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Hong Kong licence restrictions to ease to inject young blood into ageing workforce of taxi and trucks


To help fill shortage of professional drivers, new recruits will only need to have held a regular licence for one year instead of three
Restrictions on driving commercial vehicles in Hong Kong will be eased to allow younger people to fill shortages in an ageing workforce, especially the taxi and container truck sectors, the has learned. Drivers would only have to have held a regular private car or light goods vehicle licence for one year, rather than the current three, to be eligible to drive taxis, trucks, buses and minibuses, according to a source familiar with the situation. However, the minimum age requirement of 21 for a commercial vehicle licence would remain unchanged. Applicants for a taxi driving licence would also need to undergo mandatory training to be devised by the Vocational Training Council, another source said. The government expected to submit a proposed amendment to the soon and also planned to upgrade training for taxi and minibus drivers, the source said. A spokeswoman for the Transport and Housing Bureau admitted it was looking at relaxing the three-year rule to address the shortage of professional drivers. “To ease the shortage of drivers [of commercial vehicles] , the government is studying whether to relax the relevant requirement. The government is consulting the transport sector and will also consult Legco in due course, ” she said in a reply to a inquiry. The taxi industry had been calling for the government to relax eligibility requirements as the sector had been hit particularly hard by an ageing workforce. Eighty per cent of the city’s cabbies are 50 or above, with an average age of 58. According to Transport Department figures last year, among 220,440 holders of taxi driving licences, only 1,110, or 0.5 per cent, were aged 21 to 29. Despite the high number of licence holders, it is estimated that there are about 40,000 active cabbies for the city’s 18,138 taxis. The government data also showed the average age of green minibus drivers was about 60 and 50 for franchised bus drivers. There were over 44,000 licence holders for cross-boundary container trucks, but at the end of 2014 only about 4,500 worked as drivers, with 0.7 per cent aged 21 to 29 and over half between 50 and 59. Sonia Cheng Man-yee, director of taxi firm SynCab, said the government earlier confirmed its intention to relax the eligibility requirement as the industry had been pushing for it for over five years. “The taxi trade has regular meetings with the Transport Department officials and recently they said they were going to go ahead with it, ” she said. Cheng said the relaxed requirements would not compromise safety as holding a driving licence for three years did not equate to three years of actual experience. “On the contrary, shortening this requirement will allow new licence holders to immediately hone their skills as a professional driver, ” she argued.

© Source: http://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/law-crime/article/2093661/hong-kong-slash-time-needed-drivers-operate-taxis-and
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Grammy Awards leaves Los Angeles for New York in 2018


Music’s biggest night is heading to New York next year after more than a decade in Los Angeles, the organizers of the annual…
LOS ANGELES, May 9 (Reuters) – Music’s biggest night is heading to New York next year after more than a decade in Los Angeles, the organizers of the annual Grammy Awards said on Tuesday.
The 60th Grammy Awards will take place on Jan. 28 at Manhattan’s Madison Square Garden arena, where the ceremony was last held in 2003, the Recording Academy and CBS Corp, which televises the live event, said in a statement.
The move to bring the prestigious event, staged at the Staples Center in downtown Los Angeles for the past 14 years, to New York was largely championed by the city’s mayor, Bill de Blasio, the statement said. It said the show is estimated to bring $200 million to the city’s economy.
« Playing host to the music industry’s marquee awards show is a unique creative, artistic and economic boon to the rich cultural fabric of our city,  » de Blasio said in the statement.
The announcement was accompanied by a short film directed by Spike Lee, in which he and New York musicians including Cyndi Lauper and Tony Bennett showed off the city’s musical history and venues. (Reporting by Piya Sinha-Roy; Editing by Bill Trott)

© Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/reuters/article-4490300/Grammy-Awards-leaves-Los-Angeles-New-York-2018.html?ITO=1490&ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490
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Appoint special prosecutor, top senator says, or Americans will suspect Trump ‘coverup’


Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-New York, called on the deputy attorney general to appoint an independent prosecutor to investigate President Donald Trump and his campaign’s ties to Russia.
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer renewed his call for a special prosecutor into President Donald Trump’s campaign’s ties to Russia after FBI Director James Comey’s firing, saying that Americans’ trust in the criminal justice system depends on it.
“The American people’s trust in our criminal justice system is in (deputy attorney general Rod) Rosenstein hands. American depends on you to restore faith in our criminal justice system, which is going to be badly shattered after today, ” said Schumer, D-New York.
“If Rosenstein does not appoint an independent special prosecutor, every American will rightly suspect that the decision to fire Comey was part of a coverup.”
The FBI is investigating Russia’s influence in the 2016 election and any potential collusion between Trump’s campaign and Russian operatives. Several Trump campaign officials, including former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, allegedly had contact with Russians during the campaign.
Schumer pointed out that Trump has now fired at least three people — Preet Bharara, the former U. S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, Sally Yates, the former acting attorney general, and Comey – who knew about investigations into his connections with Russia.
“This does not seem to be a coincidence, ” Schumer said. “This investigation must be run as far away as possible from this White House.”
Schumer said he told Trump “you’ re making a very big mistake and he didn’ t really answer.”
“Are people going to suspect cover-up? Absolutely, ” Schumer said. “If an independent special prosecutor is appointed, there still can be some faith that we can get to the bottom of this. If not, everyone will suspect coverup.”

© Source: http://www.newsobserver.com/news/politics-government/article149605184.html
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Official: Trump may meet top Russian diplomat in White House


President Donald Trump is planning to meet with Russia’s top diplomat at the White House Wednesday at a time he describes the U. S.-Russia relationship to be at an « all-time low. ».
President Donald Trump could meet with Vladimir Putin’s top diplomat at the White House on Wednesday, a U. S. official and a person with knowledge of the plans said, describing what would be the highest level, face-to-face contact with Russia of the American leader’s young presidency. It would also signal that the two countries have improved ties that Trump recently described as being at an « all-time low. »
Trump’s talks with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov would occur after the Russian’s meetings earlier in the day with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, the official and the other person told The Associated Press. They weren’t authorized to speak publicly on the matter and demanded anonymity. The White House declined a request for confirmation.
A Russian plan to stabilize Syria after more than six years of civil war is the most urgent foreign policy topic on the agenda. But the meeting will be impossible to separate from the Trump administration’s unfolding political drama in Washington, where FBI and congressional investigations are looking into possible collusion between Trump campaign associates and the Kremlin related to last year’s presidential election. U. S. intelligence agencies accuse Moscow of meddling to help Trump’s chances of victory.
The sigma of the Russia probes has been impossible for Trump to shake. Trump on Tuesday abruptly fired FBI Director James Comey, dramatically ousting the nation’s top law enforcement official in the midst of the bureau’s investigation into Trump’s ties with Russia.
Less than a month into Trump’s presidency, he fired his national security adviser, Michael Flynn, saying Flynn misled senior administration officials about his pre-inauguration talks with Sergey Kislyak, Russia’s ambassador in Washington.
In a Senate hearing Monday, former acting Attorney General Sally Yates said she bluntly warned Trump’s White House in January that Flynn « essentially could be blackmailed » by the Russians because he apparently had lied to his bosses about his contacts with Kislyak.
Trump has said he has no ties to Russia and isn’t aware of any involvement by his aides in any Russian election interference. He calls the various investigations a « hoax » driven by Democrats still bitter that their candidate, Hillary Clinton, was defeated last year.
But in the meantime, his hopes for a possible rapprochement with Moscow, so regularly repeated on the campaign trail, have been derailed. Ties soured further in April after the U. S. blamed a Russian ally, Syrian President Bashar Assad, for a deadly chemical weapons attack on civilians and Trump fired some 60 cruise missiles at a Syrian air base in response.
After Tillerson visited Putin and Lavrov in Moscow on April 12, Trump said flatly, « Right now we’re not getting along with Russia at all. »
Still, Tillerson’s meeting provided a blueprint for how the former Cold War foes might go about improving ties.
A main focus is Syria, where both governments want to end a civil war that has killed up to 400,000 people, contributed to a global refugee crisis and allowed the Islamic State group to emerge as a global terror threat. The continued fighting between rebels and Assad’s military has complicated U. S. efforts to defeat IS.
Lavrov will be coming to the American capital with a Russian plan to end the violence, after hashing out an agreement with Iran and Turkey last week.
It focuses on the creation of four de-escalation zones. Critical details still need to be finalized and the U. S. response has been cautious, with top officials such as Defense Secretary Jim Mattis saying they’re still studying the concept and its various unanswered questions. The would-be safe zones would not cover areas where the U. S.-led coalition is fighting IS.
Despite the lack of clarity, the possibility of a meeting between Trump and Lavrov would in itself be a sign of some progress.
The Russian diplomat hasn’t visited Washington at all since 2013, a year before Russia’s annexation of Ukraine’s Crimea region and two years before it intervened militarily in Syria to help Assad remain in power.

