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В Харькове от взрыва неизвестного предмета пострадал подросток


Пострадавший доставлен в больницу с открытым переломом голени и рваными ранами ноги.
В Харькове 15-летний мальчик пострадал от взрыва неизвестного предмета – пострадавший доставлен в больницу.
Сообщение о происшествии поступило в дежурную часть Холодногорского отдела 9 апреля в 18:20, сообщила пресс-служба ГУНС в Харьковской области.
По предварительным данным, два мальчика в лесу жгли костер. В костре взорвался неизвестный предмет. 15-летний юноша травмирован. Пострадавший доставлен в больницу с открытым переломом голени и рваными ранами ноги.
Информация зарегистрирована в журнале Единого реестра досудебных расследований.
Обстоятельства происшествия выясняются.

Similarity rank: 4.2
Sentiment rank: -1.8

© Source: http://telegraf.com.ua/ukraina/mestnyiy/3262503-v-harkove-ot-vzryiva-neizvestnogo-predmeta-postradal-podrostok.html
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Британский коллекционер нашел в советском танке золото на миллионы долларов


Коллекционер вызвал полицию, которая изъяла у него дорогую находку под расписку.
Британский коллекционер Ник Мид обнаружил в советском танке Т-54, купленном на интернет-аукционе, пять золотых слитков стоимостью 2,5 миллиона долларов.
Об этом пишет Апостроф по материалам The Sun.
55-летний британец купил танк Т-54 на eBay за 37 тысяч долларов. Изучая приобретение вместе с механиком Тоддом Чемберленом, он обнаружил в топливном баке танка золотые слитки. Удивленный коллекционер вызвал полицию, которая изъяла у него дорогую находку под расписку.
« Пусть мне не вернут золото, зато у меня останется мой чудесный танк », – говорит он.
Танк, который он купил, принадлежал ВС Ирака, он участвовал в войне в Персидском заливе 1990-1991 годов и был захвачен войсками международной коалиции, в которую входила и Великобритания.
Коллекционер предполагает, что золото в отсек для топлива спрятали иракские военные.
Известно, что Советский Союз еще в 1959-1968 годах поставил в Ирак около 300 средних танков Т-54, которые впоследствии неоднократно участвовали в военных конфликтах в регионе.

Similarity rank: 4.2
Sentiment rank: 0.7

© Source: http://telegraf.com.ua/mir/europa/3262500-britanskiy-kollektsioner-nashel-v-sovetskom-tanke-zoloto-na-millionyi-dollarov.html
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Whistle-blowers wanted: Beijingers urged to report foreign spies for up to 500,000-yuan reward


Beijing’s municipal branch of the state security bureau published new regulations on Monday, encouraging people to report foreign spies, with a cash rewards of up 500,000 yuan (US$72,400)….
Beijing’s municipal branch of the state security bureau published new regulations on Monday, encouraging people to report foreign spies, with a cash rewards of up 500,000 yuan (US$72,400). The capital’s residents can report through a hotline, by mail or in person any activity endangering China’s national security or thefts of national secrets, the and other state media reported. The top reward for whistle-blowers ranges from 100,000 yuan to 500,000 yuan, depending how important the intelligence is, according to the article. The announcement comes as the central government has become increasingly suspicious of overseas organisations and personnel. Foreign non-governmental organisations in China, for example, are now required to register with the police rather than the civil affairs authority, as they used to. Beijing state security posted cartoons in public venues early last year warning young Chinese women to be careful if dating foreign men because they could be spies. Under the new regulations, any reports that prove unfounded will be tolerated as long as the informer was not deliberately giving false information or trying to harass someone. “Beijing is the top choice for overseas spy agencies and other hostile forces to conduct activities of infiltration, subversion, division, destruction and information theft,” a statement from the security bureau said. The state security apparatus has decided to motivate the masses to “gradually build up a steel Great Wall against spies and espionage”, the statement added. A national hotline was set up two years ago in China to report spying.

