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がん幹細胞分裂、観察に成功 慶大など、人の細胞では初


がん組織の なかでも再発や転移の 能力が高いとされる「がん幹細胞」 が、 一つの 細胞からがん組織をどんどん増やしていく様子の 観察に成功したと、 慶応大などの チームが30日、 英科学誌ネイチャーに発表する。 人の 細…

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ゴルフ場の女性正会員問題の経過「雑音」 埼玉知事


2020年東京五輪の ゴルフ会場になる霞ケ関カンツリー倶楽部(埼玉県川越市)が女性を正会員として認めるまでの 経過について、 上田清司知事は29日、 「私の 言葉を使えば『雑音』だ。 (倶楽部に対する)色々な批…

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デジタル社会で成功するには、 チェンジマネジメント、 セキュリティ、 レガシーシステムなど、 あらゆる課題を乗り越える必要がある。 企業の デジタル化を進める上で障害になることが多い問題を挙げる。
Deloitte LLPのマネージングディレクターであり、同社のCIOプログラムで調査ディレクターを務めている Khalid Kark氏 は「われわれは、産業としてのデジタル化とは何かを理解し始めたところだ」と語る。「われわれは、ようやくデジタル化がもたらす影響の巨大さを認識し始めた。しかし、そういった表面に出てくる変化を引き起こすために、どれだけ多くの努力が必要になるかは、まだ分かっていない」
McKinseyによれば 、実はチェンジマネジメントプログラムの70%が失敗しており、その原因は主に従業員の抵抗と経営陣のサポート不足だという。
Forresterのバイスプレジデントであり、CIOの役割に関する調査チームのプリンシパルアナリストを務める Marc Cecere氏 は、「デジタル変革には大きな変化が伴い、通常これには、従業員の職務や、賃金、上司たち、そして従業員の仕事の種類の変化が含まれる」と述べている。「その種の変化を起こすことは難しく、その大部分は科学では解決できない。人々の考え方がどう変わるか、どうすれば新しいビジネスモデルに適応できるかを知っている人材を参加させるべきだ」
Genpactの最高イノベーション責任者であり、 Genpact Research Institute の責任者を務めるGianni Giacomelli氏は、カスタマージャーニーの理解に関して、分断された組織は、デジタル変革を進める上で最大の障害の1つだと述べている。多くの場合、IT部門や事業部門のどちらか一方がこれを解決しようとするが、十分な協力ができないということが起こる、と同氏は言う。
SoftServe が最近発表したレポートによれば、半分以上(55%)の企業が、デジタル化を推進するための技術を導入した際の最大の課題はセキュリティだったと回答している。Cecere氏によれば、Forresterの調査でも、ほとんどの場合、セキュリティはデジタル変革を妨げる障害ランキングの首位に挙がるという。

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ハンセン病患者の 裁判が裁判所外の 隔離施設などに設置された「特別法廷」 で開かれていた問題で、 最高検が元患者側に対し、 差別的な運用を認識しないまま裁判に関わった責任を認める方向で検討していることが分かった。 31日に元患者を支援する弁護士らと面会して総括した内容を説明する見通しだ。

© Source: http://mainichi.jp/articles/20170330/k00/00m/040/175000c
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雪崩の恐れで2月末に一部閉鎖 栃木、事故現場のスキー場


登山講習会に参加した高校生ら8人が死亡した雪崩事故で、 現場となった栃木県那須町の 那須温泉ファミリースキー場が雪崩の 恐れがあるとして、 2月25日〜3月1日にゲレンデの 一部を閉鎖していたことが30日、 同町への 取材で分かった。 講習会を主催した県高等学校体育連盟登山専…
登山講習会に参加した高校生ら8人が死亡した雪崩事故で、現場となった栃木県那須町の那須温泉ファミリースキー場が雪崩の恐れがあるとして、2月25日〜3月1日にゲレンデの一部を閉鎖していたことが30日、同町への取材で分かった。 講習会を主催した県高等学校体育連盟登山専門部の関係者は、雪崩発生の可能性を認識して登山を中止し、雪をかき分けて進むラッセル訓練に変更したと説明。県警は、訓練地点の選択が適切だったのか調べる。 同町によると、閉鎖されたのは、被災現場から数百メートルの第2ゲレンデ。

Similarity rank: 3.4
Sentiment rank: -4

© Source: http://www.tokyo-np.co.jp/s/article/2017033001000619.html
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Japan ruling party urges strike ability amid NKorea threat


