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PixTeller makes designers (almost) obsolete


NewsHubPixTeller is a unique little service. Created by a Romanian web designer, Alexandru Roznovat, it is a sort of instant design studio with plenty of ready-made templates so you can create clever Instagram memes or fun book cover designs in a few seconds.
After creating an account you’re presented with dozens of pre-made designs that are fairly innocuous. You can select a Facebook header, a book cover, or a snappy meme.
You then begin editing. Everything on the screen works like a vector graphic – except, obviously, photographs – and you can edit text and add shapes like you would in a standard design program. Like Tinkercad it makes for a fun and easy way to get small design projects done with a minimum of fuss. The service is free to try and $9 a month if you want to download edited documents without a watermark. You can share images with friends for comment.
“Our Editor is really fast to use. For example, I created all our current templates (more than 4000 designs) in about 3 weeks.” Roznovat told ImpactCEE. Roznovat previously worked at web applications house Geco.ro
Web-based software seems like a great solution for, say, folks with tablets or smaller laptops. While it will never truly replace a good design tool I could see this as a way to sketch out ideas and share them quickly. The company launched about a year ago but things have been quiet. Here’s hoping we can all up our meme game in 2017 thanks to tools like this one.

Similarity rank: 0

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CES welcomes 2017 with gadgets galore: It’s The Daily Crunch


NewsHubNew Year, new news. We’re kicking off 2017 with a nod to CES, where I’ll be for the remainder of this week checking out more gadgets than you can shake a stick at. I don’t know why you’d want to do that but here we are. Check out The Daily Crunch for January 1, 2017.
1. CES is this week
CES is this week, and it’s easily the world’s biggest consumer electronics expo. If you follow any journalists on Twitter, you may know that it’s considered one of the most gruelling stretches of work in the entire year, but it’s also pretty fun (the less thorny of us will admit to that begrudgingly).
In Las Vegas, around 200,000 people swell the city to its transportation bursting point, and everyone comes to show off what they’ve been up to in consumer gadgets Expect a lot of AI this year, including tons of intelligent automobiles. Hopefully a Herbie the Love Bug or two.
2. SpaceX wants to go back to space next week
SpaceX has been grounded since an explosion destroyed one of its Falcon 9 rockets on September 1. Now, the company says it’s satisfied its investigation into the cause, and resulting countermeasures, are ready. Mars isn’t getting any younger, so hopefully it can get back to shooting stuff beyond the atmosphere at a steady clip.
3. Tesla Autopilot update for latest cars begins rolling out
Tesla made good on its promise to return Autopilot features to so-called “HW2” equipped vehicles. CEO Elon Musk said that it’s being deployed to a small group of initial test users first, with a larger rollout planned if that goes well. The highway commute relief is in site, you pampered Tesla owners you.
4. Another Twitter eyed flies the coop
Twitter’s executive turnover continues, with its head of business in China the latest to depart. She only joined seven months ago, but basically it’s made the China-specific position obsolete with a restructuring of its Asia business.
5. Get the DL on VPN
If you weren’t exactly sure what a VPN is, Romain has you covered. Basically it’s a tunnel escape for car chases where you have to evade the helicopter. It makes sense, just go read it.
6. Fiat and Google put Android in cars
Android in the car is better than Android Auto, or so hope Fiat Chrysler and Google. The two are teaming up to make Android a more integral part of a car’s infotainment system, handling everything from radio to cabin comfort. It’s a big bet on being closer to where Google wants to be as cars become more autonomous and more a site for actual computing, and it’s very smart.

