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Трамп "допускає" хакерів РФ, але в результатах виборів не сумнівається


NewsHubВідповідну заяву він зробив 6 січня, після зустрічі з керівниками ЦРУ, ФБР та Національної розвідки, передає українська служба Deutsche Welle.
Метою зустрічі було ознайомлення очільниками спецслужб Трампа із секретним звітом щодо ймовірного втручання Росії у виборчий процес в США.
Трамп назвав зустріч « конструктивною », хоча раніше постійно висловлював сумніви у даних спецслужб.
Водночас він вкотре відкинув вплив хакерських атак на сервери Демократичної партії та результати виборів.
« У той час як Росія, Китай, інші країни, іноземні угруповання та особи послідовно намагаються здійснити злом кіберінфраструктури наших урядових інституцій, підприємств і організацій, включно з Національним комітетом Демократичної партії, абсолютно жодного ефекту на результат виборів не було », – йдеться у заяві Трампа.
Водночас обраний президент США оголосив про намір упродовж перших 90 днів з дня інавгурації виробити план для « агресивної боротьби та припинення кібератак ».

Similarity rank: 2.1

© Source: http://espreso.tv/news/2017/01/07/tramp_quotdopuskayequot_khakeriv_rf_ale_v_rezultatakh_vyboriv_ne_sumnivayetsya
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Розвідка США не довела зв'язок джерел сайту з держпартіями – WikiLeaks


NewsHub“Нічого в опублікованій сьогодні американською розвідкою доповіді не суперечить нашому висновку, що джерела WikiLeaks, пов’язані з інформацією про вибори, не мають відношення до держав,” — написала організація.
Крім того у організації також вважають, що доповідь уряду США про “російських хакерів” заснована “на перегляді телевізора і читанні постів у Twitter”.
Нагадаємо, розвідка США стверджує, що президент Росії Володимир Путін в 2016 році створив спеціальну програму з надання впливу на демократичний процес обрання нового президента США з метою перешкодити кандидату від Демократичної партії Хілларі Клінтон здобути перемогу на виборах.

Similarity rank: 3.1

© Source: http://region.unn.ua/uk/news/97602-rozvidka-ssha-ne-dovela-zvyazok-dzherel-saytu-z-derzhpartiyami-wikileaks
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Ще 37 людей постраждали в аеропорту Флориди


NewsHub“Це поточна ситуація. П’ятеро загинули, вісім отримали поранення спочатку. Ще 37 людей отримали поранення після інциденту,” — йдеться в заяві офісу.
Нагадаємо, невідомий влаштував стрілянину в Терміналі 2 близько 20.00 за київським часом.
Раніше повідомлялося, що в результаті стрілянини загинуло п’ять осіб , також вісім зазнали поранень.
This is a fluid situation.
5 dead. 8 initially injured. 37 others injured after incident. All injured taken to BHMC & Memorial Regional.

Similarity rank: 3.2

© Source: http://www.unn.com.ua/uk/news/1633630-sche-37-lyudey-postrazhdali-v-aeroportu-floridi
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ЗМІ: Хілларі Клінтон може поборотися за крісло мера Нью-Йорка


NewsHubЕкс-кандидат на пост президента США Хілларі Клінтон у розмові з одним із членів Демократичної партії не виключила можливості висунення своєї кандидатури на пост мера Нью-Йорка, повідомляє New York Daily News з посиланням на своє джерело.
Відзначається, що багато нью-йоркських членів Демократичної партії закликають Клінтон повернутися в політику.
Видання пише, що її відносини з нинішнім мером міста Біллом де Блазіо погіршилися під час виборчої кампанії, оскільки він спочатку відмовився підтримати її.
8 листопада 2016 року в США відбулися президентські вибори, на них Клінтон програла республіканцеві Дональду Трампу, який 20 січня вступить на посаду.
Перемогу на виборах Дональд Трамп здобув завдяки змішаній системі виборів у США , коли громадяни голосують за вибірників, що підтримують певного кандидата.

