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Москва и Госдеп рассказали о будущем Асада


США ждут скорый конец режима Асада, а Россия заявила, что не делает на сирийского президента ставку.
США ждут скорый конец режима Асада, а Россия заявила, что не делает на сирийского президента ставку.
Американский госсекретарь Рекс Тиллерсон и глава МИД России Сергей Лавров рассказали о своем видении будущего сирийского президента Башара Асада.
Сегодня в Москве Тиллерсон встретился с Лавровым. По данным Reuters, главу Госдепа приняли « неожиданно неприязненно ». Встреча продлилась около двух часов. Затем Тиллерсон встретился с Владимиром Путиным.
Госсекретарь заявил, что « режим Асада приходит к концу », добавив, что « они в этом сами виноваты, своим поведением и из-за той войной, которая продолжается в стране несколько лет ».
По его словам, уход сирийского президента займет некоторое время.
« Но результат не предусматривает роль Асада в государственном управлении Сирии, общественность этого не примет, и мы это не примем », – подчеркнул Тиллерсон.
В свою очередь Лавров сказал, что Россия в Сирии не делает ставку ни на Асада, ни на кого либо другого.
« Мы не делаем ставку на какую-то персону: ни на президента Асада, ни на кого-то другого », – отметил российский министр.
Глава МИД РФ также заявил, что при бывшем американском президенте Бараке Обаме не боролись эффективно с Ан-Нусрой и « Исламским государством », пока в Сирию не пришла Россия.
« У нас устойчивое подозрение, которое никто пока не смог развеять, что Нусру до сих пор берегут для того, чтобы в какой-то момент задействовать « план Б » и попытаться свергнуть режим Башара Асада силой », – добавил он.
Также отметим, что российский президент Владимир Путин заявил о готовности России восстановить меморандум по Сирии, который был приостановлен после ракетного удара американцев.

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© Source: http://korrespondent.net/world/3839171-moskva-y-hosdep-rasskazaly-o-buduschem-asada
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Итоги Минска – тишина на Донбассе на Пасху (ВИДЕО)


В Минске завершилось заседание Трехсторонней контактной группы. Ее участники подтвердили свою приверженность решению о полном соблюдении режима тишины в
Об этом сообщила в Facebook пресс-секретарь представителя Украины в контактной группе Леонида Кучма Дарка Олифер.
– Украина снова обозначила свою позицию: признание Россией документов, выданных нелегитимными властями ОРДЛО; рейдерский захват предприятий, которые принадлежат как государству Украина, так и частным украинским и европейским компаниям; установление псевдограницы в ОРДО – такие решения заставили Украину ввести ограничение грузов через линию соприкосновения. Мы требуем отмены упомянутых действий и возврата предприятий их законным собственникам, – написала она.
По ее словам, гуманитарной подгруппе удалось договориться о том, “чтобы СБУ, омбудсмен Валерия Лутковская, матери незаконно удерживаемых лиц при участии ОБСЕ провели верификацию отказа людей перемещаться на неподконтрольную Украине часть Донбасса“.

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© Source: http://proua.com.ua/itogi-minska-tishina-na-donbasse-na-pashu-video.html
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Donald Trump offers China favourable trade deal in exchange for support over North Korea nuclear threat