Similarity rank: 3

© Source: http://www.scmp.com/news/china/policies-politics/article/2086308/whistle-blowers-wanted-beijingers-urged-report-foreign
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Telegram app brings its secure calls feature to Australia


If I can call you ‘Betty’, you can call me ‘end-to-end encrypted’
Alternative messaging service Telegram has officially rolled out support for secure internet-based phone calls in Australia with its latest version (3.18) of the app.
The voice-call feature was introduced to Europe a little over a week ago, with the company promising the same feature for the rest of world “very soon”. Now it’s delivered on that promise with the feature unlocking for Australian users of its apps overnight.
Telegram’s Calls feature is apparently built using the same custom end-to-end encryption that is found in its Secret Chats (an approach which has been criticised by some in the security industry ), although voice-chat will use a simplified verification system. Instead of a key-style verification seen in the service’s chats, both the caller and the recipient of the call will be presented with four emojis on-screen that they can verbally compare. If they all match, the call is secure.
The service will prioritise peer-to-peer connections for your calls, allowing for higher clarity audio signals, or will use the company’s own server infrastructure if the apps are unable to establish a priority connection. Telegram is also hoping to use integrated AI to optimise this feature based on each individual user’s usage (and the company promises this’ll happen without collecting anything sensitive), such as improving the quality of calls on your specific network.
Telegram is available across most platforms for free, with mobile apps for iOS, Android , and Windows Phone, as well as desktop clients for Windows, Linux and macOS operating systems.

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/techradar/allnews/~3/YPDlJbxuurQ/telegram-app-brings-its-secure-calls-feature-to-australia
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Westbrook sets record with 42nd triple-double


Against the wishes of their fans, who cheered for Russell Westbrook to break the triple-double record Friday night, the Suns made denying Westbrook assists their priority down the stretch.
PHOENIX — The Suns refused to allow Russell Westbrook to break the triple-double record on their home court, disappointing a crowd that cheered and chanted for him during a bizarre fourth quarter on Friday night.
Several fans booed Oklahoma City Thunder players who didn’t shoot after receiving passes from Westbrook.
Westbrook ended the night two assists shy of his 42nd triple-double of the season, which would have broken Oscar Robertson’s 55-year-old record. On several occasions in the fourth quarter, he didn’t shoot when open and instead passed to teammates, but the Suns made denying Westbrook assists their priority down the stretch of their 120-99 victory, which snapped a 13-game losing streak for Phoenix.
Editor’s Picks The season of Russ: Westbrook’s epic tale of triple-double triumph
Russell Westbrook’s triple-double pursuit not only took the league on the ultimate thrill ride, it rallied a shaken city behind its new unquestioned leader. Westbrook joins Big O in trip-dub pantheon
Russell Westbrook clinched a triple-double season average, joining Oscar Robertson as the only players to pull off the feat, but he fell two assists shy of a record-breaking 42nd triple-double. Watson on Westbrook as MVP: ‘No question’
As far as Suns coach Earl Watson is concerned, there is no doubt Russell Westbrook of the Thunder deserves the MVP award, despite the production of Rockets point guard James Harden.
2 Related
Russell Westbrook’s triple-double pursuit not only took the league on the ultimate thrill ride, it rallied a shaken city behind its new unquestioned leader.
Russell Westbrook clinched a triple-double season average, joining Oscar Robertson as the only players to pull off the feat, but he fell two assists shy of a record-breaking 42nd triple-double.
As far as Suns coach Earl Watson is concerned, there is no doubt Russell Westbrook of the Thunder deserves the MVP award, despite the production of Rockets point guard James Harden.
« Fourth quarter, we had such a big lead and the only thing he needed was assists, so the whole game plan changed, » Suns forward Jared Dudley told ESPN. « He was still in the game down 20, 25, and you could see he was being real passive, so we just stayed home; and if he was going to do a drop-off, we were going to foul and make them earn it. If he was going to earn it, it was going to be somewhere else.