Japan’s ruling party has urged the government to consider arming itself with more advanced and offensive capability, such as striking enemy targets with cruise missiles, loosening Japan’s self-defense-only military posture since the end of World War II.
TOKYO –   Japan’s ruling party has urged the government to consider arming itself with more advanced and offensive capability, such as striking enemy targets with cruise missiles, loosening Japan’s self-defense-only military posture since the end of World War II.
The Liberal Democratic Party’s panel on security policy urged the government to immediately start studying ways to bolster Japan’s capability to intercept missiles with a system like the Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense, or THAAD system, that the U. S. and Seoul have agreed to install in South Korea.
The panel cited a « new level of threat » from North Korea, which fired four missiles this month, three of them landing inside Japan-claimed exclusive economic waters.
The party’s proposal was to be submitted to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe later Thursday.
Bound by Japan’s postwar pacifist constitution, the proposal doesn’t call for a first-strike.

Similarity rank: 4

© Source: http://feeds.foxnews.com/~r/foxnews/world/~3/yxtBX8zKFjE/japan-ruling-party-urges-strike-ability-amid-nkorea-threat.html
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Multiple fatalities reported after church bus crashes in Texas, authorities say


A bus carrying 14 senior citizens back from a church retreat was involved in a fatal head-on collision with a white pickup truck
Last Updated Mar 29, 2017 9:55 PM EDT
The total number of deceased includes the driver of the bus and 12 passengers. The identities have not been released.
Three victims were rushed to a local hospital, according to Conrad Hein of Texas’ Department of Public Safety, including the driver of the pickup truck who is listed in stable condition.
A view over the deadly crash site shows a collision between a white pickup truck and a church bus on Wed., March 29, 2017.
First Baptist Church of New Braunfels said on its website that one of its buses was involved in the crash. The bus was carrying senior citizens back from a retreat, CBS affiliate KENS-TV reports.
The church’s statement reads, in part:
“We understand there have been some fatalities, but we do not yet know who. All activities for tonight are canceled. The Sanctuary will be open [Wednesday] evening for prayer and support. Please be in prayer for all involved.”
Senior Pastor of FBC New Braunfels, Brad McLean, responds to news about today’s fatal crash involving his members. #kens5eyewitness
CBS News has confirmed with the Texas Department of Public Safety that there were 14 occupants aboard the church bus and a lone occupant in the truck.
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott released a statement on Twitter following the deadly incident:
Statement on today’s tragic accident. https://t.co/cCnnfj1gYX pic.twitter.com/zes4B6IBfR
KENS-TV reports the event the bus was returning from is an annual spring retreat and it was for people age 55 and older.
Texas Sen. Ted Cruz also expressed his condolences Wednesday:
My prayers are with the families impacted by this tragic accident – especially for those who have lost loved ones. https://t.co/OZKQejz6l6
The sheriff’s office said traffic was being re-routed.
Uvalde County is about 75 miles west of San Antonio.
The National Transportation Safety Board has sent investigators to the scene, NTSB spokesman Terry Williams said.
Photos and video of the crash’s aftermath showed heavy damage to the front drivers’ sides of both vehicles where it appeared the two had collided. The back of the bus was up on a guardrail, with glass and debris scattered onto the grass below.
Hein said the small bus was a 2004 Turtle Top, though he did not know the specific model. Turtle Top’s website features shuttle buses with capacities ranging from 17 to 51 passengers, which they bill as “a great alternative to the standard 15-passenger van.” Safety concerns have long surrounded the 15-passenger vans, also frequently used by churches and other groups, with advocates saying they can be difficult to control in an emergency.
Another aerial photo shows a deadly collision between a church bus and a pickup truck in Texas on Wed., March 29, 2017.

Similarity rank: 5.3
Sentiment rank: -1.7

© Source: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/deadly-church-bus-accident-uvalde-county-texas/
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State Dept. employee charged with misleading FBI in China intel case