Similarity rank: 4.2

© Source: http://nv.ua/ukr/world/countries/zmi-hillari-klinton-mozhe-poborotisja-za-krislo-mera-nju-jorka-432065.html
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Southern storm set to wallop parts of Carolinas and Virginia


NewsHubCHARLOTTE, N. C. (AP) – Snow, sleet and freezing rain pelted a wide swath of the South overnight, turning roads icy and impassable in spots as children whooped it up on sleds and others braced for up to a foot of snow in parts of the Carolinas and Virginia.
New North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper was to have an outdoor inaugural ceremony Saturday attended by thousands. He instead rushed through a 20-minute indoor oath-taking Friday before settling into his first assignment – storm preparedness.
“Consider yourselves the chosen few,” Cooper jokingly told those able to attend his swearing-in Friday. Instead of Saturday’s daylong ceremonies and parade, he planned to open with a morning storm briefing before addressing the state via television.
Much of North Carolina is under a winter storm warning until 7 p.m. Saturday. Its Triad and Research Triangle areas could get up to 9 inches of snow, while a foot could fall on northeastern North Carolina.
“Whenever snow comes people get really excited. I’m a little excited,” said Donovan Cheatham, who studies music at North Carolina Central University and plays in jazz bands. He and roommate Collin Williams said if they get snowed in, they may miss a paying gig but will jam anyway – Collins on alto saxophone and Cheatham on drums.
“Practice. We’ll get a lot of practice in,” Williams said.
Lauren Rathbone, manager of Public Hardware in Durham, North Carolina, said the store sold out of more than 100 sleds Friday, along with bags and bags of ice melt to treat driveways and walks.
“At the beginning, it’s ice melt and sleds. Closer to it when people start realizing it’s going to be super cold, they’ll start working on kerosene heaters, kerosene wicks … Probably Saturday somebody’s going to be out of electricity, and they’ll start working on lamps,” she quipped.
A blizzard warning for southeast Virginia accompanied forecasts of up to a foot of snow there. Winds in the warning area, which includes Norfolk and Virginia Beach, could reach 30 mph with gusts up to 45 mph.
One fatality – a man whose pickup truck went off a snow-slickened Kentucky road Thursday – has been reported. But the winter road mess caused hundreds of fender benders and other non-injury crashes, some involving school buses, on Nashville, Tennessee, roads by Friday.
Nashville’s city school district ordered classes to start as scheduled Friday morning but had to hastily announce early dismissals as police reports of non-injury crashes multiplied. All students made it safely home.
“We apologize,” Nashville Schools Chief Operating Officer Chris Henson said. “We realize that it’s been very frustrating for everyone.”
Ice forming Friday evening near sunset made driving dangerous on some Mississippi highways. State transportation officials reported ice on roads and bridges in more than half of the state’s counties.
And Alabama was under a winter storm warning until Saturday morning from the wintry mix. By midday, the storm was expected to clear out, but ice would likely remain as highs would only get into the 30s. By Tuesday, temperatures are expected to reach almost balmy 50s and 60s.
In Georgia, 2 to 4 inches of snow could cover northern parts of the state by Saturday morning, forecasters said. Though rain and freezing rain fell at times in Atlanta, its workers, schools and companies dismissed early Friday, avoiding the epic snowstorm traffic jam of January 2014 that stranded motorists in cars on interstates. Some took to sledding in snow-coated northern Atlanta suburbs and in Tennessee.
Though south Louisiana was spared sleet and ice, people in greater New Orleans braved an unseasonable cold snap Friday to kick off the long Mardi Gras Season in steady rain. Many were buffeted by chill winds as they waited in lines to buy celebratory cakes, then closed out a rainy night with masked and costumed street car rides before night temperatures dipped into the 30s.
David Roe, who helped organize one Carnival street car ride, seemed undeterred by cold and rain, adding, “We like to have a party.”
Associated Press writers Kim Chandler in Montgomery, Alabama, and Rebecca Santana in New Orleans, Jonathan Drew in Raleigh, North Carolina, and Ben Finley in Norfolk, Virginia, contributed to this report. Martin reported from Atlanta.
Copyright © 2017 The Washington Times, LLC.
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Relatives: Airport shooting suspect had mental health issues


