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Члены НАПК не смогли собраться на внеочередное заседание


На заседании должны быть минимум три члена агентства.
На соответствующее заседание, которое созвала председатель Агентства по вопросам предотвращения коррупции Наталья Корчак, не пришли члены НАПК Руслан Рябошапка и Руслан Радецкий. Об этом сообщает корреспондент  » Украинской правды « .
На заседании должны были рассмотреть вопрос о признании сбоев работы реестра уважительной причиной для неподачи деклараций до 1 апреля, выводы о мониторинге отчетов партий и другие вопросы.
Как сообщил на заседании представитель НАПК Александр Скопич, реестр за последние дни работает в штатном режиме.
Лица, которые занимают особо важные должности и должны подать декларации до 1 апреля, уже подали 99 774 декларации. Из этой категории декларации еще не подали около 3 тысяч чиновников. В общем в системе уже зарегистрирована 890 тысяч 301 ежегодная декларация.
Для того, чтобы НАПК могло принимать решения, на заседании должно быть минимум трое членов агентства.
Как заявил Скопич, « динамика заходов на сайт реестра упала, поэтому все декларанты, которые должны подать декларации до 1 апреля, могут успеть это сделать до конца дня ».
Как известно, ранее член НАПК Руслан Рябошапка заявлял, что Наталья Корчак исчерпала свой потенциал на посту главы ведомства.
29 марта премьер Владимир Гройсман призвал членов Национального агентства по вопросам предотвращения коррупции подать в отставку из-за неполадок с системой подачи электронных деклараций.
В свою очередь председатель НАПК Наталья Корчак в ответ на эти призывы заявила, что не собирается уходить в отставку.
Также Корчак обвинила Руслана Радецкого в торможении работы НАПК .

Similarity rank: 6.4

© Source: http://telegraf.com.ua/ukraina/politika/3242349-chlenyi-napk-ne-smogli-sobratsya-na-vneocherednoe-zasedanie.html
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Unstructured data was a big target for attacks last year: Report


CISOs often focus on protecting structured data such as credit cards, passwords and personal health information. But a new report from IBM
CISOs often focus on protecting structured data such as credit cards, passwords and personal health information. But a new report from IBM reminds infosec pros that unstructured data — ranging from the contents of email, source code and intellectual property — is just as high on the target list of attackers.
In fact, the report notes, the 5GB of data stolen from an Ontario casino ranks among the top global leaks of unstructured data last year. The breach at Casino Rama Resort allegedly included the facility’s IT information, financial reports regarding the hotel and casino, security incident reports, patron credit inquiries, collection and debt information and more.
That observation and others come from IBM’s 2017 Threat Intelligence Index (registration required), which looks back at 2016 makes some interesting conclusions.
Most readers, of course, will remember the hack of email from the U. S. Democratic Party as a prime example of a theft of unstructured data, incidents that are still in the headlines south of the border.
But the report also notes the April 2016 leak of 11.5 million documents from a Panamanian law firm which exposed offshore accounting of thousands of prominent people from around the world. Reporters from around the world have dipped into “Panama Papers,” as they were dubbed, which showed insider financials of several current and former heads of state, their friends and family, as well as businesspeople and celebrities.
To no-0ne’s surprise, 2016 was another record year for breaches, with over 4 billion gone out the door. That’s more than double the number of the two previous years combined, says IBM. However, it includes 1.5 billion records from breaches at Yahoo that were done in years previous years but only divulged in 2016. Four men, including one with dual Canadian citizenship, were charged earlier this month with one of those attacks.
Last year saw another dubious record: The highest number of publicly disclosed software vulnerabilities (10,197), which doesn’t speak well for the industry’s skill at secure development — and those were only the publicly disclosed ones. Web application vulnerability disclosures made up 22 per cent of the total, a large majority of which were cross-site scripting and SQLi vulnerabilities.
“One positive development during 2016 is that many companies now are using more secure hashing functions such as bycrypt to store passwords,” the report says. “The result is that even after a breach, such as the theft of 43 million Weebly19 accounts and 87 million Daily Motion20 accounts in October, it may be more difficult to crack the passwords, devaluing the data and the scope of the attack.
“Still, given the frequently reported top 10 password lists that have been circulating for several years, it might be useful for web services to reject some of the most common passwords and require users to set something more secure.”
Spam has always been a pain for infosec pros, but in the last years the amount of it with malicious payloads has significantly increased, the report notes — and 85 per cent of it was ransomware. On the other hand the report notes that some criminals, including those behind the Dridex banking Trojan, are using less spam and more spear phishing to trap victims. A number of cyber gangs are increasingly targeting businesses rather than consumers, the report says.
Finally, the report makes — another — plea to organizations to practice security fundamentals. “To complement a solid information security foundation,” it adds, “organizations can continue to engage in collaboration to learn best practices and share findings and insights with colleagues. The faster they react to cybercrime findings and share their experiences across the security community, the less time each malware variant can live and or see successful fraud attacks.”
The report uses both anonymized data from IBM monitored security clients and data derived from non-customer assets such as spam sensors and honeynets.