« I hope he gets it, just not here, not versus us. We’ve dealt with enough problems this year, so to have another history against us and have to watch it 20 years from now, I’m glad it’s not us.  »
Suns star shooting guard Devin Booker , who had 21 of his game-high 37 points in the fourth quarter to ensure the Thunder never mounted a serious comeback threat, said he took it personally that the Talking Stick Resort Arena crowd cheered so enthusiastically for Westbrook.
After a few of his buckets in the fourth quarter, Booker yelled at the crowd: « This is my house!  » adding a profanity on one occasion.
« I’m a competitor, and I’m at my home arena and you’re hearing chants to another guy, » Booker said. « Which I totally respect Russell. He brings it each and every night, and you can’t discredit what he’s been doing. I’m sure he’s going to pass Oscar for the most triple-doubles. I just didn’t want it to be here. I took that personal. Like I said, I’m a competitor. I’m sure if someone was chasing a record at home in OKC, he’d feel the same way.  »
Suns point guard Tyler Ulis offered his take.
« You don’t want to be on the opposite end of history when things like that happen, » Ulis said. « Like when Devin dropped 70, no matter what, Boston’s going to be part of that. We didn’t want that to happen on us.  »
The Suns believed that Westbrook was hunting assists in pursuit of history in the fourth quarter. Westbrook denied that was the case.
« I mean, I was 6-for-25. F—, I mean, what you want me to do?  » Westbrook said after spending almost an hour working on his shot in Phoenix’s practice gym after his poor shooting performance. « I wasn’t making the shots, so somebody else can help. My job is to see what’s going on and try to find guys that make some shots, and maybe we can get something going. But it wasn’t falling for me tonight.  »
The Suns readily admitted they were aware in the fourth quarter of how many assists Westbrook needed to record a triple-double.
« Yeah, he knew too, » Ulis said. « That’s all he was trying to do. He was wide open trying to find guys. We stuck to them, ran guys off the line, and it didn’t happen.  »
The Suns decided to foul any time Westbrook fed a teammate in the lane. Fans loudly booed Dudley when he wrapped up Thunder center Steven Adams , who also got booed for not attempting a 3-pointer off a Westbrook pass, even though Adams has never made a 3 in his career.
« Hey, I’m not just going to let him lay it up, » Dudley said. « I know what’s at stake right now with history. It won’t involve me, I’ll tell you that. It was nothing dirty, nothing malicious. It was just, hey, I’m going to grab those arms and make you shoot free throws. If I had to, I’d foul at half court and make them get in the bonus.  »
Westbrook said he wasn’t concerned with the Suns’ defensive strategy in the fourth quarter, saying, « That’s on them.  » He also insisted that the triple-double record wasn’t on his mind late in the blowout loss.
« I wasn’t playing for records since I’ve been in the league, » said Westbrook, who finished with 23 points, 12 rebounds, 8 assists and 8 turnovers. « This is my ninth year. I play the same way every single night. Record or no record, I compete at a high level, and that’s what I do.  »
Thunder coach Billy Donovan said the chance to break Robertson’s record had nothing to do with his decision to play Westbrook deep into the fourth quarter, despite the lopsided score, citing some of the remarkable comebacks that Westbrook has pulled off this season.
« No, I wasn’t trying to get him a triple-double, » Donovan said. « I’ve seen enough miraculous things this year: At Dallas, at Orlando and some other places. You know? And I thought about taking him out. I think there was maybe a stoppage of play around 3:45, 3:40, somewhere around that point. And I just said, you know what? He gets hot from 3-point line, something happens, we make a couple shots, get a couple stops. And then at that point, around 2:35, 2:40, I actually thought about calling a timeout on the play he got fouled to get him out. But just wanna give him and our team every opportunity to try to have a chance to win.  »
The Suns, on the other hand, made no bones about the fact that their primary goal late in the game was to make sure Westbrook finished with single-digit assists.
« I want to see him reach history, » Booker said. « Just not here in Phoenix. « 

