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Bundesliga, 27. Spieltag: Bayern verliert erstmals gegen Hoffenheim


Im 18. Anlauf hat es geklappt: 1899 Hoffenheim feiert den ersten Erfolg gegen den FC Bayern. Bremen besiegt Schalke und zieht am Gegner vorbei. Die Spielberichte
Bisher ohne Sieg gegen die Bayern ging der Tabellendritte aus Hoffenheim nach zuletzt sechs Spielen ohne Niederlage dennoch selbstbewusst in die Partie. Bayern-Trainer Carlo Ancelotti musste auf die verletzten Manuel Neuer und Thomas Müller verzichten und schonte Thiago. Vor 30.150 Zuschauern in der ausverkauften Sinsheimer Rhein-Neckar-Arena saßen auch Philipp Lahm, Jérôme Boateng und Franck Ribéry zunächst auf der Bank. Neuers Stellvertreter im Tor Sven Ulreich sah beim Siegtor der Hoffenheimer unglücklich aus, als er bei dem Distanzschuss des starken Andrej Kramaric (21.) die Hand nicht mehr an den Ball bekam. Nach 27 Spielen haben die Bayern aber immer noch 13 Punkte Vorsprung auf Verfolger RB Leipzig, der an diesem Mittwoch in Mainz den Rückstand auf zehn Punkte verkürzen kann.
Drei Tage nach dem Revierderby beim FC Schalke 04 (1:1) und dem viel
diskutierten Maskenjubel von Torjäger Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang führte
der Gabuner den BVB gegen Hamburg als Kapitän auf das Feld. Die ersten
Treffer erzielte allerdings nicht der Stürmerstar, sondern Gonzalo
Castro (13. Minute) per Freistoß und Shinji Kagawa (81.). In der
Nachspielzeit (90.+2) gelang Aubameyang dann noch der Treffer zum
3:0-Endstand. Durch den Sieg bleibt Dortmund (50 Punkte) im Rennen um
die direkte Champions-League-Qualifikation, der Hamburger SV (30) steckt
weiter im Abstiegskampf.
Auch gegen den Angstgegner FC Schalke 04 setzte Werder seine imposante
Serie fort. Durch das 3:0 (1:0) machten die Hanseaten einen
Riesenschritt in Richtung Klassenverbleib. Die Europapokalhoffnungen der
Schalker dagegen sanken nach der schwachen Vorstellung und den Toren
von Theodor Gebre Selassie (24. Minute), Max Kruse (76./Foulelfmeter)
und Maximilian Eggestein (80.) auf ein Minimum. Werder (35) holte damit
in den vergangenen sieben Spielen 19 Punkte und kletterte in der Tabelle
an Schalke (34) vorbei auf Rang acht.
Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel, die sich mit Vertretern der Stiftung des
1. FC Köln getroffen und sich über die Integration von Flüchtlingen in
den deutschen Arbeitsmarkt informiert hatte, sah in der ersten Halbzeit
wenig Aufregendes auf dem Rasen. Frankfurts Ante Rebic traf per Kopf nur
die Latte (26.). Am Ende jedoch brachte die Kanzlerin den Gastgebern
das erhoffte Glück. Milos Jojic (53.) erzielte den einzigen Treffer der
Partie – womit den Kölnern (40) gegen den direkten Konkurrenten ein
großer Schritt in Richtung Europa League gelang. Die Eintracht (37
Punkte) ist jetzt seit acht Spielen ohne Sieg und seit 439 Minuten ohne

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://www.zeit.de/sport/2017-04/bundesliga-27-spieltag-tsg-hoffenheim-fc-bayern-werder-bremen-fc-schalke-04-borussia-dortmund-hamburger-sv-1-fc-koeln-eintracht-frankfurt
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В меморандуме с МВФ прописана прослушка для НАБУ