© Source: http://www.newsobserver.com/news/politics-government/national-politics/article149589284.html
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The centrepieces and setbacks along China’s new Silk Road


Three continents, 60-plus countries and 30 per cent of the world’s gross domestic product – on the surface the numbers of China’s “Belt and Road Initiative” sound impressive….
Three continents, 60-plus countries and 30 per cent of the world’s gross domestic product – on the surface the numbers of China’s “Belt and Road Initiative” sound impressive. But when it comes to the projects that make up the modern-day take on ancient trade routes, there have been many bumps along the road. The first freight train completed its 12,000km, 18-day Silk Road journey from London in Britain to Yiwu, in Zhejiang province, last month. State media hailed the trip as a landmark achievement for the belt and road project. It’s hoped the route will improve trade ties between the two countries. The US$57 billion corridor to connect China’s western provinces to the sea via Pakistan’s Gwadar Port is the biggest project under the belt and road banner. It includes various projects such as the China-Pakistan highway, railways, pipelines and power lines. One key project is the US$1.65 billion Karot hydropower plant in Pakistan, which is sponsored by China Three Gorges Corporation, and is expected to help address power shortages in Pakistan. Stretching from Turkmenistan to Xinjiang, the 3,666km pipeline was built before the new Silk Road project but forms the backbone of infrastructure links between the two countries. The pipeline is Chinese-built and cost US$7.3 billion. The first freight train from China arrived in Tehran, Iran, last year, making the 10,400km journey in 14 days. Tehran hopes the rail services will turn the country into a major Eurasian trade hub. China has plans to turn Khorgos, in Xinjiang, on the border with Kazakhstan, into a major trade hub. Beijing aims to use the border city to link China with neighbouring Kazakhstan, and on to East Asia and Europe. According to reports, companies have been slow to move into the area, but they are starting to take notice of the remote city. Jiangsu province has agreed to plough more than US$600 million to help build logistics and industrial zones around Khorgas. Thailand and China have for years discussed plans for a major high-speed rail project, stretching 837km in total from southern China, through Laos, to Thailand’s east coast. Construction was due to start last year, but communication problems and financial and legal issues have stalled the 252.5km stretch between Bangkok and Nakhon Ratchasima, one of two routes that make up the US$5.17 billion project. The link is expected to be part of a plan to connect China to Southeast Asia through high-speed rail. A US$1.1 billion investment in Sri Lanka’s Colombo port has been delayed by legal and political obstacles in the country. Sri Lanka has also been slow to sign off on another understanding to develop a 60 sq km industrial zone in the area. Western countries have raised questions about the lack of transparency in the initiative and China’s broader motives. Very few Western leaders are expected to attend the belt and road summit in Beijing this month. Countries along the belt and road route also raise security concerns. The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, for instance, runs through the disputed Kashmir region, which has prompted opposition from India. Other troubled areas along the route include Afghanistan, Myanmar, and even China’s own Xinjiang region.

