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Memorial Day 2017 in Georgia – Story


Memorial Day ceremonies are taking place all across Georgia Monday in honor of the service men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice fighting for our country.
ATLANTA – Memorial Day ceremonies are taking place all across Georgia Monday in honor of the service men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice fighting for our country.
Thousands gathered in Roswell Monday morning for the largest Memorial Day ceremony in Georgia. The annual event began in 1997.
Dacula kicked off the holiday with the city’s annual Memorial Day parade.
Gwinnett County’s 14th annual celebration was held at the Gwinnett Fallen Heroes Memorial in Lawrenceville.
In Henry County, lost service members are being honored at the Veterans Wall of Honor in McDonough.
Other celebrations are taking place in Marietta, Smyrna, Acworth, Dunwoody and at Milton City Hall.
SEE RELATED: Pres. Trump honors fallen heroes at Arlington cemetery on Memorial Day

© Source: http://www.fox5atlanta.com/news/257601660-story
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Studie: Zu viel Smartphone-Nutzung kann Kinder krank machen


Smartphones haben nichts in Kinderhänden verloren, warnt die Bundesdrogenbeauftragte Marlene Mortler. Laut einer neuen Studie kann zuviel Nutzung digitaler Medien bei ihnen zu Entwicklungsstörungen führen.
Smartphones haben nichts in Kinderhänden verloren, warnt die Bundesdrogenbeauftragte Marlene Mortler. Laut einer neuen Studie kann zuviel Nutzung digitaler Medien bei ihnen zu Entwicklungsstörungen führen.
Tägliche Tablet- und Smartphonenutzung kann bei Kindern verstärkt zu Problemen wie Konzentrationsschwäche, Sprachlern-Störungen oder Hyperaktivität führen. Das geht aus einer von der Bundesregierung geförderten Studie hervor, bei der mehr als 5500 Kinder und Eltern zum Thema befragt wurden. So sei das Risiko von Konzentrationsstörungen bei täglichem Smartphonegebrauch von mehr als einer halben Stunde bei 8- bis 13-Jährigen sechs Mal höher als üblich. Wenn der Medienkonsum bei Kind oder Eltern auffallend hoch sei, stellten Kinder- und Jugendärzte weit überdurchschnittlich entsprechende Auffälligkeiten fest.
Die Bundesdrogenbeauftragte Marlene Mortler (CSU) mahnte Eltern, mehr auf die Mediennutzung ihrer Kinder zu achten: « Kleinkinder brauchen kein Smartphone. Sie müssen erst einmal lernen, mit beiden Beinen sicher im realen Leben zu stehen.“ Experten gingen von etwa 600.000 Internetabhängigen und 2,5 Millionen problematischen Internetnutzern in Deutschland aus. Uwe Büsching vom Vorstand des Berufsverbands der Kinder- und Jugendärzte sagte, Kinder sollten nicht vor dem 12. Geburtstag ein Smartphone bekommen.
Den Ergebnissen der Studie nach scheint der Griff zum Smartphone auch bei Kleinkindern verbreitet zu sein – 70 Prozent der Kinder im Kita-Alter nutzten demnach täglich mehr als eine halbe Stunde lang das Mobilgerät ihrer Eltern. Weiteres Studienergebnis ist laut Bericht der Passauer Neuen Presse, dass 2- bis 13-jährige bereits nach mehr als einer Stunde Nutzung digitaler Medien Zeichen von motorischer Hyperaktivität und Konzentrationsschwäche zeigten. Bei Babys und Kleinkindern bis zu einem Jahr könne es ferner zu Fütter- und Einschlafstörungen kommen, wenn die Mutter während der Säuglingsbetreuung digitale Medien nutzt. Ein nennenswerter Teil der befragten Jugendlichen habe auch angegeben, die eigene Internetnutzung nur schwer kontrollieren zu können. (mit Material der dpa) / (axk)

