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New offshore oil production starts in China


NewsHubBEIJING, Jan. 13 (UPI) — A Chinese oil company said Friday it started production at an oil field off the northern coast of China that has 57 planned production wells.
China National Offshore Oil Corp. announced Friday its Penglai 19-9 project in the shallow waters of Bohai Bay started production .
« There are 57 planned producing wells in total with two wells currently producing approximately 750 barrels of crude oil per day, » the company said. « The adjustment project is expected to reach its overall development program designed peak production of approximately 13,000 barrels of crude oil per day in 2019.  »
Nearly a year-to-date, CNOOC, the country’s largest producer, lowered its production forecast in part because of emerging pressures from lower crude oil prices. A downturn in the Chinese economy in early 2016 contributed to weak demand against increased output from countries like the United States to push oil prices below $30 per barrel.
CNOOC set a 2016 spending target at around $9 billion, down 11 percent from the previous year. By the third quarter, the company said it was still under pressure and slashed spending by 20 percent year-on-year.
Third quarter net production was 117.7 million barrels of oil equivalent, down 7.7 percent from last year. Through the first part of 2016, the company said it made only one new discovery offshore.
According to economists with the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, the amount of crude oil held in storage in China increased slightly last year as the country diverted more oil into its strategic reserves. Oil demand growth, OPEC said, was « solid-to-steady » for one of the world’s leading economies
A review of national data from S&P Global Platts, meanwhile, found China became a net exporter of oil products for the first time in October, with net output coming in at around 4,000 barrels per day.

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© Source: http://www.upi.com/Business_News/Energy-Industry/2017/01/13/New-offshore-oil-production-starts-in-China/6971484306394/
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China overtakes U. S. in screens but cinemas sit empty


NewsHubAndy Wong / AP
In this Dec. 12, 2016, photo, a man walks out from a main screening hall of the Digital Cinema in Zhuolu county in north China’s Hebei province. The brightly decorated 3-D cinema in this town outside Beijing is showing the latest Chinese and Hollywood films, to row after row of empty red seats. So few people come to watch films here that the theater manager rents out the halls to travelling sales companies or music teachers.
Associated Press
Friday, Jan. 13, 2017 | 1:02 a.m.
ZHUOLU TOWN, China — The brightly-decorated 3-D cinema in this town outside Beijing is showing the latest Chinese and Hollywood films, to row after row of empty red seats. So few people come to watch films here that the theater manager rents out the halls to travelling sales companies or music teachers.
China has overtaken the U. S. in terms of the number of its cinema screens, becoming the world’s biggest movie market by that measure. But away from the bigger cities you wouldn’t know it.
In this theater in a county seat near Beijing, the ticket-seller sitting behind the counter with nothing to do and a ticket-collector lying down watching films on his phone are signs something’s amiss with China’s non-stop building of cinemas.
Industry analysts foresee only more and more screens. But Zhuolu’s residents are typical of Chinese who are not in the habit of movie-going, preferring to watch films online for free.
« We don’t have many customers — only a couple on weekdays and a few dozen during the weekends, » said Wang Xudong, the manager of Zhuolu County Digital Cinema, which has three screens and 400 seats for a county of 350,000 people.
« Sometimes we rent the halls out for meetings to earn some money and then we can only break even, » said Wang, who also provides drum kits for cinema hall lessons for amateur musicians. Companies sometimes rent the halls for promotions of products such as health supplements and water dispensers.
China had fewer than 20,000 cinema screens in 2013, but it has now surpassed the U. S., which had 40,759 indoor and drive-in screens as of July, according to the Washington, D. C.-based National Association of Theatre Owners. As of Dec. 20, China had 40,917 screens, according to the national film bureau.
As the most populous country, at 1.4 billion, China’s cinema market still has plenty of room to grow as theater chains expand into smaller cities and rural areas.
Box office takings are still much smaller in China, at more than $6.5 billion in 2015, compared to $11 billion in North America, including cinema advertising revenue.
There are just 23 screens per million Chinese, compared to 125 per million in the U. S., according to IHS Markit, a London-based market researcher.
Analyst David Hancock estimates China’s screen density ratio will grow to about 57 screens per million over the next five to 10 years.
« The country is still under-screened, and there seems to be little reason to stop building screens where there are none, » Hancock said.
China’s countryside had around 3,000 cinemas in 2016, out of 7,000 in the whole country, said Fu Yalong, research director at leading entertainment consultancy EntGroup.
« It takes time to foster the habit among people of going to the cinema, » he said. « This is still a market with potential for development.  »
Beijing, with 22 million people, added more than 100 cinemas in 2016, up from about 70 in 2015.
The cinema in Zhuolu, an apple and grape-growing area 160 kilometers (100 miles) away, opened in 2014. It’s surrounded by shops, banks and restaurants operating underneath apartment blocks.
On a recent weekday afternoon, a couple bought two 35-yuan ($5) tickets to watch the Hollywood film « Hacksaw Ridge » and had the whole theater to themselves. That’s equivalent to about the cheapest cinema ticket for sale in Beijing.
Growth in China’s box office takings has begun to slow after years of record-breaking expansion, increasing by just 3.7 percent in 2016 compared with an annual jump of 48.7 percent in 2015. That has pushed back forecasts of when China’s box office sales will overtake North America’s to 2019, from as early as this year.
Limited purchasing power and competition from online viewing are taking a toll. So is the generally mediocre selection of films, like the widely panned 2016 staple « League of Gods, » a fantasy epic starring Jet Li and Fan Bingbing that is based on a 16th-century Chinese novel. Ticket prices have risen after several online ticket platforms stopped giving discounts.
For decades after the Communist Party took power in 1949, state-owned cinemas showed propaganda films starring peasants and soldiers. Even after economic reforms began in the 1980s-90s, cinemas charged as little as 2 mao (3 cents) for showings of both foreign and domestic films.
As China’s economy became more market-oriented, state-operated theaters in places like Zhuolu closed and people lost the cinema-going habit. Companies like real estate conglomerate Wanda Group, which owns the American AMC movie theater company, have led a private cinema chain revolution in large cities.
The new cinema in Zhuolu opened its doors two years ago, more than a decade after the old state-run one was torn down.
Once an avid movie-goer, 66-year-old farmer Zhao Youling has never visited the new cinema just 1.5 kilometers (1 mile) away from his village.
« It isn’t that the ticket is too expensive, it is that I am too poor, » Zhao said.
« I always stay at home and watch TV because it is free, » Zhao said. « I was a movie fan 30 years ago and as far as I can remember I could afford to watch a film almost every week and I loved to watch films featuring the lives of farmers or stories in the countryside.  »
Scant as they are, the Zhuolu cinema’s audiences have been growing, says Wang, who contracts the space from the county government’s cultural bureau and keeps it open daily, from 8:30 to midnight.
« We have to offer screenings and be ready because we don’t know when there will be an audience, » he said. « We have to be open all day — we can’t let people see a locked door. « 