Similarity rank: 6.4
Sentiment rank: -0.1

© Source: http://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/19107789/phoenix-suns-deny-russell-westbrook-record-triple-double-not-us
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Syrien: Kampf gegen IS und Ablösung Assads beides Prioritäten für US-Regierung


Der Nationale Sicherheitsberater Herbert McMaster hat die Syrienstrategie der US-Regierung erläutert. Die USA seien bereit, mehr zu tun, so McMaster.
Nach dem US-Angriff auf einen syrischen Luftwaffenstützpunkt hat der Nationale Sicherheitsberater der US-Regierung, Herbert Raymond McMaster, die US-Strategie im Syrienkrieg in einem Interview erklärt. Dem Fernsehsender Fox News sagte McMaster, die Zerschlagung der Terrororganisation « Islamischer Staat » (IS) sowie die Ablösung des syrischen Präsidenten Baschar al-Assad seien Ziele mit gleich hoher Priorität.
Zuvor hatten sich US-Außenminister Rex Tillerson und UN-Botschafterin Nikki Haley öffentlich widersprochen. Tillerson hatte erklärt, zuerst müsse der IS besiegt werden, danach könne über die Zukunft Syriens debattiert werden. Haley hingegen sagte, sie halte es für vorrangig, Assad aus dem Amt zu vertreiben. US-Präsident Donald Trump hatte in seinem Wahlkampf stets die Priorität des Kampfs gegen den IS betont.
« Es muss sowohl ein gewisses Maß an gleichzeitiger Aktivität als auch an Abfolge des Siegs zuerst über den IS geben », sagte McMaster nun gegenüber Fox News. US-Präsident Donald Trump suche eine politische Lösung, um einen Machtwechsel in Syrien herbeizuführen, erklärte er. Russland müsse seine Unterstützung für Assad überdenken. « Es ist sehr schwer nachzuvollziehen, wie eine politische Lösung aus der Fortsetzung des Assad-Regimes gefunden werden kann », so McMaster.
Der von US-Präsident Donald Trump befohlene Angriff auf den syrischen Luftwaffenstützpunkt sei als « sehr starkes Signal an Assad und seine Unterstützer » gedacht gewesen. Weitere Angriffe schloss McMaster nicht aus, sollte Assad neue Gräueltaten begehen: « Wir sind bereit, mehr zu tun.  »
Der US-Angriff war eine Reaktion auf einen mutmaßlichen Chemiewaffenangriff der syrischen Regierung in der nordwestsyrischen
Kleinstadt Chan Schichun, bei dem am Dienstag mindestens 86 Menschen getötet worden waren,
unter ihnen 31 Kinder. Russland bezweifelt, dass die syrische Regierung für den Angriff verantwortlich ist.
Nach Angaben von Bundesaußenminister Sigmar Gabriel (SPD) hat Russland nun aber zugestimmt, eine Untersuchung des Angriffs zu ermöglichen. Sein russischer Kollege Sergej Lawrow habe ihm in einem Telefonat versichert, dass seine Regierung den Weg frei machen wolle, um vor Ort zu untersuchen, « was denn nun tatsächlich dort geschehen ist », sagte Gabriel im ZDF. Er hoffe, dass dies « ein ernst gemeintes Angebot » sei.
Gabriel mahnte erneut, eine « weitere militärische Eskalation » müsse verhindert werden. « Man darf nicht so tun, als gehe es nur um Russland und die USA, es geht auch um den Iran, um Saudi-Arabien, um die Nachbarländer », sagte der Außenminister.
Beim G7-Außenministertreffen am Montag und Dienstag im italienischen Lucca wolle er US-Außenminister Rex Tillerson gemeinsam mit seinen Kollegen aus Großbritannien, Frankreich und Italien davon zu überzeugen, den Fokus auf eine diplomatische Lösung des Konflikts zu legen. « Wir müssen jetzt die Russen und viele andere an den Verhandlungstisch bekommen », sagte Gabriel. Dafür sei die « kräftige Unterstützung » der USA nötig.

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://www.zeit.de/politik/ausland/2017-04/syrien-usa-strategie-islamischer-staat-baschar-al-assad-prioritaet-herbert-mcmaster
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Исполнитель теракта в Стокгольме действовал по приказу ИГ


Рахмат Акилов был сторонником экстремистских организаций – Новости – подозреваемые – Стокгольм – Теракт
Задержанный по делу о теракте в столице Швеции Рахмат Акилов из Узбекистана признался в совершении преступления на допросе в Кроноберге (район Кунгсхольмен). Об этом сообщает Aftonbladet.
Как отмечается, задержанный является мусульманином и сторонником террористической организации « Исламское государство ». Гражданин Узбекистана Рахмат Акилов, которого подозревают в совершении теракта в Стокгольме, дал признательные показания.
Напомним, 7 апреля 2017 года грузовик въехал в толпу людей на улице Дроттнинггатан – одной из центральных и пешеходных улиц Стокгольма (Швеция). Он проехал 550 метров и врезался в здание торгового центра Åhlens. Как выяснилось, машину угнали, когда водитель занимался разгрузкой.
В результате наезда грузовика погибли четыре человека, 15 человек получили травмы различной степени тяжести. По данным отдела здравохранения администрации Стокгольма, в больнице находятся 10 человек, состояние четверых врачи оценивают как тяжелое.
Власти заявили, что это был теракт. В пятницу вечером полиция задержала подозреваемого в преступлении. 8 апреля правоохранители заявили, что злоумышленнику 39 лет и он родом из Узбекистана.
Напоминаем, не забудьте выбрать свой способ читать новости.
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Similarity rank: 4.2
Sentiment rank: -1.5

© Source: https://www.rbc.ua/rus/news/ispolnitel-terakta-stokgolme-deystvoval-prikazu-1491781205.html
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Masters Round 4 grades — Garcia's A+ final round


