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Reviving the 'silk road'


China has pledged billions of dollars for new trade routes over land and sea.
Chinese President Xi Jinping is hosting a two-day summit to win support for an ambitious economic project designed to transform world trade.
The « One Belt, One Road » initiative is a modern take on the old ‘silk road’.
Marco Polo pioneered the route from Europe to Asia around 750 years ago.
The latest project aims to create a vast network of new trade routes in central Asia, the Middle East and Europe.
So, how will it change global trade, who will benefit and can it succeed?
Presenter: Sami Zeidan
Pauline Loong – Asia-Analytica
Jabin T Jacob – Institute of Chinese Studies
Bruno Macaes – Portugal’s former junior minister for Europe
Source: Al Jazeera News

© Source: http://www.aljazeera.com/programmes/insidestory/2017/05/reviving-silk-road-170514191145281.html
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China Pledges $124 Billion For New Silk Road


Chinese President Xi Jinping announced Sunday that China will invest $124 billion in a massive global trade project — the Belt and Road initiative.
Chinese President Xi Jinping announced Sunday that China will invest $124 billion in a massive global trade project — the Belt and Road initiative.
China is hosting a two-day summit meeting on the Belt and Road in Beijing. The project, which envisions the creation of a land-based Silk Road Economic Belt and sea-based Maritime Silk Road, expands China’s global leadership and encourages international development. Leaders from 29 countries, as well as numerous delegates, are in attendance at the gathering in Beijing.
“We should build an open platform of cooperation and uphold and grow an open world economy, ” Xi said at the meeting, according to Reuters. In contrast with some of the policies of the new U. S. administration, China has been actively promoting globalization. The Belt and Road project is designed to facilitate the development of major trade routes across multiple continents, with all roads leading back to China.
“China is willing to share its development experience with all countries, ” Jinping said. “We will not interfere in other countries’ internal affairs. We will not export our system of society and development model, and even more will not impose our views on others, ” Jinping explained to those in attendance. “In advancing the Belt and Road, we will not re-tread the old path of games between foes. Instead, we will create a new model of cooperation and mutual benefit.”
The funding promised by China’s president involves a donation to the existing Silk Road Fund, loans from policy banks, and aid to developing countries. First announced in 2013, the Belt and Road initiative has been little more than an idea. The ongoing meeting offers the Chinese government the opportunity to provide a clearer explanation of its vision for the trade project.
China plans to import $2 trillion in products over the next five years from the participating countries, Commerce Minister Zhong Shan revealed at the summit. Finance ministers from 27 countries approved a set of financing principles for the Belt and Road.
While the Belt and Road has been presented as China’s response to the Obama administration’s “pivot to Asia, ” the Trump administration has been more receptive, even offering to send a delegation to represent the U. S. at the summit. White House adviser Matt Pottinger explained that the U. S. supports China’s efforts to promote integration and development through its Belt and Road project, Reuters revealed.
The Belt and Road initiative is presented as China’s gift to the world, but some observers remain skeptical and suspicious of Chinese intentions, with some arguing that the aim is to boost Chinese development at a time when China’s economic growth is slowing. Critics also contend that China intends to export its overcapacity.
While representatives in attendance at the summit were supportive, some suggested that there is a pressing need for greater transparency.
The project covers roughly 65 percent of the world’s population, 75 percent of its energy resources, and 40 percent of its GDP. Some observers have described the Belt and Road as the largest development push in history, yet there are still concerns over certain financing and security issues.
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© Source: http://dailycaller.com/2017/05/14/china-doubles-down-on-globalization-with-124-billion-pledge-for-new-silk-road/
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Partia Merkel triumfuje. CDU wygrywa „małe wybory do Bundestagu”


CDU wygrała wybory do parlamentu regionalnego Nadrenii Północnej-Westfalii, a SPD poniosła klęskę – wynika z sondaży exit poll opublikowanych w niedzielę po zamknięciu lokali wyborczych. Był to ostatni test przed wyborami do Bundestagu. Ten egzamin partia Angeli Merkel zdała, przegrał zaś jej rywal do…
CDU wygrała wybory do parlamentu regionalnego Nadrenii Północnej-Westfalii, a SPD poniosła klęskę – wynika z sondaży exit poll opublikowanych w niedzielę po zamknięciu lokali wyborczych. Był to ostatni test przed wyborami do Bundestagu. Ten egzamin partia Angeli Merkel zdała, przegrał zaś jej rywal do fotela kanclerza Niemiec – przywódca SPD Martin Schulz. Tym dotkliwiej, że land ten od pół wieku uważany był za bastion jego ugrupowania.

