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Taiwan seeks pact with Japan on scientific research in disputed waters


Taiwan’s Foreign Ministry said Sunday it is working to sign an agreement with Japan governing scientific research in disputed waters…
Taiwan’s Foreign Ministry said Sunday it is working to sign an agreement with Japan governing scientific research in disputed waters of the East China Sea.
In a statement, the ministry said Taiwan and Japan agreed last year to establish a working group to discuss scientific research in overlapping exclusive economic zones.
Taiwan’s Foreign Ministry was responding to a report published Sunday by the Sankei Shimbun, a right-wing Japanese daily, quoting the Japan Coast Guard as saying that last year, Taiwan conducted the most unauthorized maritime research activities in Japan’s EEZ in a decade.
The newspaper also pointedly noted that the “unauthorized activities” took place particularly in waters surrounding Yonaguni Island in Japan’s Okinawa Prefecture, as well as the Senkaku Islands which Taiwan and China both claim. The Senkakus are known as the Tiaoyutai in Taiwan and the Diaoyu in China.
The ministry said the government of Taiwan asserts the right to conduct scientific research in what it considers its EEZ.
But it further noted that Taiwanese and Japanese officials met in Tokyo last Oct. 31 to discuss establishing a mechanism for maritime cooperation.
It is meant to address maritime problems that have developed over the years between Taiwan and Japan, and to cover issues including emergency rescue, scientific research and fishing near Okinotori, which Japan regards as its southernmost territory.
“We hope both sides can reach a reasonable arrangement that both sides find acceptable,” the ministry statement said.
At the Oct. 31 meeting, the two sides agreed to meet at least once a year and to establish two working groups—one on fishery cooperation and another regarding cooperation in scientific research.
A diplomatic insider told Kyodo News that the two working groups had been established and negotiations are on-going. The official also said hopefully the first official meeting of the two working groups will be held as soon as possible because the fishing season has already begun.
In April 2013, Taiwan and Japan did sign a fisheries agreement to address a decades-long dispute over fishing in contested waters in the East China Sea.
Under it, Taiwanese fishing trawlers are allowed to operate in what Japan regards as its EEZ near the Senkaku Islands, but the pact does not include what Japan claims as its 12-nautical-mile territorial waters around the contested islands.
As the 2013 deal addresses only the issue of fishing off the Senkakus, other maritime matters are to be dealt with under the dialogue mechanism for cooperation.

Similarity rank: 2

© Source: https://www.japantoday.com/category/politics/view/taiwan-seeks-pact-with-japan-on-scientific-research-in-disputed-waters
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Trump ready to address North Korea nuclear program with or without China


President Trump says the United States is ready to act alone against North Korea’s nuclear program if China does not take a tougher stance, days ahead of Trump hosting Chinese President Xi Jinping at his Mar-a-Lago estate in South Florida.
President Trump says the United States is ready to act alone against North Korea’s nuclear program if China does not take a tougher stance, days ahead of Trump hosting Chinese President Xi Jinping at his Mar-a-Lago estate in South Florida.
Trump made the comments in a Financial Times interview posted Sunday on the newspaper’s website.
“We will talk about North Korea, » Trump said. « And China has great influence over North Korea. And China will either decide to help us with North Korea, or they won’t. And if they do that will be very good for China, and if they don’t it won’t be good for anyone.  »
However, Trump also made clear again that he won’t preview his foreign policy strategy through the news media.
« I’m not going to tell you (my plan). You know, I am not the United States of the past where we tell you where we are going to hit in the Middle East, » he said.
Still, Trump attempted to make clear he’s not an isolationist opposed to alliances.
“I do believe in alliances,” he said in the interview. “I believe in relationships. And I believe in partnerships. But alliances have not always worked out very well for us.”
The relationship between the United States and China has been uncertain since Trump’s election.
During his campaign he accused China of unfair trade practices and threatened to raise import taxes on Chinese goods and declare Beijing a currency manipulator, though it is unclear whether Trump will follow through with either threat.
Trump told the newspaper that he doesn’t « want to talk about tariffs yet, perhaps the next time we meet.  »
Trump’s ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley, also offered tough talk on China, saying on ABC’s « This Week » that the U. S. is pressing China to take a firmer stand regarding North Korea’s nuclear program.
U. N. resolutions have failed so far to deter North Korea from conducting nuclear and missile tests. Last year, the North conducted two nuclear tests and two dozen tests of ballistic missiles.
« They need to show us how concerned they are, » Haley said. « They need to put pressure on North Korea. The only country that can stop North Korea is China, and they know that.  »
Asked what the U. S. would do if China doesn’t cooperate, Haley said: « China has to cooperate.  »
The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Similarity rank: 16.5