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Sentiment rank: -1.4

© Source: http://lasvegassun.com/news/2017/jan/13/china-overtakes-us-in-screens-but-cinemas-sit-empt/
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PICS: World's biggest annual human migration as Chinese tourists head home


NewsHubBeijing — If you think your family reunions are crazy big, think again.
On Friday, 13 January, hundreds of thousands of Chinese travellers are packing airports, train and bus stations as they head home for Lunar New Year celebrations.
Officials say they expect that Chinese travellers will make almost 3 billion trips during the holiday travel rush that starts on 13 January and runs through 21 February 2017.
Each year, it represents the world’s largest seasonal migration of people as families reunite for China’s most important traditional holiday. Also known as Spring Festival, it falls on 28 January this year.
This year – the Year of the Rooster – Chinese authorities expect holidaymakers to make 2.5 billion trips by land, 356 million by rail, 58 million by plane and 43 million by sea over this 40-day period.
In the seven days of the Lunar New Year, Chinese are expected to spend more than R1.4 billion (from $100 billion) on eating and shopping and buy railway tickets online at a rate of more than 1 000 per second.
SEE: The Chinese are coming: What SA can expect from this tourism boo m
Travellers lugging large bags were rushing into the Beijing Railway Station on Friday morning to catch trains home.
Su Wenqi, a college student in Beijing returning to the northeastern city of Harbin, was looking forward to reuniting with family saying that: « After a busy year, I really miss them.  »
This is what the ‘Chinese Migration’ looks like:
What to read next on Traveller24 :
– SA Tourism beefs up Chinese skills to ease foreign travel
– The World within SA: A celebration of Dutch, Indian and Chinese heritage
– The Chinese are coming: What SA can expect from this tourism boom

Similarity rank: 4.2
Sentiment rank: 4.6

© Source: http://traveller24.news24.com/News/pics-worlds-biggest-annual-human-migration-as-chinese-tourists-head-home-20170113
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Lord Snowdon dies aged 86


