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Microsoft Launches New Surface Pro Convertible In Shanghai


Microsoft has officially announced its latest Surface Pro convertible tablet hybrid at an event in Shanghai. The company had previously suggested it would not be launching a new Pro, outright denying…
Microsoft has officially announced its latest Surface Pro convertible tablet hybrid at an event in Shanghai. The company had previously suggested it would not be launching a new Pro, outright denying that it has been working on a Pro 5. The reason is now clear as Microsoft has dropped the number entirely.
The new Surface Pro was introduced this morning. It’s the second new Surface product to be unveiled this month, following Microsoft’s first proper laptop in the form of Surface Laptop. The company said that the new Pro is built for the fans of the Pro 4 who’ ve been asking for upgraded hardware. This is what Microsoft has delivered, focusing on lifting performance to a new level through revamped internals.
The available processor choices are now taken from Intel’s 7th-generation Kaby Lake family, giving a noticeable boost to performance and efficiency. Options ranging from the low-end Core m3 all the way up to the Core i7 will be available. With the exception of the i7, all of the chips are passively cooled so there’s no noisy fan to interrupt your work.
Externally, Microsoft hasn’ t made any radical changes. At first glance, it’s still the same Surface that the company has been selling since 2014’s Pro 3 ushered in the current 12.3-inch form factor. The PixelSense display now features enhanced color powered by custom-built hardware which is meant to make creative work more vibrant and “captivating.”
Improving on one of the noted shortcomings of the Surface Pro 4, the new device features a much longer battery life for extended on-the-go computing. Microsoft claims it will last 13.5 hours on a single charge, although this will vary with the processor picked and the exact software configuration. Going on the spec sheet figure, the quoted runtime is 50 percent higher than the Pro 4 and 35 percent higher than the iPad Pro.
Although the basic chassis design is unchanged, Microsoft has significantly upgraded the signature Surface kickstand. It now has a 165-degree range of motion which lets the device lie almost flat against a desk, like Microsoft’s Surface Studio all-in-one PC. The company suggested the new mode will make it easier to write and draw on the device.
Inking itself has also received a major upgrade. The new Surface Pen is four times as precise as the outgoing model, capable of detecting 4,096 distinct degrees of pressure. The active stylus has “almost no latency” for pixel-perfect writing, creating an experience of ink flowing that Microsoft claims is almost as good as the real thing. It allows for new subtlety in digital artwork and creates a more personal link between you and the device.
Surface’s other primary accessory, the well-regarded Type Cover keyboard, has been updated too. It’s now covered in soft-touch Alcantara fabric, a material that also features on the Surface Laptop and some Type Covers for older Surface Pro products. Besides the new “natural allure and warmth” created by the Alcantara, the keyboard features an improved 1.3mm of key travel for a more accurate typing experience.
All things considered, the new Surface Pro is a well-rounded refresh of the range. With faster processors, dramatic battery life improvements and some meaningful usability adjustments to design, typing and ink, Microsoft’s evidently attempting to affirm its now respected position as the leader in convertible products. Its blog post introducing the device slyly points out that’s its 1.7 times faster than the iPad Pro, its primary rival.
“The new Surface Pro is gorgeous. The design, the clean lines and curved edges are beautiful to see and touch, ” said Surface head Panos Panay. “Surface Pro continues the iconic look and feel of previous Surface Pros, but has been completely redesigned from the inside out. We’ ve optimized every millimeter, with over 800 new custom parts and used 99% of the space inside the device – to give people exactly what they need to work and create anytime, anywhere.”
The 2017 Surface Pro and Signature Type Cover are available to pre-order from the Microsoft Store in 25 regions worldwide starting from today. Pricing starts at $799.99 and will vary with configuration and country. Devices will begin to ship in all markets on June 15. The new Surface Pen will launch in a few weeks’ time.
[Featured Image by Microsoft]

© Source: http://www.inquisitr.com/4239577/microsoft-launches-new-surface-pro-convertible-in-shanghai/
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President Trump budget slashes funding for Great Lakes