© Source: https://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/Studie-Zu-viel-Smartphone-Nutzung-kann-Kinder-krank-machen-3727460.html?wt_mc=rss.ho.beitrag.rdf
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Trump says North Korea shows 'great disrespect' to China with missile


President Donald Trump said North Korea showed disrespect to its major ally China after it fired a short-range ballistic missile on Monday.
WASHINGTON, May 29 (Reuters) – U. S. President Donald Trump said North Korea showed disrespect to its major ally China after it fired a short-range ballistic missile on Monday that landed in the sea off its east coast.
« North Korea has shown great disrespect for their neighbor, China, by shooting off yet another ballistic missile … but China is trying hard! » Trump said in a post on Twitter.
(Reporting by Doina Chiacu; Editing by James Dalgleish)

© Source: http://www.aol.com/article/news/2017/05/29/trump-says-north-korea-shows-great-disrespect-to-china-with-mi/22114979/
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Перед убийством Вороненкова похитили его водителя – вдова


О похищении водителя на территории Беларуси заявила вдова экс-депутата Думы.
О похищении водителя на территории Беларуси заявила вдова экс-депутата Думы.
Накануне убийства экс-депутата Госдумы РФ Дениса Вороненкова его водителя похитили в Беларуси сотрудники ФСБ России. Об этом вдова Вороненкова – Мария Максакова – заявила в эфире телеканала ZIK.
« Едет наш водитель накануне, пересекает границу Беларуси… На блок-посту Гомеля останавливают водителя, и туда вызываются якобы пограничники, а на самом деле приезжают два автобуса с ФСБ-шниками, нашего водителя крадут. Я могу даже назвать фамилии этих людей. Они похитили человека с территории Беларуси, конвоировали его обратно в Брянскую область », – сказала Максакова.
По ее словам, водителя допрашивали в течение 12 часов.
« Его лишили средств связи, не кормили, не давали спать, задавали множество вопросов… Когда в итоге Влад (водитель) все-таки пересек границу Украины и приехал в это же самое утро в Киев, у Дениса произошло какое-то облегчение… Вместо того, чтобы подумать, для чего все это было, когда крадут человека с территории другого государства. Кто-то будет это расследовать? » – рассказала вдова.
По мнению Максаковой, этот факт должны расследовать белорусские органы.
« После этого мне будут говорить, что российские спецслужбы, ФСБ не имеют отношения к тому, что произошло? Они были настолько внутри всего… Как они это сделали, они ли это сделали – не могу сказать, но это точно совершенно входило в круг желаний », – сказала она.
Напомним, Вороненков был убит 23 марта в центре Киева. Его охранник тяжело ранил нападавшего, который вскоре скончался в больнице. Вскоре выяснилось, что киллером был гражданин Украины Павел Паршов.
В России у Вороненкова нашли фиктивный диплом

© Source: http://korrespondent.net/ukraine/3856557-pered-ubyistvom-voronenkova-pokhytyly-eho-vodytelia-vdova
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У Путіна відреагували на обшуки в офісах "Яндекса" в Україні


У Москві розраховують отримати більш детальну інформацію про обшуки в київському та одеському офісах російської компанії « Яндекс ».
« Ми поки що не…

У Москві розраховують отримати більш детальну інформацію про обшуки в київському та одеському офісах російської компанії « Яндекс ».
« Ми поки що не володіємо повною інформацією. Потрібно зрозуміти, з чим це пов’язано, що це – слідчі або перевірочні дії. Ми поки цього не знаємо. Тому я не можу більш детально вам відповісти », – сказав журналістам у понеділок прес-секретар президента РФ Дмитро Пєсков на прохання повідомити, якою буде реакція Кремля на обшуки в офісах « Яндекса » в Україні.
Раніше російський « Яндекс » повідомив про перевірки Служби безпеки України (СБУ) в офісах компанії в Києві та Одесі .
« У наших офісах в Києві та Одесі зараз знаходяться представники Служби безпеки України. Інформацією про причини сьогоднішніх дій СБУ ми поки не володіємо », – заявили в прес-службі компанії.