Donald Trump has declared he will offer China a more favourable trade deal in exchange for Beijing’s help in dealing with the nuclear threat from North Korea.
D onald Trump has declared he will offer China a more favourable trade deal in exchange for Beijing’s help in dealing with the nuclear threat from North Korea.
The US president said on Wednesday night he was confident Xi Jinping, the Chinese president would support America over Pyongyang’s nuclear ambitions, but repeated that he was prepared to tackle the crisis alone if needed.
Tensions are escalating sharply over fears that North Korea may carry out another nuclear test on Saturday.
Washington has sent a navy strike group led by the aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson to the region, joined by Japanese warships.
Mr Trump has described the force as an “armada”. The president also said that submarines were being sent which were “far more powerful than the aircraft carrier”.
M r Trump said he would not declare China to be a currency manipulator, despite having repeatedly pledged to do so, in a report due this week and that the focus should now be on cooperation with Beijing.
« President Xi wants to do the right thing. We had a very good bonding, I think we had a very good chemistry together, I think he wants to help us with North Korea,  » Mr Trump told the Wall Street Journal.
« We talked trade, we talked a lot of things, and I said the way you’re going to make a good trade deal is to help us with North Korea, otherwise we’re just going to go it alone, that’ll be all right too, but going it alone means going with lots of other nations. »
I n a surprise move, China last night abstained rather than joining Russia in vetoing a UN security council resolution condemning the use of chemical weapons in Syria’s Idlib province.
M r Trump said it was « wonderful » that China, who traditionally supports the Russian position on Syria, had abstained and that the US was « honoured by that vote ».
A unnamed Trump administration official later reportedly said that the relationship Mr Trump developed with Mr Xi during his state visit to the president’s Mar-a-Lago resort last week had played a role in China’s abstention from the UN vote.
Mr Xi urged a “peaceful resolution to tensions” over North Korea in a telephone conversation with Mr Trump on Wednesday.
The call came as an influential state-run Chinese newspaper warned that the Korean peninsula was the closest it had been to a “military clash” since North Korea’s first nuclear test in 2006.
There are fears that North Korea could carry out a nuclear test on Saturday, which is the 105th anniversary of the birth of Kim Il-sung, the founder of the nation. The North has carried out five nuclear tests since 2006, two of them last year.
M r Trump sent a tweet on Tuesday that warned that the US would “solve the problem” unilaterally if China was not willing to help.
Chinese media said Mr Xi told Mr Trump in yesterday’s telephone call that China would maintain “communication and co-ordination” with Washington over the North Korean issue.
“President Xi made it clear that China wants a Korean peninsula free of nuclear weapons, as well as a peaceful resolution to tensions, ” the Chinese state broadcaster CCTV reported.
N orth Korean media responded to Mr Trump’s threat by warning of a nuclear strike. The official Rodong  Sinmun newspaper said: “Our revolutionary strong army is keenly watching every move by enemy elements with our nuclear sight focused on the US invasionary bases not only in South Korea and the Pacific operation theatre but also in the US mainland.”
Sean Spicer, the White House spokesman, said that Pyongyang had been put “clearly on notice” by Mr Trump but he dismissed the North’s nuclear threat. “I think there is no evidence that North Korea has that capability at this time, ” he said.
However, Japan, alarmed at Pyongyang’s military build-up, is planning to conduct exercises with the Vinson strike carrier group in waters close to its territory, Reuters and several Japanese outlets reported yesterday.
Meanwhile, China’s Global Times newspaper said that Mr Trump’s threat to act had become more credible following Washington’s cruise missile strikes against a Syrian air base that the Pentagon said was used to store chemical weapons.

Similarity rank: 7

© Source: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/04/12/donald-trump-offers-china-favourable-trade-deal-exchange-support/
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Gold price jumps on Trump comments, North Korea


Fresh five-month high within shouting distance of $1, 300 an ounce.
While industrial metals investors were offloading the sector’s big names on Wednesday after sharp drops in iron ore and copper prices over worries about the robustness of the Chinese economy and heightened tensions surrounding North Korea, gold was enjoying one of its best trading sessions of the year.
Safe haven buying saw gold bulls chase the metal higher throughout the day and comments by Trump in an interview with the Wall Street Journal that the US dollar « is getting too strong » only added fuel to the fire late afternoon.
On the Comex market in New York gold for delivery was last trading at $1, 289 an ounce, the highest since November 10 and up 2.6% so far this week.
Reaction from top gold stocks were fairly muted with Barrick Gold adding half a percentage point on Wednesday bringing the top gold producer’s year to date gains to 26.5%.
Number two in terms of output, Newmont Mining ended the day slightly lower, before finding fresh buyers after hours, while Vancouver-based Goldcorp added 1.1% in New York.

