majority decision that high schools must provide the same athletic amenities to girls as boys. The ruling expanded the U. S Department of Education’s so-called Title IX mandate to treat male and female college athletes the same.
Clinton elevated Paez to the appeals court from federal district court in Los Angeles in 1999. Clinton had appointed Paez to the district court five years earlier after Paez spent 13 years as a state judge in California.
Before he became a judge, Paez worked as a staff attorney for the Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles, Western Center on Law and Poverty and California Rural Legal Assistance.
He wrote the majority opinion in 2011 that Arizona lawmakers went too far when they enacted strict immigration regulations, including making it a state crime to lack immigration papers. The U. S. Supreme Court later ruled similarly.

© Source: http://www.wral.com/who-are-the-3-judges-hearing-arguments-on-trump-travel-ban-/16702218/
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ГСЧС начала работы по разбору завалов Коломыйского колледжа


В Ивано-Франковской области, где произошел обвал одного из корпусов экономико-правового колледжа, начаты работы по разборке завалов…
КИЕВ. 15 мая. УНН. В Ивано-Франковской области, где произошел обвал одного из корпусов экономико-правового колледжа, начаты работы по разборке завалов подразделениями ГСЧС, передает УНН со ссылкой на пресс-службу ГСЧС Ивано-Франковской области.
“В 15: 50 подразделениями ГСЧС начаты работы по разборке завалов. На месте происшествия работает 81 спасатель и 9 единиц техники ГСЧС и мобильно-оперативная группа Управления ГСЧС в Ивано-Франковской области под руководством начальника Управления Владимира Чернецкого, ” — сообщила пресс-служба.
Сообщается, что произошло разрушение фасадной стены на площади около 80 квадратных метров и перекрытия здания с четвертого по первый этажи учебного корпуса Коломыйского экономико-правового колледжа.
Отмечается, что на момент начала разрушения на первом этаже в помещении столовой находилось около 20 человек, администрацией заведения были выведены на улицу. По предварительной информации жертв и пострадавших нет.
Напомним, в Коломые обвалилась часть корпуса экономико-правового колледжа.

© Source: http://www.unn.com.ua/ru/news/1664520-dsns-rozpochali-robotu-z-rozbirannya-zavaliv-kolomiyskogo-koledzhu
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