© Source: http://feeds.foxnews.com/~r/foxnews/politics/~3/d7XNSMX_Tow/trump-ready-to-address-north-korea-nuclear-program-with-or-without-china.html
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Präsidentenwahl in Serbien: Vucic bleibt wohl Serbiens starker Mann


Serbiens Regierungschef Vucic hat die Wahl zum Staatspräsidenten ersten Hochrechnungen zufolge triumphal gewonnen. Demnach kommt Vucic auf mehr als 55 Prozent der Stimmen, die Opposition ist weit abgeschlagen. Eine Stichwahl wird daher nicht erforderlich sein. Von Ralf Borchard.
Serbiens Regierungschef Vucic hat die Wahl zum Staatspräsidenten ersten Hochrechnungen zufolge triumphal gewonnen. Demnach kommt Vucic auf mehr als 55 Prozent der Stimmen, die Opposition ist weit abgeschlagen. Eine Stichwahl wird daher nicht erforderlich sein.
Mit den ersten Prognosen des staatlichen serbischen Fernsehens RTS war klar: Die Wahl wird zum Triumph für Aleksandar Vucic. Der jetzige Regierungschef kommt demnach auf mindestens 55 Prozent der Stimmen und hat die Präsidentenwahl schon in der ersten Runde gewonnen. Auf Platz zwei kommt den Prognosen zufolge der frühere Ombudsmann der Regierung, Sasa Jankovic mit rund 16 Prozent. Der Komiker Luka Maksimovic, Kunstname Beli, landet demnach mit gut 9 Prozent auf Platz drei. Zuvor hatte sich der Satiriker einen letzten Scherz erlaubt und kurz nach Schließung der Wahllokale verkündet, er habe die Wahl mit Zweidrittelmehrheit gewonnen, sei mit dem Ergebnis aber unzufrieden.
Die Wahlbeteiligung blieb mit rund 53 Prozent in etwa so niedrig wie bei der letzten Präsidentenwahl 2012. Die zersplitterte Opposition, die mit insgesamt zehn Kandidaten angetreten war, hatte im Vorfeld auf eine höhere Wahlbeteiligung mit entsprechend vielen Proteststimmen gegen Vucic gesetzt.
Damit ist klar: Der Plan des 47-jährigen Vucic, seit Jahren der starke Mann Serbiens, ist aufgegangen. Er kann in das Amt des Staatspräsidenten wechseln und wird – so die Erwartung in Serbien – voraussichtlich einen treuen Gefolgsmann als nächsten Regierungschef installieren. Damit würde Vucic die Fäden der Macht auch im neuen Amt in der Hand behalten.
Vucic, bisher in der zweiten Amtszeit selbst serbischer Regierungschef, hatte sich erst vor wenigen Wochen entschieden, als Präsident zu kandidieren und den bisherigen Amtsinhaber Tomislav Nikolic zum Verzicht auf eine weitere Kandidatur gezwungen. Vucic hat den vierwöchigen Wahlkampf dominiert, den gesamten Machtapparat des Staates zu seinen Gunsten eingesetzt.
Regierungsunabhängige Organisationen in Serbien kritisierten den Wahlkampf als weder frei noch fair – vor allem mit Blick auf Vucics Machtfülle, seine finanziellen Ressourcen und Verleumdungskampagnen der Vucic-treuen Boulevardpresse gegen Kritiker.
Es wird erwartet, dass Vucic auch als künftiger Präsident Serbiens seinen Kurs der EU-Annäherung fortsetzt, mit dem Ziel eines Beitritts zur Europäischen Union. Allerdings hat Vucic in letzter Zeit auch die Beziehungen zu Russland wieder verstärkt. In der serbischen Bevölkerung – das zeigen Umfragen – ist das Vertrauen auf einen EU-Beitritt in absehbarer Zeit stark rückläufig.