The Trump Administration budget released Tuesday slashes funding for the Environmental Protection Agency by nearly one-third, eliminating more than 3,800 jobs while imposing dramatic cuts to clean air…
WASHINGTON (AP) – The Trump Administration budget released Tuesday slashes funding for the Environmental Protection Agency by nearly one-third, eliminating more than 3,800 jobs while imposing dramatic cuts to clean air and water programs.
The White House’s proposed spending plan for the EPA amounts to $5.7 billion, a 31 percent cut from the current budget year. Adjusted for inflation, that would represent the nation’s lowest funding for environmental protection since the mid-1970s.
The agency’s workforce would drop from 15,416 full-time employees to 11,611.
The proposed cuts are in line with views expressed by President Donald Trump and EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, who portray the environmental agency as a job-killing federal bureaucracy. Both have called for increased fossil fuel production while expressing doubt about the scientific consensus that man-made carbon emissions are the primary driver of global warming.
« The president’s budget respects the American taxpayer,  » Pruitt said. « This budget supports EPA’s highest priorities with federal funding for priority work in infrastructure, air and water quality, and ensuring the safety of chemicals in the marketplace. »
Since taking office, Pruitt has moved to roll back or delay numerous Obama-era programs to cut pollution from mining operations, oil and gas wells and coal-fired power plants. Pruitt has said he will instead focus on cleaning up decades-old contamination, announcing Monday the creation of a new task force to « streamline and improve » the Superfund program.
Despite expressing that cleaning up toxic pollution would be his top priority, the administration’s proposed budget cuts funding for Superfund by $330 million, to about $762 million. Current spending for Superfund is already down to about half what it was in the 1990s.
« I am confident that, with a renewed sense of urgency, leadership and fresh ideas, the Superfund program can reach its full potential of returning formerly contaminated sites to communities for their beneficial use,  » Pruitt said.
Also hard hit would be the EPA’s science and technology programs, with a total reduction of 38 percent. Dozens of programs would be eliminated entirely, including $427 million in regional programs that help decrease pollution in the Great Lakes, Chesapeake Bay, Puget Sound and other large water bodies. Though the administration has said state agencies should take more of the lead in enforcing environmental laws, the budget also reduces grants that help states pay for those programs by more than half.
Environmentalists said the administration’s spending plan, if adopted by Congress, will lead directly to more pollution-related illnesses and deaths.
« This proposal would guarantee more children will suffer life-threatening asthma attacks and be forced to drink water polluted with pesticides and other toxic chemicals,  » said Ken Cook, president of the Environmental Working Group. « It is crystal clear that for President Trump, public health protection is not a priority, but a target. »
Trump’s budget is likely to face an uphill fight on Capitol Hill, where even lawmakers in his own party have already shown a wiliness to ignore the president’s fiscal priorities. Many of the regional programs the administration has targeted for the chopping block have bipartisan support.
The Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, which has received more than $2 billion in federal funding since it was established in 2010, has nearly unanimous backing from members of both parties across region’s eight states, from New York to Minnesota. They fiercely resisted cuts during the Obama administration and last month warded off Trump’s proposal for a $50 million reduction to help pay for a U. S.-Mexico border wall.
« The health and vitality of the Great Lakes are instrumental to having sustained economic growth in Michigan and across the entire Great Lakes region,  » said Rep. Bill Huizenga, a Michigan Republican who co-chairs the House’s Great Lakes Task Force. « I remain committed to working with both Republicans and Democrats to prioritize, strengthen, and defend the Great Lakes. »

© Source: http://www.wxyz.com/news/president-trump-budget-eliminates-funding-for-great-lakes
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We women cannot let the Manchester bomber scare us