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The Age of Resilience – Security in 2017


NewsHubSecurity is one of the few tech sectors that thrives primarily thanks to the cruel intentions of bad actors. White hats and black hats exist symbiotically. Without the criminal element to create demand, CISOs would just hang up their spurs and call it a day.
While the tension between adversaries is a necessary function of the security industry, and spurs innovation, 2016 was an especially brutal year for the good guys.
So let’s begin 2017 with a sense of gratitude, because at least 2016 is behind us and having seen the best that black hats have thrown at our collective networks last year, now is the time for the white hats to respond.
From meddling with elections to the IoT bot DDOS attacks, we experienced pain, but I believe we are entering a golden age of security automation and resilience.
This market is Yuge
Gartner estimates that the security market size will be $120bn by 2020. In my While last year’s predictions for the market were significantly higher ($170 billion vs. $120 billion) the size of the industry is vast. A few unicorns can still range across the market without poking horns into each other’s eyes.
And look at the services portion of the market pie – it’s $55 billion — big getting bigger. If you are a security startup and think it’s all about auto-magical products, think again. Forget that VC mantra of all product and no service — listen to your customer. Managed security service providers are growing at triple digit rates. Even though it’s somewhat annoying, a self-congratulatory pat on the back is necessary here – we called this “need for security services” last year.
The incumbents need help
All the major security companies – Symantec, Cisco, HP, Juniper – cannot move fast enough. Partnerships and acquisitions are the way.
As of November 2016, Momentum Partners tracked over 120 mergers and acquisitions transactions worth over $17 billion. Symantec acquired Blue Coat for $4.7bn and Lifelock for another $2.3bn. At Bluecoat, Greg Clark and Mike Fey grew by acquisitions.
They are now leading Symantec, so expect more acquisitions. And partnerships. Cisco completed its twelfth security acquisition – Cloudlock – this year. Oracle acquired CASB Palerra and DNS provider Dyn. And HP, Juniper, and Microsoft are likely to get on the prowl soon.
VC Investments cross $4bn
In 2016, VC investments crossed $4 billion. At least three venture capital funds are dedicated largely to security – Trident Cyber Security , Allegis Capital and TenEleven Ventures. When we cut the investment data (sourced from Pitchbook & Momentum Partners) by number of deals done, this market is flattening.
The number and size of later stage investments and rounds continue to grow as do their valuations. For entrepreneurs the message is clear — investors will fund your growth, not your powerpoint slideware. Seed stage valuations are lower, which is good for seed stage investors like me.
But the counterpoint is that I also see a lot of noise, me-toos and junk. Tracking some 1200 companies, these sub-sectors are obviously overheated. Put it differently, over $20bn has been invested in 1700+ security companies since 2010. By any estimates, less than 10% are profitable. And while we have a few Unicorns, we have yet to see meaningful exits.
Religious overtones aside, it’s time we put the spotlight on the soldiers of the digital age. It will be sometime before we start giving out Congressional medals of honor to CISOs – the silent majority who protect our data every day. In the meantime, take a minute to empathise with their condition.
A typical CISO has to deal with at least twenty five different technology solutions to identify, protect, detect, respond and remediate their assets. And the range of assets include applications, data, endpoints, networks and identity. Stuart McClure, CEO of Cylance pointed out that the CISOs are often the fall guys when things go wrong. Their role has been relegated to a Chief Apology Officer. The C suite / board needs to understand that a CISO is the soldier on the front lines. They need to be respected, honored and protected, sometimes from their own management hubris. And when they are done with protection, the sales guys never stop.
As we look at 2017, it’s evident that the CISO has moved from “we will be hacked someday” to “we are already compromised” to “give me that disaster recovery solution NOW.” It doesn’t get any worse. The mindset has moved precipitously towards hot backups in the age of ransomware and DDOS.
This is leading to new opportunities such as splinternet, where new companies will create tightly controlled overlay networks. Networks and security are no longer separate conversations and this trend will create a whole new set of opportunities over the next five years. Notwithstanding the regulatory / data residency laws, the push for a closed network is driven by the fact that security will never keep us 100% safe. So its time to extend the span of control into the traffic.
Other growth trends include the push for automation in the era of talent shortage. The hype of AI has already set in but a lot of remains to be proven.
The 2016 DARPA Cyber Grand Challenge was an epic milestone but its commercial implications are yet to be achieved. With 86% workloads anticipated to move to the cloud by 2020, data center security is rapidly gaining traction. Visibility and orchestration are major themes that are playing out well.
Before Amazon Web Services kills everyone and reigns the world, several startups are optimistic enough to address this market opportunity. As we look at IoT, physical security becomes of paramount importance. Companies like DeDrone (backed by Menlo Ventures) are redefining data center security.
Industrial automation and oil/gas verticals are amidst major overhaul. Tom Le, Executive Director of Cyber, GE Digital Wurldtech remarked that “OT is at least 15 years behind IT, and that gap is only growing wider.” ExxonMobil is working with Lockheed Martin to develop process automation infrastructure. By some estimates is a $40 billion expenditure. Companies like Security Matters (backed by Bosch Ventures) Tempered Networks (backed by Ignition, Rally Capital) Indegy (backed by Aspect Ventures) and Nozomi Networks (backed by GGV) have raised capital in 2016 to solve for “critical infrastructure” security.
As we look at 2017, I hope for three changes:
Security vendor accountability ought to get better. We can no longer operate, as some accuse us to be, as snake oil salesmen. Fear driven tactics never work in the long haul. Shame on us when ransomware ‘vendors’ offer SLAs and we cannot. Shame on us if we cannot “red team” our own security products.
Secondly, design matters. Our products are not for nerds but for noobies. They have just arrived, on their second day in that SOC. They should be able to use your products, integrate it easily without a CISSP / PhD.
Finally, security sales should induce less nausea and more joy. Bob Lord, CISO of Yahoo who has been beset with “got a minute?” sales calls pleads, “Never pitch a transaction. Please.” So let’s aim to solve problems and win customers for life. That’s better than being slick and winning a deal. Lets empower the frontlines. Because it impacts all of us.