NewsHubLord Snowdon, Princess Margaret’s former husband, has died aged 86, a family spokesperson has said.
The renowned photographer and film maker died peacefully at his home on Friday, according to his picture agency Camera Press.
Lord Snowdon married Princess Margaret on 6 May 1960 but they separated after 16 years of marriage and the divorce was finalised in 1978.
Buckingham Palace said the Queen had been informed.
Born Antony Armstrong-Jones, Snowdon photographed famous faces including Diana, Princess of Wales, Jack Nicholson and Elizabeth Taylor during his career.
His subjects were often the rich and famous, but he also had a hand in design – co-creating an aviary for London Zoo and inventing an electric wheelchair.
He was married twice, to Princess Margaret for 18 years and to BBC researcher Lucy Mary Lindsay-Hogg between 1978 to 2000.
Lord Snowdon was a talented film maker and photographer whose marriage to Princess Margaret fed the gossip columns for over a decade.
His career was punctuated by lurid tales of extra-marital affairs, alcohol and drugs, but throughout it all he maintained a close contact with the Royal Family.
His body of photographic work featured the cream of British society, although he was usually dismissive about his work.
He was most proud of the stunning aviary he helped design for London Zoo.
He was born on 7 March 1930 into a family of minor gentry.
Read more: Obituary of Lord Snowdon
BBC royal correspondent Nicholas Witchell said the Queen was « saddened » by the news. He added that Lord Snowdon had been ill for some time.
Antony Armstrong-Jones was the son of barrister Ronald Armstrong-Jones QC and Anne Messel, who went on to become the Countess of Rosse.
He was educated at Sandroyd School, Salisbury, and then Eton, before heading to Jesus College, Cambridge, to study natural history. He switched to architecture after only 10 days but he eventually embarked on a career as a photographer after failing his second year exams.
During his career he also photographed actors and actresses for theatre publicity shots, including Laurence Olivier and Marlene Dietrich.

Similarity rank: 3.2
Sentiment rank: -71.4

© Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-38611497
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Iraqi forces capture Mosul University buildings


NewsHubMOSUL, Iraq, Jan. 13 (UPI) — The Iraqi Counter Terrorism Service on Friday said forces captured several buildings of Mosul University, including its technical institute and student dormitories.
The Islamic State previously used the university as a headquarters before the U. S.-led international coalition targeted the occupied institution in airstrikes in early 2016. The university, established in 1967, was one of the largest schools and research centers in the Middle East.
ICTS spokesman Sabah al-Numan told Rudaw the Islamic State has destroyed all bridges in Mosul as Iraqi security forces continue to capture the eastern section of the city.
« All the bridges, they destroyed it because they are afraid the ICTS will use these bridges to cross the river, » Numan said.
ICTS said Iraqi forces control up to 80 percent of eastern Mosul.
Alla Nashour, an Iraqi military expert, said the eastern half of Mosul, which is larger than the more densely populated western section, could be fully captured in up to eight days.
« The Iraqi army is now in Mosul University campus. The university has a strong and important position in eastern Mosul as it contains lots of buildings. If liberated, in seven or eight days, the eastern side of Mosul will be entirely liberated. More reinforcements have to be brought in to the area to control the remaining neighborhoods numbering eight to 10, » Nashour said.
The second phase of the battle to retake Mosul — which is led by Iraqi security forces and aided by the Kurdish Peshmerga, a Shiite-led militia, and the U. S.-led international coalition against the Islamic State — began Dec. 29 after the initial offensive, which began Oct. 17, was suspended.

Similarity rank: 6.6
Sentiment rank: -2.5

© Source: http://www.upi.com/Top_News/World-News/2017/01/13/Iraqi-forces-capture-Mosul-University-buildings/8591484312620/
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Lady Liberty depicted as 'black woman' on U. S. currency Contact WND


NewsHub(NBC NEWS) For the first time in American history, Lady Liberty will be portrayed as a woman of color on United States currency.
In celebration of the U. S. Mint and Treasury’s 225th anniversary, the new $100 coin was unveiled on Thursday featuring Lady Liberty as a black woman.
Since the passage of the Coinage Act in 1792, all coins are required to feature an “impression emblematic of liberty,” in either words or images. Until the new coin designed by Justin Kunz was unveiled, Lady Liberty had always been depicted as a white woman.

