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Roland Garros: zwycięski powrót po kontuzji. Agnieszka Radwańska w II rundzie


Agnieszka Radwańska udanie powróciła do rozgrywek po wyleczeniu kontuzji stopy. W I rundzie rozgrywanego na kortach ziemnych wielkoszlemowego Roland Garros 2017 Polka w dwóch setach pokonała Fionę Ferro 6: 1,6: 1.
do końca walczyła z czasem, aby odpowiednio przygotować się do 11. w karierze występu w Rolandzie Garrosie. Z powodu kontuzji stopy w turniejach przygotowawczych do paryskiej lewy Wielkiego Szlema rozegrała zaledwie jeden mecz – w Stuttgarcie. Do walki o tytuł w stolicy Francji przystąpiła więc bez ogrania na ceglanej mączce. Nasza reprezentantka miała więc prawo, by – zwłaszcza w początkowej fazie meczu – nie wiedzieć, czego spodziewać się po rywalce. Dodatkowo na kilkanaście minut przed rozpoczęciem organizatorzy podjęli decyzję, że z powodu opóźnień spotkanie Polki z Francuzką zostało przeniesione z kortu numer 1 na arenę numer 2. Pierwszy set wtorkowego meczu to całkowita dominacja Radwańskiej. Polka wprawdzie nie grała znakomicie, ale wykorzystywała słabości i braki umiejętności rywalki. Ferro starała się prezentować agresywny tenis, ale większość ofensywnych prób kończyła błędem, a niekiedy po zagraniach Radwańskiej nogi Francuzki plątały się w supeł. Radwańska już w drugim gemie wywalczyła przełamanie, gdy przy break poincie posłał kończący return. W gemie numer cztery znów odebrała serwis przeciwniczce. Po chwili objęła prowadzenie 5: 0, by wygrać inauguracyjną odsłonę 6: 1. Druga partia nic nie zmieniła w obrazie gry. Wycofana poza końcową linię Radwańska kontrolowała przebieg meczu. Polka korzystała na licznych błędach Ferro, która sprawiała wrażenie coraz bardziej zniechęconej i sfrustrowanej. Gem otwarcia drugiej odsłony przyniósł przełamanie dla Radwańskiej po tym, jak dropszot Ferro zatrzymał się na siatce. Krakowianka poszła za ciosem i przy stanie 2: 0 znów zdobyła gema przy podaniu rywalki. Dzięki temu uzyskała ogromną przewagę – seta oraz dwa breaki. Ostatecznie ta partia, jak inauguracyjna, zakończyła się wynikiem 6: 1 dla Polki. Mecz trwał zaledwie 67 minut. W tym czasie Radwańska posłała cztery asy, ani razu nie została przełamana, wykorzystała pięć z ośmiu break pointów, zagrała 19 uderzeń kończących i popełniła sześć niewymuszonych błędów. Ferro natomiast zapisano 24 winnery i 29 pomyłek własnych. Dla Radwańskiej to ósmy wygrany mecz w sezonie 2017, w tym pierwszy od 24 marca, kiedy to w II rundzie w Miami pokonała. O kolejną wygraną krakowianka powalczy w czwartek z, którą pokonała przed pięcioma laty na mączce w Brukseli. Belgijska kwalifikantka we wtorek wygrała 6: 3,7: 5 z. Więcej informacji wkrótce., Paryż (Francja)
Wielki Szlem, kort ziemny, pula nagród w singlu kobiet 13,5 mln euro
wtorek, 30 maja Agnieszka Radwańska (Polska, 9) – Fiona Ferro (Francja, WC) 6: 1,6: 1

© Source: https://sportowefakty.wp.pl/tenis/690756/roland-garros-zwycieski-powrot-po-kontuzji-agnieszka-radwanska-z-dwoma-straconym
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ノリエガ元将軍が死去 パナマ独裁者、米軍の侵攻で失脚


