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Makers of Crowdfunded “Gravity Blanket” Withdraw Unsupported Medical Claims After Raising $3 Million


The creators of a product marketed to treat anxiety, PSTD and other conditions have quietly changed its description on Kickstarter
A “Gravity blanket” on Kickstarter that claimed to use cozy pressure to treat anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, and other conditions has been taking the internet by storm, raising more than $3 million. But on Thursday, the company quietly deleted the boldest medical claims on its crowdfunding site — language which violated Kickstarter policy and went against FDA recommendations — after STAT inquired about its promotional statements.
The creators of Gravity call their product a “premium-grade, therapeutic weighted blanket” intended to treat psychiatric illnesses. People quickly snuggled up to the idea: More than 15,000 donors contributed to the Kickstarter campaign to help get the blanket to the market, where it’s projected to sell for as much as $279.
A slew of publications have touted the product with headlines such as, “I Want This Anti-Anxiety Blanket and You Will Too.” But the science behind the blanket’s claims is scarce— as STAT found by reviewing the studies the manufacturer cites as evidence for its claims.
The Kickstarter campaign made big promises: “The science behind Gravity reveals that it can be used to treat a variety of ailments, including insomnia, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, as well as circumstantial stress and prolonged anxiety.”
But on Thursday afternoon, that language was swapped to say the blanket could be “used” for those conditions, rather than treat them. The blanket’s creators didn’ t respond to a request for comment. After STAT inquired about the campaign with both Kickstarter and the Gravity blanket’s creators, Kickstarter said it asked the Gravity team to change the language because it wasn’ t in line with their rules on health claims.
Gravity isn’ t the type of product regulated by the Food and Drug Administration. However, FDA recommendations released in July 2016 laid out clear guidelines for promoting wellness products, which are low-risk items designed to support a healthy lifestyle.
They can be marketed as supporting people who live with anxiety. They shouldn’ t claim that a product can treat an anxiety disorder.
The marketing language also appeared to violate Kickstarter’s rules. The crowdfunding site prohibits campaigns for “any item claiming to cure, treat, or prevent an illness or condition.” Kickstarter has previously said that the rule was developed out of concern that medical claims could have “harmful consequences” for consumers.
Regardless of how it’s promoted, the evidence behind the product is scarce.
“ It’s not a miracle therapy, ” said Dr. Khalid Ismail, a sleep medicine researcher at Tufts Medical Center in Boston. “I don’ t think it’s ready for prime time yet.”
Weighted blankets simulate the feeling of a big hug. The creators say it’s similar to swaddling a newborn baby, but with a much higher price tag. They claim that the increased weight — also known as deep touch pressure stimulation — can increase serotonin and melatonin levels while driving down cortisol, a stress hormone, “all without filling a prescription.”
It’s not a novel concept: Weighted blankets have been used in children with autism and elderly individuals with dementia. You can even buy them with a lower price tag from home goods stores.
“ What’s new is that they’ re trying to broaden the indication for its use, ” said Ismail.
But the research they cite falls short of the hype.
One study looked at the use of weighted blankets, among other products, in a “sensory room” in an inpatient psychiatric unit. The researchers studied 75 people who used that room and concluded that those who tried the blanket reported a decrease in their anxiety and distress. But there was also a decrease in those symptoms among people who didn’ t get under the blanket. And the study wasn’ t blinded, so people might’ ve reported positive effects because they were led to expect the blanket would have a positive effect.
Another study touted by Gravity’s creators found that 63 percent of individuals who used a 30-pound weighted blanket had reduced symptoms of anxiety. But the research included only 32 adults and no control group.
The creators of the blanket did not respond to a request for comment.
Ismail said it isn’ t clear who, exactly, the blanket would benefit. Many cases of sleeplessness result from poor sleep hygiene, like being glued to a phone before bed; others result from underlying psychiatric disorders that require treatment.
“ It might have a role, but in a very, very small subset of patients, ” Ismail said, “and I don’ t think we’ ve identified that subset of patients with a really good randomized controlled trial.”
The campaign says it expects to start shipping blankets this month.
Republished with permission from STAT. This article originally appeared on May 12,2017