© Source: http://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy-defence/article/2093654/centrepieces-and-setbacks-along-chinas-new-silk-road
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Ormandy criticised for revealing too much in Windows malware bug report


When security researcher Tavis Ormandy revealed a vulnerability in Microsoft’s Malware Protection Engine, he published proof-of-concept code and earned himself a rebuke., Operating Systems
When security researcher Tavis Ormandy revealed a vulnerability in Microsoft’s Malware Protection Engine, he published proof-of-concept code and earned himself a rebuke. Graham Cluley has criticised Google’s Project Team Zero for releasing proof of concept code along with details of a freshly discovered vulnerability in the Microsoft Malware Protection Engine. Microsoft has issued an emergency patch ahead of its usual Patch Tuesday release because of the seriousness of the flaw. According to Tavis Ormandy, who works for Project Team Zero and discovered the vulnerability along with Natalie Silvanovich, it is “the worst Windows remote code exec in recent memory. This is crazy bad.” Discussing the vulnerability on Twitter, he said: “Attack works against a default install, don’t need to be on the same LAN, and it’s wormable.” I think and I just discovered the worst Windows remote code exec in recent memory. This is crazy bad. Report on the way. There’s clearly no love lost between Cluley and Ormandy, with Cluley describing Ormandy’s announcement as “curt” and later criticising him for releasing the proof-of-concept code. “Personally I’m unconvinced that Google publishing proof-of-concept code exploiting the flaw in Microsoft’s software helps the vast majority of internet users, ” he wrote on the. Meanwhile, Ormandy has blocked Cluley on Twitter. Huh.. I only said on the podcast the other day what an incredibly smart guy is… and this is how I’m rewarded.: (However, one thing that Cluley and Ormandy could agree on was their admiration for Microsoft’s response to the vulnerability. Cluley pointed out that Microsoft issued a patch just hours before it was due to release its Patch Tuesday updates. And Ormandy said on Twitter: “Still blown away at how quickly @msftsecurity responded to protect users, can’t give enough kudos. Amazing.” The flaw that Ormandy and Silvanovich discovered is in MsMpEng, the malware protection service that runs on many of the recent Microsoft operating systems including Windows 8,8.1,10, Windows Server 2012 and others. It is also the core behind Microsoft Security Essentials, System Centre Endpoint Protection and other products. Attackers can trigger the vulnerability by email and instant message, even if the user doesn’t open it. Writing on Chromium Bugs, Ormandy said: “On workstations, attackers can access mpengine by sending emails to users (reading the email or opening attachments is not necessary) , visiting links in a web browser, instant messaging and so on. This level of accessibility is possible because MsMpEng uses a filesystem minifilter to intercept and inspect all system filesystem activity, so writing controlled contents to anywhere on disk (eg caches, temporary internet files, downloads (even unconfirmed downloads) , attachments, etc) is enough to access functionality in mpengine.” Supporting his warning about the severity of the bug, he said: “Vulnerabilities in MsMpEng are among the most severe possible in Windows, due to the privilege, accessibility, and ubiquity of the service.” MsMpEng is so vast and complex with a multitude of handlers for dozens of esoteric formats that it creates a rich attack surface for attackers, he said.

© Source: https://www.pcauthority.com.au/News/461155,ormandy-criticised-for-revealing-too-much-in-windows-malware-bug-report.aspx?utm_source=feed&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=PC+%26+Tech+Authority++-+Latest+Articles
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Will Amazon announce a touchscreen Echo assistant today?


Reports suggest that Amazon is about to unveil an Echo that should be seen AND heard., Misc Gadgets
Reports suggest that Amazon is about to unveil an Echo that should be seen AND heard. There’s only so many times you can ask your Amazon Echo to tell you a joke before you start hankering for more features – a thesis I have thoroughly put to the test with mine. Fortunately, if rumours in the are to be believed, Amazon has another Alexa-flavoured trick up its sleeve: an Echo with a touchscreen – the Echo Show. The report states that alongside the usual Echo functions as a crossbreed between a jukebox and a butler, the Echo Show will sport a 7in touchscreen with a built-in camera that could allow fashion advice like the, as well as allowing you to make video calls. The WSJ suggests it could be used as an intercom between Echo devices, which would put that whole lucrative walkie-talkie market out of business overnight., it’ll look a bit like the picture at the top of the page. The report suggests that – unsurprisingly given the touchscreen – this will sit at the very top of Amazon’s Echo range with a price of over $200. For comparison, the Look is $US200, the Echo is $US150 and the Dot is $US50. Personally, I’m sceptical as to whether this is a necessary upgrade.