中米パナマの 独裁的指導者だったマヌエル・ ノリエガ元将軍が29日、 首都パナマ市の 病院で死去した。 83歳だった。 AP通信などが伝えた。 ノリエガ氏は1983年に軍の 最高司令官に就任し、 事実上の 軍事独裁を…
中米パナマの独裁的指導者だったマヌエル・ノリエガ元将軍が29日、首都パナマ市の病院で死去した。83歳だった。 AP通信などが伝えた。 ノリエガ氏は1983年に軍の最高司令官に就任し、事実上の軍事独裁を確立。反政府活動家らを弾圧した。米国は中米の共産主義勢力を抑え込む手駒として、当初は保護を与えていた。 だが、米国との関係が悪化し、89年12月に米軍がパナマに侵攻。ノリエガ氏は失脚し、ローマ法王庁の大使館に政治亡命を申請したが、翌年投降した。 ノリエガ氏は米国内で裁判を受けて、麻薬密輸組織に中継基地を提供していたなどとして有罪判決を受けた。同氏は米国で服役し、2010年に資金洗浄の罪でフランスに身柄を引き渡された。翌11年にパナマに送還され、以来、同国で服役していた。 米国での裁判でノリエガ氏は、米政府がニカラグア侵攻の口実を作るためにパナマ軍を使うよう要請されたが、それを拒絶したため、排除されたと主張した。 ノリエガ氏は今年3月、脳腫瘍(しゅよう)の手術を受けたが大量出血し、重体になっていた。パナマのバレラ大統領はツイッターで「ノリエガ氏の死で、歴史の一章が閉じた」と投稿した。(ハバナ=平山亜理)

© Source: http://www.asahi.com/articles/ASK5Z521TK5ZUHBI01G.html
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Zarzuty dla jednego z najbogatszych Polaków. Miał manipulować akcjami


Prokuratura Okręgowa w Warszawie postawiła we wtorek zarzuty znanemu inwestorowi giełdowemu. Dotyczą one karalnej manipulacji akcjami spółki Krezus S. A. W ten sposób miał wprowadzać w błąd innych inwestorów.
Roman K. usłyszał zarzuty o przestępstwo z art. 183 ust. 1 ustawy z 29 lipca 2005 roku o obrocie instrumentami finansowymi. Współudział w tym przestępstwie prokuratura zarzuca Grażynie K. oraz Jakubowi N. Dotyczą one zdarzeń, do jakich dochodziło od lipca do listopada 2012 r. na Giełdzie Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie.
Według prokuratury, podejrzani składali zlecenia i zawierali transakcje na akcjach spółki Krezus S. A. między innymi manipulując kursem akcji i wprowadzając w błąd innych inwestorów, co do rzeczywistego popytu i podaży instrumentu finansowego. Łączna liczba akcji, którymi obracali podejrzani, wynosiła ponad 3 mln sztuk, a ich wartość przekroczyła 36 mln złotych.
« Podejrzani inwestorzy zdominowali obrót akcjami spółki Krezus, a ich udział w wolumenie kupna wyniósł blisko 68 proc., a w wolumenie sprzedaży ok. 31 proc. » – napisano w komunikacie prokuratury.
Wobec podejrzanych zastosowano poręczenia majątkowe w kwotach po 100 tys. złotych.
Na poczet kary grożącej podejrzanym zabezpieczono należące do nich nieruchomości, poprzez ustanowienie hipotek do łącznej kwoty 2 mln 500 tys. zł. Podejrzanym grozi kara grzywny do 5 mln złotych oraz kara pozbawienia wolności do 5 lat.
Jak podał « Wprost », Roman K. wraz z żoną uplasował się w rankingu najbogatszych Polaków za rok 2016.