As I stare at an image of Saffie Rose Roussos on my screen I can’t help but notice that my daughter wears the exact same school uniform every day….
As I stare at an image of Saffie Rose Roussos on my screen I can’t help but notice that my daughter wears the exact same school uniform every day. A red shirt, navy blue skirt and white tights. They’re both 8 years old, the only difference is my daughter is still alive while Saffie was murdered in Manchester this week by a suicide bomber.
I cannot imagine the pain of her family and all of the other families who lost loved ones to this tragedy. I’m sure many of those Ariana Grande concert tickets were given as birthday gifts or special surprises from mothers to their daughters. I have two girls, one 8 and one 11, both in the age range of those targeted during this event. Anytime we go out on mother-daughter adventures they usually can’t quiet their excitement afterwards. Whether it’s to a movie or a play or a trip to the circus, they’ll talk the whole way home about what a magical night it was.
So many families only hear silence now; their daughter’s voices snuffed out by a miserable coward.
Saffie’s parents surely had the same dreams for their precious daughter that I have for mine. I want them to grow up to be strong, capable, world changing women. However, fear enters the picture all too often. Women, whether we like it or not, are required to play by a different set of rules than their male counterparts. We’re taught to be bold but cautious; strong but always on alert for danger.
Growing up female you quickly learn to compensate for your lack of physical strength with extra vigilance. You have mere seconds to assess whether someone is a potential predator, because if you wait any longer that person will be close enough to overpower you. I learned this when I was about 7 or 8 myself. I was walking home from the park with a friend when a car pulled up next to us. In it were two grown men offering us a ride. When we said no they persisted then began to grow frustrated. My friend looked at me, then she subtly nodded toward the space between two houses. Immediately we took off running without looking back, only to hear the car screech away.
Once you know this type of fear it never quite leaves you. You learn to live with it, manage it, plan for it. It’s always there. You walk through parking garages constantly scanning the shadows, standing back from parked cars lest someone be hiding behind one. You keep your car key clinched outwards from your fist so you’ll be able to use it as a make shift weapon should all else fail.
As you walk down city streets you notice the men loitering 30-yards ahead and make sure there’s a safe place to duck into if need be. You travel in packs when you go out at night, and you never leave your drink unattended. When you are forced to walk down a dark street alone your entire posture changes, every last drop of femininity draining from your gate. Look tough. Look bigger than you are. Look like a man so they’ll leave you alone.
We live with such a constant hum of fear echoing through us, reverberating through our brains, that many women probably no longer even recognize it. We don’t even call it being scared anymore, we call it « being smart. » It’s wise to know that there’s always a target on us, to some degree. That is the price we pay for being born female.
But last night women and girls were very real, very literal targets. They were in one of the few places besides their own homes where they could finally let their guards down and enjoy the night, surrounded mostly by other women. The music was loud enough to drown out that quiet whisper telling them to be on the lookout. And that’s when he struck, the coward who wants us to let our fear grow louder than the music. The coward that silences women.
When you are truly strong, you look for ways to protect others with your strength. But when you are weak you look for ways to make others weak too.
That was always part of the coward’s plan, part of ISIS’s plan, to fill us with more fear.
But I refuse to allow fear to take up one more iota of my being. The only thing growing now is my voice, and the voices of my daughters. These cowards cannot – they will not – silence us. Because now we must also be Saffie’s voice and the voices of all of the other fearless human beings we lost last night.
Destiny Herndon-De La Rosa is a writer in Richardson and the founder of the pro-life group New Wave Feminists. Email: Destinydelaro@gmail.com What’s your view?
Got an opinion about this issue? Send a letter to the editor, and you just might get published.

© Source: https://www.dallasnews.com/opinion/commentary/2017/05/23/women-let-manchester-bomber-scare-us
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У Києві подорожчає проїзд у транспорті: скоро будемо платити на гривню більше