© Source: http://www.pcauthority.com.au/News/461140,will-amazon-announce-a-touchscreen-echo-assistant-today.aspx?utm_source=feed&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=PC+%26+Tech+Authority++-+Latest+Articles
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"Ювентус" стал первым финалистом Лиги чемпионов


Встреча, прошедшая во вторник в Турине, завершилась победой хозяев поля со счетом 2: 1. Второй финалист определится в среду в матче двух мадридских команд – « Реала » и « Атлетико ».
Футболисты туринского « Ювентуса » обыграли французский « Монако » в ответном матче 1/2 финала Лиги чемпионов и стали первыми финалистами турнира. Встреча, прошедшая во вторник в Турине, завершилась победой хозяев поля со счетом 2: 1. Голы в составе « Ювентуса » забили Марио Манджукич (33-я минута) и Дани Алвес (44-я) . « Монако » ответил мячом Килиана Мбаппе (69-я) . Первая игра, состоявшаяся в Монако 3 мая, со счетом 2: 0. Второй финалист определится в среду в матче двух мадридских команд — « Реала » и « Атлетико ». В первом матче победу со счетом 3: 0 одержал « Реал ».

© Source: http://rian.com.ua/sport/20170509/1023897504.html
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South Korea's liberal presidential candidate declared victor


SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — Hours after celebrating his election win with thousands of supporters
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — Hours after celebrating his election win with thousands of supporters in wet Seoul streets, new South Korean President Moon Jae-in on Wednesday was quickly thrown into the job of navigating a nation deeply split over its future and faced with growing threats from North Korea and an uneasy alliance with the United States.
Moon, whose victory capped one of the most turbulent political stretches in the nation’s recent history and set up its first liberal rule in a decade, began his duties as president after the National Election Commission officially declared him as winner after a morning meeting.
The election body had finished counting votes as of 6 a.m. and said Moon gathered 41 percent of the votes, comfortably edging conservative Hong Joon-pyo and centrist Ahn Cheol-soo, who gathered 24 percent and 21 percent of the votes, respectively.
« The National Election Commission, based on the first clause of Article 187 of the Public Official Election Law, determines that the Democratic Party’s Moon Jae-in, who gathered the largest number of valid votes, was elected as president,  » NEC Chairman Kim Yong-deok said in the televised meeting.
Shortly after the NEC declared him as winner, Moon, as the new commander in chief of the country’s military, received a call from Army Gen. Lee Sun-jin, chairman of South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff, who briefed him on the military’s preparedness against North Korea, a Democratic Party official said.
Moon also during the morning was expected to visit the National Cemetery in the central city of Daejeon, where the country’s independence fighters and war heroes are buried, before returning to capital Seoul around noon to take an oath of office at the National Assembly.
There were also expectations that Moon would announce his nominee for prime minister, the country’s No. 2 job that requires approval from lawmakers, and name his presidential chief of staff during the day.
South Korea might see a sharp departure from recent policy under Moon, who favors closer ties with North Korea, saying hard-line conservative governments did nothing to prevent the North’s development of nuclear-armed missiles and only reduced South Korea’s voice in international efforts to counter North Korea.
This softer approach might put him at odds with South Korea’s biggest ally, the United States. The Trump administration has swung between threats and praise for North Korea’s leader.
Moon, the child of refugees who fled North Korea during the Korean War, will lead a nation shaken by a scandal that felled his conservative predecessor, Park Geun-hye, who sits in a jail cell awaiting a corruption trial later this month.
Moon’s presidency foregoes the usual two-month transition because Tuesday’s vote was a by-election to choose a successor to Park, whose term was to end in February 2018. While this means Moon would have to initially depend on Park’s Cabinet ministers and aides, the expectations were that he would move quickly to replace them with people of his own.
Moon will still serve out the typical single five-year term.
After exit polls indicated to his victory Tuesday night, Moon smiled and waved his hands above his head as supporters chanted his name at Gwanghwamun square in central Seoul, where millions of Koreans had gathered for months starting late last year in peaceful protests that eventually toppled Park.
« It’s a great victory by a great people,  » Moon told the crowd. « I’ll gather all of my energy to build a new nation. »
Over the last six months, millions gathered in protest after corruption allegations surfaced against Park, who was then impeached by parliament, formally removed from office by a court and arrested and indicted by prosecutors.
Moon was chief of staff for the last liberal president, the late Roh Moo-hyun, who sought closer ties with North Korea by setting up large-scale aid shipments to the North and by working on now-stalled joint economic projects.
Hong, the conservative, is an outspoken former provincial governor who pitched himself as a « strongman,  » described the election as a war between ideologies and questioned Moon’s patriotism.
Park’s trial later this month on bribery, extortion and other corruption charges could send her to jail for life if she is convicted. Dozens of high-profile figures, including Park’s longtime confidante, Choi Soon-sil, and Samsung’s de facto leader, Lee Jae-yong, have been indicted along with Park.
Moon frequently appeared at anti-Park rallies and the corruption scandal boosted his push to re-establish liberal rule. He called for reforms to reduce social inequalities, excessive presidential power and corrupt ties between politicians and business leaders. Many of those legacies dated to the dictatorship of Park’s father, Park Chung-hee, whose 18-year rule was marked by both rapid economic rise and severe civil rights abuse.
As a former pro-democracy student activist, Moon was jailed for months in the 1970s while protesting against the senior Park.
Many analysts say Moon likely won’t pursue drastic rapprochement policies because North Korea’s nuclear program has progressed significantly since he was in the Roh government a decade ago.
A big challenge will be U. S. President Donald Trump, who has proven himself unconventional in his approach to North Korea, swinging between intense pressure and threats and offers to talk.
« South Koreans are more concerned that Trump, rather than North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, will make a rash military move, because of his outrageous tweets, threats of force and unpredictability,  » Duyeon Kim, a visiting fellow at the Korean Peninsula Future Forum in Seoul, wrote recently in Foreign Affairs magazine.
« It is crucial that Trump and the next South Korean president strike up instant, positive chemistry in their first meeting to help work through any bilateral differences and together deal with the North Korean challenge,  » she said.
Associated Press writer Kim Tong-hyung contributed to this report.

© Source: https://townhall.com/news/politics-elections/2017/05/09/a-war-of-regime-choices-s-koreans-vote-for-new-president-n2324113
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S. Korea's Moon speaks with chairman of joint chiefs of staff


South Korean President Moon Jae-in spoke with Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Lee Sun-jin and discussed events regarding North…
SEOUL, May 10 (Reuters) – South Korean President Moon Jae-in spoke with Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Lee Sun-jin and discussed events regarding North Korea, a spokesman for the joint chiefs said on Wednesday.
Lee was cited by the Yonhap News Agency earlier as telling Moon that South Korea’s military was ready to act at any moment should « the enemy engage in provocations ».
Moon, leader of South Korea’s liberals, will take the oath of office later on Wednesday after he comfortably won Tuesday’s presidential vote.
He comes to office at a time of heightened tension with isolated North Korea, which has pressed ahead with its nuclear and missile programmes in defiance of U. S. pressure and United Nations sanctions.
The phone call between Moon and Lee took place at 8: 10 a.m. (2310 GMT) , Lee’s spokesman said.
Under National Election Commission rules, Moon became president the moment the NEC confirmed his election victory because his predecessor, Park Geun-hye, was impeached. He will be formally sworn in later on Wednesday. (Reporting by Joyce Lee and Christine Kim; Editing by Richard Pullin and Paul Tait)

© Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/reuters/article-4490266/S-Koreas-Moon-speaks-chairman-joint-chiefs-staff.html?ITO=1490&ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490
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