© Source: http://wiadomosci.wp.pl/zarzuty-dla-jednego-z-najbogatszych-polakow-mial-manipulowac-akcjami-6128309603498113a
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Trump, Germany's Merkel clash over trade, NATO and 'Western values'


Germany and the U. S. emerged from Memorial Day weekend in a war of words, as Chancellor Angela Merkel and her coalition partners attacked America’s reliability as a world power and President Trump fired back on Twitter.
Germany and the U. S. emerged from Memorial Day weekend in a war of words, as Chancellor Angela Merkel and her coalition partners attacked America’s reliability as a world power and President Trump fired back on Twitter.
Merkel said at a beer tent rally in Munich Sunday that Germany cannot « fully rely » on the U. S., and that continental Europe “really must take our fate into our own hands.”
Martin Schultz, head of Gemany’s Social Democratic Party (SPD) , which is Merkel’s coalition partner in the federal government, went further, calling Trump a « destroyer of all Western values. »
“The chancellor represents all of us at summits [NATO and G7] like these, ” said Schultz, seen as a challenger to Merkel in the upcoming September election. « I reject with outrage the way this man takes it upon himself to treat the head of our country’s government.”
Trump countered on Tuesday, renewing his allegation Germany doesn’t pay its full, 2 percent of GDP share toward defense — a requirement of NATO membership. He also rapped the European economic powerhouse for its trade policies.
“We have a MASSIVE trade deficit with Germany, plus they pay FAR LESS than they should on NATO & military,  » Trump tweeted. « Very bad for U. S. This will change »
Economists agree with Trump that the U. S. trade gap favors Germany by $67.8 billion per year. That trade deficit is the second largest after China’s $310 billion advantage over the U. S.
Trump has confronted Merkel over her country’s failure to meet the NATO guidelines for defense expenditures. Germany is one of the 23 NATO members that has not met the 2 percent goal of defense spending. The European economic powerhouse ranked 15th among NATO members, spending a mere 1.2 percent of its gross national product on military defense.
The U. S., Greece, Poland, Britain and Estonia are the only NATO members who meet (or exceed) NATO’s criteria for armed forces spending. A Politico story published last week, titled « Trump’s right about Germany,  » said « Merkel’s economic policies really are hurting the U. S.”
It is not the first time that anti-American rhetoric has played a role in a German election campaign. Former social democratic Chancellor Gerhard Schröder mobilized voters around anti-American sentiments to win the 2002 election. In his memoir, “Decision Points, ” President George W. Bush accused Schröder of reneging on German support for the U. S. in the Iraq war. That touched off a war of words between Bush and Germany’s then justice minister.
When he was foreign minister, Germany’s current social democratic president, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, called Trump a « hate preacher. » Steinmeier’s successor as foreign minister, the social Democrat Sigmar Gabriel, has pivoted away from the U. S and toward the Islamic Republic of Iran. Just days after the U. S and other world powers reached a nuclear deal with Iran in 2015 to curb its atomic program, Gabriel went to Iran with a delegation of business leaders. He made a second trip last year to jump-start business deals with Iran.
This past week, Gabriel was engulfed in scandal after inviting a hard-line anti-Western, anti-U. S. Iranian cleric to the foreign ministry for a conference promoting religious peace. The extremist Iranian religious leader Hamidreza Torabi, a key organizer of the Quds event in Berlin, an anti-Western rally calling for the destruction of the Jewish state, appeared at the foreign ministry event.
Torabi sponsors buses for pro-Hezbollah and pro-Iranian regime activists to travel to Quds, which also serves as a gathering spot for boycott campaigns against Israel.
Although the U. S. has designated Hezbollah as a terrorist organization, Merkel has declined to outlaw the Lebanese militant group. There are 950 active members and supporters of Hezbollah in Germany.
The Israeli Embassy told Fox News that Germany should have never invited Torabi to the conference.
“Any person who incites violence has no place in a dialogue that uses religions as a bedrock to bring peace, tolerance and understanding between people, nations and religions, ” the ministry said. “Moreover, there is no doubt that a person who incites violence against Israel and Jews in the name of God, in the city of Berlin, has no place in such a dialogue, certainly not one organized by the German government.”
Torabi, who heads the Islamic Academy of Germany, held a poster in downtown Berlin at the 2016 anti-Israel Quds rally urging the “rejection of Israel” and terming the Jewish state “illegal and criminal.”
Benjamin Weinthal reports on human rights in the Middle East and is a fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. Follow him on Twitter @BenWeinthal