NewsHubThe man police say opened fire with a gun from his checked baggage at a Florida airport had a history of mental health problems – some of which followed his military service in Iraq – and was receiving psychological treatment at his home in Alaska, his relatives said Friday after the deadly shooting.
“Only thing I could tell you was when he came out of Iraq , he wasn’t feeling too good,” his uncle, Hernan Rivera, told The Record newspaper (http://bit.ly/2j04ghF ).
Esteban Santiago , 26, deployed in 2010 as part of the Puerto Rico National Guard, spending a year with an engineering battalion, according to Guard spokesman Maj. Paul Dahlen.
In recent years, Santiago had been living in Anchorage , Alaska, his brother, Bryan Santiago, told The Associated Press from Puerto Rico. Bryan Santiago said his brother’s girlfriend had recently called the family to alert them to his treatment.
In November, Esteban told FBI agents in Alaska that the government was controlling his mind and was forcing him to watch Islamic State group videos, a law enforcement official said. The official was not authorized to discuss an ongoing investigation by name and spoke Friday on condition of anonymity.
The FBI agents notified the police after the interview with Esteban Santiago , who took him in for a mental health evaluation.
Bryan Santiago said his brother never spoke to him directly about his medical issues.
“We have not talked for the past three weeks,” Bryan Santiago said. “That’s a bit unusual … I’m in shock. He was a serious person … He was a normal person.”
Esteban Santiago was born in New Jersey but moved to Puerto Rico when he was 2, his brother said. He grew up in the southern coastal town of Penuelas before joining the Guard in 2007.
Since returning from Iraq , Santiago served in the Army Reserves and the Alaska National Guard in Anchorage. He was serving as a combat engineer in the Guard before his discharge for “unsatisfactory performance,” said Lt. Col. Candis Olmstead, a spokeswoman. His military rank upon discharge was E3, private 1st class, and he worked one weekend a month with an additional 15 days of training yearly, Olmstead said.
She would not elaborate on his discharge, but the Pentagon said he went AWOL several times and was demoted and discharged.
Still, he’d had some successes during his military career, being awarded a number of medals and commendations including the Iraq Campaign Medal and the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal.
His uncle and aunt in New Jersey were trying to make sense of what they were hearing about Santiago after his arrest at the Fort Lauderdale airport. FBI agents arrived at their house to question them, and reporters swarmed around.
Maria Ruiz told The Record that her nephew had recently become a father and was struggling.
“It was like he lost his mind,” she said in Spanish of his return from Iraq . “He said he saw things.”
Santiago was flying from Anchorage on a Delta flight and had checked only one piece of luggage, which contained the gun.
Santiago was charged in a domestic violence case in January 2016, damaging a door when he forced his way into a bathroom at his girlfriend’s Anchorage home. The woman told officers he yelled at her to leave, strangled her and smacked her on the side of the head, according to charging documents.
A month later municipal prosecutors said he violated the conditions of his release when officers found him at her home during a routine check. He told police he had lived there since he was released from custody the previous month. His Anchorage attorney, Max Holmquist, declined to discuss his client.
Law enforcement officers were at the girlfriend’s home Friday afternoon, and officers guarding the property outside told a reporter who approached the home to step away.
Danica Coto in San Juan, Puerto Rico ; Becky Bohrer in Juneau, Alaska; Rachel D’Oro and Mark Thiessen in Anchorage , Alaska; and Lolita C. Baldor and Eric Tucker in Washington contributed to this report.
This story has been corrected to show Santiago served in the Alaska National Guard in Anchorage , not Fairbanks, per new information from the Guard .
Copyright © 2017 The Washington Times, LLC.
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People Shot At Florida's Fort Lauderdale Airport


