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Суд признал национализацию "ПриватБанка" частично незаконной


Истцы потребовали от ПриватБанка вернуть списанные в ходе национализации депозиты в сумме более 1 млрд гривень.
Окружной административный суд города Киева признал национализацию Приватбанка частично незаконной. Об этом говорится в постановлении суда № 826/20239/16 от 17 мая.
Суд рассмотрел иск 6 физических лиц к Национальному банку, Фонду гарантирования вкладов физических лиц, Министерства финансов, а также лицам, уполномоченным осуществлять временную администрацию в банке в конце декабря 2016 года. Истцы просили суд признать противоправными целый ряд решений.
Так, истцы просили отменить решение НБУ, которым их признали связанными с банком лицами. Также они попросили суд признать недействительным договор о купле-продаже акций ПриватБанка от 21 декабря 2016 года, заключенный между Фондом гарантирования вкладов и Минфином, в части, касающейся прав и интересов истцов.
Истцы также потребовали от ПриватБанка вернуть списанные в ходе национализации депозиты в сумме более 1 млрд гривень и потерянные ими проценты.
Рассмотрев аргументы сторон суд удовлетворил все указанные требования истцов.

© Source: http://telegraf.com.ua/biznes/finansyi/3382074-sud-priznal-natsionalizatsiyu-privatbanka-chastichno-nezakonnoy.html
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CIA detected unusual contacts between Russia, Trump campaign, ex spy chief says


This House Intelligence Committee hearing may be the closest an intelligence official has come to explaining the concerns behind the investigation into the Trump campaign and Russian interference.
There was enough intelligence tying members of President Donald Trump’s election campaign to Russian intelligence officers to worry former CIA director John Brennan before he left office in January, Brennan told Congress Tuesday.
It was the closest an American intelligence official has come to explaining the genesis of the FBI investigation into whether the Trump campaign cooperated in Russia’s meddling in the U. S. election, and it made clear that what Trump has called “the Russia thing” was viewed last year with the utmost seriousness by the intelligence community.
“Frequently, individuals who go along a treasonous path do not even realize they are on that path until it gets to be a bit too late, and that’s why my radar goes up early when I see certain things, ” Brennan said, explaining that he did not know if the contacts between Trump team members and Russia were “benign.”
Among those things that concerned him, Brennan said, was “intelligence that revealed contacts and interactions between Russian officials and U. S. persons involved in the Trump campaign.” He declined to reveal details or names in public, but said decades of experience working in intelligence had taught him that Russian practice is to “suborn such individuals.”
“It raised questions in my mind, again, whether or not the Russians were able to gain the cooperation of those individuals, ” he said.
He added that he did not know “if such collusion” existed, but “I know there was sufficient basis in intelligence that required further investigation by the bureau to determine whether U. S. persons were actively conspiring and colluding with Russian officials.”
Brennan’s testimony came in the first public hearing by the House Intelligence Committee since March 20, when then FBI director James Comey shocked the nation with the revelation that the FBI has been investigating a possible Trump team role in Russia’s meddling in last year’s presidential election since July.
Comey was fired May 9, and news reports since have said Trump on multiple occasions asked Comey to drop the investigation into Trump’s first national security adviser, Michael Flynn, who dined with Russian President Vladimir Putin in 2015, two months before he became Trump’s primary foreign policy adviser.
Brennan comments on what evidence existed to begin an investigation were almost pried out of him during questioning by Republican committee members who to this point have appeared dubious of the notion that Trump’s campaign team colluded with Russia.
Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S. C. and Rep. Tom Rooney, R-Fla., were the two most aggressive Republican questioners, and solicited some of Brennan’s most detailed responses.
“Did you find evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Putin in Moscow?” Rooney asked at one point. Brennan responded by saying “I was worried by a number of the contacts that the Russians had with U. S. persons.”
Later, Gowdy followed up, asking “Did evidence exist of collusion, coordination, conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russian state actors?”
Brennan balked at addressing the notion of evidence, saying his role was in intelligence gathering, not determining what could be used as evidence in a criminal matter.
But when Gowdy pushed him for an answer, he revealed that “intelligence” had detected “contacts and interactions between Russian officials and U. S. persons involved in the Trump campaign.” That “intelligence” was concerning enough to merit an FBI probe, he said.
Brennan also addressed other aspects of the Trump-Russia affair. He said Trump’s reported “spontaneous” sharing of so-called “code-word” intelligence from Israel with two visiting Russian diplomats had violated “two protocols” of behavior between spy agencies.
First, he testified, “Such intelligence, classified intelligence, is not shared with visiting foreign ministers or local ambassadors. It’s shared through intelligence channels, because it needs to be handled the right way and it needs to make sure it is not exposed.”
Beyond that, he said: “Before sharing any classified intelligence with foreign partners, it needs to go back to the originating agency to make sure that the language in it is not . going to provide sources and methods and compromise the future collection capability.”
Brennan prefaced his remarks by stating that he did not know whether news accounts of the matter were true. He also explained that during his time at the CIA, he had shared intelligence with Russian officials.
Meanwhile, in a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., asked Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats if Trump had asked him to “push back on the Russia investigation” as was reported Monday by the Washington Post.
Coats said he would not discuss conversation he might have had with the President. Later, when Sen. Jack Reed, D-R. I., asked the question as a hypothetical, Coats said his role is to “gather intelligence to present to political bodies.”
“Any political shaping of that content would not be appropriate, ” he testified.