© Source: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/05/30/trump-germanys-merkel-clash-over-trade-nato-and-western-values.html
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How The U. S. Military Used Guns N' Roses To Make A Dictator Give Up: The Two-Way: NPR


Panama’s dictator, Manuel Noriega, surrendered to the invading U. S. military in 1989. He holed up at the Vatican Embassy, and gave up after being subjected to days of deafening music.
The U. S. military invaded Panama in hot pursuit of the country’s dictator, Manuel Noriega, in December 1989. As he rapidly ran out of options, Noriega took refuge at the Vatican Embassy in Panama City. In deference to diplomatic protocol, U. S. forces did not enter the embassy. But they did concoct a plan to smoke out Noriega, who at the age of 83. The plan involved music, mostly heavy metal and rock, with a few ballads thrown in. It was blasted on loud speakers, at deafening volumes, around the clock. Here’s a small sampling of designed to send Noriega a musical message: by K. C. And The Sunshine Band, by Alice Cooper, and by Black Sabbath. You get the drift. The U. S. military launched the operation on Dec. 20,1989, to seize Noriega, who had once been a U. S. ally but was by this point wanted on drug trafficking charges. The U. S. military radio for Central America, known as the Southern Command Network, initially did what it always did — play requests from the troops. Many of those requests were directed at Noriega. As U. S. Southern Command later noted in an: « When the troops started coming in from the field, the requests became quite imaginative, « . The favorites included by Guns N’ Roses, by Bon Jovi, and by The Doors. After several days on the run, Noriega was allowed to enter the Vatican Embassy on Christmas Eve. And on Christmas Day, the radio station broadcast only Christmas music. But with requests streaming in, the U. S. effort ramped up after the holiday. On Dec. 27, « someone who identified himself as a member of the PSYOPS [Psychological Operations] team from Fort Bragg [N. C.] called to tell us what they were doing with their loud speakers,  » . had ordered speakers placed as a « musical barrier » around the perimeter of the Vatican Embassy and turned to full volume. Noriega was reportedly partial to opera. What he got was from Van Halen, from Kenny Loggins, and courtesy of Tom Petty. And remember, this was the ’80s. So the strongman also got an earful of Rick Astley’s though that may have been intended more for Noriega’s hosts at the embassy. As the standoff dragged on for days, the playlist became part of the story. Not everyone was happy with the military’s approach, including the White House, and the President George H. W. Bush’s national security adviser, Brent Scowcroft, said afterward that he thought the use of high-volume music was « undignified. » On Jan. 3,1990, Noriega surrendered to the U. S. forces, though not until after he’d been treated to a version of  » . » Noriega was flown to Miami, tried and convicted of drug trafficking, and spent nearly two decades in U. S. prisons.

© Source: http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/05/30/530723028/how-the-u-s-military-used-guns-n-roses-to-make-a-dictator-give-up?utm_medium=RSS&utm_campaign=news
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Supreme Court will consider Ohio voter purge case


The Supreme Court on Tuesday agreed to hear a case concerning whether Ohio’s method of removing names from its voter rolls violates federal law.
The ruling was a victory for the American Civil Liberties Union of Ohio and other groups who expressed concern that the purge would impact « many thousands » of Ohio voters.
Ohio’s Secretary of State Jon Husted defended the state’s process. In court papers filed with the Supreme Court, he noted that the voters who have not engaged in voter activity for two years are sent notices. If a voter returns the notice through prepaid mail or responds through the internet, his information is updated. If the notice is ignored and the voter fails to update a registration over the next four years, the registration is canceled.
« The Sixth Circuit’s decision makes it harder for states to conduct what all can agree is a critical activity — removing ineligible voters from registration lists — by eliminating one method for doing so,  » Husted argued.
The high court will hear the case the next term.
Freda Levenson, Legal Director of the ACLU of Ohio, released a statement urging the Supreme Court to affirm the lower court opinion because Ohio’s method has « served as a powerful mechanism of voter suppression. »
« Ohio has purged hundreds of thousands of people from the voter rolls simply because they have exercised their right not to vote in a few elections,  » she said.