© Source: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/makers-of-crowdfunded-ldquo-gravity-blanket-rdquo-withdraw-unsupported-medical-claims-after-raising-3-million/
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Paul McCartney confirms 'Pirates of the Caribbean' cameo with movie poster


British rock ‘n’ roll icon Paul McCartney has confirmed he will appear in the next « Pirates of the Caribbean » adventure.
May 14 (UPI) — British rock ‘n’ roll icon Paul McCartney has confirmed he will appear in the next Pirates of the Caribbean adventure.
« #PiratesLife,  » McCartney tweeted Saturday along with a skull and crossbones emoji, as well as a poster showing McCartney dressed as a buccaneer and the words: « Paul McCartney. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales. May 26. »
The former Beatle is not the first music star to appear in Johnny Depp ‘s Pirates franchise. Keith Richards of Rolling Stones fame also had cameos in two previous installments.

© Source: http://www.upi.com/Entertainment_News/Movies/2017/05/14/Paul-McCartney-confirms-Pirates-of-the-Caribbean-cameo-with-movie-poster/7231494775577/
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Cybersecurity researchers stumbled on 'kill switch' to stop global attack Video


Ransomware spread rapidly across five continents using leaked NSA cyber tools.
Later the this morning. The other developing story. The global cyber attack where hackers demanded money and exploited a dangerous security hole that posed problems to thousands of companies in multiple countries. Could there be a second wave coming? Here’s Brian Ross. Reporter: U. S. Officials this morning are praising the quick work of this computer security programmer in Indiana. Darian huss, and a counterpart in great Britain, who analyzed the hacker’s messages, demanding ransom, and stumbled on the a kill switch that shut down the massive attack in its tracks. So I was panicking looking through the code and I realized that actually we had stopped it. Once the kill switch was activated, the mall ware would do nothing. Reporter: It includes FedEx in the United States. Rail roads in Europe. Hospitals in great Britain, where surgeries were canceled, ambulances Tur away. This morning, law enforcement and intelligence authorities around the world led by Britain’s new computer security squad, where we were recently given rare access, are working to track down whoever was responsible. With Russian organized crime considered a prime suspect. It’s people trying to steal money. The digital world gives people an opportunity to do that at a scale hitherto unknown. Allows people to think up new ways of doing bad things. Reporter: Cyber security experts believe the attack was carried out with the help of a program first developed by U. S. Intelligence to compromise the commuters of terrorists and foreign adversaries. They lost it. Somebody stole the information. Publisheon the internet. Now it’s being used against others. Reporter: As of this morning, U. S. Officials believe American companies have dodged a bullet. And because of the quick activation of the kill switch. Even so, U. S. Officials believe the hackers will try a second wave of attacks without a kill switch. And that could come anytime soon. Dan and Paula? Not something to look forward to. A lot of other new this is
This transcript has been automatically generated and may not be 100% accurate.

© Source: http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/video/cybersecurity-researchers-stumbled-kill-switch-stop-global-attack-47401166
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【北京時事】 中国外務省の 華春瑩・ 副報道局長は14日、 北朝鮮による弾道ミサイル発射について、 国連安保理決議に違反していると批判し、 「反対」 の 立場を表明した。 その 上で「現在の 朝鮮半島情勢は複雑で敏感だ。 緊張をエスカレートさせてはならない」 と北朝鮮に自制を求めた。
【北京時事】中国外務省の華春瑩・副報道局長は14日、北朝鮮による弾道ミサイル発射について、国連安保理決議に違反していると批判し、「反対」の立場を表明した。その上で「現在の朝鮮半島情勢は複雑で敏感だ。緊張をエスカレートさせてはならない」と北朝鮮に自制を求めた。 北京では14日、中国が主導するシルクロード経済圏構想「一帯一路」に関する国際会議が15日までの日程で開幕。中国は重要な国際会議と位置付けており、開始直前の北朝鮮による挑発行為には不快感を持っているもようだ。 会議には北朝鮮から金英才対外経済相を団長とする代表団も参加。中国側との会談も行われるとみられ、中国は北朝鮮側に直接不満を伝え、核実験などを自制するよう改めて求める可能性がある。(2017/05/14-16: 08) 関連ニュース
【国際記事一覧へ】 【アクセスランキング】

