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15日午前11時48分ごろ、 函館空港(北海道函館市)の 西約33キロで、 陸上自衛隊北部方面航空隊(札幌市)所属の 双発プロペラ機・ LR2(乗員4人、 全長14.22メートル)がレーダーから消えた。 同機は緊急搬送の 必要がある患者を収容するため、 函館空港に向け飛行中で、 防衛省は墜落した可能性があるとみて、 警察や消防などと周辺を捜索している。

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US accuses Syria of burning bodies in crematorium to hide evidence of mass killings


The Trump administration accused Syria’s government on Monday of hanging hundreds of political opponents and other prisoners and burning their bodies at a military prison near Damascus, part of what the State Department called an egregious pattern…
The Trump administration accused Syria’s government on Monday of hanging hundreds of political opponents and other prisoners and burning their bodies at a military prison near Damascus, part of what the State Department called an egregious pattern of atrocities by Syrian President Bashar Assad. The State Department said the Syrian authorities may be using a large crematorium at the prison to destroy evidence of mass killings that could be used in any future war crimes prosecution. Stuart Jones, acting assistant secretary of state for Near Eastern affairs, told reporters that about 50 detainees are being hanged each day at the Saydnaya military prison, about 20 miles from Damascus, and that newly declassified satellite photos appear to show a building modified to house a crematorium. Cremating the bodies represents “an effort to cover up the extent of the mass murders, ” Jones said. The Syrian government, supported by Russia and Iran, has “sunk to a new level of depravity, ” Jones said. An estimated 5,000 to 13,000 prisoners were killed at the prison from March 2011, when the country’s multisided civil war began, to December 2015, according to a report issued in February by Amnesty International, the human rights organisation. Once or twice a week, the Syrian government would “quietly slaughter” up to 50 prisoners at a time in mass hangings at the prison. It said the bodies were buried in mass graves in secret locations outside the capital. Nicolette Waldman, who wrote the 48-page report after a yearlong investigation, said the number of people killed may be much higher. More than 400,000 people have been killed and millions displaced in the Syrian war, according to United Nations estimates. “The last testimony for this report was in December 2015, but there is no reason to think the executions have stopped” at the prison, Waldman said in a phone interview in February.

© Source: http://www.scmp.com/news/world/middle-east/article/2094465/us-accuses-syria-burning-bodies-crematorium-hide-evidence
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White House to Light Up Blue In Honor of Fallen Police Officers


President Donald Trump on Monday vowed to have the White House lit up with blue light to honor police officers who have died in the line of duty.
The White House is lit in a blue light to honor the men and women of law enforcement.
President Donald Trump issued a proclamation that May 15,2017 be “Police Officers Memorial Day” and the official start of National Police Week .
Trump spoke glowingly of the duty that law enforcement officers perform on a daily basis. In a statement, he said that he called on Americans to observe “Peace Officers Memorial Day.”
Trump said he requested all American flags to fly at half-mast to memorialize officers who died in the line of duty Monday.
There were 394 police officers across the nation who died while on duty last year, with Trump noting in his statment that 66 of those were “victims of malicious attacks.” The administration said it’s an increase of 40 percent from 2015.
Earlier in the day Monday, Trump gave an address at the 36th Annual National Peace Officers Memorial Service on the steps of the Capitol.
During his speech, he accused politicians of failing to support law enforcement, saying that many officers continue to be subjected to “unfair defamation and vilification.”
Trump added that he would “make it a priority” for the federal government to devote resources to local law enforcement.
“You are the thin blue line between civilization and chaos, ” he said. “Because you don’ t hear it nearly enough, I want you to know that patriotic Americans of all backgrounds truly support and love our police. The very sad thing is that today many politicians don’ t want to say that, they don’ t want to talk about that, because it’s not politically correct, and they think it might hurt them with voters. I will say it, and I will talk about it proudly.”
Joshua Lee Webb allegedly stabbed an employee at a grocery store in Estacada, Oregon while holding what appeared to be the head of his mother, Tina.