© Source: http://edition.cnn.com/2017/05/30/politics/ohio-supreme-court/index.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+rss%2Fcnn_latest+%28RSS%3A+CNN+-+Most+Recent%29
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Verwirrung um Laptop-Verbot


Die Vereinigten Staaten wollen Laptops auf Flugverbindungen mit Europa weiterhin erlauben – so lautete zunächst eine offizielle Meldung. Dann folgte ganz schnell das Dementi – und später doch eine
Die Vereinigten Staaten wollen Laptops auf Flugverbindungen mit Europa weiterhin erlauben – so lautete zunächst eine offizielle Meldung. Dann folgte ganz schnell das Dementi – und später doch eine halbe Bestätigung!
• Laut dpa sei der Verzicht auf ein Laptop-Verbot das Ergebnis einer Telefonkonferenz zwischen US-Vertretern und der EU-Kommission am Dienstag, wie die Deutsche Presse-Agentur in Brüssel erfuhr.
Die Partner seien sich einig gewesen, die Sicherheitsvorkehrungen zu intensivieren, um neuen Risiken zu begegnen, hieß es.
• Doch dann behauptete das US-Heimatschutzministerium das Gegenteil! Es hieß: Eine Ausweitung des US-Laptop-Verbots auf Flüge aus Europa sei noch lange nicht vom Tisch.
„Diese Berichte sind absolut falsch“, sagte ein Ministeriumssprecher der Deutschen Presse-Agentur am Dienstag in Washington und kündigte ein ausführliches Statement an.
• Nach dem Dementi dann doch die Aussage aus dem US-Heimatschutzministerium: Die USA wollen vorerst auf ein Laptop-Verbot für Flüge aus Europa in die USA verzichten.
Einschränkung allerdings: Das bereits für mehrere muslimisch geprägte Länder geltende Verbot der Mitnahme bestimmter elektronischer Geräte im Handgepäck könne auf Europa ausgeweitet werden, wenn Geheimdienstinformationen und die Sicherheitslage dies erfordern sollten.
Amerikanische Terrorexperten fürchten Sprengstoffanschläge mit den elektronischen Geräten. Deshalb hatten die USA im März bereits viele elektronische Geräte für Verbindungen von zehn Flughäfen in Nordafrika und dem Nahen Osten verboten. Großbritannien führte ein ähnliches Verbot ein.
Die Regelung gilt für sämtliche elektronischen Geräte, die größer als Mobiltelefone sind, also Laptops, Tablet-Computer, E-Book-Reader oder Kameras. Einzig medizinische Geräte bleiben an Bord erlaubt.
Auch für Flugverbindungen mit Europa erwägt die Washingtoner Regierung solche Auflagen. Nach Angaben aus Brüssel einigte man sich mit der EU-Seite aber zunächst darauf, andere Sicherheitsvorkehrungen zu intensivieren. Darüber sollen Gespräche geführt werden. Nach Lesart der EU soll es so lange kein Laptop-Verbot geben.
Die Überlegungen der USA gehen auf Geheimdienstinformationen zurück. Terrororganisationen sollen Methoden entwickelt haben, um Sprengsätze in Laptops und anderen elektronischen Geräten zu verbergen.
Die Informationen darüber sollen direkt aus dem ISIS-Gebiet stammen. US-Präsident Donald Trump hatte für Aufsehen gesorgt, weil er die Infos darüber am 10. Mai an den russischen Außenminister Sergej Lawrow und den Botschafter Sergej Kisliak weitergegeben hatte.