© Source: http://www.itworldcanada.com/article/unstructured-data-was-a-big-target-for-attacks-last-year-report/391942
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Nintendo Switch emulator bait used to spread malware and ransomware, warns Norton


All bait and no Switch, warn security researchers,Hardware,Software,Security ,Symantec,Security,Cloud Computing,Nintendo,security,nintendo switch,the legend of zelda
Internet users scouring the web for Nintendo Switch emulators so that they can play pirated versions of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild have been warned that they will only end up infecting their PCs with malware or, worse still, ransomware.
That’s according to research by security specialists at Symantec’s anti-virus unit Norton , which indicates that scammers have been quick to take advantage of the popularity of the Nintendo Switch and, especially, the latest Zelda game.
« Over the last few weeks, scammers have been trying to dupe users into believing that a software emulator exists for the Nintendo Switch, the company’s newest console that was released on March 3, 2017, » explain the emergency response team of Norton staffers.
« A search for ‘Nintendo Switch Emulator’ on YouTube yields a variety of results, racking up tens of thousands of views (the most having over 76,000), while others have several hundred views. The content of the videos vary significantly.
« Some videos contain a step-by-step process showing how to visit a website, download a file, and play Nintendo’s The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild on a PC.  »
While the videos are convincing, many don’t refer to the Switch emulator – which suggests that they are part of generic scam that is being re-used.
Anyone getting this far into the experience would then be presented with a form to fill out in order to download the fake emulator. In some cases, the form will not be a feature and people will instead just be shoved in the direction of a download. Norton says that whatever the route, the destination is the same.
« Whether it’s survey scams or potentially unwanted applications, the YouTube videos and websites are likely driven by affiliate programs. The affiliate would be responsible for delivering a user to the website to fill out a survey, complete an offer, or download a file, » it explained.
« For each successful conversion (a completed survey, offer, or download) the affiliate would collect a commission from the advertising network. In this case, it is unclear how much each affiliate is making for each conversion.  »
However, while there aren’t any Nintendo Switch emulators available even on the internet’s darker extremeties, Norton claims that there is a decent Wii U emulator available called Cemu.
But the company has some other advice for wannabe emulator players, though they may not like it.
« If you’re looking to play emulated games on your personal computer, be wary of websites that ask you to fill out a survey to unlock content — that’s a big red flag that you’re being scammed. Do some additional research before you download and install any application on your computer, » it warns.
« And if you really want to play games for the Nintendo Switch, consider buying one instead. « 

© Source: http://www.computing.co.uk/ctg/news/3007553/nintendo-switch-emulator-bait-used-to-spread-malware-and-ransomware-warns-norton
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Украину грозятся исключить из Евровидения за Самойлову: письмо