© Source: http://ukr.segodnya.ua/politics/pnews/u-putina-otreagirovali-na-obyski-v-ofisah-yandeksa-v-ukraine-1025216.html
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Abkehr von den USA? Merkel-Rede löste heftige Debatte aus


“Die Zeiten, in denen wir uns auf andere völlig verlassen konnten, die sind ein Stück vorbei“, sagt die deutsche Kanzlerin Angela Merkel am Sonntag bei einem Auftritt in München. Sowohl politische als auch in den Medien wird die Bedeutung dieser Worte kontrovers diskutiert.
“Die Zeiten, in denen wir uns auf andere völlig verlassen konnten, die sind ein Stück vorbei“, sagt die deutsche Kanzlerin Angela Merkel am Sonntag bei einem Auftritt in München. Sowohl politische als auch in den Medien wird die Bedeutung dieser Worte kontrovers diskutiert.

© Source: http://www.tt.com/politik/weltpolitik/13037459-91/abkehr-von-den-usa-merkel-rede-l%C3%B6ste-heftige-debatte-aus.csp
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Navy SEAL falls to his death as parachute fails to open during Fleet Week performance


The parachutist was a member of an elite Navy parachute team called the Leap Frogs, a Navy spokesman said. The cause of the parachute malfunction is under investigation.
In the shadow of the Statue of Liberty, a Navy SEAL team member fell to his death Sunday after his parachute failed to open during a Fleet Week demonstration over the Hudson River.
The accident occurred a few minutes after noon near Liberty State Park, a large New Jersey park across from Manhattan where thousands of people a year catch ferries to the nearby national treasure.
The parachutist, whose identity was not immediately released, was a member of an elite Navy parachute team called the Leap Frogs, a Navy spokesman said. The cause of the parachute malfunction is under investigation.
“I’ m terribly saddened, ” said Nancy Malinowski, a Cranford, New Jersey, resident who was in Liberty State Park and knew something had gone wrong when she saw a parachute with nobody attached to it descend behind a building.
“I don’ t think 90 percent of the people there were aware, ” Malinowski said, describing a gathering in the park that included food trucks, a Navy band and lots of small children. “Everybody was out there to support the military.”
She said the parachutist was among four who drifted down from high in the sky from two helicopters. One of the parachutists descended with a large American flag.
Malinowski said she learned later in the day from a firefighter that the parachutist had died.
“It was devastating. We felt terrible, ” she said. “We figured it had to be a young man trying to do a little P. R. for the service. On Memorial Day weekend. It couldn’ t have been worse.”
In a release, the Navy said the parachutist was rescued immediately from the water by U. S. Coast Guard personnel who were standing by in vessels to support the aerial demonstration that featured the coordinated parachute jump. Local fire department personnel who were also on standby responded as well. The Navy said the parachutist was pronounced dead at Jersey City Medical Center at 1: 10 p.m.
The Navy said the identity of the victim would be released after family notifications were completed.
“Our hearts and prayers go out to his family, and I ask for all of your prayers for the Navy SEAL community who lost a true patriot today, ” said Rear Adm. Jack Scorby, commander of the Navy Region Mid-Atlantic.
In a Facebook post Sunday morning, the Leap Frogs promoted the jump with a photo of a team member descending in a parachute during an earlier jump, an American flag attached to him, saying: “New York City look to the skies at 12: 00. We’ll be jumping into Liberty State Park today for Memorial Day Weekend and in celebration of Navy Fleet Week.”
The accident came nearly two years after a U. S. Army skydiver, who had served five tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan, died from injuries suffered in a midair collision with a Navy jumper during a stunt at the Chicago Air & Water Show that combined the Army Gold Knights and the Navy Leap Frogs parachute teams. The Aug. 16,2015, accident claimed the life of 32-year-old Master Sgt. Corey Hood, of Cincinnati.
According to the Leap Frogs website, the team has performed every month this year, including at baseball home openers in Philadelphia and San Diego last month and at the Winter X Games in Aspen, Colorado, in January. In June, it is scheduled to perform at Sail Boston 2017 and at Navy Week in Pittsburgh. Stops later this summer include Minneapolis, Chicago and Salt Lake City, Utah.