Similarity rank: 8.7

© Source: http://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/wahl-serbien-103.html
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Gorsuch Supreme Court nomination gains more Democratic support


WASHINGTON — Two Democratic senators on Sunday split over supporting Judge Neil Gorsuch’s nomination to the Supreme Court. Sen. Joe Donnelly of Indiana said he would vote in favor of Judge Gorsuch’s confirmation while Sen. Jon Tester of Montana announced he would not back the federal appeals…
WASHINGTON — Two Democratic senators on Sunday split over supporting Judge Neil Gorsuch’s nomination to the Supreme Court.
Sen. Joe Donnelly of Indiana said he would vote in favor of Judge Gorsuch’s confirmation while Sen. Jon Tester of Montana announced he would not back the federal appeals court judge based in Denver.
Mr. Donnelly became the third Democrat to break with the party as Republicans line up behind President Donald Trump’s choice for the high court.
With 52 Republican senators, eight votes from Democrats or the Senate’s two independents would be needed to advance the nomination and prevent a filibuster. So far, only Mr. Donnelly of Indiana, Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota and Joe Manchin of West Virginia — all representing states Mr. Trump won in November and all up for re-election next year — have said they will vote to confirm Judge Gorsuch.
Mr. Tester represents a state won by Mr. Trump and faces re-election, too, but he said Judge Gorsuch did not directly answer questions when the two met or during the confirmation hearing. Mr. Tester said he based his decision on the judge’s past cases, noting that he found troubling Judge Gorsuch’s record on privacy and that he believes Judge Gorsuch places corporations over people.
Mr. Donnelly called Judge Gorsuch, 49, “a qualified jurist who will base his decisions on his understanding of the law and is well-respected among his peers.”
Hours before Mr. Donnelly’s and Mr. Tester’s announcements, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said he didn’t expect Judge Gorsuch to receive 60 votes to overcome a filibuster threat.
If Democrats mounted a filibuster, Senator Majority Leader Mitch McConnell was expected to seek a change in Senate rules allowing a simple majority of the 100-member Senate to confirm the nomination.
“Neil Gorsuch will be confirmed this week,” Mr. McConnell said on CNN’s “State of the Union.” He added: “How that happens really depends on our Democratic friends. How many of them are willing to oppose cloture on a partisan basis to kill a Supreme Court nominee.”
Such a change in Senate rules — known as the “nuclear option” — would likely be retained in the future and thus make Supreme Court confirmations more susceptible to simple party-line votes instead of bipartisan support.
The 11th-hour development in the Supreme Court fight came during a busy time in Washington politics.
Mr. Trump brought Sen. Rand Paul to his Virginia golf course on Sunday to talk health policy with the outspoken critic of the failed plan to repeal and replace so-called Obamacare.
The outing to Trump National Golf Club came hours after Mr. Trump tweeted that talks on replacing the law have been going on and “will continue until such time as a deal is hopefully struck.”
A top adviser to Mr. Trump on Saturday urged the defeat of a Michigan congressman and member of a conservative group of U. S. House lawmakers who derailed the White House on legislation to repeal and replace the Obama-era health care law.
Government ethics lawyers said the tweet by White House social media director Dan Scavino Jr. violated federal law that limits political activity by government employees. The White House denied Mr. Scavino had run afoul of the law.
The future of Medicaid under Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price will soon become clear when the department decides whether Kentucky and Arizona can dramatically revamp their Medicaid expansion efforts.
If Mr. Price’s department grants the requests that include a host of conservative policy changes as expected, the measures would mark the first time in the history of the program that benefits would be capped and Medicaid eligibility would be tied to work requirements.
The Trump administration has sent the American Bar Association into exile, ending the group’s semiofficial role in evaluating candidates for the federal bench.
McClatchy Newspapers and The New York Times contributed.