Глава Европейского вещательного союза направила письмо Гройсману с критикой решения Украины запретить въезд российской конкурсантке Юлии Самойловой
Европейский вещательный союз (EBU) подтвердил угрозу лишения Украины права участия в песенном конкурсе Евровидение в том случае, если страна не откажется от решения запретить въезд конкурсантке от государства-агрессора России Юлии Самойловой, которая нарушила украинское законодательство при посещении временно аннексированного Крыма. Соответствующее письмо главы EBU Ингрид Дельтенре премьер-министру Владимиру Гройсману опубликовано на сайте Oikotimes, посвященном Евровидению; его подлинность подтвердили в комментарии Deutsche Welle.
В письме, датированном 23 марта 2017 года, Дельтенре предупредила главу правительства, что Украину могут исключить из будущих соревнований, если официальный Киев не позволит Самойловой въехать в страну. Кроме того, она проинформировала Гройсмана о том, что некоторые участники Евровидения якобы возмущены решением Украины и « рассматривают возможность » бойкота конкурса.
Фото: oikotimes.com
« Ни одна из принимающих стран ранее не препятствовала выступлению любого артиста на Евровидении, поэтому EBU не хотела бы создавать прецедент в 2017 году. Мы рассматриваем исключение российской певицы из конкурса как неприемлемый шаг », – говорится в письме Дельтенре.
Также в письме утверждается, что у EBU нет « никакой информации о том, что Самойлова может представлять угрозу национальной безопасности Украины ».
22 марта 2017 года СБУ объявила Самойлову персоной нон грата из-за незаконного посещения ею временно оккупированного Крыма. В EBU предложили транслировать выступление певицы по видеосвязи, однако власти государства-агрессора России отказались от этой идеи. Сама Самойлова надеется , что « все еще переменится ».
Читайте также: Руководство Евровидения недовольно запретом СБУ по Самойловой
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Similarity rank: 10.6

© Source: http://news.liga.net/news/politics/14723687-ukrainu_grozyat_isklyuchit_iz_evrovideniya_iz_za_samoylovoy_pismo.htm
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Tokyo will test Toyota's new hybrid boat during 2020 Olympics


Hybrid-electric powertrains aren’t just for cars.
Toyota isn’t just working on hybrid cars. It’s also built a hybrid-electric boat as part of a feasibility study, and it’ll loan the boat to Tokyo’s government for use during the 2020 Olympics.
The automaker (er, boatmaker?) claims this is Japan’s « first leisure craft with a parallel-hybrid system.  » A parallel-hybrid system means both the gas engine and electric motors provide motive force.
Roadshow got boring. We’re Boatshow now.
Toyota is using the boat to conduct a feasibility study on hybrid boats, which will run from July 2018 to March 2021 in Tokyo. Part of this study involves lending the boat to the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. It will be used for pier maintenance and canal tours at the Port of Tokyo. The boat will also have a special role in 2020, visiting the venues for the 2020 Olympics and Paralympic Games.
The study will figure out if hybrid boats are beneficial enough to pursue. Tokyo’s government will collect data on performance and convenience for Toyota. The electric motor offers lower emissions and noise levels while increasing fuel efficiency, but if doesn’t provide enough improvement, it will be a hard sell.

Similarity rank: 1

© Source: https://www.cnet.com/roadshow/news/tokyo-will-test-toyotas-new-hybrid-boat-during-2020-olympics/
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ハンセン病隔離法廷、弁護団が国賠請求へ 検察方針受け


ハンセン病患者の 刑事裁判が隔離された「特別法廷」 で開かれていた問題で、 最高検検事が31日、 特別法廷で裁かれた患者の 死刑が執行された「菊池事件」 の 弁護団と熊本市内で面会した。 検察は差別的に運用された法…

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://www.asahi.com/articles/ASK3031R5K30TIPE00C.html?ref=rss
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横浜の小1死亡事故、88歳男性を不起訴 認知症と診断


横浜市港南区で昨年10月、 集団登校中の 小学生の 児童の 列に軽トラックが突っ込み、 1年生の 田代優(まさる)君(当時6)が死亡した事故で、 横浜地検は31日、 自動車運転死傷処罰法違反(過失運転致死傷)容疑で…

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://www.asahi.com/articles/ASK305RGHK30ULOB018.html?ref=rss
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Beyonce is top choice for Nala in “Lion King” remake


Jon Favreau’s remake of « The Lion King » is shaping up, and he reportedly has only one star in mind for the role of Nala
Jon Favreau’s remake of “The Lion King” is shaping up, and he reportedly has only one star in mind for the role of Nala.
The “Jungle Book” director’s top choice for the role — the love interest of grown-up Simba — is Beyonce, according to Variety .
Sources tell the publication that the “Lemonade” star — who is currently pregnant with twins — has not yet made a decision about the role. Donald Glover has signed on to voice Simba, and James Earl Jones is returning to reprise his role of Mufasa.
The film will be done in a similar style to Favreau’s “The Jungle Book,” with stars providing voices to photo-realistic animated animals.
The 2016 “Jungle Book” remake went on to make $966.6 million at the global box office, and Favreau is currently working on a sequel while Disney fast-tracks his “Lion King” remake.