© Source: http://heavy.com/news/2017/05/white-house-blue-light-why-is-it-donald-trump-police/
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White House to Light Up Blue In Honor of Fallen Police Officers


President Donald Trump on Monday vowed to have the White House lit up with blue light to honor police officers who have died in the line of duty.
The White House is lit in a blue light to honor the men and women of law enforcement.
President Donald Trump issued a proclamation that May 15,2017 be “Police Officers Memorial Day” and the official start of National Police Week .
Trump spoke glowingly of the duty that law enforcement officers perform on a daily basis. In a statement, he said that he called on Americans to observe “Peace Officers Memorial Day.”
Trump said he requested all American flags to fly at half-mast to memorialize officers who died in the line of duty Monday.
There were 394 police officers across the nation who died while on duty last year, with Trump noting in his statment that 66 of those were “victims of malicious attacks.” The administration said it’s an increase of 40 percent from 2015.
Earlier in the day Monday, Trump gave an address at the 36th Annual National Peace Officers Memorial Service on the steps of the Capitol.
During his speech, he accused politicians of failing to support law enforcement, saying that many officers continue to be subjected to “unfair defamation and vilification.”
Trump added that he would “make it a priority” for the federal government to devote resources to local law enforcement.
“You are the thin blue line between civilization and chaos, ” he said. “Because you don’ t hear it nearly enough, I want you to know that patriotic Americans of all backgrounds truly support and love our police. The very sad thing is that today many politicians don’ t want to say that, they don’ t want to talk about that, because it’s not politically correct, and they think it might hurt them with voters. I will say it, and I will talk about it proudly.”
Joshua Lee Webb allegedly stabbed an employee at a grocery store in Estacada, Oregon while holding what appeared to be the head of his mother, Tina.

© Source: http://heavy.com/news/2017/05/white-house-blue-light-why-is-it-donald-trump-police/
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White House to Light Up Blue In Honor of Fallen Police Officers


President Donald Trump on Monday vowed to have the White House lit up with blue light to honor police officers who have died in the line of duty.
The White House is lit in a blue light to honor the men and women of law enforcement.
President Donald Trump issued a proclamation that May 15,2017 be “Police Officers Memorial Day” and the official start of National Police Week .
Trump spoke glowingly of the duty that law enforcement officers perform on a daily basis. In a statement, he said that he called on Americans to observe “Peace Officers Memorial Day.”
Trump said he requested all American flags to fly at half-mast to memorialize officers who died in the line of duty Monday.
There were 394 police officers across the nation who died while on duty last year, with Trump noting in his statment that 66 of those were “victims of malicious attacks.” The administration said it’s an increase of 40 percent from 2015.
Earlier in the day Monday, Trump gave an address at the 36th Annual National Peace Officers Memorial Service on the steps of the Capitol.
During his speech, he accused politicians of failing to support law enforcement, saying that many officers continue to be subjected to “unfair defamation and vilification.”
Trump added that he would “make it a priority” for the federal government to devote resources to local law enforcement.
“You are the thin blue line between civilization and chaos, ” he said. “Because you don’ t hear it nearly enough, I want you to know that patriotic Americans of all backgrounds truly support and love our police. The very sad thing is that today many politicians don’ t want to say that, they don’ t want to talk about that, because it’s not politically correct, and they think it might hurt them with voters. I will say it, and I will talk about it proudly.”
Joshua Lee Webb allegedly stabbed an employee at a grocery store in Estacada, Oregon while holding what appeared to be the head of his mother, Tina.

© Source: http://heavy.com/news/2017/05/white-house-blue-light-why-is-it-donald-trump-police/
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Trump to nominate Newt Gingrich’s wife as ambassador to Vatican, sources say


President Donald Trump has apparently settled on nominating Callista Gingrich, the wife of former House speaker Newt Gingrich, as U. S. ambassador to Vatican
Less than two weeks before a potentially tense and diplomatically delicate meeting with Pope Francis at the Vatican, President Donald Trump has apparently settled on nominating Callista Gingrich, the wife of Newt Gingrich, the former House speaker, as U. S. ambassador to the Holy See, according to two people close to the president.
The White House did not respond to a request for comment, and the announcement is pending approval from the Office of Government Ethics, according to CNN, which first reported the news on Sunday.
Newt Gingrich, reached by phone Sunday evening, declined to confirm or deny that his wife would be nominated, saying only that he and his wife were told to “be very cautious” until an actual nomination was announced.
The idea of nominating Callista Gingrich first became public in January, and during the transition Trump half-jokingly said he was intrigued by the idea of picking Callista Gingrich because it could also get Newt Gingrich, with whom he has a hot-and-cold relationship, out of his hair, according to one of the people with knowledge of Trump’s remarks.
Over recent months, Callista Gingrich and her husband grew increasingly frustrated with the slow pace of the vetting process, and Callista Gingrich even threatened to take her name out of the running, according to one of the people.
Others who were considered include Rick Santorum, the former senator from Pennsylvania, who was an early favourite for the position but took his name out of the running because of the financial strain it would put on his family, according to one of the people with knowledge of the nomination process.
Callista Gingrich, a member of the choir at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, played a critical role in Newt Gingrich’s conversion to Catholicism. But she also played a role in breaking up his second marriage, according to Newt Gingrich’s ex-wife and former adviser, Marianne Gingrich. The couple divorced in 1999.
She told ABC News during Newt Gingrich’s run for president in 2012 that her husband had sought an open marriage so that he could keep seeing Callista Bisek, then a congressional aide. (Newt Gingrich denied the accusation at the time.)