Similarity rank: 7.5
Sentiment rank: 2.4

© Source: http://www.wnd.com/2017/01/lady-liberty-depicted-as-black-woman-on-u-s-currency/
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US gov't accuses Fiat Chrysler of cheating on emissions


NewsHubWASHINGTON — The U. S. government accused Fiat Chrysler on Thursday of failing to disclose software in some of its pickups and SUVs with diesel engines that allows them to emit more pollution than allowed under the Clean Air Act.
The Environmental Protection Agency issued a « notice of violation » to the company that covers about 104,000 vehicles including the 2014 through 2016 Jeep Grand Cherokee and Ram pickups, all with 3-liter diesel engines. The California Air Resources Board took similar action.
« Failing to disclose software that affects emissions in a vehicle’s engine is a serious violation of the law, which can result in harmful pollution in the air we breathe, » said Cynthia Giles, EPA assistant administrator for enforcement and compliance.
Fiat Chrysler CEO Sergio Marchionne denied any wrongdoing, saying the EPA was blowing the issue out of proportion. « We have done in our view nothing that is illegal, » he said Thursday on a conference call. « We will defend our behavior in the right environment.  »
Marchionne said he was told by company lawyers that the Justice Department is investigating the company in concert with the EPA, raising the likelihood of an ongoing criminal probe. He said the company halted production of Grand Cherokees and Rams with diesel engines in September, but will continue to sell models manufactured before then that are still on dealers’ lots.
The company said it intends to present its case to the incoming Trump administration. « We will work with the new leadership to get this issue through, » Marchionne said.
A spokesman for President-elect Trump did not immediately respond to a request for comment. The White House said Thursday that EPA makes enforcement decisions independently and that outgoing President Barack Obama wasn’t involved in the decision to cite the company.
If found liable, Fiat Chrysler could face more than $4.5 billion in potential fines for violations of the Clean Air Act.
EPA said it will continue to investigate the « nature and impact » of the eight software functions identified through an intensive testing program launched after Volkswagen was caught in a 2015 cheating scandal involving its « Clean Diesel » line of vehicles. Regulators were not yet defining the software found in the Fiat Chrysler vehicles as so-called « defeat devices » intended to cheat on government emissions tests.
However, the agency said that numerous discussions with Fiat Chrysler over the past year had not produced any suitable explanation for why the company had failed to disclose the software, which regulators said caused the vehicles to emit less pollution during testing than during regular driving.
« This is a clear and serious violation of the Clean Air Act, » Giles said. « When companies break the law, Americans depend on EPA to step in and enforce.  »
On Thursday California regulators also announced they were citing Fiat Chrysler for 11 violations under that state’s strict air quality standards.
Fiat Chrysler said in a statement that its emissions control systems « meet the applicable requirements » and that it spent months giving information to the EPA to explain its emissions technology and proposed a number of actions including software changes to address the agency’s concerns.
Regulators said owners of the affected models do not yet need to take any action and that they should continue driving their vehicles.
Fiat Chrysler shares tumbled 20 percent $9.12 Thursday morning as the EPA action was reported, wiping out about $3 billion of the company’s market value. The shares recovered a bit to $9.91 by early afternoon but still were down nearly 11 percent.
Shares of Cummins Inc. also fell just over 2 percent to $137.59. Though the company manufactures some diesel engines for Fiat Chrysler, the company said Thursday it did not make the engines in the Jeep and Ram models cited by the EPA.
The announcement comes one day after Fiat rival Volkswagen pleaded guilty in federal court to criminal charges related to widespread cheating involving emissions tests, agreeing to pay a record $4.3 billion penalty. Six high-ranking VW executives have been charged in the scandal, which prompted a nationwide recall of more than a half-million affected cars and SUVs.
In the Volkswagen case, prosecutors alleged that top officials at the company approved of the cheating scheme, repeatedly lied to U. S. regulators and then orchestrated a mass attempted cover-up that included deleting computer files and emails.
EPA regulators made no such allegations against Fiat Chrysler on Thursday, though they said their investigation is in the early stages and is ongoing.
This isn’t the first time the company has run afoul of a federal agency. In 2015, Fiat Chrysler was slapped with $175 million in penalties by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration for mishandling recalls and failing to report safety data.
Marchionne, who clearly was agitated on a conference call with reporters, expressed confidence that the EPA will find no evidence of an illegal « defeat device » in the Jeeps and Rams. He said some of the computer software on the engines was not disclosed because it’s standard among automakers and disclosure wasn’t previously required. But he said the EPA changed the rules after the Volkswagen case.
Marchionne said there is no comparison between his company and VW because there was no intent by Fiat Chrysler to deceive the EPA or cheat on emissions tests.
« There’s not a guy in this house that would even remotely attempt to try something as stupid as that, » he said. « And if I found a guy like that I would have hung him on a door.  »
Krisher reported from Detroit. Associated Press writers Dee-Ann Durbin in Detroit and Josh Lederman in Washington contributed to this report.
Follow Krisher at Twitter.com/tkrisher and Biesecker at Twitter.com/mbieseck
This story has been corrected to show that Cummins does not make engines in the affected Jeep and Ram models.