© Source: http://www.newsobserver.com/news/politics-government/article152183292.html
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КГГА с 15 июля намерена поднять цены на проезд в метро


Также запланировано повышение цен на проезд в наземном транспорте
Киевская городская государственная администрация с 15 июля намерена поднять цены на проезд в метро до 5 грн, а в наземном транспорте до 4 грн, сообщает Украинская правда.
Брифинг по этому поводу анонсирован на 24 мая. В то же время на сайте КГГА опубликовали проект распоряжения «Об установлении тарифов на перевозку пассажиров и стоимости проездных билетов в городском пассажирском транспорте, работающем в обычном режиме движения».
«Это распоряжение вступает в силу с 15 июля 2017 года», – говорится в документе.
Согласно ему, стоимость одной поездки автобусом, трамваем, троллейбусом и фуникулером будет составлять 4 гривны, метрополитеном – 5 гривен.
Как сообщал АиФ.ua, China Railway и КГГА подписали меморандум о строительстве 4 ветки метро.

© Source: http://www.aif.ua/money/mymoney/kgga_s_15_iyulya_namerena_podnyat_ceny_na_proezd_v_metro
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博多金塊窃盗事件、3人を公開指名手配 逮捕者7人に


福岡市博多区で昨年7月に7億5千万円相当の 金塊が盗まれた事件で、 福岡、 愛知両県警は23日、 男3人を窃盗などの 容疑で公開指名手配した。 これまでに逮捕した7人を含め計10人前後が金塊の 窃盗や売却に関わっ…
福岡市博多区で昨年7月に7億5千万円相当の金塊が盗まれた事件で、福岡、愛知両県警は23日、男3人を窃盗などの容疑で公開指名手配した。これまでに逮捕した7人を含め計10人前後が金塊の窃盗や売却に関わったと両県警はみている。 福岡県警捜査3課によると、指名手配したのは、いずれも住所、職業不詳の野口直樹(43)、中垣龍一郎(40)、菅野透(37)の3容疑者。 野口、中垣両容疑者は、すでに逮捕されている土木関連会社役員の野口和樹容疑者(42)=名古屋市千種区=ら5人と共謀。昨年7月8日午前9時半ごろ、福岡市博多区のビルの入り口で、金塊の売却に訪れた貴金属会社役員ら数人に対し、警察官のふりをして「密輸品なのはわかっているぞ」と迫り、すきを見て金塊160キロや現金130万円入りのケースを盗んだ疑いがある。 捜査関係者によると、野口直樹…

© Source: http://www.asahi.com/articles/ASK5R5KL6K5RTIPE02T.html?iref=sp_nattop_feature_list_n
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Impeached President Park Geun-hye Appears In Court