Similarity rank: 24.5

© Source: http://www.mining.com/gold-price-jumps-trump-comments-north-korea/
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Киев заявил о росте числа пленных в ДНР и ЛНР


Число пленных за счет гражданских выросло до 126 человек.
Число пленных за счет гражданских выросло до 126 человек.
В ДНР и ЛНР число пленных за счет гражданских выросло до 126 человек, заявила представитель Украины в гуманитарной подгруппе трехсторонней контактной группы Ирина Геращенко.
На прошлой неделе Геращенко заявляла, что количество пленных в ДНР и ЛНР – 121 человек. Ранее она также говорила о 418-ти пропавших без вести человек на Донбассе, военных и гражданских.
« К сожалению, в списке заложников, которые дает нам СБУ, уже 126 человек, количество незаконно удерживаемых выросла за счет гражданских. Тех, кого ОРДЛО требует передать взамен их освобождения – более 600 человек », – написала она.
При этом, по ее словам, 30 из них не имеют никакого отношения к АТО, 60 проходят по сверхтяжелым преступлениям и не подлежат амнистии, а несколько сотен человек не хотят возвращаться в ДНР и ЛНР.
В прошлом месяце в Луганске к пяти пленным пустили родных .

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© Source: http://korrespondent.net/ukraine/3839167-kyev-zaiavyl-o-roste-chysla-plennykh-v-dnr-y-lnr
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Trump Takes More Undue Credit


President Donald Trump wrongly boasted that Toyota’s plan to invest over $1 billion in its largest manufacturing plant in Kentucky would « not have been made if we didn’t win the election. » A Toyota spokesman told us the car company had long been planning to make the investment.
President Donald Trump wrongly boasted that Toyota’s plan to invest over $1 billion in its largest manufacturing plant in Kentucky would “not have been made if we didn’ t win the election.” A Toyota spokesman told us the car company had long been planning to make the investment and that the president was not a factor in the company’s decision.
In addition, Trump wrongly claimed that his administration has “created over 600, 000 jobs already in a very short period of time.” Under Trump, the U. S. economy has added a combined 317, 000 jobs in February and March, according to the most recent government data.
The president made both claims during a strategic and policy discussion  with company CEOs at the White House on April 11.
Trump: At the top of our agenda is the creation of great high-paying jobs for American workers. And we’ ve made a lot of progress. You see what’s going on; you see the numbers. We’ ve created over 600, 000 jobs already in a very short period of time, and it’s going to really start catching on now, because some of the things that we’ ve done are big league and they are catching on.
Already, we’ ve created more than almost 600, 000 jobs. And yesterday, Toyota just announced that it will invest more than $1.3 billion — it’s probably going to be $1.9 billion — into its Georgetown, Kentucky, plant, an investment that would not have been made if we didn’ t win the election.
Toyota announced on April 10 that it will spend $1.33 billion upgrading its assembly plant in Georgetown, Kentucky, as it works on a new model of the Camry. The car, according to the statement, “will become the first Toyota vehicle made in the U. S. to fully incorporate the new vehicle development and production technology” under the Toyota New Global Architecture.
But Trump is wrong that the “investment… would not have been made if we didn’ t win the election.”
Toyota spokesman Aaron Fowles told us in an interview that the investment “predates the Trump administration” and had been planned “several years ago.” Another company spokesman told the New York Times the same thing.
The investment is actually part of a bigger plan to spend $10 billion dollars in the U. S. over the next five years, which Toyota President Akio Toyoda announced back on Jan. 9.
That announcement came days after Trump threatened to penalize the Japanese automaker for its plan to produce cars in Mexico that would be sold to consumers in the U. S. But Toyota executives said that the company’s plans to increase spending in the U. S. were not in response to Trump’s threat, according to news reports .
In fact, Toyota, according to its April 10 statement, previously invested $530 million in the Kentucky plant in 2013 in part to support production of a new model of Lexus.
Fowles confirmed reports that the latest investment won’ t create any new jobs at the Kentucky plant, but, he said, that’s because Toyota already added more than 700 employees at the plant last year.
Many CEOs have said they are encouraged by Trump’s promises to cut business taxes and regulations. But in the end, this is just the latest example of Trump claiming undeserved credit for company investments that were largely market-driven and that were in the works before he was elected.
In the same meeting with business leaders, Trump also claimed that his administration has “created over 600, 000 jobs already in a very short period of time.” That’s wrong — by a lot.
The U. S. Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that 219, 000 jobs were added in February and about 98, 000 more in March. That’s a total of 317, 000 jobs in the two full months with Trump as president. The January job numbers were based on a survey that was concluded before Trump took office on January 20.
And even if we did include the estimated 216, 000 jobs added in January, that would only bring the total to 533, 000, not “over 600, 000.”
The White House told Politico that the president was indeed counting jobs added in January. We asked for our own explanation, but the White House didn’ t respond.
As we’ ve written before, this positive jobs trend is not something that began in January, or even after the election. The economy added more than 250, 000 new jobs a month in 20 of the 96 months under President Obama, and as of March, the U. S. has had 77 straight months of job growth.
The job gain in March actually underperformed expectations, even as the unemployment rate dipped to 4.5 percent.
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Categories: The Wire
Locations: National
People: President Trump
Issues: jobs
author: DAngelo Gore