© Source: http://news.nationalpost.com/news/world/trump-to-nominate-newt-gingrichs-wife-as-ambassador-to-vatican-sources-say
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How to protect yourself from ransomware and more new hack attacks


The massive ransomware attack that began in Europe on Friday has locked down thousands of computers in more than 150 countries, leveraging access to data — in hospitals, businesses and public utilities — for payment. The attack itself, experts said, was not a sophisticated assault…
The massive ransomware attack that began in Europe on Friday has locked down thousands of computers in more than 150 countries, leveraging access to data — in hospitals, businesses and public utilities — for payment.
The attack itself, experts said, was not a sophisticated assault, but rather a simple cybercrime that preys on vulnerabilities left open by individuals or institutions that did not install software fixes to known security holes or that were using outdated software, like Windows XP, for which Microsoft no longer provides technical support.
What makes the attack unique, cybersecurity providers said, was its scale.
The virus used in this attack infected as many computers as it did because it was made to spread across an entire network — in a hospital, for instance. All it took was one person clicking on a bad link or opening an attachment containing the virus.
Most ransomware attacks, like the one that struck Muni Metro late last year, strike individuals or organizations one at a time, said Carl Wright, general manager and vice president of worldwide sales at security firm TrapX.
Malware, or malicious software that hackers use to take control of or lock up people’s data, can be transmitted when people click on a link from an unknown source. Links containing malware can be sent via email — a tactic known as phishing — or buried in online advertisements that get delivered through websites consumers are more inclined to trust like the New York Times.
That means the onus tends to fall disproportionately on individual people and companies to keep their data safe — or else pay a ransom once a hacker has gained control.
Here are some tips to better protect yourself:
Verify all email
A common tactic used to infect computers with malware is also a simple one: emailing people a link or attachment that appears to come from a trusted source.
The easiest way to defend against this method of attack is to check with the person the email appears to be coming from — be it your bank, your boss or your parents — to make sure it’s really them. Call them or send a new email to a confirmed address to contact them; don’ t just hit reply or call a number listed in the email.
Back up data regularly
Maintaining an up-to-date back-up copy of your data — in the cloud or on an external hard drive — means anyone who locks you out of your data is out of luck. You won’ t need to pay a ransom, because you have an another copy of everything a cybercriminal may be threatening to destroy.
This is how Muni Metro dodged the $73,000 ransom hackers asked for during an attack on the system in November.
Experts recommend daily backups to ensure that in the event of such an attack, you would lose as little as possible. But if you’ re using an external hard drive, or another local storage device, be sure to unplug the device once backups are completed. If left plugged in, an attacker could infect both the main computer and your backup device.
Ssecurity updates
Operating systems are routinely updated with security patches to keep viruses out and close known holes in the system. Set your system to automatically update, if possible, Wright said, or make it a regular habit to check for updates.
With Internet-connected devices in your home like smart refrigerators or children’s toys, installing updates may be difficult or impossible. Nir Gaist, CEO of security firm Nyotron, recommends asking manufacturers and retailers about security before purchasing any so-called Internet of Things device to make sure the system can be patched to better fend off cyberattacks.
To pay or not to pay
Cybercriminals using ransomware to extort individuals and businesses collected more than $24 million last year from victims in the United States who reported such attacks, according to the FBI.
Continuing to pay these criminals off contributes to a cycle that makes such attacks profitable, and thereby encourages more attacks, law enforcement agencies often argue.
But not paying may result in the permanent loss of irreplaceable data.
“Everyone who advises you not to pay, they have a point because if everyone stopped paying the business model would not work and maybe it would finally stop this phenomenon, ” said Gaist said. “But it’s like vegetarian people — they can stop eating meat, but they’ re not going to prevent animals from being killed because so many other people are still eating meat. If you really care about your data, you should just pay the ransom if it’s reasonable.”