У Києві вже найближчим часом може подорожчати проїзд в громадському транспорті. На 1 гривню, швидше за все, збільшиться вартість проїзду в метро, …
У Києві вже найближчим часом може подорожчати проїзд в громадському транспорті. На 1 гривню, швидше за все, збільшиться вартість проїзду в метро, тролейбусах, трамваях, автобусах і фунікулері. Зараз за одну поїздку в наземному транспорті кияни платять 3 грн, а в метро – 4 грн. Після подорожчання буде 4 і 5 грн відповідно. Подорожчає і проїзд в міській електричці – з 4 до 5 грн.
Про можливе подорожчання говорилося давно. Ще в січні цього року чиновники від транспорту запевняли, що воно неминуче через подорожчання електроенергії (основний витратний ресурс) , бензину і збільшення рівня мінімальної зарплати, збитковості громадського транспорту, який місто не в змозі самостійно дотувати. Тоді в мерії припускали, що ціни виростуть в кінці літа або на початку осені.
Проект розпорядження про подорожчання проїзду в усьому міськтранспорту на 1 гривню з’явився на сайті КМДА вже вчора. Правда, офіційно коментувати подорожчання чиновники департаменту транспорту відмовлялися, посилаючись на зайнятість. « В середу буде офіційна заява з приводу вартості проїзду. Зараз ми не можемо коментувати це питання », – повідомили нам в Київському метрополітені.
У головному управлінні цінової політики КМДА нас запевнили, що вивчають ситуацію з подорожчанням проїзду. « Ми аналізуємо всі подані матеріали і цифри від транспортників. Поки однозначної відповіді щодо дати подорожчання і нової вартості проїзду у нас немає. Думаю, рішення буде озвучено в середу або в четвер. Транспортники посилаються на свою збитковість і хочуть багато чого. Але хотіти, як кажуть, не шкідливо. Є варіант, що проїзд у всьому міськтранспорті подорожчає на 1 гривню. Щоб дотувати транспорт, міськбюджету явно не вистачить, а чинні тарифи – збиткові », – повідомив « Сегодня » начальник управління Василь Яструбинський.
Він додає, що процедура подорожчання вартості проїзду займе як мінімум 1,5 місяці. « Потрібно провести громадські слухання з киянами з приводу можливого подорожчання, заслухати транспортників, зареєструвати розпорядження в Мін’юсті. Це не питання одного дня. Можу вас запевнити, що подорожчання проїзду в червні не буде, технологічно це вже неможливо. Скоріш за все проїзд подорожчає з 16 липня. Все залежить від рішення, яке прийме керівництво міста », – говорить Яструбинський.

© Source: http://kiev-ukr.segodnya.ua/ktransport/v-kieve-podorozhaet-proezd-v-transporte-skoro-budem-platit-na-grivnu-bolshe-1023541.html
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How many James Bond movies can you name?


The late Sir Roger Moore played James Bond in seven of the franchise’s 25 films.
With the passing of Sir Roger Moore, we’re reflecting on the James Bond movie series. Between 1973 and 1985, Moore starred as the famous superspy in seven films, the same number as Sean Connery.
British writer Ian Fleming created the Bond character for a series of 12 novels and two short-story collections. American actor Barry Nelson first portrayed Bond on screen, in a live 1954 television adaptation of one of Fleming’s novels (hint: it was made into a 2006 movie) . The first 007 movie was released in 1962 and the catalog has expanded to 25 films in 55 years.
Think you know the Bond films? Enter the movie titles into the timed test below.

© Source: http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/james-bond-movie-article-1.3189196?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+NydnRss+%28Top+Stories+-+NY+Daily+News%29
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Krystyna Pawłowicz: Powinniście jak w Korei przejść reedukację