Similarity rank: 1.1
Sentiment rank: 1.9

© Source: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/beyonce-nala-lion-king-remake/
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Trump administration slams China over trade issues


Ahead of key summit, U. S. trade officials say Chinese export policy distorts global markets and undermines competition
The annual trade barriers list from the U. S. Trade Representative’s office sets up more areas of potential irritation for the first face-to-face meeting between President Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping next week in Florida.
USTR, controlled by the White House, said that Chinese government industrial policies and financial support for industries such as steel and aluminum have resulted in over-production and a flood of exports that have distorted global markets and undermined competitive companies.
At the 2017 World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Trump adviser and founder of SkyBridge Capital Anthony Scaramucci talks with CBS News abo…
“While China has begun to take steps to address steel excess capacity, these steps have been inadequate to date and even fewer efforts have been taken by China in aluminum and other sectors,” USTR said in the report.
The USTR released the list of trade irritants in 63 countries just after senior Trump trade officials announced an executive order to study the causes of U. S. trade deficits.
The report said China also is using a series of cybersecurity restrictions as part of an apparent long-term goal to replace foreign information and communications technology products and services with locally produced versions.
USTR also accused China of using a range of measures to engineer the transfer of foreign technology to local firms. It said these include denying financial or regulatory approvals to companies using foreign-owned intellectual property or that do not conduct research or manufacture products in China.
“China also reportedly conditions foreign investment approvals on technology transfer to Chinese entities, mandates adverse licensing terms on foreign IP licensors, uses anti-monopoly laws to extract technology on unreasonable terms and subsidizes acquisition of foreign high technology firms to bring technology to the Chinese parent companies.”
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is in Asia visiting Japan, South Korea, and China to strengthen foreign relations and discuss the growing threat…
Gaps in IP rights enforcement have allowed the misappropriation of foreign IP and trade secrets, both within and outside of China.
USTR’s criticisms are consistent with increasingly vocal concerns raised by international business groups about what they see as a worsening business climate for foreign firms in China, as well as China’s goal to boost domestic manufacturing content in 10 sectors from robotics to biopharmaceuticals.
Earlier this month, the European Union Chamber of Commerce said the “Made in China 2025” plan amounts to a “large-scale import substitution plan aimed at nationalizing key industries” or “severely curtailing the position of foreign business.”
USTR also brought up longstanding complaints about online piracy of movies, books, music, video games and software in China as well as a ban on U. S. beef that has been in place since 2003.
It said delays in China’s approval process for agricultural products derived from biotechnology also worsened in 2016, hurting U. S. corn exports.
The meeting next week with China will be a very difficult one in that we can no longer have massive trade deficits…
Mr. Trump will meet with President Xi on April 6-7 at Mr. Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida. In a tweet after the U. S. and China announced the summit, President Trump predicted a “very difficult meeting.”
“We can no longer have massive trade deficits and job losses. American companies must be prepared to look at other alternatives,” Mr. Trump wrote.
Along with trade, other issues expected to be on the table are North Korea and territorial disputes in the South China Sea .
(Reporting by David Lawder; Editing by Michael Perry)

Similarity rank: 1.1
Sentiment rank: -0.7

© Source: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-administration-slams-china-over-trade-issues/
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Chuck Schumer warns Republicans about changing Senate rules to confirm Neil Gorsuch