НАБУ до июня должно получить право прослушки и проведения следственных действий под прикрытием.
Национальное антикоррупционное бюро Украины (НАБУ) до конца мая 2017 года должно поучить право самостоятельно снимать информацию с каналов связи и проведения следственных действий под прикрытием, говорится в опубликованном тексте меморандума Украины с Международным валютным фондом.
Согласно тексту меморандума, опубликованному на сайте МВФ во вторник, предыдущий срок выполнения данного условия – конец ноября 2016 года – не был выполнен и новым сроком выполнения определен конец мая 2017 года.
Таким образом, законодательные изменения должны быть внесены в Верховную Раду и приняты к концу мая (это определено контрольным показателем сотрудничества с МВФ), чтобы гарантировать возможность для НАБУ пользоваться широким спектром методов расследования без необходимости полагаться на инфраструктуру других ведомств, в их числе: операции под прикрытием, перехват сообщений, доступ к компьютерным системам и контроль корреспонденции.
Кроме того, меморандум предусматривает, что регистрация досудебных дел и постановлений следственных судей, имеющих отношение к НАБУ, должны быть защищены от утечки информации, связанной с текущими расследованиями, путем ограничения доступа к ней офицеров НАБУ и Специальной антикоррупционной прокуратуры (САП) до тех пор, пока расследование дела не завершено или закрыто.
В меморандуме указывается, что к концу декабря 2016 года НАБУ наняло 542 сотрудника из 700 человек полной комплектации и открыло 3 региональных отделения. НАБУ продемонстрировало свою способность проводить расследования в отношении высокопоставленных должностных лиц, в частности 8 членов парламента, 39 судей, 23 прокурора.
При этом в сотрудничестве с САП 40 дел были отправлены в суд и привели к отмене неприкасаемости члена парламента.
НАБУ также должно продолжать публиковать статистические данные, касающиеся расследований актов коррупции со стороны высокопоставленных должностных лиц на своей странице в свободном доступе.

Similarity rank: 13
Sentiment rank: 1.1
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TW sentiment: 10

© Source: http://telegraf.com.ua/ukraina/politika/3250308-v-memorandume-s-mvf-propisana-proslushka-dlya-nabu.html
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Евросоюз перечислил Украине €600 млн, НКРЭКУ приостановит введение абонплаты за газ, в РФ назвали имя смертника в метро Петербурга. Главное за день


« ГОРДОН » представляет обзор основных событий вторника, 4 апреля.
« ГОРДОН » представляет обзор основных событий вторника, 4 апреля.
Евросоюз перечислил Украине транш €600 млн
Европейский союз перечислил Украине второй транш макрофинансовой помощи в размере €600 млн, сообщил президент Украины Петр Порошенко.
НКРЭКУ приостановит решение по введению абонплаты за газ
В Национальной комиссии, осуществляющей регулирование в сфере энергетики и коммунальных услуг, заявили, что приостановят решение по введению тарифов на транспортировку и распределение газа.
В России назвали имя человека, устроившего взрыв в метро Санкт-Петербурга
Сегодня Следственный комитет РФ подтвердил, что взрыв в метро Санкт-Петербурга совершил Акбаржон Джалилов .
Источник в правоохранительных органах Кыргызстана рассказал « Газета. Ru », что Джалилов был гражданином России.
Источники ТАСС сообщили, что Джалилов был уроженцем Кыргизстана и имел связи с сирийскими боевиками .
Глава минздрава РФ Вероника Скворцова сегодня сообщила, что число жертв теракта в Петербурге возросло до 14.
Медведев впервые прокомментировал обвинения Навального
Премьер-министр РФ Дмитрий Медведев впервые прокомментировал фильм-расследование « Он вам не Димон » , в котором Фонд борьбы с коррупцией российского оппозиционера Алексея Навального представил главу правительства как коррупционера.
Рада не смогла назначить состав Счетной палаты
Верховная Рада Украины провалила голосование за претендентов на должность членов Счетной палаты – за соответствующее решение проголосовали 211 нардепов.
Правозащитники сообщили о химической атаке в Сирии
Сегодня Сирийская обсерватория по правам человека сообщила, что после авианалетов на город Хан-Шейхун в сирийской провинции Идлиб погибли 58 человек, в том числе 11 детей. При этом у части жертв бомбардировки имеются симптомы, свидетельствующие о применении химического оружия.
МИД Польши сообщил о возобновлении работы консульств в Украине
В министерстве иностранных дел Польши заявили, что Украина обеспечила безопасность дипломатических представительств.
Путин запретил денежные переводы в Украину
Президент РФ Владимир Путин подписал закон, который запрещает денежные переводы в Украину. В законе отмечается, что он направлен на « устранение негативных последствий запрета на деятельность российских платежных систем на территории Украины ».
Лозинский досидит срок в тюрьме
Генпрокурор Юрий Луценко заявил, что экс-нардеп Виктор Лозинский, которого осудили за убийство жителя Кировоградской области Валерия Олейника на семь лет, пробудет в тюрьме еще один год 11 месяцев и восемь дней.