Sejmowa komisji sprawiedliwości i praw człowieka poparła poprawkę resortu sprawiedliwości, dającą prawo zgłaszania do wyboru przez Sejm sędziów – kandydatów do Krajowej Rady Sądownictwa – stowarzyszeniom lub grupom sędziów i prokuratorów oraz władzom korporacji adwokackiej, radcowskiej i notarialnej.
Sejmowa komisja poparła poprawkę resortu sprawiedliwości, dającą prawo zgłaszania do wyboru przez Sejm sędziów – kandydatów do Krajowej Rady Sądownictwa – stowarzyszeniom lub grupom sędziów i prokuratorów oraz władzom korporacji adwokackiej, radcowskiej i notarialnej.
Taką poprawkę złożoną przez wiceszefa MS Marcina Warchoła poparło we wtorek 15 posłów komisji sprawiedliwości i praw człowieka, 3 było przeciw, a 2 wstrzymało się od głosu.
Przed głosowaniem członkowie komisji żarliwie dyskutowali. Poprawkę tę krytykowała opozycja. « To nie będą kandydaci do KRS, tylko kandydaci na kandydatów » – mówił Borys Budka z Platformy Obywatelskiej.
– Sądy stanęły niestety po stronie opozycji i tworzą wspólnie jedną wielką opozycyjną partię w Polsce, antydemokratyczną, bo nie przyjmujecie wyniku wyborów. Co więcej, w kolejnych swoich wystąpieniach odrzucacie jednoznaczny tekst Konstytucji, jak np. art. 4, który trzeba nie znać Konstytucji i być skrajnym przeciwnikiem demokracji – jak prof. Popiołek – który mówi, że suweren nie jest naród, tylko wartości w przepisach, a ich strażnikiem są sędziowie. To doprowadzone do absurdu – powiedziała Krystyna Pawłowicz.
– Środowisko sędziowskie wymaga odzyskania dla demokracji. Państwo powinniście jak w Korei przejść reedukację w obozach uczących demokracji – dodała posłanka PiS.
« Standardy Korei Północnej jako standardy rozpatrywane na komisji sprawiedliwości i praw człowieka? To Białoruś jest za mało? To Korea Północna jest tym celem, do którego dążymy? » – odpowiedziała Kamila Gasiuk-Pihowicz (Nowoczesna)
Projekt rządu
Rządowy projekt budzi krytykę w wielu środowiskach sędziowskich. W marcu przedstawiciele sędziów podkreślili, że projekt zmierza « do upolitycznienia sądów i naruszenia ich niezależności ». « Iustita » apelowała do sędziów, aby w razie uchwalenia noweli nie brali udziału w wyborach do nowej Rady.
Resort sprawiedliwości podkreśla, że podobne rozwiązania « z powodzeniem funkcjonują w Europie », np. w Niemczech o powoływaniu sędziów sądów federalnych decyduje minister federalny wraz z komisją złożoną z ministrów krajowych i członków powoływanych przez parlament.

© Source: http://www.rp.pl/Prawo-i-Sprawiedliwosc/170529588-Krystyna-Pawlowicz-Powinniscie-jak-w-Korei-przejsc-reedukacje.html
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Roger Moore, Who Played James Bond 007 Times, Dies