Similarity rank: 5.3
Sentiment rank: 1.7

© Source: http://www.post-gazette.com/news/nation/2017/04/02/Gorsuch-Supreme-Court-Nomination-Gains-More-Democratic-Support/stories/201704020243
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Nordrhein-Westfalen: Merkel und Schulz schalten auf Angriff


In Nordrhein-Westfalen haben die Kanzlerkandidaten von SPD und CDU den Wahlkampf verschärft: Martin Schulz und Angela Merkel gehen sich erstmals persönlich an.
Sechs Wochen vor der Landtagswahl in Nordrhein-Westfalen und fünf Monate vor der Bundestagswahl schalten die Kanzlerkandidaten von CDU und SPD in den Wahlkampfmodus – und liefern sich erstmals Wortduelle. CDU-Chefin und Amtsinhaberin Angela Merkel sprach am Samstag in Münster, SPD-Chef und Herausforderer Martin Schulz antwortete am Sonntag in Essen.
Merkel attackierte in ihrer Rede auf dem CDU-Landesparteitag die rot-grüne NRW-Landesregierung. Das Bundesland mache
im Jahr 2017 mehr Schulden als alle anderen 15 Bundesländer
zusammen, sagte sie. Zudem sei
die Kinderarmut in dem Bundesland heute größer als beim Amtsantritt
der rot-grünen Regierung. Sie kritisierte auch Schulz’ Kurs , das Thema soziale Gerechtigkeit in den Mittelpunkt zu stellen. Die SPD rede von Gerechtigkeit, vergesse aber, dass « Gerechtigkeit ohne Innovation nicht klappt », sagte Merkel, ohne ihren Herausforderer namentlich zu nennen. Stattdessen müsse es « Innovation und Gerechtigkeit » heißen. Damit zitierte sie, wie bereits zuletzt, ihren SPD-Amtsvorgänger Gerhard Schröder, der diese Schlagworte 1998 in den Mittelpunkt seines erfolgreichen Wahlkampfs gestellt hatte.
SPD-Kanzlerkandidat Martin Schulz reagierte am Sonntag und warf Merkel Lippenbekenntnisse bei der
Forderung nach mehr sozialer Gerechtigkeit vor. Innovation sei
kein Begriff für Sonntagsreden oder Samstagsreden, sagte der
SPD-Politiker mit Blick auf die CDU-Chefin.
Für den Wahlkampfauftakt der Sozialdemokraten war der SPD-Chef nach Essen gereist. In der Zeche Zollverein eröffnete er gemeinsam mit Spitzenkandidatin Hannelore Kraft das Rennen um den Düsseldorfer Landtag. Schulz konterte Merkels Forderung nach Innovation: « Innovation braucht
man jeden Tag in der Bildungslandschaft.  » Es gehe darum, dass
Kinder hart arbeitenden Menschen gleiche Chancen hätten wie Kinder von Professoren oder Managern. Schulz erklärte zwar, Merkels Aussage stimme, Gerechtigkeit
ohne Innovation gebe es nicht. Er münzte die Aussage jedoch als
Fingerzeig gegen die Union um: « Der Begriff Innovation und
Gerechtigkeit war auch der, mit der Helmut Kohl 1998 aus dem
Bundeskanzleramt abgelöst wurde.  » Vor 19 Jahren war es dem
damaligen SPD-Kanzlerkandidaten Gerhard Schröder gelungen, den
langjährigen CDU-Kanzler Kohl mit dem Slogan « Innovation und
Gerechtigkeit » abzulösen.
Schulz verknüpfte das Abschneiden von Kraft bei der Wahl in Nordrhein-Westfalen mit seinem eigenen bei der Bundestagswahl. Wenn
Kraft die Wahl am 14. Mai gewinne, verheiße das auch: « Die SPD wird die
stärkste Kraft in Deutschland und ich werde Bundeskanzler », prophezeite Schulz siegesgewiss. Ob das umgekehrt auch bedeute, dass er im Falle eines CDU-Siegs im bevölkerungsreichsten Bundesland nicht Kanzler werde, sagte er nicht.
Sigmar Gabriel mahnte seine eigene Partei, keinen « amerikanischen Wahlkampf »
zu führen, sondern anständig mit den politischen Wettbewerbern umzugehen
und ehrlich zu bleiben. « Lieber weniger versprechen, aber dafür
halten », sagte er. Der Union
warf Gabriel einen solchen unseriösen Wahlkampf vor. Sie verspreche 35
Milliarden Euro Steuersenkungen und gleichzeitig Mehrausgaben für
Familien, Bildung und Verteidigung. « Das Eine oder das Andere wird nicht
stattfinden.  »
Mehrere SPD-Spitzenpolitiker – darunter
auch SPD-Bundestagsfraktionschef Thomas Oppermann – schworen die
Parteibasis darauf ein, alles zu tun, um die rechtspopulistische AfD aus
dem Landtag und dem Bundestag herauszuhalten. Schulz
sagte: « Sie haben nicht nur im Landtag nichts zu suchen, sie sind auch
keine Alternative für Deutschland: Sie sind schlicht und ergreifend eine
Schande für die Bundesrepublik.  »
Kraft regiert seit sieben Jahren in einer rot-grünen
Koalition in Nordrhein-Westfalen, die sie gern fortsetzen würde. Allerdings hat diese in den Umfragen keine
Mehrheit mehr. Nachdem die FDP auf einem Parteitag einer Ampe-Koalition mit SPD und Grünen eine Absage erteilt hat, wäre derzeit eine große Koalition eine
realistische und rechnerisch mögliche Option. Die Landtagswahl im bevölkerungsreichsten Bundesland gilt als wichtigster Stimmungstest vor der Bundestagswahl am 24. September.