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© Source: http://www.factcheck.org/2017/04/trump-takes-undue-credit/
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国民的ヒロインに感嘆とねぎらいの声 浅田真央さん引退


26歳の 口から語られたの は、 すべてを出し切ったという充実感だった。 フィギュアスケートの 浅田真央選手が12日に臨んだ引退の 記者会見。 壁を乗り越える姿とその 笑顔が多くの 人を魅了した。 国民的ヒロインの 引き…

Similarity rank: 3.8
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© Source: http://www.asahi.com/articles/ASK4D5HDJK4DUTIL028.html?ref=rss
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In Major Reversal, Trump Says China 'Not Currency Manipulators'


President Donald Trump said Wednesday that he no longer believes China manipulates its currency, a complete shift from the position he repeatedly took during his 2016 campaign.
President Donald Trump said Wednesday that he no longer believes China manipulates its currency, a complete shift from the position he repeatedly took during his 2016 campaign.
« They’re not currency manipulators,  » Trump told the the Wall Street Journal during an Oval Office interview.
The reason he changed his mind, the president said, was because China has stopped manipulating its currency in recent months and the accusations could jeopardize U. S. negotiations with China to deal with the nuclear threat from North Korea.
Trump’s flip flop comes just days after the president hosted his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping, at Mar-a-Lago in southern Florida.
Throughout the campaign, Trump repeatedly said he would instruct his Treasury Secretary to label China « a currency manipulator. » And as recently as 10 days ago, he told the Financial Times that China was the « world champion » of currency manipulators.
The official label would need to be included in a semiannual Treasury report expected this month.
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, a longtime critic of how the Chinese government values its currency, released a statement saying Trump is giving China « a green light to steal our jobs and wealth time and time again. »
« The best way to get China to cooperate with North Korea, is to be tough on them with trade, which is the number one thing China’s government cares about,  » Schumer said.
RELATED: Are Chinese troops massing on the North Korean border?
Trump also signaled in the interview with the Journal that he may be willing to change his position on re-nominating Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen next year.
Trump had accused Yellen of keeping interest rates low for political reasons under President Barack Obama. But on Wednesday he said he likes a low-interest rate policy.
« I think our dollar is getting too strong, and partially that’s my fault because people have confidence in me. But that’s hurting — that will hurt, ultimately,  » Trump said.
He said Yellen was « not toast » and he would consider renominating her next year.

Similarity rank: 15.5

© Source: http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/major-reversal-trump-says-china-not-currency-manipulators-n745826?cid=public-rss_20170412
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Emperor's abdication ceremony likely to be held in Dec 2018