Mr. Moore’s family announced his death in a statement on Twitter.
Roger Moore, the dapper British actor who brought tongue-in-cheek humor to the James Bond persona in seven films, eclipsing his television career, which had included starring roles in at least five series, died on Tuesday in Switzerland. He was 89.
The death, attributed to cancer, was confirmed in a family statement on Twitter. It did not say where in Switzerland he died.
Mr. Moore was the oldest Bond ever hired for films in the canon, taking on the role when he was 46. (Sean Connery, who originated the film character and with whom Mr. Moore was constantly compared, was 33, although in the spoof “Casino Royale, ” David Niven was in his 50s.) Mr. Moore also had the longest run in the role, beginning in 1973 with “Live and Let Die” and winding up in 1985 with “A View to a Kill.”
[Read one-line reviews of Roger Moore’s James Bond films]
When he became 007, the author Ian Fleming’s sexy secret agent with a license to kill, Mr. Moore was already well known to American audiences. After playing the title role in a British medieval-adventure series, “Ivanhoe, ” shown in the United States in syndication in 1958, and starring in “The Alaskans, ” a short-lived (1959-60) ABC gold-rush series, he replaced the departing James Garner in the fourth season (1960-61) of the western hit “Maverick.” His decidedly non-Western accent was explained away by the British education of his character, Beauregard Maverick, the original hero’s cousin.
From 1962 to 1969 Mr. Moore was Simon Templar, the title character of “The Saint, ” a wildly popular British series about an adventurous, smooth-talking thief. It did so well in syndication in America that NBC adopted it for its prime-time schedule from 1967 to 1969. Two years later, Mr. Moore and Tony Curtis starred in ABC’s one-season series “The Persuaders” as playboy partners solving glamorous European crimes.
After surrendering the Bond role to Timothy Dalton, Mr. Moore appeared in a half-dozen largely unexceptional movies, made a few television appearances and did voice work in animated films. Mostly, however, he turned his attention elsewhere, becoming a Unicef good-will ambassador in 1991. He was made a Commander of the British Empire in 1999 and was knighted in 2003.
Roger George Moore was born on Oct. 14,1927, in Stockwell, South London, the only child of George Alfred Moore, a London police officer who dabbled in amateur theater, and the former Lily Pope. Early on Roger expressed interest in becoming a commercial artist and worked while a teenager at an animation company. But he fell into movie extra work, was encouraged by a director to pursue acting and entered the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in 1944.
He was drafted during the final year of World War II, serving as a second lieutenant in the Royal Army Service Corps. After the war he did stage work in London and Cambridge, England, and appeared in mostly uncredited movie parts. He left for the United States in 1953.
Mr. Moore made his American television debut that year playing a French diplomat on an episode of NBC’s “Robert Montgomery Presents.” His film debut was a small role as a tennis pro in “The Last Time I Saw Paris” (1954) , starring a young Elizabeth Taylor. His second movie was the romantic melodrama “Interrupted Melody” (1955) , with Eleanor Parker. But he soon returned to Britain and spent the rest of his career doing a mix of British, American and European projects.
During his tenure as James Bond, Mr. Moore played almost a score of unrelated acting roles, most notably “The Cannonball Run” (1981) , the car-race comedy with Burt Reynolds, and the television movie “Sherlock Holmes in New York” (1976) , in which he starred as Holmes and John Huston played Professor Moriarty.
Mr. Moore’s only visits to Broadway were brief and, in different ways, unpleasant. In 1953 he had a small role in the British drama “A Pin to See the Peepshow, ” which opened and closed on the same night. Exactly 50 years later he appeared as the mystery guest star in Hamish McColl and Sean Foley’s comedy “The Play What I Wrote” and collapsed onstage. He received a pacemaker at a New York hospital the next day. (He was already a 10-year survivor of prostate cancer.)
In between, Andrew Lloyd Webber cast him in his 1989 musical, “Aspects of Love, ” in London, but Mr. Moore dropped out a month before the opening, unhappy with his singing voice.
His last film appearance was a supporting role in “The Carer” (2016) , about an aging and ailing British actor (Brian Cox) .
Mr. Moore married four times and was divorced three. He met his first wife (1946-53) , Doorn Van Steyn, at acting school in London. He married Dorothy Squires in 1953 and left her in the early’ 60s for Luisa Mattioli, whom he had met making an Italian film, but their divorce was not final until 1968. He married Ms. Mattioli the next year and had three children with her. They divorced in 1996, and in 2002 he married the Swedish-born Kristina Tholstrup, who survives him.
He is also survived by his sons, Geoffrey and Christian; a daughter, Deborah; and grandchildren.
Mr. Moore had definite opinions about playing heroic adventurers long before he became Bond. “I would say your average hero has a super ego, an invincible attitude and an overall death wish, ” he told The New York Times in 1970. “He’s slightly around the twist, isn’ t he?”
“In theatrical terms, I’ ve never had a part that demands much of me, ” he added. “The only way I’ ve had to extend myself has been to carry on charming.”

© Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/23/movies/roger-moore-dead-james-bond.html?partner=rss&emc=rss&_r=0
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„Powinniście jak w Korei przejść reedukację w obozach uczących demokracji”. Burzliwe obrady Komisji Sprawiedliwości