Similarity rank: 7.6
Sentiment rank: -1.6

© Source: http://www.deseretnews.com/article/765692076/US-govt-accuses-Fiat-Chrysler-of-cheating-on-emissions.html?pg=all
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Joe Biden awarded Medal of Freedom by President Obama


NewsHubLast Updated Jan 13, 2017 10:45 AM EST
President Obama surprised Vice President Joe Biden at the White House on Thursday by awarding him the Presidential Medal of Freedom with Distinction, paying tribute to Biden in a speech and calling him “the best vice president America has ever had.”
“To know Joe Biden is to know love without pretense, service without self-regard and to live life fully,” Mr. Obama said, noting he was bestowing the award on him “for your faith in fellow Americans, for your love of country and for your lifetime of service that will endure through the generations.”
Biden, who was visibly emotional during the speech and wiped back tears as he accepted the award, praised Mr. Obama as a man of “integrity” and “decency.”
“I can say I was part of the journey of a remarkable man who did remarkable things for this country,” he said.
Biden credited his record as vice president with Mr. Obama’s willingness to trust him with important responsibilities, which is rare for presidents to do to the extent that Mr. Obama did.
“Every single thing you’ve asked me to do, Mr. President, you have trusted me to do,” he said. “And that is a remarkable thing.”
Biden said he had “no inkling” this would happen, adding that he thought the afternoon would be spent with “a couple senior staff to toast one another and say what an incredible journey it’s been.”
Biden, Mr. Obama said, is “a lion of American history,” referring to him as a “brother.”
Mr. Obama spoke about Biden’s ability to connect with anyone he meets, calling him “a resilient and loyal humble servant, a patriot and most of all a family man.”
The speech was lighthearted, with Mr. Obama referencing Biden’s famous aviators, his love of Amtrak and his overuse of the word “literally.”
Mr. Obama quipped that Biden’s legacy in office is, “As Joe once said, a big deal” — a reference to the time in 2010 when Biden whispered to Mr. Obama that the passage of the Affordable Care Act was a “big f***ing deal.”
“Folks don’t just feel like they know Joe the politician,” he said. They feel like they know the person.”

Similarity rank: 7.9
Sentiment rank: 2.5

© Source: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/joe-biden-medal-of-freedom-awarded-by-president-obama/
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Report on Chicago police to raise questions about next steps ::