© Source: http://www.jiji.com/jc/article?k=2017051400340&g=int&m=rss
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NoKor missile attack not ‘an immediate concern’ for OFWs in Japan NoKor missile attack not ‘an immediate concern’ for OFWs in Japan


The Philippine Embassy in Japan does not see the ballistic missile threat of North Korea as an immediate cause of concern for Japanese and overseas Filipino workers in the country, taking note of Japan’s preparations. Deputy Chief of Mission Eduardo Meñez, the Philippine ambassador to Japan…
TOKYO — The Philippine Embassy in Japan does not see the ballistic missile threat of North Korea as an immediate cause of concern for Japanese and overseas Filipino workers in the country, taking note of Japan’s preparations.
Deputy Chief of Mission Eduardo Meñez, the Philippine ambassador to Japan, said this on Friday, in an interview with reporters two days before North Korea launched its first ballistic missile test on Sunday afternoon for the first time since the election of South Korean President Moon Jae-in.
According to a BBC report, the attack was launched near north western Kusong and landed in the sea of Japan. A Reuters report, meanwhile, said the missile fell around 400 kms from the east coast of North Korea.
Also projected as North Korea’s target, aside from South Korea and the US Pacific Command in Hawai’ i,are certain parts of Japan, mainly Okinawa.
Recent statistics from the Japanese government have counted around 270,000 Filipinos residing in Japan, Meñez noted. This made the Filipinos the third largest foreign population in Japan after the Chinese and the South Koreans, he added.
”Japan is prepared… The Filipinos and the general public in Japan are aware of the increasing threat of North Korea to the region but at the level of public, the level of worry is not very high… The Filipinos are as safe as the Japanese. ” he said.
Meñez noted that North Korea has been conducting missile tests for the past several years since 2012, hence Japan has long prepared for contingencies. The frequency of the launch increased particularly in 2016 under the administration of its president Kim Jong Un. “The threat is not as present as in South Korea, ” he added.
“At this point in time, I do not believe there is a sense of fear from the Filipino community. They basically mirror what the Japanese public do. Actually far from feeling threatened, more and more Filipiinos are coming to Japan… (recently around 30 to 40 percent growth in tourist arrivals) ” the ambassador said.
No worries
Lily Tan, 63, one of the hotel workers at the Hotel New Otani in Tokyo and residing in the city for 36 years, said “the threat is not much of a concern. It is too far. If I will go home, it is not because of the missiles, but of homesick. I had been married to a Japanese who died 10 years ago, ” she said. She has a child in the Philippines and would go back to the Philippines in two years
“If the Lord permits it to happen, it will happen. May he help us. As of now, there is no perceived threat here. Is there in the Philippines?” she asked.
“According to the Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution, Japan’s armed forces is limited only to national defense, ” said Lonny Carlile, professor director of the Center for Japanese Studies at the University of Hawai’ i.
“Japan, a more likely target because of its distance to North Korea,
would be taking incremental steps at a time, and confidence building
approach, ” he added.
Meñez said the Japanese government has prepared and has maintained a “well-established” system of response to different threats both man-made, such as terrorism, and natural threats such as disasters. The Japanese public is also well-informed about their alert systems.
Carlile said it would only take 10 minutes for one of these missiles to get from Pyongyang to Japan.
That means, it will only take 10 minutes for the Japanese public to secure themselves before the entry of whatever missile into the area of responsibility, according to Meñez.
Asked if the contingency efforts were enough, he added: “Well, that is the best thing you can do under those circumstances.”
“The Japanese, I believe, have prepositioned a modified patriot missile capability. So if there is a missile that is launched whether deliberate, or test attack, the military will also have the capability to shoot out incoming missiles, ” Menez said.
Apart from the possible missile threats from North Korea, China’s possible missile attack on Japan is also perceived threat, according to Takahiro Otsuka, a journalist from the Fuji Television network.
In a recent panel discussion with Southeast Asian journalists, Japanese journalists said Japan has been anchoring its security on the United States as one of its strong allies.
“Our military defense is not that strong. We have not sent military forces since World War II, ” Otsuka said. SFM