Komisja Sprawiedliwości i Praw Człowieka przyjęła poprawkę ws. zgłaszania kandydatów do KRS. „To ściema! Zadecyduje i tak PiS” – komentowali…
Sejmowa Komisja Sprawiedliwości i Praw Człowieka opowiedziała się za poprawką dotyczącą zgłaszania przez środowiska prawnicze kandydatów do Krajowej Rady Sądownictwa. Posłowie opozycji twierdzą jednak, że to zwykłe mydlenie oczu. Poprawkę zgłaszało Ministerstwo Sprawiedliwości. Zakłada ona, że Prezydium Sejmu lub 50 posłów będzie mogło wybierać kandydatów wyłącznie spośród sędziów zarekomendowanych przez środowiska prawnicze. Prawo takie miałyby stowarzyszenia sędziów lub prokuratorów, a także grupy co najmniej 20 sędziów lub prokuratorów, Naczelna Rada Adwokacka, Krajowa Rada Radców Prawnych i Krajowa Rada Notarialna.
Jak zauważają prawnicy, przyjęte rozwiązanie faktycznie niczego nie zmienia, gdyż ostatecznie to politycy będą samodzielnie decydować o obsadzie stanowisk w KRS. – Dziś w MS pracuje ponad 150 sędziów i wielu prokuratorów. Można sobie wyobrazić, że zgłoszą oni swoich kandydatów, którzy zostaną wybrani przez Sejm – zauważał rzecznik KRS Waldemar Żurek. Opozycja i prawnicy uważają, że przejęcie przez polityków KRS złamie konstytucyjną zasadę trójpodziału władz.
Podczas obrad komisji nie brakowało gorących momentów. Znana z kontrowersyjnych wypowiedzi posłanka PiS Krystyna Pawłowicz w pewnym momencie stwierdziła, że „środowisko sędziowskie wymaga odzyskania dla demokracji”. – Państwo powinniście jak w Korei przejść reedukację w obozach uczących demokracji – dodała, wzbudzając poruszenie wśród przedstawicieli opozycji. – Standardy Korei Północnej jako standardy rozpatrywane na komisji sprawiedliwości i praw człowieka? To Białoruś jest za mało? To Korea Północna jest tym celem, do którego dążymy? – odpowiadała przedstawicielce PiS Kamila Gasiuk-Pihowicz z Nowoczesnej.

© Source: https://www.wprost.pl/kraj/10056204/Powinniscie-jak-w-Korei-przejsc-reedukacje-w-obozach-uczacych-demokracji-Burzliwe-obrady-Komisji-Sprawiedliwosci.html
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Manchester bombing demonstrates difficulty defending large events


Some people who attended the Ariana Grande concert said security seemed lax.
Despite worldwide strides to improve security since 2001, experts said the suicide bombing Monday in Manchester demonstrated the difficulty defending large public venues such as concerts and sporting events.
England is a model for the widespread use of closed-circuit television cameras to track suspicious people with facial recognition. But some people who attended the Ariana Grande concert on Monday said security was lax at the 21,000-seat Manchester Arena, where a bomber killed at least 22 and injured 59.
“Clearly you have large crowds of people approaching and lining up, which makes them vulnerable, ” said Anthony Roman, a security expert at Roman & Associates in Lynbrook, N.Y. “All of this provides a rich target environment for terrorists.”
A Czech woman, Nikola Trochtova, who heard an explosion as she was leaving the concert, told a public radio station that “there was almost no security check, rather zero. They let us get in without any check if we have anything with us.”
The January shooting deaths of five people at the Fort Lauderdale airport serves as a reminder of the difficulty guarding against terrorists even at airports outside the security checkpoints. Sports stadiums or concert halls are also difficult to defend because of the number of gates and the large crowds.
The New York Police Department bolstered its presence at high-profile locations such as Times Square the day after the Manchester bombing. But spokesman Peter Donald said the moves were precautionary, and there were no credible threats against the city.
U. S. sporting events and concerts increasingly screen attendees with metal detectors and bag checks. But the Manchester bombing occurred after the concert in the arena’s foyer, which connects the venue with the Victoria train and tram station. A car bomb outside the venue could have also been devastating, experts say.
John Poncy, a former Army soldier and security expert as CEO of The Densus Group, said there is a push for venues to demonstrate they are providing security through metal detectors or by erecting bollards to block car bombs. But extending that perimeter is costly and difficult.
“If somebody has explosives strapped to their body and hasn’ t gone through the metal detector, I don’ t know that there is all that much that can be done, ” Poncy said. “At this point, it becomes really a question of police doing everything they can to track known perpetrators.”
Screening, public watchfulness, police attention and medical response have all improved dramatically since the Sept. 11 attacks, Roman said.
But security at large public venues could be improved by spreading out police and having them face outward to scan for suspicious characters, as happens in Israel, rather than clustering together in groups, as happens in many Western countries, he said.
The first suicide bomber at the Istanbul airport in June 2016 detonated his explosive when a security official at the door confronted the suspect because he was wearing a puffy coat and holding the detonator away from his body, Roman said. But an inattentive pilot had just walked past the bomber, Roman said.
“There were far fewer casualties than there would have been, ” Roman said of the security official spotting the first of three bombers. “We’ re not seeing that done as effectively at stadiums.”
England has been a repeated target. The Manchester attack came precisely two months after Khalid Masood killed five people and injured 49 with a vehicle and stabbing attack March 22 in Westminster, and exactly four years after the killing of soldier Lee Rigby in Woolwich on May 22,2013, according to an analysis by IHS Markit.
The attack was the worst since a suicide bombing on London transport killed 52 and wounded 780 on July 7,2005.
Kit Nicholl, a security analyst at IHS Markit, said clues such as the timing and location of the Manchester bombing suggested the assault was meticulously planned and probably the result of more than one person. The Islamic State claimed credit for the attack, which U. S. officials were seeking to confirm.
“Reconnaissance work would likely have been done previously to identify the most vulnerable area at the perimeter of the venue, ” Nicholl said. “The attacker would also have held back for the concert to come to an end, in order to target the crowd of people leaving the arena.”
Terrorists might have targeted children to create more outrage about the attack, experts said. An 8-year-old girl was among those killed and 12 children under the age of 16 were among the injured, according to British authorities.
“These are not military targets. They have no value in terms of strategic targeting, ” Roman said. “They are looking for the emotional impact to wear down the society’s will, to change hearts and minds.”
The use of knives, vehicles and explosives is more common in United Kingdom attacks than elsewhere in Europe because of strict gun-control laws, according to IHS Markit. But the open question is when a similar attack might occur in the U. S.
Dan Coats, the director of national intelligence, told the Senate Armed Services Committee on Tuesday that the attack was a reminder the terrorist threat is real.
“It’s not going away and it needs significant attention, ” Coats said.
Contributing: Kevin Johnson and The Associated Press.

