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Бойовики 30 разів відкривали вогонь по позиціях ЗСУ, поранені двоє військовослужбовців


У вівторок, 28 березня, бойовики 30 разів відкривали вогонь по позиціях ЗСУ, двоє військовослужбовців отримали…
У вівторок, 28 березня, бойовики 30 разів відкривали вогонь по позиціях ЗСУ, двоє військовослужбовців отримали поранення, повідомляє прес-центр АТО в Facebook.
Зокрема, на Донецькому напрямку з мінометів калібру 120 мм бойовики обстріляли українські позиції в районі Авдіївки, Троїцького та Луганського. По Авдіївці, Опитному, Троїцькому терористи стріляли з мінометів калібру 82 мм.
Опорні пункти ЗСУ поблизу Луганського були обстріляні з озброєння БМП, а по позиціях ЗСУ в районі н. п. Піски, Луганського та Троїцького бойовики стріляли з гранатометів різних систем і великокаліберних кулеметів.
На Маріупольському напрямку неподалік Тарамчука бойовики намагалися поцілити по позиціях силовиків з 82 мм міномета. По морським піхотинцям в Широкіному терористи стріляли з зенітної установки ЗУ-23-2.
Опорні пункти під Водяним обстрілювали з гранатометів і кулеметів, позиції у Павлополя накривали вогнем з гранатометів. Під Гнутовим і Водяним активізувалися снайпери бойовиків.
На Луганському напрямку неспокійно було в районі Новозванівки, де бойовики стріляли з мінометів калібру 82 мм. У свою чергу, Новоолександрівку було обстріляно з гранатометів різних систем.
Згідно ранкового зведення прес-центру АТО, ситуація на Донбасі стабілізувалася, кількість обстрілів позицій Збройних Сил України з боку бойовиків зменшилася. За добу зафіксовано 58 випадків порушення режиму припинення вогню.

Similarity rank: 6.2

© Source: http://nv.ua/ukr/ukraine/events/bojoviki-30-raziv-vidkrivali-vogon-po-pozitsijah-vsu-poraneni-dvoje-vijskovosluzhbovtsiv-881265.html
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Facebook brings Stories, its Snapchat clone, to main app