Who got top marks for their Masters performance? Sergio Garcia, of course, but also a little kid with an orange shirt.
Time for the final grades of Masters week, with a slightly altered format. Previously, grades referred to the round just played, but this time it is a bit of both — fourth-round performance with reference to the entire week’s work.
This tournament began with off-the-course drama, bubbled nicely through two rounds, witnessed a wonderful Saturday involving an array of stars who assembled at the top of the leaderboard, and culminated with a final day that will live long in the memory bank.
Here are the final grades for the 81st Masters.
Rory McIlroy
Grade: C
The 72nd hole said it all. A drive into the fairway bunker, an approach short of the green, a chip that lipped out, a 7-foot putt that never looked anywhere but in. Promise on the tee, anxiety from pushing too much, a touch of magic and a sure touch to end when it didn’t quite matter. The quest for the career Grand Slam, golf’s holy grail, continues — and it won’t get any easier, because he put the hours in and it didn’t work. What next?
World ranking: No. 2
Score: 72-73-71-69 (-3)
Jason Day
Grade: B
Considering the circumstances with which he entered the week — with concerns about the health of his mother — just about anything was a bonus. But in actual fact, he improved throughout the week. He had four birdies in the final six holes of his third round and repeated the trick on the final lap.
World ranking: No. 3
Score: 74-76-69-71 (+2)
Hideki Matsuyama
Grade: C
On Saturday, I suggested if you wanted to compete with Hideki on any hole at Augusta National, you might want to try the seventh. Fingers crossed no one took me up on that Sunday, because he made birdie there. It was one of seven he carded in just his third sub-70 round on the course in 22 tries. He peaked too soon this year but has the game if he times it right.
World ranking: No. 4
Score: 76-70-74-67 (-1)
Jordan Spieth
Grade: C-
He’s human. If that seems flippant, it’s not meant to be. No golfer has made a nine at Augusta National, shrugged it off and completed victory. Spieth did his best, playing the 39 holes after his quadruple-bogey at No. 15 in Round 1 in 8 under, but eventually the pressure took hold. Even Jordan Spieth, it seems, is vulnerable to regression to the mean. A terrible final day, but throughout the week he proved he remains a force on the course. Just don’t mention the 12th.
World ranking: No. 6
Score: 75-69-68-75 (-1)
Justin Thomas
Grade: C
Through 54 holes, not one player in the field hit more greens than the 23-year-old. Then it all went wrong and he hit only nine on Sunday — whereupon he carded his best score of the week. Try working that one out. His highlight of the day was an eagle at 15 that earned him a crystal memento. It’s worth noting that he seems to be quietly getting to grips with the Augusta challenge.
World ranking: No. 7
Score: 73-76-71-70 (+2)
Rickie Fowler
Grade: D
Such promise this week, but it fizzled out so quickly on Sunday. It seemed obvious that he and Spieth would mount a concerted challenge on the final pair, but in fact, they were both becalmed from the get-go and then fell apart. Five bogeys in the last eight holes and three to finish is somewhat deceptive. He played well this week, taking another step forward in his career, even if the final round was a massive disappointment.
World ranking: No. 8
Score: 73-67-71-76 (-1)
Adam Scott
Grade: B
His response to winning in 2013 has not been ideal, with three failures to make the top-10 and, in the past two years, distant weekend finishes. An opening 75 suggested the trend would continue, but he responded in some style. Two 69s were good, and it could have been so much better on the final day but for an inability to drain the opportunities his long game offered him. Eventually the pressure of that told, but this performance showed promise.
World ranking: No. 9
Score: 75-69-69-73 (-2)
Sergio Garcia
Grade: A+
Seve. Ollie. Sergio. At last he joins the Spanish legends. In 74 major starts, what made the difference this week? He was a confident winner in the year (at the Dubai Desert Classic). He was happy in his home life (ready to marry Angela Akins). He was sent a note by Jose Maria Olazabal on the eve of the championship, reminding him that Sunday was Seve Ballesteros’ birthday. He also drained a 7-footer on Saturday night to play alongside good friend Justin Rose in the final round. All factors. But when push comes to shove, he had to play great golf, and when he lost the lead, he did exactly that. Vamos, Sergio.
World ranking: No. 11
Score: 71-69-70-69 (-9)
Justin Rose
Grade: A
So close to a second major, but you sense he’ll cope well with the disappointment. He tracked the leader, passed him, was passed himself and still responded. The tee shot at 16, under huge pressure, was massive. To hole the putt was even more impressive. He couldn’t close it out, but he didn’t wilt. A performance to build on.
World ranking: No. 14
Score: 71-72-67-69 (-9)
Thomas Pieters
Grade: A
We all know that very few Augusta National debutants win, but quite a few impress, and so did the Belgian big hitter. There is no doubt he hit plenty of birdies. Indeed, he made six in the final round, including four on the bounce through the back nine. Ultimately, he made too many bogeys. Lesson learned? If it is, you can count on Pieters being a force in the future.
World ranking: No. 35
Score: 72-68-75-68 (-5)
Ernie Els
Grade: C
That rule I broke to discuss the week rather than just the round? I’m breaking the rules again for Ernie and stretching it to his entire career, because his weekend scores of 83-78? They’re no reflection on what the Big Easy has contributed to the Masters. He gets his grade for never ending the week outside the top six between 2000 and 2004, a run that was bookended by runner-up finishes. It’s almost certainly a farewell to a man unfortunate not to have won a green jacket.
World ranking: No. 410
Score: 72-75-83-78 (+20)
The boy in the orange shirt
Grade: A
He was in the perfect spot, at the back of the 16th green. In past years, he’d have seen Tiger’s chip shot. He’d have seen Louis Oosthuizen’s billiard-style hole out. Damn it, he’d have seen Kirk Triplett’s ace in 2004. And now he saw Matt Kuchar hole-in-one on his way to a backdoor top-5. Then the Kooch signed the ball and handed it over. Day made.
Watch Kuchar’s ace, and give the ball away