© Source: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2017/05/23/manchester-bombing-security-measures/102055368/?utm_source=feedblitz&utm_medium=FeedBlitzRss&utm_campaign=usatoday-newstopstories
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Sir Roger Moore, James Bond actor, is dead at 89


The 007 actor died in Switzerland after a short battle with cancer
Sir Roger Moore signs copies of his new book ‘Bond On Bond’ at Harrods on October 11,2012 in London.
Last Updated May 23,2017 10: 03 AM EDT
Sir Roger Moore, the actor who played James Bond in seven 007 films, has died at 89.
His children, Deborah, Geoffrey and Christian, released a statement on Twitter saying that Moore passed away Tuesday in Switzerland after a « short but brave battle with cancer. »
Moore’s children tweeted the statement saying, « We are all devastated. »
« The love with which he was surrounded in his final days was so great it cannot be quantified in words alone,  » they said in the statement. « We know our own love and admiration will be magnified many times over, across the world, by people who knew him for his films, his television shows and his passionate work for Unicef, which he considered to be his greatest achievement. » Moore was a UNICEF ambassador.
Roger Moore as James Bond in « Octopussy »
Moore started his Bond career in 1973’s « Live and Let Die,  » and he starred in some of the franchise’s most famous films, like « Octopussy » and « The Spy Who Loved Me. » Moore’s last movie as the intelligence agent was « A View to Kill » in 1985. Before his Bond roles, Moore starred in TV shows « The Persuaders! » and « The Saint. »
Moore’s career was still active; he voiced several upcoming projects like children’s movie « Troll Hunters. »
With the heaviest of hearts, we must share the awful news that our father, Sir Roger Moore, passed away today. We are all devastated. pic.twitter.com/6dhiA6dnVg
Moore became a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador in 1991 after his good friend Audrey Hepburn introduced him to the organization. He launched several UNICEF initiatives to aid children and helped raise $91 million for the elimination of iodine deficiency as the honorary chair of Kiwanis International’s Worldwide Service Project.
In recognition for his work with UNICEF, Sir Roger was made a Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) in January 1999, and a Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire (KBE) in June 2003.
The actor is survived by his children and his wife Kristina Tholstrup.
Celebrating a half-century of the British secret agent’s exploits, glam girls and gadgets
Andrea is an entertainment producer at CBSNews.com
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© Source: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/sir-roger-moore-james-bond-actor-is-dead-at-89/
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