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LG tries the smart home hub thing on a fridge and a friendly helper robot


NewsHubWhen we first heard about LG’s Hub robot, it sure sounded a lot like a cross between an Amazon Echo and a Roomba. Turns out the company has gone for a much more friendly robot approach to the tech. The Hub is a peanut shaped bot designed to hang out on a desktop or table, with a display that doubles as its face.
The company isn’t talking much about the Hub’s functionality, beyond some basic smart home features, like the ability to play music. All in all, it sounds like a more humanized version of Amazon (and, for that matter, LG’s) speaker hubs.
The robot will also have a smaller counterpart (the Mini) and a much larger one – the simply named Airport guide, which will be rolled out (quite literally) at Incheon Airport in South Korea later this year, offering travelers gate information and departure times – essentially service as a friendly version of your standard airport kiosk, only with a face.
webOS has lived a strange life over the past several years. In LG’s hands, however, it’s probably not surprising that the one-time Palm operating system was destined to wind up on the front of a refrigerator. What’s more interesting here, is the fact that LG has rolled it’s on-going partnership with Amazon to bring the Alexa voice assistant directly to the InstaView Door-in-Door refrigerator.
The companies are promising the “full Alexa experience,” making the fridge the latest of a growing number of devices vying to become the hub of users’ growing smart home ecosystem. That means you’ll be able to do the standard music playing, along with some smart home control.
Amazon functionality also means that users will be able to order food directly from the front of the device with their device, one-upping the Amazon Dash functionality the company has rolled out past appliances, so you really don’t have an excuse to ever leave your fridge’s immediate vicinity.

Similarity rank: 1.1

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Charleston church shooter to jurors: "Nothing wrong with me psychologically"


NewsHubBut perhaps most important is what he didn’t say: He didn’t ask jurors to spare him from the death penalty. The jury last month unanimously found Roof guilty of hate crimes and other charges in the shooting deaths of nine black church members during Bible study. The jurors will now decide whether he should be sentenced to life in prison or death.
“My opening statement is going to seem a little bit out of place,” the soft-spoken 22-year-old white man said calmly as he stood in front of a podium, occasionally glancing at notes. “I am not going to lie to you. … Other than the fact that I trust people that I shouldn’t and the fact that I’m probably better at constantly embarrassing myself than anyone who’s ever existed, there’s nothing wrong with me psychologically.”
Roof’s attorneys have indicated that he chose to represent himself during the sentencing phase of his trial because he was worried they might present embarrassing evidence about himself or his family. They have not said what that evidence may be, but as early as last summer, they had planned to introduce evidence that Roof suffers from a mental illness. Since then, many motions have been filed under seal, purportedly to conceal sensitive information, but it’s likely more details on what lawyers planned to present.
It’s clear, from his own writings, Roof doesn’t believe in psychology. In a journal read in court during his trial, Roof called the specialty “a Jewish invention” that “does nothing but invent diseases and tell people they have problems when they don’t.”
Prosecutors said Roof deserves the death penalty because he painstakingly chose to target vulnerable people during Bible study at Emanuel AME Church in June 2015. Roof sat with the church members for about 45 minutes and waited until their eyes were closed before opening fire. He told Polly Sheppard, one of the three survivors, that he wanted to leave her alive to tell the world why he attacked a historic African-American church. He said “you’re raping our women and taking over the nation.”
Assistant U. S. Attorney Nathan Williams said the “horrific acts justify the death penalty.”
“He killed nine people. … He killed them because of the color of their skin. He killed them because they were less than people,” Williams said.
A look at the people killed in Emanuel AME Church, a historic church in Charleston, South Carolina
Prosecutors plan to call up to 38 people related to the slain and the survivors. Williams told jurors they would hear extensive testimony about the nine victims, including pastor and state Sen. Clementa Pinckney, a “prodigy of the ministry” who was a man of faith, service and family dedication.
Roof, who is representing himself, made no objections as photos of late church pastor Clementa Pinckney were introduced as evidence, reports CBS News affiliate WCSC-Charleston .
As the photos were displayed, Pinckney’s wife Jennifer described him as a family man who started preaching at a young age and loved to wear uniquely-patterned socks.
He mostly wore slacks when they first met, but she eventually got him into wearing jeans and following football.
While Clementa Pinckney — who started leading his first church at 18 — eventually became a senator, “he always made time for the family and he always made time for the girls,” Jennifer Pinckney said.
Nine people were killed, including the pastor, in a historic black church in Charleston late June 17, 2015; the suspect, Dylann Roof, was charged…
The prosecutor also read a portion from a journal found in Roof’s jail cell six weeks after his arrest in which Roof said he had not wept for any of the victims.
“I remember how I felt when I did these things and how I knew I had to do something and then I realize it was worth it,” Roof wrote, as a handwritten page from his journal appeared on screens in the courtroom. “I would like to make it crystal clear. I do not regret what I did. I have not shed a tear for the innocent people I killed.”
As their first witness, prosecutors called Pinckney’s widow, Jennifer Pinckney. During more than an hour on the stand, Pinckney described her husband as an affable figure who garnered respect from all corners in his roles as legislator and preacher but was a goofy family man in private with his two young daughters.
“He always made time for the family, and he always made time for the girls,” said Pinckney, describing her husband’s affinity for cartoonish neckties and socks. “He was the person I think that every mom would be happy that their daughter met and married. … I know that he loved me. And he knew how much that I loved him.”
Prosecutors said they would question Pinckney about the night of the shooting when court resumed after a lunch break.
Roof was found competent to represent himself during two different hearings, one before the trial and another one within the last week. He has said he doesn’t plan on calling any witnesses or introduce any evidence.