Similarity rank: 2.1

© Source: http://www.zeit.de/politik/deutschland/2017-04/nordrhein-westfahlen-wahlkampf-cdu-spd-angela-merkel-martin-schulz-angriffe
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A Crystal Ball to Prioritise Technical Debt in Monoliths or Microservices: Adam Tornhill's Thoughts


At QCon London, Adam Tornhill presented “A Crystal Ball to Prioritise Technical Debt”, and discussed that although the technical debt metaphor has taken the software world with storm, most organizations find it hard to prioritise and repay their technical debt. A key takeaways from the talk…
At QCon London , Adam Tornhill presented  » A Crystal Ball to Prioritise Technical Debt « , and discussed that although the technical debt metaphor has taken the software world with storm, most organizations find it hard to prioritise and repay their technical debt. Key takeaways from the talk included: methods to identify ‘hotspots’ of code complexity and churn; the benefit of continually evaluating the suitability of the architecture for the current system, for example, by examining ‘temporal coupling’ of components or microservices; and that the cost of inter-team coordination can often be learned from examining the social metadata associated with code commits within a version control system.
Tornhill , founder and CTO at Empear, began the talk by quoting Martin Fowler in regards to the problems caused by technical debt: « Like a financial debt, the technical debt incurs interest payments, which come in the form of the extra effort that we have to do in future development ». In relation to this, three propositions were stated: technical debt interest rate is a function of time spent working on the system; that all technical debt is not created equal; and most technical debt is not actually ‘technical’ – there is a strong link between technical debt and the organisation that produced the code.
Tornhil continued by suggesting that a ‘wish list’ of questions and information required to effectively priortise technical debt would include:
The code with the highest technical debt interest rate may be found using ‘hotspot’ analysis, which can be used to visually represent areas of the code base that are large, complex, or have high churn rates. Size and complexity of code can be determined with traditional tooling, such as Sonar Qube or Code Climate , and churn rates and other social information can be obtained from the version control system (VCS) in which the codebase resides by using tools such as Tornhill’s Code Maat. Visualisation and analysis tools, such as Moose or CodeScene , can be used to explore and understand the findings from hotspot analysis.
With a nod to George Orwell’s Animal Farm, Tornhill quipped that « all code is equal, but some code is more equal than others », and demonstrated graphically that over the long term the high churn within the codebases of several popular languages was clearly localised to several areas of the code (with a corresponding long tail). Citing the example file gc.cpp from the open source. NET coreclr project, this localisation of churn can also be seen to be true at a function/method level as much as at the Class/file level. Concluding this section of the talk, it was suggested that these ‘hotspots’ should be priortised for refactoring in order to reduce the technical debt interest rate, and that corresponding complexity trends of this code be supervised over time.
Next, the question of « Does the architecture support the way the system evolves?  » was explored. Each system has a ‘tipping point’, in which complexity grows to be unmanageable, and code modifications become extremely difficult. Complexity should be regularly supervised, and the tipping point identified and avoided by appropriate redesign and refactoring. Analysing ‘ Temporal Coupling ‘ is extremely useful for identifying if two or more components (classes, layers, modules, microservices) are constantly being modified at the same time – implying a architectural dependency that is not obvious from simply analysing the code itself. The ‘microservices shotgun surgery pattern’ should be identified and avoided, and if additions or changes to the application regularly require the coordinated change across multiple services, then the architectural service boundaries may have been specified incorrectly.
The final part of the talk focused on the social side of developing software, and began by stating that there is often high ‘process loss’ from the potential productivity of all developers combined working on the codebase. Team coordination, or the ‘diffusion of responsibility’, can be measured using VCS analysis looking for areas of the code where commits from developers across multiple team overlaps. Tornhill proposes that this is a way to visualise and measure  » Conway’s Law « . The use of feature teams can lead to large areas of the codebase requiring inter-team coordination, which is costly and often results in inconsistently applied standards and styling. It was strongly suggested to « align your architecture and your organisation » in order to reduce the increase of technical debt.
The talk was concluded with a strong recommendation to make design, implementation and refactoring decisions influenced by data. Tornhill believes that as the systems that are being developed increase in complexity, this is becoming an essential practice, and accordingly has distilled his thinking into the Pragmantic Programmer’s book  » Your Code As a Crime Scene « .
The slides for Adam Tornhill’s QCon London talk,  » A Crystal Ball To Prioritize Technical Debt « , can be found at the conference website. The public availability of the conference talk recordings can also be found on the QCon London website.