Impeached South Korean president Park Guen-hye made her first appearance in court Tuesday. She faced charges that include « bribery, abusing state power… »
Impeached South Korean President Park Guen-hye made her first appearance in court Tuesday. She faced charges that include “bribery, abusing state power and leaking state secrets, ” according to BBC.
Park was removed from office March 10 and had been in a solitary cell in jail since her arrest on March 31.
Park and her friend Choi Soon-il were accused accepting $52 million in bribes from Samsung and other big businesses such as Lotte in return for political favors. They were also accused of pressuring large companies to donate huge sums of money to Choi’s foundations. “I have been close to former President Park for 40 years, and I am a sinner for causing her to appear in court, ” said Choi .
Park was also accused of giving Choi access to her work including allowing her to edit speeches and “running a blacklist of media figures who were to be barred from receiving state support because they had been critical of her government, ” BBC reports .
Park faces a total of 18 charges — all of which she denied in court. If she is found guilty, Park could be sentenced 10 years to life in prison, according to the New York Times.
Guen-hye Park is the third South Korean leader to be tried for corruption. In 1996, military dictators Chun Doo-hwan and Roh Tae-woo appeared in court for “ bribery, mutiny and sedition charges.” All three leaders appeared in the same court room.
“It is an unfortunate scene in our history for a former president to be arrested and stand trial, but we should establish the rule of law by punishing her illegal activities, ” .
Park’s trial will continue with her appearance in court on Thursday.

© Source: http://dailycaller.com/2017/05/23/impeached-south-korean-president-makes-first-appearance-in-trial/
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Microsoft’s Surface line is coming into its own by borrowing from the best


Microsoft CVP Yusuf Mehdi isn’ t shy about mentioning the competition. As we discuss the company’s recent launch of Windows 10 S, he refers to the pared..
Microsoft CVP Yusuf Mehdi isn’ t shy about mentioning the competition. As we discuss the company’s recent launch of Windows 10 S, he refers to the pared down operating system as a “Chromebook compete.” The company knows that Google is eating its lunch in K-12 here in the States, so it answered with its own version, and it’s not really making any bones about it.
Gone of the days of publicly pretending the competition doesn’ t exist, much less that it inspired you. No brand is an island, not even Microsoft. A smart company takes cues from the competition and learns from its mistakes. And the software giant is now acknowledging those facts as it works to build the Surface line into a catchall brand for every hardware need under the sun.
Microsoft seemingly had to hit rock bottom to learn those lessons, of course. It was pretty grim there for a while, so it’s probably to be expected that the industry was a bit wary when the first Surface devices rolled around. Kin me once, shame on you. Kin me twice, shame on me. You know the drill.
And besides, the earliest entries felt like reference devices – demonstrations for manufacturers about what could be done with Windows 10. Somewhere along the lines, things changed. The Surface line became a serious play for Microsoft. Mehdi points to the Surface Pro 3 as a turning point, when the company finally felt comfortable calling the 2-in-1 a laptop replacement.
The Surface line marks a return to form for a company that had lost its way for what seemed like decades. It’s also a testament to what happens when a company isn’ t afraid to drawn inspiration from the competition, while recognizing what holes it’s equipped to fill in the market. And in a time when Mark Zuckerberg openly fesses up to copying Snapchat, maybe “borrowing” doesn’ t carry the same sort of stigma it once did.
Granted, people rarely blink when Apple brings a familiar feature to the product, but the company never shied away from stealing from the greats – and Steve Jobs regularly said as much. That was just sort of considered part of his charm. Over the past several years, the Surface line’s early role as a kind of proof of concept for various form factors has allowed the company to explore and put its own stamp on categories like the iMac dominated all-in-one to Google’s Chromebook.
The company’s software-first approach has allowed it to not only find success in these categories, but actually best the competition in a number of them. The recent Windows 10 Creators/Surface Studio launch was a bit of a wakeup call for many that Apple has seemingly dropped the ball as far as many creators are concerned. And Microsoft was happy to pick it up and run with it, courtesy of an operating system update and some interesting tools like the Surface dial.
And that’s the real win for Microsoft here. The company turned inspiration into innovation, and after a few years of growing out the line, the company isn’ t playing catch up anymore. It’s helping to lead the way.

© Source: https://techcrunch.com/2017/05/23/microsofts-surface-line-is-coming-into-its-own-by-borrowing-from-the-best/?ncid=rss&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Techcrunch+%28TechCrunch%29
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Trump's proposed budget borrows a few pages from Obama — literally