© Source: http://www.tvp.info/30757690/partia-merkel-triumfuje-cdu-wygrywa-male-wybory-do-bundestagu
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Trump must turn over any tapes, lawmakers agree


If Trump recorded conversations with former FBI Director James Comey, he will have to turn those tapes over to Congress, Republicans and Democrats agreed.
May 14 (UPI) — If Trump did record conversations with former FBI Director Jame Comey, the president will have to turn those tapes over to Congress, both Republican and Democrats said on Sunday.
Last week, President Trump tweeted:  » James Comey better hope that there are no ‘tapes’ of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press! »
A number of pundits have likened the scenario to Nixon and Watergate. Mark Warner, D-Va., top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, called the insinuation « outrageous » during his appearance on « Fox News Sunday. »
When questioned on Friday about the president’s tweet, Press Secretary Sean Spicer said, « The president has nothing further to add on that. »
« If there is the existence of tapes I want to make sure, one, they’re preserved [and] are not mysteriously destroyed in the coming days, and then two, one way or the other, Congress will have to get a look at those tapes,  » Warner told « Fox News Sunday » host Chris Wallace .
Several Republicans echoed Warner’s logic.
« If there are any tapes of this conversation, they need to be turned over,  » Senator Lindsey O. Graham, R-S. C., said on NBC ‘s « Meet the Press. »
Senator Mike Lee, R-Utah, told Wallace any tapes would « inevitably » be subpoenaed by Congress.

© Source: http://www.upi.com/Top_News/US/2017/05/14/Trump-must-turn-over-any-tapes-lawmakers-agree/6971494789060/
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Makabryczna zbrodnia w Radomiu. 34-latek usłyszał zarzuty


Prokuratura Okręgowa w Radomiu postawiła zarzuty 34-letniemu Maciejowi S. w związku z zabójstwem kobiety i jej półtorarocznego dziecka. Zwłoki chłopca oraz jego 30-letniej matki znaleziono w piątek, w godzinach popołudniowych, w jednym z mieszkań w Radomiu. Ofiary miały poderżnięte gardła. Na razie…
Prokuratura Okręgowa w Radomiu postawiła zarzuty 34-letniemu Maciejowi S. w związku z zabójstwem kobiety i jej półtorarocznego dziecka. Zwłoki chłopca oraz jego 30-letniej matki znaleziono w piątek, w godzinach popołudniowych, w jednym z mieszkań w Radomiu. Ofiary miały poderżnięte gardła. Na razie nie wiadomo, co dokładnie wydarzyło się za drzwiami mieszkania.
34-letni Maciej S. usłyszał zarzuty podwójnego zabójstwa ze szczególnym okrucieństwem kobiety i jej dziecka. – Prokurator wystąpi jeszcze dziś do sądu z wnioskiem o jego tymczasowe aresztowanie na okres 3 miesięcy – poinformowała Małgorzata Chrabąszcz z Prokuratury Okręgowej w Radomiu.
Drugi z zatrzymanych mężczyzn został przesłuchany w charakterze świadka i zwolniony do domu.
Śledczy nie chcą na razie ujawniać jakie relacje łączyły zamordowaną kobietę z podejrzanym mężczyzną.
Zwłoki matki i jej dziecka zostały znalezione przez rodzinę ofiar w jednym z mieszkań na osiedlu Gołębiów. Według nieoficjalnych informacji chodzi o ciała 30-letniej Pauliny J. i jej 1,5 rocznego syna. Oboje mieli poderżnięte gardła.
Na poniedziałek zaplanowano sekcję zwłok 30-latki i jej synka.
Kolejna ofiara wampira z Radomia? Film:
Makabryczna zbrodnia w Radomiu. Nowe fakty
Śmierć Danuty Wielochy. Prokurator ujawnia wstrząsające kulisy zbrodni
Bądź pierwszy!
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© Source: http://www.fakt.pl/wydarzenia/polska/warszawa/makabryczna-zbrodnia-w-radomiu-34-latek-uslyszal-zarzuty/dm4qxz5
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北朝鮮ミサイル、高度2千キロ超 新型か、防衛見直しも