Similarity rank: 19
Sentiment rank: 1.6
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TW sentiment: 0

© Source: http://gordonua.com/news/politics/evrosoyuz-perechislil-ukraine-600-mln-nkreku-priostanovit-vvedenie-abonplaty-za-gaz-v-rf-nazvali-imya-smertnika-v-metro-peterburga-glavnoe-za-den-181739.html
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Kanagawa cops: Man dies after being stabbed by son


Kanagawa Prefectural Police have arrested a 41-year-old man for allegedly stabbing his father who later died, reports TBS News.
Kanagawa Prefectural Police have arrested a 41-year-old man for allegedly stabbing his father who later died, reports TBS News.
At around 6:00 p.m. on Monday, Takeo Kosuge allegedly stabbed his father, 75-year-old Shinobu, in the back with a kitchen knife at the residence they shared, located in the Shimotsuchidana area.
About one hour later, the suspect reported the incident to a police station. His father was subsequently transported to a nearby hospital where he was confirmed dead.
Kosuge has been charged with attempted murder. « I bought the knife one or two years ago, and I concealed it in the house, » the suspect is quoted by police.
According to NHK (Apr. 4), the suspect held a grudge against his father for regularly telling him to get a job. « So I came up from behind him in the living room as he watched television and stabbed him, » the suspect said.
神奈川県で同居する75歳の父親の背中を包丁で刺して殺害しようとした疑いで、息子が逮捕されました。父親は病院で死亡しました。 無職の小菅武夫容疑者(41)は3日午後7時すぎ、神奈川県藤沢市の自宅で、同居する父親の志伸さんの背中を包丁で刺して殺害しようとした疑いが持たれています。

Similarity rank: 1

© Source: http://newsonjapan.com/html/newsdesk/article/119517.php
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Universal Studios Japan's attendance growth again beats Disney Resort's


Universal Studios Japan continued to ramp up its allure for consumers in the year ended in March, again outshining archrival Tokyo Disney Resort in attendance growth.
Universal Studios Japan continued to ramp up its allure for consumers in the year ended in March, again outshining archrival Tokyo Disney Resort in attendance growth.
Visitors to TDR, the nation’s biggest amusement complex by attendance, which is operated by Oriental Land in Urayasu, Chiba Prefecture, declined for a second straight year, while USJ in Osaka, Disney’s principal rival, notched up another record-breaking figure.
TDR’s performance was apparently hurt by hikes in ticket prices in April last year. Meanwhile, USJ raised its appeal by spending heavily on new attractions.
The annual attendance figure for TDR dipped 0.6% in fiscal 2016 from the previous year to 30 million. In the first half of the fiscal year (April-September), the number of people who passed through the gates into the « land of dreams » fell 0.3% from the year-earlier period due partly to several typhoons that affected the Tokyo metropolitan area.

Similarity rank: 1

© Source: http://newsonjapan.com/html/newsdesk/article/119516.php
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Чемпион по кикбоксингу погиб во время теракта в Санкт-Петербурге


Одной из жертв теракта в метро Санкт-Петербурга в понедельник оказался чемпион России по рукопашному бою и тренер Денис Петров. Он ехал на…
Одной из жертв теракта в метро Санкт-Петербурга в понедельник оказался чемпион России по рукопашному бою и тренер Денис Петров.
Он ехал на тренировку в метро, но так и не доехал. Он был очень хорошим человеком, его очень любили дети, они с удовольствием бежали на тренировку. Таких спортсменов, как он, очень мало, у него было большое будущее », – сообщила коллега погибшего спортсмена Алена.
Погибший имел титул чемпиона России по рукопашному бою, также становился чемпионом Санкт-Петербурга и Ленинградской области по рукопашному бою и кикбоксингу, был обладателем коричневого пояса по карате.
Днем 3 апреля на перегоне между станциями « Сенная площадь » и « Технологический институт-2 » петербургского метро произошел взрыв. Еще один взрыв, на станции « Площадь Восстания », удалось предотвратить благодаря своевременному обнаружению взрывного устройства. По последним данным, в результате взрыва 14 человек погибли, 49 пострадавших находятся в больницах.
Взрыв в метро Петербурга: все подробности

Similarity rank: 16
Sentiment rank: -2.5
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TW sentiment: -10

© Source: http://sport.segodnya.ua/boxing/chempion-po-kikboksingu-pogib-vo-vremya-terakta-v-sankt-peterburge-1009964.html
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Minister yells at press after he criticizes remaining Fukushima evacuees