NewsHubBy Zachary Fagenson
FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (Reuters) – An Iraq war veteran took a gun out of his checked luggage and opened fire in a crowded baggage claim area at Fort Lauderdale’s airport on Friday, killing five people, months after he showed up at an FBI office behaving erratically.
Esteban Santiago, 26, who was taken into custody immediately following the shooting and questioned at length, was expected to face federal charges in the shooting rampage, said George Piro, special agent in charge of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s office in Miami.
Piro said investigators had not ruled out terrorism as a possible motive in the rampage and were reviewing the suspect’s recent travel.
Santiago, who had served in the U. S. military, had arrived in Ft. Lauderdale shortly before 1 p.m. local time (1800 GMT) on a connecting flight from Alaska, authorities said, when he retrieved a 9mm semi-automatic handgun from his checked luggage and began firing indiscriminately.
Broward County Commissioner Chip LaMarca said on Twitter that the gunman went into a restroom to load his weapon and came out firing. Witnesses told MSNBC television he only stopped after running out of ammunition, at which point he surrendered to police.
Cellphone video posted on social media showed travelers kneeling and treating victims on the floor next to a carousel. At least two victims had pools of blood from apparent head wounds.
The gunman, who wore a “Star Wars” T-shirt, said nothing as he fired, witnesses told MSNBC.
“This is a senseless act of evil,” Florida Governor Rick Scott told reporters.
A White House spokesman said President Barack Obama had spoken to Scott and Broward County Mayor Barbara Sharief and had extended his condolences to the loved ones of the victims.
In addition to the five killed, eight others were wounded by gunfire and some three dozen were taken to local hospitals with bruises or broken bones suffered in the chaos surrounding the shooting massacre.
Piro said that Santiago had turned up at an FBI office in Anchorage in November of last year behaving erratically and was turned over to local police, who took him to a medical facility for a mental evaluation.
A federal law enforcement official told Reuters that Santiago told agents at the Anchorage office in November that his mind was being controlled by a U. S. intelligence agency, which was ordering him to watch Islamic State videos.
Santiago served from 2007 to 2016 in the Puerto Rico National Guard and Alaska National Guard including a deployment to Iraq from 2010 to 2011, according to the Pentagon.
A private first class and combat engineer, he received half a dozen medals before being transferred to the inactive ready reserve in August last year.
An aunt said he came back from his deployment “a different person,” MSNBC reported.
Flying with firearms is routine and legal in the United States as long as the guns are kept in a locked, hard-sided container as checked baggage only, under TSA rules. Ammunition is prohibited in carry-on bags but is allowed in checked luggage.
The attack was the latest in a series of mass shootings that have plagued the United States in recent years, some inspired by militants with an extreme view of Islam, others carried out by loners or the mentally disturbed.
John Schlicher, who told MSNBC he saw the attack, said the shooter was “directly firing at us” while passengers waited for their bags. His wife gave first aid to a victim who had been shot in the head, and his mother-in-law used her sweater to tend to another victim but it turned out that person was already dead, he said.
Mark Lea, another eyewitness, told MSNBC, “He didn’t say anything; he was quiet the whole time.”
Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport is the second largest in South Florida, serving as an intercontinental gateway.
Nearly two months ago a former Southwest Airlines worker killed an employee of the company at Oklahoma City’s airport in what police called a premeditated act.
The deadliest mass shooting in modern U. S. history took place last June, when a gunman apparently inspired by Islamic State killed 49 people and wounded 53 at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida.
(Reporting by Colleen Jenkins, Letitia Stein, Jeffrey Dastin, Joseph Ax, Jonathan Allen, Gina Cherelus, Mark Hosenball and Laila Kearney; Writing by Daniel Trotta and Dan Whitcomb; Editing by James Dalgleish and Lisa Shumaker)

Similarity rank: 1.1
Sentiment rank: -3

© Source: http://dailycaller.com/2017/01/06/people-shot-at-floridas-fort-lauderdale-airport/
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Putin resented Clinton for calling out his rigged election


NewsHubRachel Maddow reports on the findings in the U. S. intelligence report on Russia that Vladimir Putin sought to undermine Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election because he blames her for fomenting unrest in Russia after he rigged his own election.

Similarity rank: 1.1
Sentiment rank: -0.5

© Source: http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow/watch/putin-resented-clinton-for-calling-out-his-rigged-election-849593411894
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Airport gunman sent panicked passengers fleeing for lives


NewsHubFORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) – Without a word, the gunman moved through the baggage claim picking off travelers until his handgun ran out of ammunition, leaving five dead and eight wounded in Fort Lauderdale’s airport.
Panicked witnesses ran out of the terminal and spilled onto the tarmac, baggage in hand. Others hid in bathroom stalls or crouched behind cars or anything else they could find as police and paramedics rushed in Friday to help the wounded and establish whether there were any other gunmen.
Authorities said an Army veteran who complained that the government was controlling his mind drew a gun from his checked luggage on arrival and opened fire on fellow travelers.
Bruce Hugon, who had flown in from Indianapolis for a vacation, was at the baggage carousel when he heard four or five pops and saw everyone drop to the ground. He said a woman next to him tried to get up and was shot in the head.
“The guy must have been standing over me at one point. I could smell the gunpowder,” he said. “I thought I was about to feel a piercing pain or nothing at all because I would have been dead.”
The gunman was identified as 26-year-old Esteban Santiago of Anchorage, Alaska, who served in Iraq with the National Guard but was demoted and discharged last year for unsatisfactory performance. His brother said he had been receiving psychological treatment recently.
A law enforcement official told The Associated Press that Santiago had walked into the FBI office in Anchorage in November to say that the U. S. government was controlling his mind and making him watch Islamic State videos.
Agents questioned an agitated and disjointed-sounding Santiago and then called police, who took him for a mental health evaluation, according to the official, who was not authorized to discuss the case and spoke on condition of anonymity.
FBI agent George Piro, who is in charge of the Miami field office, confirmed that Santiago had come into the Anchorage office and said he clearly indicated at the time that he was not intent on hurting anyone.
Piro said authorities are looking at leads in several states and have not ruled out terrorism. “We’re looking at every angle, including the terrorism angle,” he said
Santiago , who is in federal custody, will face federal charges and is expected to appear in court Monday, Piro said.
It is legal for airline passengers to travel with guns and ammunition as long as the firearms are put in a checked bag – not a carry-on – and are unloaded and locked in a hard-sided container. Guns must be declared to the airline at check-in.
Santiago arrived in Fort Lauderdale after taking off from Anchorage aboard a Delta flight Thursday night, checking only one piece of luggage – his gun, said Jesse Davis, police chief at the Anchorage airport.
At Fort Lauderdale, “after he claimed his bag, he went into the bathroom and loaded the gun and started shooting. We don’t know why,” said Chip LaMarca, a Broward County commissioner who was briefed by investigators.
The gunman was taken into custody after throwing his empty weapon down and lying spread-eagle on the ground, one witness said.
“People started kind of screaming and trying to get out of any door they could or hide under the chairs,” the witness, Mark Lea, told MSNBC. “He just kind of continued coming in, just randomly shooting at people, no rhyme or reason to it.”
The Fort Lauderdale gunman said nothing as he “went up and down the carousels of the baggage claim, shooting through luggage to get at people that were hiding,” according to Lea. The killer went through about three magazines before running out of ammunition, Lea said.
The gunman was arrested unharmed, with no shots fired by law enforcement officers, and was being questioned by the FBI, Sheriff Scott Israel said.
Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel said 30 to 40 people were injured – scrapes, bruises and broken bones – after the shooting.
The condition of the wounded was not disclosed. At least one of the victims was seen lying in a pool of blood with what appeared to be a head wound.
The airport was shut down, with incoming flights diverted and outgoing flights held on the ground. Airport Director Mark Gale said it will try to reopen at 5 a.m. Saturday but urged travelers to check with their individual airlines on flight status
The bloodshed is likely to raise questions of whether aviation safety officials need to change the rules.
The attack also exposed another weak point in airport security: While travelers have to take off their shoes, put their carry-on luggage through X-ray machines and pass through metal detectors to reach the gates, many other sections of airports, such as ticket counters and baggage claim areas, are more lightly secured and more vulnerable to attack.
“The fact is that wherever there are crowds, such as at our airports, we remain vulnerable to these types of attacks,” Nelson said.
President Barack Obama was briefed by his Homeland Security adviser, the White House said. President-elect Donald Trump said that it is a “disgraceful situation that’s happening in our country and throughout the world” and that it was too soon to say whether it was a terrorist attack.
Santiago ’s brother, Bryan, told the AP that his brother had been receiving psychological treatment in Alaska. He said Santiago ’s girlfriend alerted the family to the situation in recent months. Bryan Santiago said that he didn’t know what his brother was being treated for and that they never talked about it.
He said Esteban Santiago was born in New Jersey and moved to Puerto Rico when he was 2. He was sent to Iraq in 2010 and spent a year there with the 130th Engineer Battalion, according to Puerto Rico National Guard spokesman Maj. Paul Dahlen. He later joined the Alaska National Guard.
The Pentagon said Santiago had gone AWOL several times during his stint with the Alaska National Guard and was demoted – from specialist to private first class – and given a general discharge, which is lower than an honorable discharge.
Associated Press writers Freida Frisaro and Adriana Gomez-Licon in Miami; Lolita C. Baldor and Eric Tucker in Washington; Becky Bohrer in Juneau, Alaska; David Koenig in Dallas; and Danica Coto in San Juan, Puerto Rico, contributed to this report.
Copyright © 2017 The Washington Times, LLC.
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Similarity rank: 1.1
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JR常磐線 停車位置を200メートル余り通りすぎる


NewsHub7日朝、JR常磐線の普通電車が千葉県松戸市の北松戸駅で停車位置を200メートル余り通りすぎてしまうトラブルがあり、JR東日本は運転士の居眠りが原因と見て調べています。 7日午前9時半ごろ、JR常磐線の我孫子発、代々木上原行きの上りの普通電車が北松戸駅で停車位置をおよそ220メートル行きすぎて停車しました。 JR東日本によりますと、乗車していた車掌が気付いて非常ブレーキをかけて停車させたということで、電車はおよそ10分遅れで運転を再開しました。乗客およそ700人にけがはありませんでした。 電車を運転していた29歳の男性の運転士は「強い眠気におそわれてしまった」と話しているということで、JR東日本は運転士の居眠りが原因と見て調べています。 JR東日本では先月、オーバーランなどのミスが相次いで起きていて、JR東日本東京支社は「ご迷惑をおかけし深くおわび申し上げます。お客様に安心してご利用いただけるようさらに乗務員への指導を徹底していきます」と話しています。

Similarity rank: 1.1
Sentiment rank: -1.1

© Source: http://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20170107/k10010832021000.html
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