© Source: http://www.infoq.com/news/2017/04/tornhill-prioritise-tech-debt?utm_campaign=infoq_content&utm_source=infoq&utm_medium=feed&utm_term=news
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Avoiding Alerts Overload from Microservices: Sarah Wells at QCon London


At QCon London, Sarah Wells presented “Avoiding Alerts Overload from Microservices”, and cautioned that developers and operators must fundamentally change the way they think about monitoring when building a microservice system. Key takeaways included: build a system that can be supported; focus on ‘stuff that…
At QCon London , Sarah Wells presented  » Avoiding Alerts Overload from Microservices « , and cautioned that developers and operators must fundamentally change the way they think about monitoring when building a distributed microservice-based system. Key takeaways included: build a system that can be supported; focus on monitoring ‘stuff that matters’, such as core user journeys and business functionality, when creating monitoring and alerts; and continually and proactively cultivate and improve alerts.
Wells , a Principal Engineer at Financial Times, began the talk by stating that knowing when there is a problem is not enough, an alert must only be triggered when an action by a human is required. A microservices architecture may allow the development team to move fast, but there is an operational cost, and the number (and complexity) of alerts generated by a microservice-based system can be overwhelming.
The FT.com website is powered by a microservice backend, primarily utilising the Java and Go programming languages, packaged and deployed with Docker and CoreOS onto the Amazon Web Services (AWS) platform. Data stores included mongoDB, elastic, neo4j and Apache Kafka. There are 99 functional services (with 350 running instances at any given time), and 52 non functional services (with 218 running instances). Wells stated that if each of the 568 service instances were checked every minute, this would result in 817,920 checks per day. Running containers on shared Virtual Machines (VMs) requires 92,160 system-level checks, for a total of 910,080 checks per day. In addition, any microservice-based application is a distributed systems, and accordingly services do not run independently. If something fails, it can often lead to cascade failures, which further complicates monitoring and alerting.
With a microservice-based application, which is inherently a distributed system, you have to change how you think about monitoring
In order to adapt to the challenges of monitoring a microservices-based application, Wells suggested a three-pronged approach: build a system that can be supported; concentrate on « stuff that matters »; and cultivate alerts and the information they contain.
In order to build a system that can be supported, the following basic tools are required:
FT.com microservices alert dashboard, which is powered by the dashing.io framework
When developing polyglot services, logging and monitoring integration must be made easy for any language that is used. The expectations, or operational contract, must be specified, and each service owner is responsible for implementing functionality to meet this requirement. For example, the FT healthcheck standard requires that every service expose a healthcheck endpoint over HTTP, ‘http://service/__health’, which returns a 200 if the service can run the healthcheck, and a JSON document containing multiple checks that can contain additional information but must return ‘ »ok »:true’ or ‘ »ok »: false’.