北朝鮮は14日午前5時28分ごろ、 西部の 平安北道(ピョンアンプクト)亀城(クソン)付近から東北東に向けて弾道ミサイル1発を発射した。 高度は2千キロを超え、 約30分にわたって約800キロ飛行。 日本の 排…
北朝鮮は14日午前5時28分ごろ、西部の平安北道(ピョンアンプクト)亀城(クソン)付近から東北東に向けて弾道ミサイル1発を発射した。高度は2千キロを超え、約30分にわたって約800キロ飛行。日本の排他的経済水域(EEZ)外の日本海に落下したとみられる。 稲田朋美防衛相は14日、記者団に「新型ミサイルの可能性があり、高度2千キロを超えたのは初めて」と述べた。北朝鮮のミサイル技術の進展に日米韓は危機感を強めている。 今回は角度を通常より上げて高く打ち上げる「ロフテッド軌道」で発射したとみられる。飛距離が抑えられる半面、通常の角度で撃った場合はさらに飛距離が伸びることになる。日米韓は通常の軌道で撃った場合の飛距離などについて分析を続けている。首相官邸幹部は、「日本に向けて普通に撃てば8分程度で届いていた」と述べた。 一方、ロフテッド軌道は落下速度が速く、迎撃が難しいとされる。日本では今後、弾道ミサイル防衛体制の見直しなどの議論が加速する可能性もある。 北朝鮮が弾道ミサイルを発射す…

© Source: http://www.asahi.com/articles/ASK5G5JR1K5GUHBI014.html?iref=com_alist_8_02
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Nach Niederlage: Hannelore Kraft schmeißt hin, Rücktritt von allen Ämtern


Ministerpräsidentin Hannelore Kraft hat den Rücktritt von all ihren Parteiämtern erklärt.
Ministerpräsidentin Hannelore Kraft hat nach der schweren SPD-Niederlage in NRW alle Ämter mit sofortiger Wirkung zurückgelegt. Kraft sagte, es müsse einen Neuanfang geben. Kraft sagte, es sei eine landespolitische Niederlage gewesen. Sie versucht damit, Martin Schulz als SPD-Chef auf Bundesebene den Rücken zu stärken.
Allerdings hat die SPD alle drei Landtagswahlen verloren, seit Schulz mit 100 Prozent zum Spitzenkandidaten der SPD gekürt worden war.
SPD-Vize Ralf Stegner sagte am Sonntag im ZDF: „Der Boxer SPD hat einen Leberhaken bekommen, aber er steht noch.“
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© Source: https://deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de/2017/05/14/nach-niederlage-hannelore-kraft-schmeisst-hin-ruecktritt-von-allen-aemtern/
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At a lively Wango Tango, pop and partying reign supreme – Orange County Register