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Some tweaks to build employee loyalty


NewsHubTwo years here. Three years there. Another five somewhere else. Frequent job-hopping used to be a red flag, suggesting to prospective employers that a candidate was unfocused and disloyal.
That stigma seems to be gone. Changing jobs might be the best way to score a significant salary bump and move up the career ladder. And younger workers — the fuel driving every startup machine — are more likely than older ones to switch employers. Employees ages 25-34 had a median tenure of just 2.8 years on the job in January 2016, compared to 7.9 years for workers ages 45-54, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics .
Concern about turnover is yet another worry that keeps founders and management up at night. They know their business success depends in large part on keeping a stable and productive team on the job for the long haul — or at least long enough to make it through a key milestone such as a product launch, a critical round of funding or an exit event.
Stock options are a powerful incentive. But in this supercharged era of unicorns and staggering valuations, are they enough, particularly if you have no plans to go public anytime soon? This has been an abysmal year for IPOs as companies readily draw capital from the private market. In this climate, are you providing enough access to liquidity to keep your critical team from dusting off their resumes?
Let’s take a closer look at some of the vesting schedules and exercise periods that companies are debuting and weigh their risks and rewards.
The default for startups is a four-year vesting schedule. A quarter of the options vest after the first anniversary of the initial option grant — the “one-year cliff” — and then employees can begin to exercise them. After that, one forty-eighth (1/48) of the employee’s shares vest each month for the remaining 36 months. After four years, the employee holds them all, and the options are fully vested.
This schedule is a sweet deal for long-term, early hires because exercising options is feasible when the strike price is a bargain. These employees can exercise all their options for just a few hundred dollars. Those who join the team several years later, however, might not be so enthusiastic. If the strike price skyrockets, exercising those options can set an employee back tens of thousands of dollars — or more.
Or perhaps the company is a unicorn, valued at 13 figures but, tantalizingly, privately held; there may be little or no liquidity. The biggest hitch, though, is that an employee can walk away at any time with a chunk of vested options. There’s no significant upside to sticking around.
The standard four-year vesting schedule, as described above, has been recently reimagined by companies, including Snapchat. Some of these schedules vest 10 percent of the shares after the employee’s first year on the job. Another 20 percent are available after the second year. A worker gets another 30 percent on his third anniversary. And the big payoff — 40 percent — comes in the fourth year, rewarding loyalty right around the time when they might otherwise have been tempted to start a job search.
As part of Airbnb’s recent refinancing, the room-rental business threw a tasty bone to employees with at least four years of tenure. It arranged for investors to buy about $200 million in common shares held by employees as part of an $850 million funding round.
The goal, according to The Wall Street Journal, was to “relieve some of the pressure to go public” and “give longer-term employees the option to get cash for some of their shares.” You might want to explore this option if your company, like Airbnb, is a glittery-maned rainbow unicorn valued at $30 billion. If it’s not, you’ll need to consider other strategies.
Employees who leave a job get a tasty perk if they exercise their incentive stock options within 90 days of their last day: They maintain the coveted incentive stock option status, which allows them to kick down the road the tax liability on the spread — until they sell or otherwise unload the underlying vested stock. Otherwise, the stock options morph into non-qualified options, and exercising them can trigger costly capital gains. This isn’t an issue for early, longer-term employees, but it can be a problem for later hires, who might need six figures to purchase their options and cover their tax liability.
So how about extending the exercise period in a big way, from 90 days to 10 years? That would give workers (and former employees) much more time to amass enough cash to cover the options and taxes. I’m not a fan of this tactic, though. It encourages job-hopping — which founders would rather prevent — as workers bounce from one startup to the next, scooping up options along the way and hoping that one of these companies will strike it big and the options will then be worth exercising.
To prevent this problem, Andreessen Horowitz’s Scott Kupor suggests requiring a period of tenure to activate the 10-year window or implementing a sliding scale that ties length of the exercise period to number of years on the job. Both strategies enable founders to reward talent for sticking around.
If your company has a high valuation and your stock options are flirting with a high strike price… congratulations. That’s good news for your employees, too — or at least for those few who can cough up enough money to cash out their options.
But to keep everyone else incentivized, it’s time to explore some alternative vesting options. Your plan cannot operate retroactively, so you might face some pushback from longer-term employees. Explaining in detail that you want to reward loyalty and enable workers to exercise their options might help allay fears — and go a long way toward keeping your team loyal and engaged.