After testing the feature outside the US, Mark Zuckerberg’s social network is bringing the format Snapchat « pioneered » to its marquee app.
Facebook Stories, similar to Snapchat’s popular feature, is launching globally.
Facebook just made its biggest move in its war against Snapchat.
The social network on Tuesday widely released Facebook Stories, a near-identical clone of rival Snapchat’s popular feature, also called Stories. The feature lets people post a string of videos and photos that disappear after 24 hours.
If it sounds like you’ve heard this before, you have. Facebook has already brought Stories to many of its other apps: Instagram has Instagram Stories. WhatsApp has something called Status. Messenger’s version is called Messenger Day. But this is the first time Facebook is bringing Stories globally to its marquee app, which gets more than 1.7 billion mobile visitors a month. (Facebook had previously been testing the feature in a handful of countries outside the US, including Ireland and Chile.)
« Yes, this is something that was pioneered by Snapchat, » Connor Hayes, a product manager at Facebook, said during a press briefing in San Francisco on Monday. « We think they did a great job of uncovering that Stories as a format is the way that people really want to share photos and videos in social apps.  »
You can add filters to photos and videos.
With Facebook Stories, you can add filters or masks — what Snapchat calls « lenses » — to your pictures or videos. For example, you can give someone a unibrow, mustache, sunglasses or glitter beard. (Yes, that’s a beard made of digital glitter.) Or you can filter a video so it looks like it was created in the style of a famous artist, like Picasso.
To get to the new camera features, open up the app and swipe right. After you’ve decided what you want to share, you can post it as a Story, post it on your News Feed, or send it to groups or individuals with another new feature called Direct. Those photos and videos you send with Direct will self-detonate too, just like on Snapchat. The features are available on iPhones and Android phones.
The updates amount to the biggest change to how people can post to Facebook since the social network introduced the News Feed in 2006 or Timelines in 2011. Hayes said that now people take a lot more photos and videos, so these products are meant to keep up with that behavior.
« We think it’s our responsibility to update the Facebook app and really upgrade it so [pictures and videos] are more a part of their experience, » he said.
But for anyone who uses Snapchat, those products are anything but new. Facebook has a long history of trying to edge out its younger competitor, which is beloved by teens and young adults. Nearly 70 percent of all 18- to 24-year-olds in the US use the app, according to ComScore.
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg famously tried to buy Snapchat for $3 billion in 2013, only to have Snapchat cofounder Evan Spiegel balk at the offer. Facebook also built two Snapchat ripoffs, called Poke and Slingshot, that never caught on. They’ve both been killed. Meanwhile, Snap, Snapchat’s parent company, grew to become a formidable Facebook opponent. Earlier this month, Snap went public in a $3.4 billion IPO .
You’ll see Stories about your News Feed.
But while Facebook’s early attempts foundered, the company has found some success in trying to clone Snapchat Stories. Instagram Stories, which debuted in August, now has 150 million users a day, and the company said earlier this year that ads are coming in the feature.
For the Facebook Stories launch, the company partnered with two artists, Vancouver-based Douglas Coupland and London-based Hattie Stewart , to create art for some of the filters and effects. Facebook also partnered with movie studios to create masks for movies including « Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, » « Wonder Woman » and « Despicable Me 3.  » That last filter turns your image into a Minion. But Facebook declined to discuss the terms of those partnerships, or its ad strategy going forward.
Zuckerberg seems convinced products like Stories are the way to go. « In most social apps today, a text box is still the default way we share, » Zuckerberg told financial analysts in November. « Soon, we believe, a camera will be the main way that we share.  »
Now, he’s taking that bet to hallowed ground for the company: Facebook itself, the social network he created in his dorm room 13 years ago. So get ready, here come the glitter beards.

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: https://www.cnet.com/news/facebook-stories-snapchat-snap-main-app/
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Razer Updates The Razer Blade Pro With THX Certification