Since 1998, KIIS FM’s Wango Tango has been the biggest night in pop music, giving fans a chance to see 10-14 of their favorite Top 40 artists on a single stage. Think Mariah Carey, the Spice…
Since 1998, KIIS FM’s Wango Tango has been the biggest night in pop music, giving fans a chance to see 10-14 of their favorite Top 40 artists on a single stage. Think Mariah Carey, the Spice Girls and *NSYNC all on one bill — or Britney Spears, Nelly Furtado and Pink. It’s a mega-screen, pyrotechnic-filled, super-concert sprinkled with appearances by B-level celebrity guests and KIIS FM radio personalities. In other words, it’s pop-heaven, and the super-lineup that hit the stage of the sold-out StubHub Center in Carson on Saturday — including Katy Perry, Machine Gun Kelly, and Zedd — did not disappoint. The sun was shining, the music was loud, and the party didn’ t stop until well into the night.
Here are some highlights.
While waiting for the StubHub doors to open at 4, attendees were free to wander Wango Village, a pop-up area featuring a giant Ferris wheel, food trucks, games and sponsor booths filled with free stuff. Some of the swag up for grabs included Coca Cola sunglasses, Fujifilm Instax backpacks, technicolored Otter Pop merch and even a few Chevy cars. The village also had its own stage, treating fans to free performances by Aaron Carter, Olivia Holt, Jordan Fisher and more.
With the event taking place on the eve of Mother’s Day, it was only right that the night was filled with nods to everyone’s mama. After Katy Perry’s opening set, Ryan Seacrest brought out his mom, explaining that it was her first Wango Tango and adorably high-fiving her after she introduced Noah Cyrus. Cyrus concluded her set by bringing mother Tish onstage to celebrate her birthday. Big sis Miley rolled out a birthday cake, and all of StubHub — significantly made up of tweens and youngsters with their own moms — joined in on “Happy Birthday.”
“Rock Bottom” songstress Hailee Steinfeld took to the stage in disguise, blending in with her dancers in a hooded jacket that concealed her face. The audience loved her big reveal, but as soon as the hood came off, the music stopped. A confused Seinfeld looked around desperately before resignedly saying, “I guess this stuff happens sometimes.” Poor Steinfeld continued to have issues, struggling with her mic pack during “Starving” and getting her jacket stuck as she tried to take it off after “You’ re Such A.” With the crowd behind her, she managed to recover well, rallying with confident renditions of “Love Myself” and “Most Girls.”
Niall Horan received the highest-pitched screams and performed one of the mellowest sets, playing a quiet cover of the Martin Garrix/Dua Lipa song “Scared to Be Lonely, ” a dancey, Maroon 5-esque song off his upcoming album, “On the Loose, ” and his sexy new single, “Slow Hands.” Taking in Horan’s performance was his One Direction band mate, Liam Payne, whose unscheduled appearance during a between-sets interview sent a shockwave through the audience — the thought of one-half of the Zayn-less One Direction being under one roof was too much for the crowd to handle. Payne explained that he was there to see Horan as well as Zedd, whom he collaborated with for his upcoming album.
Miley Cyrus took to the stage as a special guest, playing an abbreviated set of three songs, including the balloon-filled, first-ever performance of her breezy new single, “Malibu.” Cyrus’ radically toned-down appearance — as well as her decision to cover Dolly Parton’s “Jolene” as she tossed flowers to the crowd out of a very country-looking basket — served as a full display of the stylistic 180 she’s making with her new music. She looked genuinely happy to be going back to her roots, giving one of the most enjoyable performances of the evening.
Adam Levine and company showed their Wango Tango veteran status with an expertly executed set packed with hits. “Don’ t Wanna Know, ” “Moves Like Jagger, ” “This Love, ” “Harder to Breathe” and a particularly infectious performance of “Sugar” got the whole StubHub audience on its feet — but it was their cover of Prince’s “Let’s Go Crazy” that stole the show. Levine deftly handled the holy pulpit opening as well as the guitar theatrics, bringing his axe out onto the runway to shred. The crowd ate it up — with all the “Voice”-watching moms giving the loudest shrieks of approval.
Closing out the night was a blast from the boy-band past. The Backstreet Boys hadn’ t been on the Wango Tango stage since 2001, but that didn’ t stop them from stealing the show with classics like “Larger Than Life, ” “The Call” and “As Long As You Love Me.” Folding-chair dancing that was straight out of 2001? Check. Matching white outfits whose subtle differences showed off each guy’s personality? Got it. Palpable waves of butterfly-clip, flip-phone nostalgia hitting the crowd during “I Want It That Way?” You better believe it. People started to trickle out — mostly parents with children who weren’ t even born when the Backstreet Boys were on the radio — but those who stayed were treated to a good-old-fashioned display of POP. Backstreet’s back. All right!
Where: StubHub Center, Carson When: May 13

© Source: http://www.ocregister.com/2017/05/14/at-a-lively-wango-tango-pop-and-partying-reign-supreme/
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Trump eyeing Spicer replacement as part of broad shakeup: reports