Similarity rank: 5.3
Sentiment rank: 1.2

© Source: http://www.espn.com/golf/masters17/story/_/id/19094154/golf-masters-round-4-grades-garcia-aces-final-round-exam-augusta-national
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Хейли: Белый дом обсуждает новые санкции против России за поддержку Асада


Хейли уверена, что, отреагировав на химическую атаку в Сирии ракетным ударом, администрация Дональда Трампа послала важный сигнал Москве.
Постоянный представитель США при ООН Никки Хейли не исключила ужесточения санкций против Москвы и Тегерана за поддержку режима президента Сирии Башара Асада.
Об этом она заявила в ток-шоу State of the Union на телеканале CNN.
« Полагаю, мы обсудим этот вопрос. Уже начали обсуждать его. На данный момент ничего не исключается. Думаю, мы увидим мощное лидерство со стороны США и готовность к действию, когда в этом будет потребность », – подчеркнула она.
Хейли также уверена, что, отреагировав на химическую атаку в Сирии ракетным ударом, администрация Дональда Трампа послала важный сигнал Москве.
« Все члены администрации были согласны, что это нужно было сделать. Необходимо было сказать Асаду: « Довольно, пора знать меру!  » – заявила глава американской миссии во всемирной организации заявила в воскресенье, 9 апреля, в телепрограмме Meet The Press на телеканале NBC.
« Этим шагом (Вашингтон. – Ред.) дал знать России: « Мы больше не позволим вам прикрывать этот режим. Мы не позволим, чтобы подобные вещи происходили с невинными людьми », – цитирует DW.
При этом постпред США назвала подход Вашингтона « умеренным », добавив, что Соединенные Штаты способны и на более радикальные меры.

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Modellflugzeug stürzt ab und trifft Mann am Kopf


Nettetal (dpa) – Ein abstürzendes Modellflugzeug hat einen 47-Jährigen am Niederrhein schwer verletzt. Der Mann wurde mit schweren Verletzungen im Gesicht und a
Nettetal (dpa) – Ein abstürzendes Modellflugzeug hat einen 47-Jährigen am Niederrhein schwer verletzt. Der Mann wurde mit schweren Verletzungen im Gesicht und am Kopf mit einem Rettungshubschrauber in eine Spezialklinik gebracht. Dem Verein auf dem Modellflugplatz in Nettetal zufolge sollte ein Motorflugzeug einen Segelschlepper in die Luft ziehen. Kurz nach dem Start sei das Modell-Segelflugzeug mit einer Spannweite von drei Metern aber außer Kontrolle geraten. Der Segler sei auf einen Vereinskollegen gefallen, der sein Flugzeug für den Start klar machen wollte.

© Source: http://www.t-online.de/nachrichten/id_80857522/modellflugzeug-stuerzt-ab-und-trifft-mann-am-kopf.html
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