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Dell unveils 27-inch Ultrathin monitor with super-slim profile


NewsHubTech companies use CES to launch a ton of products. Most of them are boring, but some are actually quite interesting. Dell’s new 27-inch Ultrathin monitor falls in the latter category, thanks to a very slim profile, sleek design, and some pretty attractive specifications.
The appeal of the 27 Ultrathin, as it’s officially called, obviously comes from its thin side profile, which Dell has managed to achieve by having the components that are traditionally placed behind the screen moved to the base of the monitor. That’s an elegant solution, which makes the 27 Ultrathin a pretty appealing option for a home office.
The 27-inch panel, which has a resolution of 2,560 by 1,440, features HDR-like technology and covers 99 percent of the sRGB color space. It also offers 178 degree viewing angles, and, thanks to the articulated hinge design, it can tilt and swivel.
Dell is not saying much else about the 27 Ultrathin at this stage, but the company does mention that the base houses a USB Type-C and an HDMI port, as well as a 3.5mm headphone jack for audio output.
The 27 Ultrathin will be available starting March 23 at a price of $699.99. It will be offered in the US first, with international availability to follow later down the road.

Similarity rank: 2.1

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'Rogue One' tops box office once again over New Year's weekend


NewsHubMoviegoers bid adieu to 2016 and welcomed in 2017 over the four-day holiday weekend, spending about $200 million to see just the 10 top-grossing films, a pack led once again by “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.”
The continued forceful showing by Disney’s “Rogue One” was expected to add $64 million to its total by the time the weekend drew to a close, bringing its domestic total to $439.7 million, according to figures from ComScore.
That would make it the second-highest-grossing film of 2016 after only 18 days in theaters, behind another Disney enterprise, “Finding Dory,” which has taken in $486 million during the year. Globally “Rogue One” has grossed nearly $775 million through Sunday, ComScore reported.
Close behind “Rogue One” over the holiday weekend was Universal’s new animated musical comedy “Sing,” with an estimated four-day take of $56.4 million to bring its two-week domestic box office total to $180 million.
The film featuring the voices of Matthew McConaughey, Reese Witherspoon, Seth MacFarlane , Tori Kelly and others at the top of its cast fared modestly with critics, posting a 69% positive score at rottentomatoes.com and a 60 (out of 100) at Metacritic.com aggregate movie review sites, but faring noticeably better with audiences, who awarded it an A rating, according to the audience polling site Cinemascore.com.
The worldwide total for “Sing” through the weekend is expected to hit $285 million, Universal officials estimated.
Those runaway hits are contributing to what industry sources are projecting to be a record year at the box office. Movie executives are expecting total domestic box office revenue to hit $11.3 billion when all is said and done, up from $11.14 billion a year earlier.
That news is tempered by the expectation that the number of tickets sold remained essentially flat in 2016 compared to 2015, and that because of the increase in movie streaming, studios are continuing to see profits drop from home video sales.
Also in its second week of release, Sony Pictures’ sci-fi thriller “Passengers,” starring Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt , placed third with an estimated four-day take of $20.7 million, having earned a B rating from fans but getting hammered by critics, scoring a 36% favorable rating at rottentomatoes.com and a modestly better 41 on Metacritic.com.
Disney retained a second film in ComScore’s Top 5, with “Moana” continuing to pull in moviegoers in significant numbers after six weeks, adding an additional estimated $14.3 million during the New Year’s weekend to elevate its domestic total above the $200 million mark to $213.4 million. It is barely shy of the $400 million mark globally, Disney officials report.
Rounding out the Top 5, Fox ’s comedy “Why Him?” starring Bryan Cranston and James Franco, posted an estimated four-day gross of $13 million, bumping its two-week take to $37.6 million.