President Trump could be eyeing a new face to replace Old Spice.
President Trump could be eyeing a new face to replace Old Spice.
Multiple reports say besieged White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer’s job may be in jeopardy as part of a broader staffing shakeup — and in the wake of a bungled communications rollout to explain the FBI director’s sudden firing .
One potential Spicer successor, per the New York Times: Fox News’ Kimberly Guilfoyle, a polarizing co-host of “The Five” who in 2014 quipped the U. S. should “get Putin in for 48 hours” as President to destroy ISIS.
Guilfoyle was first rumored as a contender for the top spokesperson job after being spotted at Trump Tower in December, though the President ultimately chose Spicer.
Sympathy for Sean Spicer
Following contradictions and mass confusion from surrogates after he abruptly dismissed James Comey, Trump has openly toyed with eliminating daily briefings altogether — despite having bragged about Spicer’s sterling ratings.
“As a very active President with lots of things happening, it is not possible for my surrogates to stand at podium with perfect accuracy!” he tweeted Friday.
“Maybe the best thing to do would be to cancel all future ‘press briefings’ and hand out written responses for the sake of accuracy???”
The President revisited that threat in an interview with Fox News’ Jeanine Pirro — but resisted the notion that Spicer, whom he called “a wonderful human being” and “a nice man, ” might be replaced.
SNL’s President Trump seals Sean Spicer’s job fate with a kiss
“He’s doing a good job, but he gets beat up, ” Trump said.
The much-mocked Melissa McCarthy lookalike — whose absence last week on Naval Reserve duty thrust deputy Sarah Huckabee Sanders behind the podium — is reportedly not the only member of Team Trump possibly on the outs.
A “huge reboot” could also see White House chief strategist Steve Bannon, chief of staff Reince Priebus and counsel Don McGahn exit, White House sources told Axios .
“He’s frustrated, and angry at everyone, ” an insider told the outlet.
Press Sec. Sean Spicer cutouts available to decorate bushes
“The advice he’s getting is to go big — that he has nothing to lose, ” the source added. “The question now is how big and how bold. I’ m not sure he knows the answer to that yet.”
A White House spokesperson did not immediately return the Daily News’ request for comment on potential staff turnover.
The President is also irked at Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price and Attorney General Jeff Sessions for either under-praising his accomplishments or touting their own, according to the report.

© Source: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/trump-eyeing-spicer-replacement-part-broad-shakeup-reports-article-1.3164850?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+NydnRss+%28Top+Stories+-+NY+Daily+News%29
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How BYU Encouraged Student Innovation Via a Standard API


A few years ago when Brigham Young students wanted to create a site based on university data, they were forced to scrape the university’s website. Now BYU has launched a university-wide API and is about to launch a developer portal. David Raths explains what the…
Only a few years ago when Brigham Young students wanted to create a site based on university data they were forced to screen scrape the college’s website. Now BYU has launched a university-wide API and is about to launch a developer portal. David Raths over at Campus Technology explains the fast progress and what the future holds for APIs at BYU.
University staff were alerted to the success of a website from three young BYU students in 2014. When they discovered that the app was built by screen-scraping, they decided to standardise data and expose it through an API so that students could build their own apps and so that the university’s own services would be more connected.
Phil Windley, enterprise architect in BYU’s Office of the CIO, remembers there were 950 different services when he returned to BYU in 2014. These services had different protocols, returned data in different formats and were generally inconsistent. The IT team decided to create a university-wide API with one consistent interface. They began by asking themselves what the core functionality of the college was and who their customers were. From this thinking, they decided on five basic resources for the first API: students, instructors, locations, courses and classes.
Part of the motivation behind the move was that it would mean IT staff could swap out underlying apps without disrupting the rest of the college because even if the API changed under the hood, the interface other departments relied on would stay the same.
After three years of work, BYU has completed version one of its API and is all set to launch its developer portal so that third party developers will be able to build apps on top of the API, like the three students mentioned earlier.
The next step will be to develop a personal API based on the Domain of One’s own concept from the University of Mary Washington under which every student will have his or her own personal web domain. The idea behind the personal API is that the university could use each student’s domain as the authoritative source of information about the student, including their current address and contact details. The ultimate goal would be to use the personal API as a learning record store that would give a database of all students’ learning transactions. On each student’s domain could be information like ‘Mike completed quiz 3 and got an A’ . The information would be owned by the student but would contain information that could be verified by the college.
BYU is a pioneer in the field of university APIs. But it’s not the only one. Other colleges are working on their own API including UC Berkeley, UC San Diego and Northwestern, all of which have attended API workshops at BYU.

© Source: https://www.programmableweb.com/news/how-byu-encouraged-student-innovation-standard-api/elsewhere-web/2017/05/14?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+ProgrammableWeb+%28ProgrammableWeb%3A+Blog%29
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