Similarity rank: 6.3
Sentiment rank: -3.3

© Source: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/charleston-church-shooter-to-jurors-nothing-wrong-with-me-psychologically/
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Trump hires Omarosa for his White House team


NewsHubIt’s a big hiring day for the incoming Trump White House.
President-elect Donald Trump has picked Katie Walsh as deputy to chief of staff Reince Priebus (ryns PREE’-bus). Walsh worked for Priebus at the Republican National Committee and helped with party fundraising.
Rick Dearborn, who used to work on Capitol Hill, is taking over a top job dealing with Congress.
Joe Hagin – who’s worked in three GOP White Houses – is coming on board as deputy chief of staff for operations.
See who President-elect Donald Trump wants in his inner circle at the White House
The White House political director is Bill Stepien, a former political adviser to New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie. Stepien was fired by Christie in the wake of the Bridgegate scandal.
Omarosa Manigault, a former contestant on “The Apprentice,” will focus on public engagement in the White House.
And Keith Schiller, Trump’s longtime personal security guard, will be director of Oval Office operations.

Similarity rank: 3.2
Sentiment rank: 4.6

© Source: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-hires-omarosa-for-his-white-house-team/
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Four intelligence chiefs will brief Trump Friday


NewsHubThe report by the intelligence community on Russian hacking, ordered by President Obama in December , is expected to be completed soon and will be presented to Mr. Obama Thursday, U. S. officials tell CBS News’ Jeff Pegues and Andres Triay. On Friday, President-elect Donald Trump is expected to be briefed on the report, with the participation of four of the intelligence chiefs: DNI James Clapper, FBI Director James Comey, CIA Director John Brennan and National Security Agency Director Adm. Michael Rogers (ret.).
President-elect Trump tweeted Tuesday: « The ‘Intelligence’ briefing on so-called ‘Russian hacking’ was delayed until Friday, perhaps more time ne…
Law enforcement sources tell Pegues that Friday’s meeting will be the first meeting between Comey and the president-elect, and the meeting comes as Comey’s future at the FBI is uncertain, after an election in which he himself was considered to have been a factor. Multiple law enforcement sources also tell Pegues there has not been any contact between Comey and the Trump team since the election.
Comey has kept a relatively low profile since the election, which is perceived to be out of character for Comey, who has been one of the most outspoken FBI directors in recent history. He has a reputation among politicians and law enforcement alike for being honest to a fault, and some of those in the law enforcement community who have criticized him over the past few months now see that as a liability.
But Comey is keeping the long view in mind, several sources tell Pegues. He is avoiding public appearances with the national media, and the FBI news conferences he would usually do himself he has delegated to subordinates. FBI officials are trying to determine how best to reintroduce Comey back into the public eye.
A public version of the report is expected to be released on Friday, though the timing of this may slide until next week. The review is intended to provide some lessons learned after U. S. officials made an assessment that Russia not only tried to influence the 2016 presidential election , but also favored Mr. Trump over Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. It’s a conclusion that the president-elect still seems to doubt.
Just last week, in retaliation, the Obama administration announced a series of new sanctions against Russian intelligence entities and agents they say are responsible for hacks into the Democratic National Committee and related servers.