“Why Him?” demonstrated another notable divide between fans and critics, moviegoers giving it a B+ rating at CinemaScore, while critics questioned its merits with a 38 rating on Metacritic and a 40% favorable score at Rotten Tomatoes.
One of the best-reviewed films of 2016, Paramount’s screen adaptation of August Wilson’s play “Fences,” lands at No. 6, with a four-day estimate of $12.7 million in its third week, raising its domestic total to $32.4 million.
In reprising their roles from the Broadway production, using Wilson’s own screenplay, stars Denzel Washington , who also directed, and Viola Davis wowed critics and fans alike. “Fences” earned a 95% positive rating at Rotten Tomatoes and a 78 on Metacritic, and an A- audience grade at CinemaScore.
Doing even better on both fronts, Lionsgate Films’ “La La Land,” the L. A.-based movie musical with Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone, took in an estimate $12.3 million while still in limited release on 750 screens, compared with those that outgrossed it in general release and playing on more than 2,500 screens.
Its four-week domestic total has reached $37 million as director Damien Chazelle’s latest is poised to open wide on Friday on more than 1,500 screens. Audiences have given it an 89% positive rating at Rotten Tomatoes, while critics are even more enthusiastic about it, awarding it a 93% positive rating.
“La La Land” also took honors for highest per screen average of the 10 highest-grossing films, taking in an estimated $16,440 per screen over the holiday weekend, according to ComScore.
After two weeks of release, Fox’s video game adaptation “Assassin’s Creed” logged an additional $10.9 million for the four-day weekend, putting its domestic gross to date at $41.9 million.
Despite the presence of acclaimed actors including Marion Cotillard, Jeremy Irons and Charlotte Rampling, along with star Michael Fassbender, the time-jumping tale of a secret society sworn to safeguarding no less than the free will of humanity received a dismal 16% positive response on Rotten Tomatoes and 36 on Metacritic, while largely winning over fans and earning a B+ at CinemaScore.
At No. 9, director Kenneth Lonergan’s “Manchester by the Sea” is another late-in-the-year critical darling, scoring 97% positive reviews at Rotten Tomatoes and a 96 at Metacritic, while audiences have scored it as 82% favorable at Rotten Tomatoes.
The RSA Films release posted an estimated gross of $5.5 million for the four-day holiday weekend, pushing its domestic gross to just under $30 million in seven weeks.
Completing the Top 10, Warner Bros. ’ Harry Potter series spinoff, “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them,” brought in an estimated $5.4 million, also in its seventh week in theaters, which puts its domestic gross to date at $225.4 million.
Having opened on Christmas Day in just 25 theaters, Fox’s “Hidden Figures,” which focuses on three math-and-science-savvy African American women who contributed significantly to the U. S. space program in the 1960s, is estimated to gross an additional $1.15 million through Monday, on its way to wide release on Friday in about 2,500 theaters.
The based-on-the-true-story drama stars Taraji P. Henson as math genius Katherine Johnson, and Octavia Spencer and R&B-pop singer Janelle Monae as her two comrades in overcoming prejudices against women and African Americans. It co-stars Kevin Costner as the NASA exec who aids in their efforts to break glass ceilings and has elicited an identical 92% positive rating from critics and audiences at Rotten Tomatoes.
Casey Affleck talks about the way Kenneth Lonergan uses everyday language to convey deep emotion in « Manchester by the Sea.  »
For her role as Jackie Kennedy, Natalie Portman says, « It’s not a fashion story, » but the clothes do tell a story.
Joel Edgerton talks about staying truthful to the real-life story of « Loving.  »
Director Nicolas Winding Refn and composer Cliff Martinez discuss their « Neon Demon » collaboration.
« Manchester By the Sea » director Kenneth Lonergan discusses writing a quiet character and working with actor Casey Affleck to bring him to life.
« Manchester By the Sea » director Kenneth Lonergan discusses writing a quiet character and working with actor Casey Affleck to bring him to life.