The Trump administration’s proposed budget includes efforts to cut government waste that were originally proposed by President Obama.
When it comes to eliminating « waste, fraud and abuse » in government spending, President Donald Trump’s proposed budget has borrowed a page from President Barack Obama’s budget. Several pages, in fact. The Trump administration’s budget proposes to save $139 billion over the next 10 years by eliminating « improper » government payments to people and businesses that shouldn’t be receiving them. It also includes seven specific proposals that reflect, word for word, initiatives called for in the Obama administration’s budgets
Last September, former Office of Management and Budget Controller David Mader appeared before the House Oversight Committee to update them on the Obama administration’s progress in cutting down in « improper payments. » Those efforts were boosted by Obama’s signing of the Improper Payments Elimination and Recovery Improvement Act (IPERIA) of 2012, which set up a centralized Do Not Pay system to cut down on fraud and mistakes.
The web-based service lets federal agencies review multiple databases, including officials lists of deceased individuals and entities barred from receiving federal awards, before making payments, according to a Government Accountability Office report on the system. When Obama entered the White House in 2009, the improper payment error rate was 5.42 percent of total federal spending, Mader told the House panel, an all-time high. By fiscal 2015, he said, the government-wide improper payment rate was 4.39 percent — which came out to about $136.9 billion that year.
Since 2012, Obama’s budgets included specific proposals to reduce overpayments further — seven of which have been incorporated in Trump’s budget proposal released Monday.
Here are the measures, including the amounts the Obama administration estimated could be saved over 10 years — estimates that are also included in Trump’s budget, word for word:
« Reduce improper payments government-wide  » – $139 billion over 10 years This line item assumes that the government will continue to cut a variety of improper payments gradually in the next five years — and then dramatically improve those controls 10 years from now. The budget assumes savings of just $719 million in 2019, jumping to $387.0 billion in 2026 and to $57.6 billion by 2027.
 » Allow Government-wide use of Customs and Border Protection data to prevent improper payments  » – $177 million over 10 years As proposed by the Obama administration, this measure would help catch improper payments to Social Security recipients who aren’t eligible for a monthly benefit if they leave the country for more than 30 consecutive days. « Authorize Social Security Administration (SSA) to use all collection tools to recover funds » – $41 million over 10 years This proposal would allow the use of current collection procedures on improper Social Security payments paid to a joint account after a beneficiary has died. It would allow the government to get the money back if the joint account holder cashes the check. « Hold fraud facilitators liable for overpayments » – $8 million over 10 years When someone collects a benefit who isn’t entitled to it, it’s often the result of fraud involving a third party who provides information, such as a doctor who verifies a disability claim. This proposal would let the government go after that third party to get the money back if the claim was fraudulent. « Increase overpayment collection threshold for Old Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance » – $848 million over 10 years This rule applies to the amount the government can collect from future payments to a beneficiary if it makes an overpayment. The main Social Security Insurance program for retirees allows collection of up to 10 percent of the monthly benefit. But a $10 a month limit — established in 1960 — still applies to the Old Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance program.
« Allow SSA to use commercial database to verify real property » – $559 million over 10 years « The inability to verify eligibility is the largest root case for improper payments in the (Social Security) program and this proposal would help,  » Mader told the House panel. In some cases, an individual’s assets affect their eligibility for benefits. « Increase oversight of paid tax return preparers » – $439 million over 10 years This would extend a stepped-up effort by the IRS, begun in 2010, to crack down on « questionable » tax preparers, with the aim of boosting compliance and collecting more taxes. « Provide more flexible authority for the Internal Revenue Service to address correctable errors » – $655 million over 10 years This applies to instances when the IRS finds a mathematical error on a tax return. Because Congress spells out, in detail, when the IRS has the authority to correct these errors, some of them are off limits. Expanding that authority would, in theory, catch more mistakes and collect more taxes.
Exclude SSA debts from discharge in bankruptcy – $315 million over 10 years This proposal is not included in the last Obama administration budget proposal. It would allow the government to collect Social Security overpayments from people who discharge other debts in bankruptcy court.
Use Death Master File to prevent improper payments – $0 million over 10 years This proposal is included in Trump’s budget, but the line item is blank. That may be because IPERIA already requires the Do Not Pay system to include the « death records maintained by the Commissioner of Social Security. »

© Source: http://www.cnbc.com/2017/05/23/trumps-proposed-budget-borrows-pages-from-obama-literally.html
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Loved ones search for Manchester missing on social media after concert attack