Similarity rank: 3.2
Sentiment rank: 1.2

© Source: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/four-intelligence-chiefs-fbi-cia-nsa-dni-will-brief-trump-friday/
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Car industry poised to set annual sales record


NewsHubGeneral Motors Co. logged a 10% rise in U. S. auto sales in December, signaling the industry remains on track to set an annual record.
The Detroit auto maker posted sales of 319,108 in the month, up from 290,230 last year. GM said retail sales rose more than 3% to 249,983 vehicles — it’s best performance in a decade.
U. S. light-vehicle sales in 2016 are expected to have slightly edged out a record set last year, according to a J. D. Power forecast, largely owing to high incentive levels that helped prop up retail sales.
Analysts expect about 17.4 million to 17.5 million vehicles were sold in 2016, which would put the year at similar levels compared with last year’s record of 17.5 million units.
Retail sales, which strip out sales to fleet buyers, are expected to reach 14.1 million units for the year, a 1.2% decline from 14.2 million units in 2015.
« This year will be remembered for strong retail sales and record transaction prices, » said Deirdre Borrego, general manager of J. D. Power’s automotive data and analytics. « However, elevated inventories, a slow model-year transition and record incentive levels point to the challenges the industry will face in 2017.  »
Ms. Borrego said December, a month that typically delivers the highest incentive spending of the year, is expected to have exceeded the record set in November of an average of more than $4,000 per unit.
While December sales were tracking to finish lower than last year, dealers and auto makers were hustling to squeeze out just enough units for an annual record, said Edmunds.com analyst Jeremy Acevedo.
U. S. light-vehicle sales are expected to drop 2.2% in December compared with last year, according to J. D. Power. The month had one fewer selling day than in December 2015. On a selling-days-adjusted basis, sales are expected to increase 1.4%.
Trucks are forecast to account for 64% of December’s volume, a record for any month, according to WardsAuto.com. That helped push the estimated average transaction price for light vehicles in the U. S. to $35,309, a record high, according to Kelley Blue Book. New-car prices have increased by $521 — or 1.5% — from December 2015, thanks to a shift in consumer demand from cars to pricier crossovers, trucks and SUVs.
Ms. Borrego said in 2017, auto makers will have to « maintain production and pricing discipline to achieve profitability.  » Experts say a high number of lease maturities will drive sales over the next year, although a steeper interest rate and potentially lower incentive levels could damp sales.
Write to Anne Steele at Anne. Steele@wsj.com

Similarity rank: 1

© Source: http://feeds.marketwatch.com/~r/marketwatch/bulletins/~3/ZBN8ZwALiNY/bulletinredir.asp
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North Korea's claim of ICBM test plausible, experts say