A core goal of monitoring and alerting is to know about problems before clients do, and accordingly the practice of running ‘ synthetic requests ‘ that mimic user functionality behaviour is vital. If functionality relating to a key user journey is broken, for example, an FT editor cannot publish a new article, then this must be fixed immediately i.e. « concentrate on the stuff that matters ». The FT technical team have also created dashboards showing core client statistics, such as number of errors, and response latency, but Wells stressed that it is « the end-to-end [business functionality] that matters ».
A microservices architecture lets you move fast, but there is an associated operational cost. Make sure it’s a cost you’re willing to pay
Alerts must continually be cultivated, and if an alert is received that doesn’t make sense, or does not require human interaction, it must be corrected or removed. If an issue occurs, and there was no alert, then one should be added as part of the fix. Key information must be included within each alert, for example, an overview of the business impact, the associated run book location, and corresponding transaction ids that triggered the issue. The FT team use dedicated ‘Ops Cops’ (on-call members of the development team, rotated regularly) to watch for issues with monitoring, and have integrated alerting within the team’s Slack messaging system. A pre-defined list of emojis are used to indicate when and how an issue is being managed and resolved.
Concluding the talk, Wells suggested that creating alerts should be part of the normal development workflow « code, test, alerts ». In order to ensure that the development team know if an alert stops working, tests should be added to validate the alert. The FT technical team subscribe to the philosophy of chaos testing, and inspired by Netflix’s Simian Army and Chaos Monkey, they have created a ‘Chaos Snail’ (which is « smaller than a monkey, and written in Bash shell »!). Wells cautioned that proactivity is required when maintaining and dealing with alerts in a non-trivial system, and out of date information can be worse than none at all. Automate updates wherever possible, and find ways to share what is changing.
The slides for Sarah Wells QCon London talk,  » Avoiding Alerts Overload From Microservices  » can be found on Speaker Deck. The public availability schedule of the conference talk recordings can be found on the QCon London website.

© Source: http://www.infoq.com/news/2017/04/avoid-alert-overload-services?utm_campaign=infoq_content&utm_source=infoq&utm_medium=feed&utm_term=news
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女子ゴルフ イ・ミニョンが初優勝


女子ゴルフの 国内ツアーの 大会は、 静岡県袋井市で最終ラウンドが行われ、 韓国の イ・ ミニョン選手が通算9アンダーで初優勝しました。
女子ゴルフの国内ツアーの大会は、静岡県袋井市で最終ラウンドが行われ、韓国のイ・ミニョン選手が通算9アンダーで初優勝しました。 首位でスタートした25歳のイ選手は、2日の最終ラウンドで、バーディー3つ、ボギー1つの安定したゴルフでスコアを2つ伸ばし、通算9アンダーとして、国内ツアー参戦から5戦目で初優勝を果たしました。 2年ぶりの優勝を目指し、トップと2打差の2位でスタートした渡邉彩香選手は、16番のダブルボギーが響いてイ選手に1打届かず、2位でした。 トップと3打差の3位は韓国のシン・ジエ選手、さらに2打差の4位は比嘉真美子選手、5位には韓国のアン・ソンジュ選手が入りました。

Similarity rank: 4.2
Sentiment rank: 7.2
TW posts: 6
TW reposts: 8
TW likes: 10
TW sentiment: 10