Similarity rank: 4.7
Sentiment rank: -0.4

© Source: http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/music/la-fi-ct-box-office-new-year-20170102-story.html
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Mariah Carey's flubs in the spotlight


NewsHubMariah Carey welcomed in 2017 by saying « it is what it is » while experiencing technical difficulties while performing live in Times Square.
The singer even tweeted « s*** happens » and a GIF of herself after her disastrous performance that quickly went viral.
But it’s not the first time Carey has had a mishap in the spotlight. Click through to see other issues the singer has had in the past.
Mariah Carey made a very public and bizarre appearance when she surprised Carson Daly on « Total Request Live » in 2001. The singer brought an ice cream cart with her and handed out ice cream to audience members — and stripped down to a tiny halter top and shorts.
« You’re my therapy session right now, » she said to Daly. She was hospitalized for exhaustion shortly thereafter.
Carey emerged from her hospitalization for her first public appearance at a screening for her movie « Glitter » in September 2001. Unfortunately, the movie tanked. The New York Times called it « an unintentionally hilarious compendium of time-tested cinematic clichés, » while the Washington Post called it « primarily a showcase for her breasts.  »
Carey became the subject of ridicule after her episode of « MTV Cribs » aired.
The singer was shown exercising in stilettos and jumping into her jacuzzi in just a towel. The episode may still be the most infamous « Cribs » ever.
The diva slipped up on an appearance on « Good Morning America.  »
After performing, Carey said, « Oh s**t » on air and then revealed that the back of her dress had ripped.
Carey had yet another morning show mishap when she was singing « Always Be My Baby » on the « Today Show » in 2014.
Her mouth moved during a section of the song, though no sounds came out. Watch the alleged failed lip-sync attempt at 2:35.
The singer revealed her diva antics on her reality show « Mariah’s World » when four people helped her put her shoes on.
She admitted, « Oprah told me, ‘Don’t let anybody think that you don’t know how to put your shoes on anymore.’ The problem is these shoes are abusive and I can’t put them on alone. I’m not gonna lie about it.  »
The singer is now in a feud with Dick Clark Productions, claiming the company sabotaged her New Year’s Eve performance.
Her representative, Nicole Perna, blamed technical difficulties, and in an interview with Billboard she said Dick Clark Productions hampered Carey’s performance.
« She was not winging this moment and took it very seriously, » Perna told Billboard. « A shame that production set her up to fail.  »
In a statement released on Sunday, the production company called such claims « absurd.  »
« As the premier producer of live television events for nearly 50 years, we pride ourselves on our reputation and long-standing relationships with artists, » it said. « To suggest that dcp (Dick Clark Productions), as producer of music shows including the American Music Awards, Billboard Music Awards, New Year’s Rockin’ Eve and Academy of Country Music Awards, would ever intentionally compromise the success of any artist is defamatory, outrageous and frankly absurd. « 