© Source: http://www.sfgate.com/business/article/How-to-protect-yourself-from-ransomware-and-more-11147891.php
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Clinton launches political action group


Hillary Clinton returned to the political stage on Monday with a new organization to « resist » Donald Trump, who defeated her in last year’s presidential…
Hillary Clinton returned to the political stage on Monday with a new organization to « resist » Donald Trump, who defeated her in last year’s presidential election.
« The last few months, I’ve been reflecting, spending time with my family — and yes, taking walks in the woods,  » said Clinton on her Twitter account.
« We’re launching Onwards Together to encourage people to get involved, organize, and even run for office. »
The new group’s website said it aimed to advance progressive values and reminded visitors that Clinton had won nearly 66 million votes in November’s showdown with Trump.
« In recent months, we’ve seen what’s possible when people come together to resist bullying, hate, falsehoods and divisiveness, and to stand up for a fairer, more inclusive America,  » the statement said.
« There’s no telling what we can achieve if we approach the fights ahead with the passion and determination we feel today, and bring that energy into 2017,2018,2020 and beyond,  » it added.
Clinton posted a series of messages on her Twitter account hailing the work of organizations battling discrimination or supporting Democrats in next year’s midterms.
The groups included Indivisible, a collection of former congressional staffers advising people on how to make their representatives listen to voices, and the Color of Change, which pushes for legal and voting reforms to end discrimination against African Americans.
« In some cases, we’ll provide direct funding to these organizations,  » Clinton, who is known for her fundraising prowess, said in an email.
« For others, we’ll help amplify their work and do what we can to help them continue to grow their audiences and expand their reach. »
Clinton said the new group had received the backing of Howard Dean, a left-leaning former Vermont governor who ran in the 2004 Democratic primaries.
Reflecting on her surprise loss to Trump, Clinton said that « this year hasn’t been what I envisioned, but I know what I’m still fighting for: a kinder, big-hearted, inclusive America. Onward! »
Clinton is currently working on a book about her defeat, which is due to hit bookstores later this year.
She has made several public appearances since her loss, and earlier this month said that she would have been president had it not been for former FBI director James Comey, who announced that his agency was reopening an inquiry into her use of a private email server right before the election.
Trump last week fired Comey, who by then was leading a separate investigation into alleged links between the president’s campaign team and Russia, which US intelligence agencies said hacked emails of Clinton’s campaign manager John Podesta and leaked them in a bid to influence the US election.

© Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/afp/article-4508984/Clinton-launches-political-action-group.html?ITO=1490&ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490
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S. C. congressman Gowdy says he’s not the ‘right person’ to be next FBI director


Rep. Trey Gowdy said he told Attorney General Jeff Sessions that he is not “the right person” to replace fired FBI Director James Comey. Gowdy, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, was considered a candidate for the post.
South Carolina Republican Trey Gowdy said Monday that he is not “the right person” to be the next FBI director after discussing the job with Attorney General Jeff Sessions twice.
“Our country and the women and men of the FBI deserve a Director with not only impeccable credentials but also one who can unite the country as we strive for justice and truth, ” said Gowdy, who became a divisive figure while presiding over the House Select Committee on Benghazi and questioning former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
Gowdy, who represents South Carolina’s 4th Congressional District, was a federal prosecutor from 1994 to 2000 in South Carolina and also served as a district attorney before entering Congress in 2011. Gowdy, 52, was among 11 candidates on a White House list to replace Comey, who was unexpectedly fired by President Donald Trump last week. Gowdy said he spoke with Sessions on Saturday and Monday.
“I shared with (Sessions) two things: (1) the qualities I believe are indispensable for our next FBI Director to possess, and (2) my firm conviction that I would not be the right person. I greatly appreciate the Attorney General speaking with me and respecting my decision and I wish him wisdom as he interviews potential candidates, ” Gowdy said.
Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S. C., said the next FBI director should not be a politician.
“I think it’s now time to pick someone who comes from within the ranks or has such a reputation that has no political background at all that can go into the job on day one, ” Graham said on NBC’s “Meet The Press.”
Candidate interviews began over the weekend. Among the other candidates are: Texas Sen. John Cornyn, House Intelligence Committee Chairman and former FBI agent Mike Rogers, former New York City Police Commissioner Ray Kelly, former Assistant Attorney General Alice Fisher, FBI Executive Assistant Director Paul Abbate, Associate Judge of New York Court of Appeals Mike Garcia, Mayor of Colorado Springs John Suthers, Boeing Executive Vice President and former federal appellate court Judge Michael Luttig, former Deputy Attorney General Larry Thompson and acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe.