© Source: http://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20170402/k10010934661000.html
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China Unveils New Drone-Killing Weapons


While the « Silent Hunter » laser-gun is a more ‘offensive’ weapon, China has stepped up it’s ‘defense’ too. As PopSci reports, Chinese authorities have developed and rolled out anti-drone « jamming » guns domestically…
While the « Silent Hunter » laser-gun is a more ‘offensive’ weapon , China has stepped up it’s ‘defense’ too. As PopSci reports , Chinese authorities have developed and rolled out anti-drone « jamming » guns domestically…
The $19,000 gun drone-jamming gun, one of several owned by the Wuhan police, can shut off drones up to a kilometer away.
At a March 11 soccer game in Wuhan, China, police faced a new kind of threat: drones trespassing near the stadium. Their response was to use a new kind of weapon: an anti-drone gun that jammed the control signals, forcing the trespassing drones to land automatically.
Given China’s role as a global leader in consumer drone and military unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) exports, it only makes sense that China is also developing a range of anti-drone capabilities to stop unauthorized or hostile flying robots from coming over sensitive or vulnerable sites. In the case of Wuhan, the jammer « guns »—known as such not just because they « shoot » but also because they look like an assault rifle—cost approximately $19,000, and can reportedly jam control signals up to a kilometer away (though that figure assumes that the user has exceptional aim). Impressed with its capabilities, Wuhan police intend to buy more.
The weapon is only one example of anti-drone tech. Comparable American jamming rifles, like the Battelle Drone Defender, are already used by Coalition forces in Iraq looking to shut down ISIL quadcopters used for surveillance and grenade attacks.
Meanwhile, some European forces have gone for more novel solutions, like training eagles to attack errant small drones.

Similarity rank: 2

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/zerohedge/feed/~3/nUnvLmQjk9U/china-unveils-new-drone-killing-weapons
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柔道世界選手権代表 19歳の阿部が初出場へ


全日本柔道連盟は、 ことし8月から9月にかけてハンガリーで行われる世界選手権の 代表を発表し、 男子66キロ級では19歳の 阿部一二三選手の 初出場が…
全日本柔道連盟は、ことし8月から9月にかけてハンガリーで行われる世界選手権の代表を発表し、男子66キロ級では19歳の阿部一二三選手の初出場が決まりました。 全日本柔道連盟は、福岡で行われた全日本選抜体重別選手権の終了後に強化委員会を開き、男女の最重量級を除くそれぞれ6階級で世界選手権の代表を決めました。 男子では、66キロ級で19歳の阿部一二三選手が代表に決まりました。阿部選手は去年12月とことし2月の国際大会で2連勝し、全日本選抜体重別選手権で大会2連覇を果たしました。 このほか男子は、60キロ級でリオデジャネイロオリンピック銅メダリスト、23歳の高藤直寿選手と20歳の永山竜樹選手の2人が代表に選ばれました。 73キロ級は25歳の橋本壮市選手、81キロ級はリオデジャネイロオリンピック銅メダリストで23歳の永瀬貴規選手、100キロ級は21歳のウルフアロン選手がそれぞれ代表に決まりました。 90キロ級については、リオデジャネイロオリンピック金メダリストで22歳のベイカー茉秋選手が2日の試合で右肩を痛めたため、診断結果を踏まえて後日判断することになりました。 女子は、48キロ級でリオデジャネイロオリンピック銅メダリスト、21歳の近藤亜美選手、52キロ級で24歳の角田夏実選手、57キロ級で21歳の芳田司選手、70キロ級で23歳の新井千鶴選手、78キロ級ではリオデジャネイロオリンピック代表で22歳の梅木真美選手と、25歳の佐藤瑠香選手の2人がそれぞれ代表に選ばれました。 63キロ級については、代表にふさわしい実績を残した選手がいないと判断し、世界選手権への派遣を見送ることになりました。 男子100キロを超えるクラスと女子78キロを超えるクラスの代表は、今月行われる男女の全日本選手権のあと決まります。 柔道の世界選手権は、ことし8月28日から9月3日までハンガリーのブダペストで行われます。

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© Source: http://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20170402/k10010934671000.html
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