Loved ones search for Manchester missing on social media after concert attack
Families and friends of concertgoers who are still missing after the Manchester bombing have taken to social media hoping to find their loved ones.
Social media has become a useful tool to help locate missing people in the wake of a terror attack or natural disaster.
More than 14 million tweets have been posted about the Manchester bombing, including the hashtag #MissinginManchester about people who had not been found, according to Spredfast. Shortly after the bombing, Facebook also launched its safety check feature so users who attended teh concert could mark they were safe.
Families and friends of those still missing have posted pictures and descriptions of when and where their loved ones were last seen.
Among those reported missing is Olivia Campbell, whose mother Charlotte Campbell took to Facebook and Twitter, in addition to the BBC to find her daughter.
« I’m worried sick, if anybody has seen her please contact the police,  » Charlotte Campbell told the BBC, explaining her daughter had gone to the concert with a friend. « Please somebody must have seen her at some point, just let me know you’ve seen her. »
The families of teenage couple Chloe Rutherford and Liam Curry told Sky News they haven’t heard from the couple since the concert.
Bernard Wills, 36, the cousin of Curry’s father, told Sky News the family remained worried.
« They are a great young couple, really loving, with a bright future ahead and there’s nobody that doesn’t like them,  » he said. « Nobody ever has a bad word to say about them, so we’re all a bit worried. »
Politicians also took to social media in the hopes that missing concertgoers could be found. Alasdair Allan, a member of the Scottish National Party, shared a picture of two missing girls from Scotland on Facebook.
« Very concerned about Laura Macintyre and Eilidh Macleod from Isle of Barra. They were at last night’s concert in Manchester and their families are yet to hear from them. Please share,  » Allan wrote.
Kelly Brewster reportedly was separated from her sister during the attacks, according to Sky News.
Sheffield woman Kelly Brewster missing after Manchester attack: https: //t.co/dB2ABDSDyx pic.twitter.com/LrhT2zpsIi
There was at least one happy ending after the social media posts. A teen separated from her friends was found after posts were shared showing her in a distinctive yellow sweatshirt. At least 28,000 Twitter users retweeted the picture of the teen, identified as Heather. Eventually, another Twitter user saw the post and reported that Heather’s phone battery had died, but she was safe at the same hotel.

© Source: http://abcnews.go.com/International/loved-search-manchester-missing-social-media-concert-attack/story?id=47582501
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Zum Tod von Roger Moore: Ein letzter Martini


Roger Moore war ein wahrer Star. Seinen Rollen gab er gentlemanhafte Leichtigkeit. Kaum jemand verkörperte die stilvolle « Britishness » so wie er. Ein Nachruf
Wenn es wirklich das Schwerste ist, alles leicht wirken zu lassen, dann war Roger Moore ein großer Schauspieler. Doch es schien ja nicht so, als ob Moore sehr viel Zeit darauf verschwendet hat, sich zu fragen, wie bedeutend oder vielleicht auch nicht seine Karriere gewesen sein mag. Er ging darüber mit der scheinbaren Leichtigkeit hinweg, mit der er seine Rollen eher verkörperte als spielte. Roger Moore war weniger ein Schauspieler denn ein Star.
Einer ohne echtes Früh- und Spätwerk, das unterschied ihn von den beiden anderen noch lebenden britischen Schauspielern seiner Generation mit ähnlicher Prominenz, Michael Caine und natürlich: Sean Connery. James Bond war die Rolle, die Connerys und Moores Berufsleben in deren jeweiliger Mitte prägte, beim einen etwas früher, beim anderen etwas später. Doch im Gegensatz zu Connery kam bei Moore danach einfach nichts mehr. Keine berührenden Altersrollen, keine nachgeholte Versöhnung mit der doch eigentlich reichlich skurrilen Agentenfigur – kein Der Name der Rose, kein Die Unbestechlichen, kein Der-Vater-von-Indiana-Jones, kein Minutenauftritt als König Richard Löwenherz. Roger Moore trat einfach ab. Ein paar Filmauftritte noch, ein bisschen Fernsehen, vor allem aber humanitäre Arbeit für Unicef. Das war’s. Keine Auflösung.
Bemerkenswert ist, dass alle drei genannten Männer ursprünglich der britischen Arbeiterschicht entstammten, bestenfalls untere Mittelklasse: Caines Vater arbeitete auf dem Fischmarkt, Connerys war Fernfahrer, Moores Polizist. Ihre Herkunft hatte sie nicht auf die Gentlemanrollen vorbereitet, dank derer sie später berühmt wurden (bei Caine war es nicht Bond, sondern Alfie) – sie waren bereits Teil der persönlichen Verwandlung, des sozialen Aufstiegs in einer immer noch klassenbestimmten britischen Nachkriegsgesellschaft.
Liebe Leserinnen und Leser,
im Kommentarbereich dieses Artikels wollen wir Ihnen mit einem Kondolenzbuch die Möglichkeit geben, Ihre Erinnerungen und Gedanken an den Verstorbenen zu teilen. Die Wahrung der Pietät ist uns bei Todesfällen wichtig, weswegen alle Kommentare vor der Veröffentlichung geprüft werden.
Wenn eine Motivation der Söhne die Sehnsucht gewesen sein mag, nicht so zu enden wie die Väter (oder jedenfalls nicht so hart körperlich arbeiten zu müssen) , dann führte Moores Weg anfangs am weitesten nach oben und am weitesten weg von London, wo er 1927 geboren wurde: Roger Moore ging nach einem sehr kurzen Besuch der Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, dem Militärdienst im besetzten Deutschland und ein bisschen Modeln in der Heimat bald nach Hollywood. Das dortige Studiosystem steckte ihn in stereotype Nebenrollen, erst war Moore bei MGM unter Vertrag, später bei Warner Bros., alles Quatsch eigentlich, was er da drehte, nichts Aufsehenerregendes, Niedriglohnzeugs.
Das Fernsehen übernahm den blendend ausschauenden Moore dankend Ende der fünfziger Jahre, und die vierte Serie, in der er dann mitspielte, war die entscheidende, die Moore auch später zum Bond-Darsteller qualifizierte: Simon Templar, im Original The Saint, Gentleman-Schlawiner, kesse Sprüche, eine Augenbraue stets hochgezogen, Herz am rechten Fleck. Moore war zurück in Großbritannien, und der Sender ITV konnte die zwischen 1962 und 1969 gedrehte Serie in so ungefähr jedes Land auf dem weiten Erdenrund verkaufen – nicht zuletzt auch deshalb, weil die Bond-Filmreihe mit dem Schotten Connery zeitgleich Britishness zum kulturellen Exportschlager machte. Der amerikanische Schriftsteller Jay McInerney schrieb 1996 in dem herrlich überkandidelten Bond-als-Modefigur-Bändchen The Suited Hero unter dem Titel How Bond Saved America – And Me, wie er sich als Junge in den Sechzigern dank Bond in Savile-Row-Anzüge und ein anderes Leben hineinträumen konnte: « Bond stand für eine urbane Form von cool: Außer dass er großartig aussah in der Verkörperung durch Sean Connery, war er zudem noch witzig, gutangezogen und unerschütterlich – er war der einzige Kinoheld, den wir je gesehen hatten, dessen erster Impuls nach dem Töten eines anderen Mannes es war, seine Krawatte wieder zurechtzuziehen. »