© Source: http://www.bild.de/politik/ausland/politik/laptop-politik-eilmeldung1-51975424.bild.html
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Samsung unveils Notebook 9 Pro convertible Windows 10 laptop with embedded S Pen


Windows 10 is an absolutely wonderful operating system, and PC manufacturers are producing some gorgeous computers nowadays. Just yesterday, ASUS unveiled the beautiful Zenbook Pro. Last week, Huawei revealed a trio of elegant MateBook Windows 10 devices. Apple is certainly seeing some competition on the design front.
Windows 10 is an absolutely wonderful operating system, and PC manufacturers are producing some gorgeous computers nowadays. Just yesterday, ASUS unveiled the beautiful Zenbook Pro. Last week, Huawei revealed a trio of elegant MateBook Windows 10 devices. Apple is certainly seeing some competition on the design front.
Today, Samsung announces the all-new Notebook 9 Pro convertible Windows 10 laptop. Available in two screen-sizes (13- and 15-inch) , both models are powered by 7th-generation Intel Core i7 Processors. The 15-inch variant even gets an AMD Radeon 540 GPU. Both models have fast-charging using USB Type-C. What makes the Notebook 9 Pro particularly cool, however, is the embedded S Pen. Strangely, despite being labeled a « Pro » machine by Samsung, the laptop only runs Windows 10 Home.
« With a 360 degree touchscreen display, this PC has incredible viewing angles and can be rotated to use in both notebook and tablet mode with ease. The Notebook 9 Pro also has a premium viewing experience with a Full-HD touch screen equipped with RealView Display. It delivers professional grade color accuracy and brightness to enjoy immersive photography, movies and graphics. The wide viewing angle on the Notebook 9 Pro provides viewing clarity for up to 178 degrees for clear pictures and text from any angle,  » says Samsung.
The manufacturer also says, « The Notebook 9 Pro’s built-in S Pen allows for a precise and natural handwriting experience. With a 0.7mm tip, it can detect more than 4,000 levels of pressure and the impressive tilt lets you write or draw in the most comfortable position. It also comes equipped with Air Command software that lets you take notes, edit documents, and draw. The S Pen is also fully compatible with Windows Ink Workspace for convenient use and additional Ink-powered features. The S Pen always stays on and never requires any charging. »
Samsung shares the following specifications for both the 13- and 15-inch variants.
Unfortunately, both pricing and availability are unknown at this time. It can be assumed that the 15-inch with dedicated Radeon GPU could a bit expensive, however. Hopefully the company can launch the Notebook 9 Pro convertible Windows 10 laptop in time for back-to-school shopping, which is very important to a laptop’s success.
What do you think of the Samsung Notebook 9 Pro? Tell me in the comments below.

© Source: https://betanews.com/2017/05/30/samsung-notebook-9-pro-laptop/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed+-+bn+-+BetaNews+Latest+News+Articles
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Cleveland Police Fires Timothy Loehmann, The Police Officer Who Shot Tamir Rice