The Senate minority leader has threatened to filibuster Gorsuch’s nomination to serve on the Supreme Court
Minority Leader Chuck Schumer lost two in his caucus Thursday when Democratic Sens. Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota said they would vote for the Colorado jurist. But Schumer still appears to be on track to amass enough Democratic votes to block the nomination, which could prompt Republicans to change Senate rules so that Gorsuch could be confirmed.
Schumer, of New York, had tough words for his Republican counterpart, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, in an interview with The Associated Press.
“He’s bound and determined to change the rules and trample on Senate tradition” to get a conservative nominee approved, Schumer said of McConnell. “Let the public judge whether that is a good thing.”
Manchin and Heitkamp join all 52 Senate Republicans, who argue the Denver-based federal appeals court judge is impeccably qualified to succeed the late Justice Antonin Scalia on the high court. Republicans accuse Democrats, and Schumer in particular, of playing politics by opposing Gorsuch.
The Senate confirmation vote is expected late next week. Unless 60 senators support Gorsuch – which would require six more Democrats to join Heitkamp and Manchin – Republicans would have to unilaterally change Senate rules to allow Gorsuch to be confirmed with a simple majority vote in the 100-member Senate.
That scenario is looking increasingly inevitable, even though it is known on Capitol Hill as the “nuclear option” because it would amount to a dramatic departure from Senate norms of bipartisanship and collegiality. Although McConnell has yet to formally announce plans to take the step, Republican senators fully expect it and are prepared, even if regretful.
Schumer conducted back-to-back interviews with several major news outlets Thursday to argue that it will be the fault of Republicans, not Democrats, if the rules change happens.
“Senate Republicans are acting like if Gorsuch doesn’t get 60 votes they have no choice but to change the rules,” Schumer said. “That is bunk.” He claimed that Trump should produce a more mainstream nominee instead.
As for Manchin and Heitkamp, Schumr said: “I’ve made my arguments to every member including them and each member is going to make his or her own decision.”
In his statement, Manchin said: “I hold no illusions that I will agree with every decision Judge Gorsuch may issue in the future, but I have not found any reasons why this jurist should not be a Supreme Court Justice.”
Heitkamp said she expects Gorsuch to follow through on his promise of an independent judiciary that “acts as a proper check and balance on the other two branches of government.”
In all, 34 Democrats have said so far that they definitely will oppose Gorsuch.
Also Thursday, Missouri Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill, who says she is torn over how to vote, highlighted the dilemma for Democratic senators running next year in states that Trump won in last November’s presidential election.
Should they vote for Gorsuch and anger their liberal base? Or vote to block Gorsuch and prompt Republicans to permanently change Senate rules to eliminate the filibuster?
“It is obviously a really difficult situation,” McCaskill told reporters.
McCaskill’s comments came after The Kansas City Star released audio of her talking to donors over the weekend. In the recording, which the Missouri Republican Party gave to the newspaper, McCaskill says the decision is difficult because if the filibuster is eliminated, Trump could nominate another justice without having to compromise with Democrats, and “all of a sudden, the things I fought for with scars on my back to show for it in this state are in jeopardy.”
If confirmed, Gorsuch would replace Scalia , who died in February 2016. But if one of the more liberal justices dies or retires, Trump’s next pick could fundamentally alter the balance of the court. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is 84 and fellow liberal Justice Stephen Breyer is 78. Justice Anthony Kennedy, the pivotal vote closest to the court’s center, is 80.
Changing Senate rules would not be unprecedented. In 2013, Democrats were in the majority under the leadership of Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada and upset about the blockage of President Barack Obama’s nominees to a powerful appellate court. The Democrats pushed through a rules change lowering the vote threshold on all nominees except for the Supreme Court from 60 to a simple majority.
Schumer conceded Thursday that “We made one mistake, we shouldn’t have changed the rules for lower court judges … but we never did it for Supreme Court. This is a much bigger mistake on their behalf.”
And he defended Democratic plans to filibuster Gorsuch, even though that step has very rarely been used against Supreme Court nominees. Schumer pointed to the treatment last year of Merrick Garland, Obama’s Supreme Court nominee, who never got a hearing as McConnell led a Republican blockade.
“Judge Garland didn’t even get the opportunity to be filibustered, so let’s not say this is unprecedented,” Schumer said.

Similarity rank: 1.1
Sentiment rank: 0

© Source: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/chuck-schumer-warns-republicans-about-changing-senate-rules-to-confirm-neil-gorsuch/
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