© Source: http://www.thenewstribune.com/news/politics-government/article150671402.html
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North Korea missile launch tests Trump’s China outreach


The U. N. Security Council is set to discuss North Korea’s latest provocation Tuesday
Washington — North Korea’s launch of a longer-range missile shows advances in its technological capabilities and offers the sternest test yet of President Donald Trump’s strategy to work with China to combat the threat.
Will China fully enforce global sanctions on North Korea and back tough new penalties? If not, will Trump accept the growing calls from Congress to start targeting Chinese companies that help Pyongyang access international markets, even if that puts U. S.-China ties under new strain?
The U. N. Security Council is set to discuss North Korea’s latest provocation Tuesday. U. S. Ambassador Nikki Haley raised the possibility of a new set of global economic restrictions for the North, including on oil imports. France and Britain on Monday both publicly supported tougher sanctions.
China is feeling increasingly alienated from its wayward North Korean ally and Sunday’s headline-grabbing missile launch won’ t have helped matters. It came as Chinese President Xi Jinping hosted 30 world leaders for talks on trade and infrastructure. The test also immediately closed the space for maneuvering for U. S.-allied South Korea’s new president, who favors engaging North Korea.
But Trump and Xi may have the most at stake. Beijing is wary of piling on economic pressure that could cause North Korea’s collapse, and it wasn’ t clear Monday if it would support new sanctions. Opposing the North’s test, China’s Foreign Ministry called on all sides to exercise restraint.
China is the linchpin of Trump’s strategy for halting North Korea’s pursuit of a nuclear-tipped missile that could strike the U. S. mainland. Trump has feted Xi in hope of securing more pressure on the North, which counts on China for up to 90 percent of its trade.
“We are calling on all those folks in the region, particularly China and Russia, to do everything they can in terms of sanctions to help resolve this situation and bring stability to the peninsula, ” White House spokesman Sean Spicer told reporters Monday.
Trump also has flexed U. S. military muscle, though with little apparent effect in deterring North Korean leader Kim Jong Un from his rapid tempo of weapons tests. The aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson, which was ordered to the region last month, is still in the Sea of Japan, where the missile landed Sunday.
U. S. defense officials said it landed about 60 miles from the Russian coast. Russia’s Defense Ministry put it several hundred kilometers away from the east coast city of Vladivostok.
More significant, however, was that it flew higher and for longer than previous missiles.
U. S. experts said Sunday’s launch was likely a mobile, two-stage, liquid-fueled missile that North Korea displayed in a huge April 15 military parade. It could have a range of 4,500 kilometers (about 2,800 miles) , putting the U. S. Pacific territory of Guam easily within range. But the system might be adapted to provide it, in time, with an intercontinental ballistic missile that could strike the United States.
At the U. N., Francois Delattre, France’s ambassador, said Security Council members are preparing to impose new sanctions and strengthen enforcement of existing ones. British ambassador Matthew Rycroft backed the effort.
North Korea is already subject to six resolutions aimed at restricting revenue and technology applicable to its nuclear and missile programs. They’ ve failed to stop the North’s progress, which includes five nuclear test explosions since 2006.
If a new resolution is pursued, haggling between Washington and Moscow could take weeks, with Russia following China’s lead. Alternatively, the council could choose instead to issue a condemnatory statement. The last set of sanctions, imposed in March, capped China’s imports of North Korean coal, a key cash earner for North Korea. A possible next step would be to restrict Chinese exports of oil to the North.
Meanwhile, the U. S. is studying possible sanctions against international companies that help the North evade restrictions — a step strongly supported in Congress. Primary targets would be banks and companies inside China, posing a dilemma for the Trump administration. Going forward with the “secondary sanctions” would anger Beijing, which views dialogue as the answer to the nuclear issue.
Such sanctions are “blunt and unpredictable, ” Adam Szubin, a former top Treasury official for terrorism and financial crimes, told a Senate hearing last week. China won’ t be “strong-armed” into acting against its own interests, he said.

© Source: http://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/world/2017/05/15/north-korea-china-us/101728904/
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