© Source: http://globalnation.inquirer.net/156610/nokor-missile-attack-not-immediate-concern-ofws-japan
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米政府当局者は14日、 北朝鮮が同日未明に発射した弾道ミサイル1発は北朝鮮の 北方に位置するロシアの ウラジオストク地域から南へ60マイル(約97キロ)離れた海域に着弾した可能性があることを明らかにした。 CNNの 取材に述べた。 ウラジオストクにはロシア軍の 太平洋艦隊の 司令部がある。 北朝鮮が今回の ミサ…
(CNN) 米政府当局者は14日、北朝鮮が同日未明に発射した弾道ミサイル1発は北朝鮮の北方に位置するロシアのウラジオストク地域から南へ60マイル(約97キロ)離れた海域に着弾した可能性があることを明らかにした。

© Source: https://www.cnn.co.jp/world/35101118.html?ref=rss
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Melissa McCarthy adds spice (and Spicer) as host of 'SNL'


Melissa McCarthy brought comic spice plus Spicer to Saturday Night Live.
Melissa McCarthy once again brought comic spice plus Spicer to « Saturday Night Live. »
After a spate of guest appearances mocking White House press secretary Sean Spicer in recent weeks, she was back on Saturday’s edition of the NBC satire show to preside as host.
One sketch featured McCarthy as the hot-tempered Spicer commandeering his motorized podium through the streets of midtown Manhattan – a sequence spotted by the media on Friday while it was being filmed.
The show began with Alec Baldwin reprising his piercing impersonation of President Donald Trump. Interviewed by NBC News’ Lester Holt (actually cast member Michael Che) , Trump was asked if he could assure the nation he wouldn’t name someone « crazy » to replace ousted FBI Director James Comey. Trump said his choice would be « so bonkers » everyone would wish it were Judge Judy.
McCarthy took repeated pies to the face as a hapless contestant on a game show called « Just Desserts! »
Then things got even more physical with the latest White House press briefing spoof. The sketch began with cast member Aidy Bryant playing Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the White House aide who subbed for Spicer for a few days last week. But quickly Spicer jumped from the bushes just outside the press room to reclaim his spot, pushing Sanders aside.
« Let me put this whole Russian thing to bed: Trump is innocent,  » he seethed at the press corps. « How do we know? Because he TOLD us so! »
Then a reporter asked, « Were you surprised Trump fired Comey before he fired you? »
Blowing his top, Spicer ripped down a support column and hurled it at the reporter.
But was this true? Was Spicer’s job really in jeopardy? Had Trump been feeding him lies?
Spicer cranked up his motorized podium and hit the road for New York to confront Trump and find out.
« Have you ever told me to say things that aren’t true? » Spicer asked Trump after tracking him down.
« Only since you started working here,  » Trump replied.
Then they kissed and made up, literally, with Trump and Spicer locked in a tight embrace.

© Source: http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2017/05/14/melissa-mccarthy-adds-spice-and-spicer-as-host-snl.html
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Kunst: Aufblasbare Ballerina von Jeff Koons in New York


New York (dpa) – Vor dem Eingang des Rockefeller Center in New York sitzt neuerdings eine überdimensionale Ballerina-Skulptur des US-Künstlers Jeff Koons. Die
New York (dpa) – Vor dem Eingang des Rockefeller Center in New York sitzt neuerdings eine überdimensionale Ballerina-Skulptur des US-Künstlers Jeff Koons.
Die 14 Meter hohe « Seated Ballerina » sei aufblasbar und beruhe vom Design auf einer kleinen Porzellanfigur, teilte der Art Production Fund mit, der die Installation möglich gemacht hat. Sie solle den Betrachtern ein « Gefühl von Bestätigung und Aufregung » vermitteln, sagte Koons laut Mitteilung.
Wie viele von Koons Werken ist die Ballerina reflektierend, was dem Künstler zufolge « Lebensenergie nachahmt ». Die Tänzerin sitzt im Tutu und mit Ballettschuhen nach vorn gebeugt auf einem Stuhl, den Blick nach unten gerichtet. « Es geht um das Nachdenken und darum, was es heißt, ein Mensch zu sein. Es ist ein sehr hoffnungsvolles Werk », sagte Koons zu der Skulptur, die bis 2. Juni am Rockefeller Center zu sehen ist.
« Die Skulptur dient als zeitgenössische Wiederholung der Göttin Venus und symbolisiert Ideen von Schönheit und Verbundenheit », schreibt der Art Production Fund. « Ihre reflektierende Oberfläche spiegelt ihre umgehende Umwelt und befasst sich mit jedem Betrachter. »
Der 62-jährige Koons gilt seit der Versteigerung seines Werks « Balloon Dog », einer drei Meter großen Pudel-Skulptur, 2013 für 58,4 Millionen Dollar (53,7 Millionen Euro) als teuerster lebender Künstler. Kritiker rücken seine Werke allerdings in die Nähe von Kitsch.