State Department employee Candace Marie Claiborne is charged with obstructing an official proceeding and making false statements
The veteran State Department employee, who appeared before a judge Wednesday, is also accused of failing to report gifts she received from Chinese contacts.
Claiborne allegedly failed to report repeated contacts with two intelligence agents of the People’s Republic of China, and the agents provided tens of thousands of dollars in gifts and benefits to Claiborne and her family over five years, prosecutors said.
According to an affidavit, the gifts and benefits included cash wired to Claiborne’s bank account, an Apple iPhone and laptop computer, Chinese New Year’s gifts, meals, international travel and vacations, tuition at a Chinese fashion school, a fully furnished apartment and a monthly stipend. Some of these gifts and benefits were provided directly to Claiborne, the affidavit alleges, while others were provided through a co-conspirator.
A day after he was sworn in, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson addressed State Department officials and said that despite any political difference…
She was arrested Tuesday. Family members who were in court Wednesday declined to comment on her behalf.
“As a State Department employee with a Top Secret clearance, she received training and briefing about the need for caution and transparency,” U. S. Attorney Channing Phillips said in a statement. “This case demonstrates that U. S. government employees will be held accountable for failing to honor the trust placed in them when they take on such sensitive assignments.”
The Justice Department alleges that she wrote in her journal that she could “generate 20k in 1 year” through her work with one of the intelligence agents.
Claiborne pleaded not guilty and faces a preliminary hearing April 18.
The maximum penalty for a person convicted of obstructing an official proceeding is 20 years in prison. The maximum penalty for making false statements to the FBI is five years in prison.

Similarity rank: 3.1
Sentiment rank: -0.1

© Source: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/candace-marie-claiborne-concealed-contact-chinese-intelligence-agents/
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Police shoot man in parliament The New Statesman Cover | Wanted: An opposition


George Eaton, who was in parliament at the time of the attack, on what he saw.
From the window of the parliamentary Press Gallery, I have just seen police shoot a man who charged at officers while carrying what appeared to be a knife. A large crowd was seen fleeing from the man before he entered the parliamentary estate.
After several officers evaded him he was swiftly shot by armed police.
Ministers have been evacuated and journalists ordered to remain at their desks.
More follows. Read Julia Rampen’s news story here.
Armed police at the cordon outside Parliament on Wednesday afternoon. Photo: Getty
March 31 – April 6
Wanted: An opposition

Similarity rank: 3.1
Sentiment rank: -1.1

© Source: http://www.newstatesman.com/politics/uk/2017/03/police-shoot-man-parliament
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Richard Burr: Senate Russia probe has seven full-time staffers


The committee is « weeks away » from finishing its evaluation of thousands of documents, the Senate Intelligence Committee chairman said Wednesday
Last Updated Mar 29, 2017 7:56 PM EDT
The Senate Intelligence Committee has seven full-time professional staff members working to evaluate intelligence and documents related to the committee’s investigation on Russian election interference , Chairman Richard Burr (R-N. C.) said Wednesday.
“This investigation’s scope will go wherever the intelligence leads it,” he said at a press conference at the Capitol Wednesday afternoon. “So it is absolutely crucial that every day we spend trying to separate fact from fiction and to find some intelligence thread that sends us to the factual side of all the names and all the places that you in this room have written about.”
Burr, appearing with vice chairman Mark Warner (D-Virginia) , said the committee has received an “unprecedented amount of documents” relating to the investigation, noting that the staffers dedicated to reviewing them — who are full-time staffers who previously had the necessary security clearance — are sifting through “thousands” of documents.
Senator John McCain (R-AZ) joins CBSN to discuss the controversy over House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes’ handling of the investig…
The committee is “weeks away” from finishing its review of the related documents, Burr said, and it has requested interviews with 20 people, including White House senior adviser Jared Kushner, President Trump’s son-in-law.
Congressional investigations into Russia — particularly the question of whether any Trump campaign associates were in touch with Russian officials — has been at the center of the political conversation in Washington this week, as the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., comes under fire over a secretive visit to White House grounds, where he examined alleged surveillance information he relayed to the president, but not to the Intelligence Committee. Since then, he and ranking member Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., have been at odds.
Neither Burr nor Warner took questions about Nunes or the House investigation. Instead, standing side by side, the two spoke about their shared commitment to a fair and independent investigation, and noted that it may not happen as quickly as some people would like.
A CBS News poll shows that a majority of Americans believe the Trump team improperly coordinated with Russia during the campaign. CBSN political…
“We need to get this right,” Warner said. “… Getting it right is more important than getting it done quickly.”
Warner noted that Russia may have attempted to influence the 2016 election indirectly by having Russia-linked bots direct “fake news” stories at key swing states, including Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
He said that “for the most part” the intelligence community is being cooperative in providing the necessary information, and said the committee’s investigation has made great strides since the intelligence community released its report on Russian activity in early January.
“What we know today is a lot more than they knew in December when they went through this process,” Warner said.

Similarity rank: 3.2
Sentiment rank: 0.6

© Source: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/richard-burr-senate-russia-probe-has-seven-full-time-staffers/
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