In a major development in the Tamir Rice shooting incident, Cleveland Police officials earlier today announced that they have fired 26-year-old Timothy Loehmann, the officer who fired the fatal…
In a major development in the Tamir Rice shooting incident, Cleveland Police officials earlier today announced that they have fired 26-year-old Timothy Loehmann, the officer who fired the fatal bullet at Tamir Rice in 2014. Frank Garmback, the 46-year-old officer who was driving the police patrol car along with Loehmann, would be suspended for a period 20 days starting Wednesday. According to the New York Times, the Cleveland Police Department took the decision after completing an “exhaustive” investigation into the incident. In a press conference called into announce the new developments, Cleveland Police Chief Calvin Williams clarified that Loehmann’s firing starts with “immediate effect.” As for Frank Garmback, he would also be required to undergo additional tactical training after his ten-day suspension ends.
In a statement to the media, Mr. Williams added the following.
It was on November 22,2014, that 12-year-old Tamir Rice was shot by Loehmann. On the day of the incident, Loehmann and Garmback responded to a dispatch call in which they were informed about “a black male sitting on a swing and pointing a gun at people” in a city park. While the original caller had repeatedly conveyed that the weapon that the person had was “probably fake, ” and that he was “probably a juvenile, ” these vital pieces of information was not shared with the responding officers. When the officers approached Rice, the boy reportedly attempted to reach towards the gun in his waistband. Loehmann, fearing that Rice was about to use the weapon to fire at them took his gun and fired two shots at Rice. As required by law, Loehmann did not issue a verbal warning asking Rice to drop the gun – before he fired the fatal shots. Rice was hit in the torso, and he died the next day. In a surveillance video released shortly after Tamir Rice’s death, it was revealed that Loehmann had fired at him within two seconds of stopping the patrol car.
On October 10, nearly 20 days after the shooting, the Cuyahoga County prosecutor’s office released two reports in which it was concluded that the shooting of Tamir Rice was “reasonable” under the given circumstances. The Rice family countered these reports and claimed that they had a pro-police bias. On December 28, a grand jury refused to indict both the officers and said as follows.
Rice’s mother, however, alleged that the investigation was sabotaged.
More than two years after the incident, in January, the Cleveland Police Department announced that they had conducted an additional inquiry into the shooting due to which a third officer named William Cunningham would face administrative charges. Two months later in March 2017, the emergency dispatcher who informed both the officers about Tamir Rice was suspended for eight days from work. The investigation deduced that the dispatcher had violated standard protocol in the way she handled the call. Following the shooting of Tamir Rice, further investigation on the history of officer Loehmann revealed that in his previous job at Independence, a Cleveland suburb, he was deemed and “emotionally unstable” recruit who was unfit for duty. Rice’s shooting and his death had resulted in massive protests across the United States. His killing has also been cited as one of the police killings that resulted in the strengthening of the ‘Black Lives Matter’ movement.
[Featured Image by Mark Duncan/AP Images]

© Source: http://www.inquisitr.com/4256513/cleveland-police-fires-timothy-loehmann-the-police-officer-who-shot-tamir-rice/
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Meet Essential Home, the Amazon Echo competitor from Android co-founder Andy Rubin


Essential, the startup from Android co-founder Andy Rubin, announced its first smartphone earlier today. The new company didn’ t stop there, however, as it also introduced an intelligent home assistant called the Essential Home.
Essential, the startup from Android co-founder Andy Rubin, announced its first smartphone earlier today. The new company didn’ t stop there, however, as it also introduced an intelligent home assistant called the Essential Home.
The device, powered by Essential’s Ambient OS, is similar in concept to products like Amazon Echo and Google Home, allowing users to gather information, play music, control connected lights, set times and more with ease.
Essential says it is focused on delivering a home assistant that you’ ll actually be proud to display in your home as there are “no boxes, tubes or strange lights” to contend with. The puck-shaped gizmo, which loosely resembles a Nest thermostat, features a sizable, interactive display although you can also interface with it using your voice (or even simply by glancing at it) .
The Essential Home can also proactively help you manage your life. For example, it can notify you if you need to leave the house early to make an important meeting or if you’ re on the verge of forgetting your anniversary. Google said at its recent I/O conference that similar functionality is heading to Google Home.
Dwipal Desai, business unit lead for Home devices at Essential, points out that Essential Home is designed to perform most tasks locally over your in-home network (whenever possible) so your “data stays in your home where it belongs” versus pushing everything out to the cloud.
The Essential Home intelligent assistant is expected to ship later this year. Pricing and additional details are pending.

© Source: http://www.techspot.com/news/69509-meet-essential-home-amazon-echo-competitor-android-co.html
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