Similarity rank: 5
Sentiment rank: 0

© Source: http://www.cbsnews.com/media/mariah-careys-flubs-in-the-spotlight/
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At least 60 inmates killed in prison riot in northern Brazil; several victims beheaded


NewsHubState public security secretary Sergio Fontes said that in addition to the deaths, some inmates escaped, but he did not say how many. Several prison guards were held hostage.
“This is the biggest prison massacre in our state’s history,” Fontes said during a press conference. The riot began Sunday afternoon and lasted until Monday morning.
Two of the biggest crime gangs of Brazil began fighting last year over control of several prisons and authorities in Amazonas believe that’s the reason behind the first riot of 2017.
Fontes said the inmates made few demands to end the riot, which hints at a killing spree organized by members of a local gang against those of another that is based in Sao Paulo.
The secretary said officers found a hole in a prison wall through which authorities believe weapons entered the building.
Fontes confirmed that many of the dead had been beheaded and Judge Luis Carlos Valois, who negotiated the end of the riot with inmates, said he saw many bodies that were quartered.
“I never saw anything like that in my life. All those bodies, the blood,” Valois wrote on Facebook.
Valois said that during the negotiations, inmates only asked “that we did not transfer them, made sure they were not attacked and kept their visitation.”
The BBC reports the riot began when six headless bodies were tossed over the prison’s walls. The prison, which was built for roughly 460 inmates, is believed to house almost 600.
Brazil’s frequently overcrowded prisons occasionally see bloody riots featuring dismemberment .
The riot ended after the inmates freed the last of the 12 prison staffers they had held hostage, Valois said.
In another prison in Amazonas, 87 inmates escaped in the first hours of Monday, Fonte said.
One of the inmates posted a picture on Facebook as he left the prison.

Similarity rank: 6.4
Sentiment rank: -97.3

© Source: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/brazil-prison-riot-dozens-killed-some-inmates-escape-amazonas-brazil/
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Police identify victim, suspect in New Year’s Day stabbing in Portland


NewsHubPortland police on Monday identified the victim of a stabbing in the Munjoy Hill South housing development early on New Year’s Day.
Lt. Robert Martin said Anthony Peters, 23, was hospitalized for treatment of stab wounds that were serious but not life-threatening.
Alyssa Keating, 22, was charged with aggravated assault in connection with the attack and is being held at the Cumberland County Jail in Portland.
Martin said Peters has been summonsed on charges of criminal trespass and criminal mischief.
Police were called to the residence around 3 a.m. Sunday after reports of an argument that Martin characterized as a domestic dispute.
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Similarity rank: 7
Sentiment rank: -8.7

© Source: http://www.pressherald.com/2017/01/02/victim-of-portland-stabbing-identified/
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Клімкін відправиться в Донбас з прихильником пом'якшення антиросійських санкцій, який очолив ОБСЄ


NewsHubМіністр закордонних справ України Павло Клімкін разом з новим головою ОБСЄ, який очолює МЗС Австрії, Себастьяном Курцем 3-4 січня здійснять робочий візит в Донбас.
Як повідомляється , метою візиту австрійського дипломата є ознайомлення « зі станом імплементації Мінських домовленостей, соціально-економічною ситуацією в регіоні, обумовленою військовою агресією Росії проти України ».
« Клімкін і Курц обговорять зусилля австрійського головування в ОБСЄ в 2017 році, спрямовані на врегулювання конфлікту та навколо України, в т. ч. про перспективи розгортання збройної поліцейської місії ОБСЄ в окремих районах Донецької і Луганської областей, зміцнення потенціалу Спеціальної моніторингової місії ОБСЄ в Україні з метою здійснення ефективного моніторингу і верифікації виконання Мінських домовленостей », – говориться на сайті МЗС України.
Нагадаємо, раніше повідомлялося, що глава міністерства закордонних справ Австрії Себастьян Курц, який виступає за зняття санкцій з кремлівського режиму, зібрався з візитом в Україну.

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