© Source: http://www.zeit.de/kultur/film/2017-05/roger-moore-james-bond-nachruf
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Yaya Toure i jego agent wspomogą ofiary zamachu w Manchesterze


Piłkarz Manchesteru City Yaya Toure oraz jego agent Rosjanin Dimitrij Sieluk przeznaczą łącznie 100 tysięcy funtów na pomoc ofiarom poniedziałkowego zamachu, który w tym angielskim mieście kosztował życie 22 osób. Ponad sto zostało rannych, 59 trafiło do szpitala.
Do wybuchu w poniedziałek wieczorem doszło po koncercie amerykańskiej piosenkarki Ariany Grande w mieszczącej 21 tys. osób hali widowiskowo-sportowej Manchester Arena. – Wiadomość, że ośmioletnia dziewczynka poszła na koncert swojej ulubionej artystki i nie wróciła do domu, jest bardzo trudna do przyjęcia. Yaya Toure i ja chcemy pomóc. Rozmawialiśmy rano o tym, co się stało, i spytał mnie, co możemy zrobić. Postanowiliśmy złożyć się po 50 tysięcy funtów i wspomóc ofiary tego strasznego wydarzenia – powiedział Sieluk. Jak dodał, pomoc mają otrzymać wszyscy poszkodowani, niezależnie od tego, czy mieszkają w Manchesterze, czy przyjechali tylko na koncert. – Mamy to szczęście, że pracujemy w futbolu i stać nas na takie gesty dzięki hojności kibiców na całym świecie. To jest dzień, w którym piłka nożna musi pomóc ignorując granice – podkreślił Rosjanin. Agencja EFE poinformowała, że na koncercie były żona i córki trenera Manchesteru City Josepa Guardioli. Wszystkie trzy wyszły z zamachu bez szwanku.

© Source: http://www.polsatsport.pl/wiadomosc/2017-05-23/yaya-toure-i-jego-agent-wspomoga-ofiary-zamachu-w-manchesterze/
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