© Source: http://www.miamiherald.com/news/nation-world/national/article153216484.html
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How Trump and Pence Are Honoring America's Fallen Heroes on Memorial Day


President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence are honoring America’s fallen soldiers on this Memorial Day, paying their respects at Arlington National Cemetary.
President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence are honoring America’s veterans who have made the ultimate sacrifice this Memorial Day.
Trump is delivering his first Memorial Day address at Arlington National Cemetery, speaking at 11 a.m. at a ceremony where he will also lay a wreath in honor of U. S. military members.
He first placed a wreath in Arlington at the Tomb of the Unknowns a day before his inauguration.
Trump tweeted this morning he is looking forward to paying his respects to America’s brave men and women.
Also this morning, Vice President Pence hosted the annual Project Hero Memorial Day Bike Ride.
He tweeted:
Pence is also joining President Trump at Arlington.
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© Source: http://www1.cbn.com/cbnnews/politics/2017/may/how-trump-and-pence-are-honoring-americas-fallen-heroes-on-memorial-day
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Asus unveils five new laptops at Computex


In its pre-Computex press briefing earlier today, Asus unveiled a total of five new laptops: three new ZenBooks and a pair of VivoBook devices.
In its pre-Computex press briefing earlier today, Asus unveiled a total of five new laptops: three new ZenBooks and a pair of VivoBook devices.
First up was the ZenBook Flip S, which, according to Company chairman Jonney Shih, is the “world’s thinnest convertible.” The 13.3-inch, hinged device measures just under 11mm (0.4 inches) thick, making it 20 percent thinner than the 17mm MacBook Air, and weighs only 2.42 pounds.
On the inside, the Flip S comes with a seventh gen i5 or i7 CPU, 1TB of SSD storage, and 16GB of LPDDR3 memory. It also boasts a 4K screen, fingerprint security sensor, minimal bezels, 11.5 hours battery life (i7 model) , and a single USB Type-C port. There’s also stylus support, though it’s not clear if Asus will include a pen with the device, or if it will be bought separately.
The Flip S will go on sale in September starting at $1099.
Next is Asus’ new ultrabook, the ZenBook Pro UX550. This 15.6-inch 4K laptop packs a GTX 1050 Ti, an i7-7700HQ or i5 7300HQ processor, up to 1TB SSD storage, and 4GB of DDR4 RAM inside its 0.74-inch thick chassis.
It weighs just 4 pounds and features two USB Type-C ports (supporting Thunderbolt 3) , two USB Type-A 3.1 ports, a microSD card reader, a full-sized HDMI 1.4, and a 3.5 mm audio jack. It’s also got a dual-fan cooling setup, 14 hours battery life, and quick charging that can take it from 0 to 60 percent battery in just 49 minutes. Add to this the Harman/Kardon-certified quad-speaker audio system, and you have a serious rival for the MacBook Pro.
The ZenBook Pro UX550 starts at $1299 and will be available this summer.
The last of the new ZenBooks is the Zenbook 3 Delux e. At 12.9mm thick, Asus says it’s the world’s thinnest 14-inch laptop. It comes in i5 or i7 configurations, has up to 16GB 2133MHz LPDD3 memory, and up to 1TB of storage. The laptop includes two Thunderbolt 3 ports, a fingerprint scanner, and a 1080p display covered in Gorilla glass. It starts at $1199.
Moving on to the VivoBooks, Asus’ 15.6-inch 4K VivoBook Pro N580 comes with a GTX 1050 GPU, a Core i7-7700HQ, up to 2TB HDD and 512GB SSD storage, and up to 16 GB of DDR4 RAM. Music lovers should appreciate its Harman Kardon-certified audio, including twin speakers with 8 cc audio chambers and smart-amplifier technology for 3.2X louder volume.
It starts at $799 and will be available this summer.
The cheaper (starting at $499) VivoBook S can be specced up to a Core i7-7500U and comes with a GTX 940MX GPU.
« Our brand-new ZenBook and VivoBook line-up… [provides] everyone with a new definition of thin, beautiful and powerful laptops,  » said Shih.