Japan’s disaster reconstruction minister said Tuesday displaced people yet to return to areas of Fukushima Prefecture deemed safe to live…
Japan’s disaster reconstruction minister said Tuesday displaced people yet to return to areas of Fukushima Prefecture deemed safe to live in are “responsible for themselves,” before snapping at the reporter whose question prompted the remark.
Masahiro Imamura made the comment at a press conference explaining the government’s efforts for the reconstruction of areas hit by the March 2011 earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster.
Housing subsidies ran out last month for those who had left areas other than government-designated zones around the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant.
Citing a court decision last month that the central government and the plant’s operator were liable in the nuclear disaster in the first ruling of its kind since the crisis, a reporter asked what the state is doing to help the “voluntary evacuees.”
Imamura responded that the central government has delegated such matters to prefectural authorities, which are more knowledgeable about local conditions.
“It’s their own responsibility, their own choice,” he said when pressed further, pointing out that other evacuees have managed to go back to the areas.
The reporter said some of those still displaced have found themselves unable to return, and asked whether the state should take more responsibility for looking after those people.
“We are taking responsibility. Why are you saying something so rude?” Imamura shouted, slamming his podium.
Pointing a finger at the reporter, he then yelled, “Take that back! Get out of here!”
“You’re the one who’s causing problems for the evacuees,” someone called out as Imamura walked away from the podium, to which the minister responded “Shut up!” before leaving the room.
“The minister has informed me that he became emotional and was unable to remain calm for part of today’s press conference,” Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said during a subsequent press conference.
Suga, the government’s top spokesman, said the matter is one for Imamura himself to “handle appropriately.”
The disaster reconstruction minister apologized later Tuesday, telling reporters he had “become emotional.”
Imamura, 70, was installed in his post in a Cabinet reshuffle in August last year.

Similarity rank: 1

© Source: https://www.japantoday.com/category/politics/view/minister-yells-at-press-after-he-criticizes-remaining-fukushima-evacuees
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White House Official 'Wouldn't Be Surprised' If Trump Brings Up With Xi Chinese Sanctions on South Korea


President Trump may address Chinese sanctions against South Korea in his meetings this week with China President Xi Jinping, according to a senior White House official. The installation of the United States’s Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) missile defense system in South Korea has…
President Trump may address Chinese sanctions against South Korea in his meetings this week with China President Xi Jinping, according to a senior White House official. The installation of the United States’s Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) missile defense system in South Korea has angered Beijing enough for the Chinese government to institute retaliatory economic sanctions against the American ally.
« I wouldn’t be surprised if it comes up, » said the White House official when pressed on whether President Trump will bring up the issue of China’s sanctions, which have included closing Chinese locations of a Korean department-store chain and banning Chinese tourist groups from visiting South Korea.
The THAAD system is designed to shoot down short- and medium-range ballistic missiles from the hostile North Korea regime, but Beijing views the system’s deployment as an affront to its influence in the region. The White House official said that while the Trump administration is « familiar with China’s objections to THAAD, » the United States will continue to support it and its placement in South Korea.
« The United States will always act to defend our allies and our homeland against any threat, and particularly one of the nature of the North Korea regime, » the official said. « There will be no move away from protecting our South Korean allies and the United States.  »
President Trump will have his first meeting with Xi during a 24-hour visit to Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida—the same place where Trump met with Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe earlier this year. The White House says it is the administration’s hope to « work with » the Chinese on the growing threat from a possible North Korean weaponized nuclear program.

Similarity rank: 4.5

© Source: http://www.weeklystandard.com/white-house-official-wouldnt-be-surprised-if-trump-brings-up-with-xi-chinese-sanctions-on-south-korea/article/2007521?custom_click=rss
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Donald Trump Will Press China's Xi Jinping on North Korea