NewsHubSEOUL – North Korea has been working through 2016 on developing components for an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), making the isolated nation’s claim that it was close to a test-launch plausible, international weapons experts said on Monday.
North Korea has been testing rocket engines and heat-shields for an ICBM while developing the technology to guide a missile after re-entry into the atmosphere following a lift-off, the experts said.
While Pyongyang is close to a test, it is likely to take some years to perfect the weapon.
Once fully developed, a North Korean ICBM could threaten the continental United States, which is around 9,000 km (5,500 miles) from the North. ICBMs have a minimum range of about 5,500 km (3,400 miles), but some are designed to travel 10,000 km (6,200 miles) or further.
North Korea’s state media regularly threatens the United States with a nuclear strike, but before 2016 Pyongyang had been assumed to be a long way from being capable of doing so.
“The bottom line is Pyongyang is much further along in their missile development than most people realize,” said Melissa Hanham, a senior research associate at the U. S.-based Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey, California.
She said the North’s test in April of a large liquid-fuel engine that could propel an ICBM was a major development.
“The liquid engine test was astounding,” Hanham said.
“For years, we knew that North Korea had a Soviet R-27 missile engine design. They re-engineered the design of that engine to double its propulsion.”
North Korea has said it is capable of mounting a nuclear warhead on a ballistic missile but it claims to be able to miniaturize a nuclear device have never been independently verified.
The isolated nation has achieved this progress despite U. N. Security Council imposed sanctions for its nuclear tests and long-range rocket launches dating back to 2006. The sanctions ban arms trade and money flows that can fund the country’s arms program.
North Korea has enough uranium for six bombs a year and much of what it needs for its nuclear and missile programs relies on Soviet-era design and technology. Labor is virtually free.
It can produce much of its missile parts domestically and invested heavily in its missile development infrastructure last year, funded by small arms sales and by taxing wealthy traders in its unofficial market economy.
Throughout the year, North Korean state media showed images of numerous missile component tests, some of which revealed close-up details of engines and heat shields designed to protect a rocket upon re-entry into the earth’s atmosphere.
The propaganda offensive may have revealed some military secrets, but it may have also been a bid to silence outside analysts, many of whom had remained skeptical of the North’s missile program.
“They’re answering the public criticisms of U. S. experts,” said Joshua Pollack, editor of the U. S.-based Nonproliferation Review. “A lot of people had questioned whether they had a working ICBM-class heat shield.”
“So they showed us.”
Despite the research, Pyongyang has experienced considerable difficulties getting its intermediate-range Musudan missile, designed to fly about 3,000 km (1,860 miles), off the ground. It succeeded just once in eight attempted launches last year.
North Korea has fired long-range rockets in the past, but has characterized those launches as peaceful and designed to put an object into space.
Still, the South Korean defense ministry believes the three-stage Kwangmyongsong rocket used by Pyongyang to put a satellite in space last February already has a potential range of 12,000 km (7,457 miles), if it were re-engineered.
Doing so would require mastering safer “cold-launch” technology, and perfecting the ability of a rocket to re-enter the earth’s atmosphere without breaking up.
“North Korea is working hard to develop cold-launch technology and atmospheric re-entry but South Korea and the U. S. will have to assess further exactly which level of development they have reached,” South Korean defense ministry official Roh Jae-cheon told a briefing on Monday.
North Korea began stepping up its missile development in March 2016, Roh said, but added that there were no “unusual signs” related to test preparations, according to the South Korean military.
That same month, Kim Jong Un was photographed looking at a small, ball-like object that North Korean state news agency KCNA said was a miniaturized nuclear warhead — the device North Korea would need to fulfill its ICBM threat.
“2016 marked the year North Korea truly ramped up their WMD (weapons of mass destruction) program,” Hanham at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey said.
“I think we’re going to see a (ICBM) flight test in 2017.”

Similarity rank: 2

© Source: http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2017/01/04/asia-pacific/north-koreas-claim-icbm-test-plausible-experts-say/
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Chinese official shoots city Communist Party boss and mayor