The Japanese government is planning to hold a ceremony for Emperor Akihito’s envisioned abdication in December 2018, in what would…
The Japanese government is planning to hold a ceremony for Emperor Akihito’s envisioned abdication in December 2018, in what would be the nation’s first such ceremony in around 200 years, government sources said Wednesday.
The last time Japan held a ceremony for an emperor’s abdication was 1817, when Emperor Kokaku relinquished the Chrysanthemum throne. The government will consider how to materialize the plan by studying documents describing ceremonial manners for abdications in the past.
The abdication ceremony is planned to be held aside from a series of enthronement ceremonies for Crown Prince Naruhito. It may be treated as a state act that requires Diet approval for conducting, the sources said.
Of Japan’s 125 emperors, including the sitting 83-year-old, 58 have so far abdicated. But Japanese legislation currently only allows posthumous abdication.
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s government is now mulling legal changes to enable Emperor Akihito to hand over the throne to Crown Prince Naruhito, 57, following the emperor’s rare video message last summer indicating his desire to step down due to his advanced age.
While the timing of the abdication has not been formally decided, the government is considering December 2018, apparently having in mind the emperor’s 85th birthday on Dec. 23 that year.
The Heisei era, which designates the reign of the sitting emperor, is expected to last till the end of that year, and a new era under his first son, Crown Prince Naruhito, will begin on the first day of 2019, according to the sources.
Japan’s “gengo” era name remains in use, with calendars and official documents often designating years by era name, with or without reference to the Gregorian date. By avoiding a new era to start in the middle of a year, the government is trying to avoid creating complications to people’s lives by the era name change.
The first Japanese emperor who abdicated is believed to be Emperor Kogyoku, who handed over the throne to Emperor Kotoku during Taika no Kaishin political reform that put the imperial house in control of Japan in the 7th century.
Japan started holding ceremonies for emperors’ abdication during the 8th century at the latest, and ceremonial practices were carried on to the latest abdication ceremony for Emperor Kokaku 200 years ago, according to the sources.
In such ceremonies, an agent reads out an emperor’s words explaining reasons for his abdication with a retiring emperor attending.
The likely location for the abdication ceremony of Emperor Akihito is the Imperial Palace. The timing of the event will be either before or after Kenji-to-Shokei-no-Gi, a ceremony to hand down traditional properties, such as the sacred sword and jewels, to the new emperor, the sources said.
After the handing of properties ceremony, which marks the completion of the throne ascending procedures, the new emperor is to hold the Choken-no-Gi first audience ceremony to meet with the heads of the government-legislative, administrative and judicial systems.
The government is planning to hold those ceremonies by the end of 2018, and an enthronement ceremony, called Sokui-no-Rei, that formally announces the new emperor’s accession sometime in 2019.
In the case of the previous imperial succession following the death of Emperor Hirohito, posthumously known as Emperor Showa, on Jan 7, 1989, the handing of properties ceremony was held on the same day and the first audience ceremony was held two days after, while the enthronement ceremony was held on Nov 12, 1990.

Similarity rank: 1

© Source: https://www.japantoday.com/category/politics/view/emperors-abdication-ceremony-likely-to-be-held-in-dec-2018
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Переговоры Лаврова с Тиллерсоном начались с обвинений со стороны Кремля


Сергей Лавров начал переговоры с Рексом Тиллерсоном с необычно ледяного замечания, назвав американский ракетный удар по Сирии незаконным и обвинив Вашингтон в непредсказуемом поведении.
В среду вечером, 12 апреля, министр иностранных дел Российской Федерации Сергей Лавров начал переговоры с государственным секретарем США Рексом Тиллерсоном с необычно « ледяного » замечания, назвав американский ракетный удар по Сирии незаконным и обвинив Вашингтон в непредсказуемом поведении.
Об этом сообщает Reuters .
« Я не буду скрывать, что у нас есть много вопросов, учитывая крайне неоднозначные и порой противоречивые идеи, которые высказаны Вашингтону по всему спектру двусторонних и многосторонних отношений. И это, не говоря о недавних тревожных действиях – противоправной атаке против Сирии », – заявил Лавров.
В свою очередь Тиллеросон заявил, что его цель – « понять различия и почему эти различия существуют, а также каковы перспективы их преодоления ».
« Я с нетерпением жду очень открытого, откровенного и честного обмена мнениями, чтобы мы могли лучше определить американо-российские отношения с этого момента », – подчеркнул он.
Как сообщал MIGnews.com.uа, встреча президента Российской Федерации Владимира Путина с главами Министерств России Сергеем Лавровым и США Рексом Тиллерсоном продолжалась более двух часов. Глава МИД РФ оценил беседу в Кремле как « обстоятельную и откровенную ».
При этом государственный секретарь США Рекс Тиллерсон заявил, что отношения между США и Российской Федерацией и уровень доверия между государтсвами находятся на низшей точке. При этом, по его словам, две большие ядерные державы не могут находиться в таком положении.

Similarity rank: 16
Sentiment rank: -1.1

© Source: http://mignews.com.ua/politics/17253113.html
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