© Source: http://www.techspot.com/news/69493-asus-unveils-five-new-laptops-computex.html
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U. K. Investigating Missed Signals Over Manchester Bomber


The British domestic intelligence agency will focus on why, despite repeated warnings from the public, agents decided the bomber, Salman Abedi, posed no threat.
LONDON — Britain’s domestic intelligence agency, MI5, is investigating its response to warnings from the public about the threat posed by Salman Abedi, the suicide bomber who killed 22 people and wounded dozens more in an attack at a crowded pop concert in Manchester, England, last week.
A British government spokesman said on Monday that the agency had opened two internal investigations last week, amid reports that the British authorities had been alerted to Mr. Abedi’s extremist views at least three times before the bombing.
The 22-year-old assailant, a Manchester resident of Libyan descent, had previously been flagged by MI5 as a “person of interest, ” said a law enforcement official, speaking on the condition of anonymity because the investigations are continuing. But Mr. Abedi had not been deemed dangerous, so his file was closed and his name was taken off a list of roughly 3,000 people under active investigation.
When a file is closed, all security alerts are removed. As a result, no warnings would have come up when Mr. Abedi showed his passport at border controls, the official said.
Several people who knew Mr. Abedi, including some of his friends, have said that they had warned the authorities about his radical views over the past five years.
Mr. Abedi was barred from Didsbury Mosque, where his family worshiped, after he shouted at an imam who had condemned the ideology of the Islamic State militant group in a sermon, according to Akram Ramadan, a member of the Libyan community in Manchester who attends the mosque.
At least two congregants from the mosque reported Mr. Abedi to the authorities two years ago, the law enforcement official confirmed.
It is highly unusual for the British authorities to publicly confirm the existence of internal investigations into possible security lapses, but the British home secretary, Amber Rudd, welcomed the MI5 review on Monday, saying it was “the right first step” in learning from the Manchester attack.
“There is a lot of information coming out at the moment — about what happened, how this occurred, what people might or might not have known, ” Ms. Rudd said in an interview with Sky News on Monday. “And I think it is right that the MI5 takes a look to find out what the facts are.”
She emphasized, however, that while the investigations into possible security failures would be useful, the main focus should be on the terrorism investigation that is also underway.
Detectives investigating the attack said on Friday that they had arrested most of the members of the network believed to have assisted Mr. Abedi on his suicide mission.
The police carried out a series of armed raids across Greater Manchester over the weekend that ended with the arrest of a 25-year-old man in the Old Trafford area of the city. The operation expanded on Monday to Shoreham-by-Sea, on the southeast coast of England, where counterterrorism police officers arrested a 23-year-old.
That brought the number of arrests in the case to 16, the Greater Manchester Police said in a statement on Monday. Of those, two people have been released without charge.
Investigators suspect that Mr. Abedi received extensive training in Libya before returning to Britain, where he is thought to have received assistance from a local network in the days before the attack. The bombing, at Manchester Arena at the end of an Ariana Grande concert on May 22, was Britain’s deadliest since 2005.
“The suspect would have received training abroad, without a shadow of a doubt, ” said David Videcette, a former detective for the Metropolitan Police. “To acquire these skills, you can’ t sit in your bedroom and watch a YouTube video. It takes practice.”
Initial analysis of the attack pointed to a sophisticated cell that most likely supplied logistical, technical and emotional support to the bomber “in order to keep him in a place where he is willing to blow himself up, ” Mr. Videcette said.
While the police have said they believe most of the people in Mr. Abedi’s network have been captured, Ms. Rudd warned on Sunday that some of its members could still be at large. The government has, however, lowered its national threat level to severe — the second-highest level — from critical.

© Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/29/world/europe/manchester-attack-uk.html?partner=rss&emc=rss&_r=0
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