NewsHubA senior Sichuan official shot two of his supervisors on Wednesday morning in the middle of a high-level meeting before killing himself, Chinese media report. Panzhihua land and resources bureau chief Chen Zhongshu fired at the city’s Communist Party chief, Zhang Yan, and mayor Li Jianqin before fleeing the scene, according to Shanghai-based news outlet Thepaper.cn. Zhang and Li sustained minor wounds and Chen was later found dead in the hotel building where the meeting was being held, the report said. Chen rushed in and fired at the two men while the meeting was under way, the report said. Both Li and Zhang were sent to hospital, where their wounds were described as not life-threatening. No motive was given for the attack and it was not clear how Chen obtained the firearm. Chinese civilians are prohibited from having guns under national law. The shooting took place just six months after Li, 53, arrived in the city and five after he became mayor. Li was reassigned to Panzhihua after spending more than 20 years working in the resources sector, including eight years in charge of the internal watchdog office of the Ministry of Land and Resources. A source told the that Li was an expert in Chen’s professional area and Chen had become a target of investigation before the shooting. The quoted an unnamed government source as saying Chen had complained to his friends that Zhang and Li were “ratting on him”. Zhang’s official resume includes four years in various corruption-fighting departments. Chen had worked in the city’s anti-corruption department for more than 10 years and received national praise in 2015 for keeping cadres under his watch in line, according to earlier Chinese media reports. Wednesday’s shooting comes as President Xi Jinping’s anti-graft campaign continues its sweep across the country, with officials felled at a rate not seen in decades. It also comes ahead of a major meeting of the party’s top anti-corruption watchdog, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, which starts on Friday and Xi will chair, according to state media. Resources-rich Sichuan has been among the worst-hit provinces in the anti-graft campaign. Zhou Yongkang, once the party’s security tsar, had badly influenced the political environment of the province, a senior Sichuan official said earlier. Zhou was sentenced to life imprisonment on corruption charges and abuse of power in 2015. There have been many cases of cadres committing suicide while under corruption investigations but it is very rare for officials to shoot their supervisors. Panzhihua, located in the mountainous area of southwest Sichuan, is a centre for iron ore, vanadium and titanium mining.

Similarity rank: 5

© Source: http://www.scmp.com/news/china/policies-politics/article/2059309/chinese-official-shoots-city-communist-party-boss-and
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Two Chinese Officials Shot During Meeting; Gunman Kills Self


NewsHubBEIJING—The shooting of two government officials during a meeting Wednesday comes amid a rise in gun-related crimes in China, which has maintained a stringent, decadeslong ban on owning firearms.
State media reported that a gunman burst into a government meeting in the inland city of Panzhihua and opened fire. The shooting injured the city’s mayor and Communist Party secretary, and the assailant, identified as the head of the local…

Similarity rank: 5

© Source: http://www.wsj.com/articles/two-chinese-officials-shot-during-meeting-gunman-kills-self-1483534679?mod=fox_australian
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Knife-wielding attacker stabs 11 kids at Chinese kindergarten


NewsHubA knife-wielding man climbed over the wall of a kindergarten and stabbed and wounded 11 children in the Guangxi region of China on Wednesday,  Reuters  reported.
The injuries were non-life threatening, but all of the children had been sent to a hospital, according to China Central Television.
The 41-year-old man was detained by police; however, no name or motive was immediately given,  The Sun  reported.
Wednesday’s attack in Pingxiang is only the latest in a series of knife attacks on children in the country.
An attacker wounded 7 kids at a primary school in November and, in February, a man injured 10 kids in southern China before killing himself. There were also several attacks at schools between 2010 and 2012. Most of the suspects in those cases suffered from mental illness, The Sun reported.

Similarity rank: 4

© Source: http://feeds.foxnews.com/~r/foxnews/world/~3/Wk9_yvQ8fKI/knife-wielding-attacker-stabs-11-kids-at-chinese-kindergarten.html
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Schneefall in Tirol sorgte für zahlreiche Unfälle mit Verletzten


NewsHubWinterliche Verhältnisse führten am Mittwoch zu zahlreichen Unfällen auf Tirols Straßen. Auf der Wildbichler Straße bei Niederndorferberg kam es am Nachmittag zu einem Frontalzusammenstoß, bei dem ein Auto in den Straßengraben katapultiert wurde. Vier Personen wurden dabei verletzt.

Similarity rank: 2.1

© Source: http://www.tt.com/panorama/unfall/12454397-91/schneefall-in-tirol-sorgte-f%C3%BCr-zahlreiche-unf%C3%A4lle-mit-verletzten.csp
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