© Source: http://www.t-online.de/unterhaltung/stars/id_81166542/kunst-aufblasbare-ballerina-von-jeff-koons-in-new-york.html
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初の高度2000キロ超、新型か ロフテッド軌道、迎撃難しく


稲田朋美防衛相は14日午前、 同日に北朝鮮が発射した弾道ミサイルは高度2000キロ超に達したとの 見方を明らかにした。 「2千キロメートルを超える高度は初めてだ」 とも述べた。 飛行距離は800キロメートルで
稲田朋美防衛相は14日午前、同日に北朝鮮が発射した弾道ミサイルは高度2000キロ超に達したとの見方を明らかにした。「2千キロメートルを超える高度は初めてだ」とも述べた。飛行距離は800キロメートルで日本の排他的経済水域(EEZ)の外側のロシア領近くに落下したもよう。発射角度を通常より高くする「ロフテッド軌道」だったとの見解も表明した。 北朝鮮の弾道ミサイル発射を受け、取材に応じる稲田防衛相(14日午前、防衛省)=共同 国家安全保障会議後、防衛省内で記者団の取材に応じた。ミサイルの飛行時間は約30分だとし「新型の弾道ミサイルだった可能性がある」とも強調。「情報収集や分析、警戒監視に全力を挙げる」とした。 弾道ミサイルは通常、射程を長くするため効率的な角度で発射する「ミニマムエナジー軌道」とよばれる軌道をとる。ロフテッド軌道は高く打ち上げる分、距離が短くなるが、落下速度がつき、地上からの迎撃は難しくなる。 政府高官は14日、日本のミサイル防衛網を踏まえ「迎撃しくにくいということはない」と述べたものの、北朝鮮による弾道ミサイルの脅威は増している。 昨年6月、ムスダンと推定される弾道ミサイルは約400キロメートル飛び、高度は1千キロメートル超だった。今回のミサイルは飛距離、高度ともに伸びている。防衛省関係者は14日、「ミサイル技術が一定の進展を見せているのは確かだ」とした。 さらにロフテッド軌道ではなく通常の軌道で発射していれば、弾道ミサイルの飛距離はさらに伸びる。同じ推力を用いれば、日本本土や米国ハワイに到達する可能性さえあったとの見方もある。

© Source: http://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXLASFS14H0B_U7A510C1000000/
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Leaked internal documents highlight interesting facts about Xbox One owners in the US


Some leaked internal Microsoft documents have revealed some rather interesting details about Xbox One owners in the US, such as the fact that 58% gamers are male, whereas 42% are female.
Microsoft rarely reveals statistics about its Xbox community. Although we do know that there are 52 million monthly active users of Xbox Live services, and that the company’s revenue in the sector rose by 7% – thanks to Microsoft’s Q3 FY2017 report – little else is known.
However, Windows Central’s Jez Corden has managed to obtain some internal Microsoft documents that reveal some interesting stats about Xbox One owners in the US.
The data for the report has been collected from over 2,000 Xbox One owners spread throughout the US. Some of the more interesting statistics have been summarized below:
Additionally, Microsoft also surveyed over 8,000 gamers to see what motivated them to play games. The answers ranged from « discovery/exploration » to « escape ».
It is important to know that data has been obtained through surveying Xbox One gamers in the US only, and may not accurately depict the global situation. That said, it certainly highlights several interesting facts about Microsoft’s gaming community and provides answers as to why the company focuses on certain features such as Clubs, Arena, and Xbox Play Anywhere. You can view the internal documents in the gallery below for more details.
Source and images: Windows Central

© Source: https://www.neowin.net/news/leaked-internal-documents-highlight-interesting-facts-about-xbox-one-owners-in-the-us?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+neowin-main+%28Neowin+News%29
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