President Donald Trump will press Chinese President Xi Jinping to take a far tougher stance against North Korea
President Donald Trump will press Chinese President Xi Jinping to take a far tougher stance against North Korea over the rogue state’s nuclear program when the two meet later this week in Florida, warning that the U. S. reserves the right to act unilaterally.
Previewing the visit, senior White House officials warned that the North Korea threat is now « urgent, » as that country works to simultaneously miniaturize its nuclear weapons and improve its ballistic missile technology. North Korea has been the subject of an interagency review since Trump took office. U. S. intelligence officials believe it will have the ability to reach the U. S. with a nuclear missile within a year at its current pace, and former President Barack Obama warned his successor of the escalating danger before he left office.
« The clock has now run out and all options are on the table for us, » a senior White House official said, providing a glimpse at Trump’s message to Xi.
Roughly 90% of the isolated nation’s trade is with China, and Trump will call on Xi to increase its compliance with United Nations sanctions against North Korea. « We hear sometimes that China’s political influence may have diminished with North Korea, » the official said. « Clearly its economic leverage has not.  » The official would not rule out the application of secondary sanctions on Chinese entities that trade with North Korea in violation of UN and U. S. sanctions.
« The best outcome would be one in which China very thoroughly implements those UN sanctions and resolutions, » the official said. « That is really what we’re working toward.  »
As for what Trump will do if China doesn’t act, the senior White House official demurred. « [Trump] is not someone who wants to broadcast all of the ins and outs of his strategy in advance, » the official said,  » but I think he’ll be sending a clear signal.  »
Xi is expected to protest the U. S. deployment of the THAAD anti-missile system to South Korea, which China views as a strategic threat. Trump is expected to reject those concerns. « The United States will always act to defend our allies and defend our homeland, » the official said.
Trump invited Xi to visit him at his Mar-a-Lago club for a roughly 24-hour get-to-know-you session, where officials said the focus would be on forming a personal relationship and crafting a framework for future talks. Trump « really views this meeting as the first step toward building a constructive and results-oriented relationship, » the official said. The pair, the official said, will not be playing golf, but will sit through an informal dinner Thursday night and a working lunch together Friday.
Trump is expected to raise the issue of the U. S. trade imbalance with China, a second White House official said, operating under the belief that « bilateral trade and investment should be mutually beneficial.  » The White House would not say whether Trump would bring up the issue of Chinese currency manipulation. As a candidate, Trump promised to designate China a currency manipulator on his first day in office, though he has since backed down amid concerns from senior aides that it would spark a trade war.
The President is also expected to raise concern about continued Chinese development in the South China Sea, where China has built up artificial islands and claimed vast swaths of waters for its exclusive use in contravention of international law. « The United States certainly will continue to fly and sail where international law allows, » the first official said.
Trump, who once toyed with making the U. S.’s « One China » policy contingent on new trade negotiations with the mainland, has fully embraced the longstanding U. S. viewpoint with regard to Taiwan. « That is longstanding policy of the United States and that is a policy that the president has reaffirmed, » the first official said.

Similarity rank: 10

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/time/topstories/~3/h2XFKR4rnGE/
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Cabinet OKs schools to use banned imperial order as teaching materials


Opposition politicians on Tuesday criticized a decision by Japan’s cabinet to allow schools to study a 19th century imperial order…
Opposition politicians on Tuesday criticized a decision by Japan’s cabinet to allow schools to study a 19th century imperial order on education that was banned after World War II for promoting militarism and emperor worship, saying it’s a sign that Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s government is becoming more nationalistic.
Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga told reporters the Imperial Rescript on Education should be allowed as teaching material if it is used in line with the constitution and the education law. The cabinet adopted the policy Friday. He added, however, that schools should primarily follow the government-approved curriculum.
Opposition politicians on Tuesday called the move unconstitutional and unacceptable.
“The decision clearly underscores an attempt by the Abe government to reinstate prewar (philosophy),” opposition Democratic Party policy research chief Hiroshi Ogushi told reporters.
The rescript, which all students were required to memorize, called on Japanese to sacrifice themselves for the emperor and his empire. It was issued in the name of Emperor Meiji in 1890 at the beginning of Japan’s half century of expansionism and militarism.
The rescript was recited at schools as students and teachers bowed before photos of the emperor and empress, and was included in moral discipline textbooks until it was banned by parliament in 1948.
The rescript recently captured national attention because of a political scandal involving a school whose ultra-nationalistic owner, Yasunori Kagoike, taught students to recite it daily.
Kagoike, former head of the Moritomo Gakuen group, testified in parliament that Abe donated 1 million yen ($9,000) through his wife in 2015 to the school, which became embroiled in a scandal over its purchase of state property in 2016 at one-seventh the appraised price. Abe, who has praised Kagoike, has denied making a donation, which is not illegal, or influencing the property sale.
Kagoike is among many Japanese conservatives who have tried to reinstate the imperial rescript.
Defense Minister Tomomi Inada told a recent parliamentary session that the rescript contains universal values such as respect for parents that can help create a moral nation. “Its core spirit should be reclaimed,” she said. “I don’t think we should say the rescript is entirely wrong.”
Historian Masanori Tsujita, an expert on wartime history, disagrees, saying the family ties, friendship and other virtues advocated by the rescript were for the benefit of the imperial system, and suppressed civil rights.
“Should it be reinstated for public use? The answer is clearly no,” Tsujita wrote recently in a Gendai Business magazine article.
The cabinet said it would be “inappropriate” to use the rescript as the sole basis of national education, and officials deny that the Abe government supports militarism.
Abe has pushed educational reforms that promote traditional gender roles, respect for Japanese heritage, traditional martial arts, and a downgrading of Japan’s wartime atrocities, some experts say.
Recently, the education ministry instructed the publisher of a moral education textbook to replace a reference to a bakery with a Japanese sweet shop to encourage patriotism.
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