NewsHubPosted 9:31 a.m. today
Updated 9:33 a.m. today
By MICHAEL TARM, Associated Press
CHICAGO — The U. S. Department of Justice is poised to release a report Friday detailing the extent of civil rights violations committed by the Chicago Police Department, which will trigger negotiations with the federal government and provide an early sign of how much pressure President-elect Donald Trump’s administration will be willing to exert on cities to reform police agencies.
Under President Barack Obama, the Justice Department opened investigations into 25 law enforcement agencies and negotiated court-enforced settlements with most of the cities. Trump’s nominee to lead the Justice Department, Jeff Sessions, has expressed concerns about using such an aggressive approach.
Here are things to know about the Chicago report:
The 2014 shooting of a black teenager, Laquan McDonald, sparked the federal government’s civil rights investigation into the Chicago Police Department, though the police force has long had a reputation for brutality.
Most notorious was the use of torture by officers under police commander Jon Burge to force black men to confess to crimes they didn’t commit. That started in the early 1970s and went on for years.
The Justice Department started investigating Chicago’s 12,000-member police force in December 2015, after the release of squad car video showing a white officer shooting McDonald 16 times as the teen walked away holding a small knife. City lawyers fought the release of the video, which happened only after a court order. The officer who killed McDonald was charged only hours before the video’s release.
During their investigation, members of the Justice Department’s civil rights division combed through Chicago police records, rode along with beat officers and held public meetings in largely black neighborhoods.
Unlike a deal announced Thursday in Baltimore, there’s no binding deal with Chicago. All that work will be done after Trump’s inauguration. The next critical stage will be closed-door, bilateral negotiations between the federal government and city officials to reach a detailed settlement. They haven’t typically included compliance deadlines, though some of the consent decrees have set a goal of « sustained compliance » within two to four years.
While Trump’s position on such Justice Department investigations isn’t clear, he portrayed himself as staunchly pro-law enforcement while campaigning and was endorsed by many police unions, including Chicago’s.
During confirmation hearings in Washington this week, Sessions spoke about consent decrees. He stopped short of rejecting the Obama administration’s approach of making a federal court the main tool for getting a police department to change, but he made his reservations clear.
« The consent decree itself is not necessarily a bad thing, » he said, but added they can potentially « undermine the respect for police officers and create an impression that the entire department is not doing their work consistent with fidelity to law and fairness. And we need to be careful before we do that.  »
Political appointees at the Justice Department could argue for altering many of the procedures favored by Obama appointees, but career staffers could also push for continuity.
Chicago just experienced another bad year of mostly gang-related violence, with a total of 762 homicides — the most in two decades and more than New York and Los Angeles combined. During the presidential campaign, Trump singled out Chicago and called for tougher police tactics. This month, he tweeted that the city should seek federal help if it can’t bring down the rising homicide tally.
The Justice Department has conducted civil rights investigations of nearly 70 police departments since 1994, when Congress authorized them. They have focused on both small and large police departments, including Puerto Rico’s 18,000-member force.
Police departments in Cleveland and Ferguson, Missouri, have also recently been subjects of civil rights investigated. The Cleveland investigation was spurred in part by a 2012 incident in which police killed two unarmed black suspects by firing 137 shots into their car.
The Ferguson investigation followed the 2014 killing of an unarmed black teenager, Michael Brown, by a white police officer. The Justice Department’s scathing report found that Ferguson’s police and court systems generated city revenue through fines levied on black residents, among other abuses. Six months of talks led to a settlement, but the Ferguson City Council initially rejected it, citing its cost. After receiving assurances the costs would be a more manageable $2.3 million over three years, the council approved the deal.
Follow Michael Tarm on Twitter at https://twitter.com/mtarm

Similarity rank: 8
Sentiment rank: 1.6

© Source: http://www.wral.com/with-report-on-chicago-cops-questions-about-trump-approach/16428807/
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Two members of famed R&B group Tower of Power hit by train


NewsHubCalling it an “unfortunate accident,” publicist Jeremy Westby said in a statement that drummer David Garibaldi and bass player Marc van Wageningen are “responsive and being treated at a local hospital.”
Garibaldi has been with the group since 1970. Van Wageningen is substituting as bass player.
“We are monitoring their situation directly with the hospital,” band manager Tom Consolo said. “We will update everyone tomorrow but for tonight we ask that you send your prayers.”
Without identifying them, the Oakland Fire Department said that two pedestrians were hit by a passenger train at Jack London Square about 7:30 p.m. Thursday and taken to a hospital.
The accident was near Yoshi’s, a jazz and R&B club where the group had been scheduled to play two shows Thursday night. Both were canceled.
Yoshi’s General Manager Hal Campos told CBS San Francisco Bay Area he called 911 and stayed with the two injured men until help came. They were both unconscious and appeared to have broken bones, Campos said.
“We don’t know if they didn’t hear the train. We don’t know how this tragedy happened but we’re very, very sad about this. The band is emotionally destroyed … all of us worked with them for days now and many years, it’s really sad,” Campos said.
It wasn’t clear why the men were on the tracks, but pedestrians often need to cross them in the area with trains running across and in between streets, including right outside Yoshi’s.
Tower of Power, a band of about a dozen members, most of them horns, has been beloved members of the R&B and pop communities since forming in Oakland in 1968. The group and its rotating cast of musicians have recorded behind many far more famous names including Elton John, Otis Redding, Aerosmith and Santana.
They were also a national TV fixture in the 1980s with frequent appearances on “Late Night With David Letterman.”
Tributes and well wishes were quickly emerging on Twitter, including one from pop star and drummer Sheila E., who tweeted “Pleez pray for my frenz.”

Similarity rank: 9
Sentiment rank: 5

© Source: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/two-members-of-famed-r-b-group-tower-of-power-hit-by-train/
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