Late last year, Razer acquired the majority of THX , and while it may have seemed like something outside their normal realm,…
Late last year, Razer acquired the majority of THX , and while it may have seemed like something outside their normal realm, today Razer is announcing an updated Razer Blade Pro, with THX Certification. For those unfamiliar, THX has been certifying audio and video equipment for decades, with an initial focus on the cinema, and then branching out in to consumer electronics. With their new parent company, it makes a lot of sense to branch into computer certification.
First, let’s go over what’s new on the Razer Blade Pro. Just this month, Brandon finished his review on the Razer Blade Pro which launched late last year. The updated model launching today has some decent upgrades over the original model. First off, the CPU has been upgraded to Kaby Lake, but rather than doing a straight swap from the Core i7-6700HQ to the Core i7-7700HQ, Razer has gone with the Core i7-7820HK processor, which is 2.9-3.9 GHz, but it is also an unlocked processor, and Razer is supporting CPU overclocking in the Synapse software. One of the issues Brandon pointed out in the review was that Razer was billing the Razer Blade Pro as the ultimate laptop, but they went with the same quad-core processor as far less expensive laptops, so this is a great change. There’s only one quad-core mobile part over this, and it’s not unlocked, and being unlocked is going to improve the appeal to this market. In addition, Razer has bumped the RAM frequency to DDR4 2667 MHz, up from 2133 MHz DDR4 previously. It’s a small change, but a welcome one.
The other specifications have not changed. It still features a NVIDIA GTX 1080 8 GB graphics card, driving a 17.3-inch UHD 3840×2160 IGZO G-SYNC display, with 100% Adobe RGB color gamut, and 512 GB to 2 TB SSD support in RAID 0 with two SSDs. We’ve said this before, but honestly one good SSD would be better for most users, but it seems like the gaming market is migrating towards RAID 0 again. The form factor, light weight for a laptop of this performance, and other items remain.
The big new feature is THX Certification, and the Razer Blade Pro is the first laptop to be qualified for THX Mobile Certification. I spoke with Razer and THX about what this entails, and it appears to be good news for end users. THX tests several models from the pre-production phase onwards, with feedback from the first test looping back into the hardware configuration until the later generation units meet the testing guidelines. What those guidelines are, are unfortunately still a mystery, since THX and Razer have not gotten back to us yet on their targets, but if they do we will let you know. THX did say that they test panel performance on brightness and contrast, and are including a color profile to give a white point of D65, Rec. 709 color gamut, and low error levels, although low wasn’t defined at our meeting. The color gamut support here is important, since previous to this, the Razer Blade Pro only displayed in the Adobe RGB color space, which is much wider than sRGB. This leads to blown out colors, unless the app itself is color managed, which is a rare thing in Windows. This new color profile from THX should alleviate one of the biggest issues with the Razer Blade Pro in day to day use.
The second part of THX Mobile Certification is for audio, and while you may be expecting this to apply to the speakers, it’s actually certification for the headphone jack. This might seem a bit odd, but with the noise level of a thin and powerful system, certifying the headphone jack is arguably the better call, and honestly there’s little chance for small laptop speakers to meet much of a certification anyway. On the headphone jack, THX certification means that there has to be a flat frequency response, even with different impedance loads from different headphones, along with low distortion and high power, and a low noise floor to ensure there is no background hiss. Assuming the Razer Blade Pro didn’t already meet these targets, this should mean an improved experience from the headphone jack, although as with the display certification, we were not provided exact certification standards.
There are certainly going to be people who feel this kind of certification isn’t necessary, but there definitely is some extra confidence when you purchase something as expensive as a Razer Blade Pro, and you are ensured that the display and audio meet a certain threshold of performance. The addition of a Rec. 709 color gamut profile from THX for the Razer Blade Pro is a big win for end users as well, since there was no way before to cap the color gamut for apps with no color management.
With the new overclockable CPU, faster memory, and THX Certification, Razer has also bumped the starting price to $3999.99, and availability will start in April on Razerzone.com.
Source: Razer

Similarity rank: 2.1

© Source: http://www.anandtech.com/show/11228/razer-updates-the-razer-blade-pro-with-thx-certification
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Netgear Expands Orbi Wi-Fi System Family with AC2200 Kits


Netgear introduced their first product in the Wi-Fi system / mesh category, the Orbi, in August 2016. Its dedicated wireless backhaul (4×4 802…
Netgear introduced their first product in the Wi-Fi system / mesh category, the Orbi, in August 2016. Its dedicated wireless backhaul (4×4 802.11ac / 1733 Mbps) and 2×2 radios with MU-MIMO support for the clients (on both the router and the satellite) made it one of the best performing Wi-Fi system kits in the market. Since the introduction of the Orbi RBK50 (AC3000), various vendors in the Wi-Fi market have come with their own variants. The increasing competition has turned out to be good for consumers, resulting in kits getting introduced at very competitive price points.
Many mesh systems come in packs of three, but, Orbi stood out with its claim of being able to blanket a 4000 sq. ft house with just a router and a satellite. Despite the high price (mainly due to additional hardware, compared to a regular router), mesh / Wi-Fi systems have been enjoying very good market reception. In order to tackle the increased competition (often coming in at a lower price point compared to the Netgear Orbi RBK50 kit), Netgear is introducing two additional members in the Orbi family – the RBK30 and RBK40. Like the RBK50, the main unit and the satellite in the RBK40 are similar in appearance and available interfaces. However, the physical dimensions of the RBK40’s components are smaller than that of the RBK50. The RBK40 and the RBK30 share the same router, but, the satellite in the latter is of the wall-plug variety and has no wired ports. The other differences between the three are summarized in the table below.
Netgear is able to reach these lower price points due to the following changes compared to the RBK50:
During the press briefing, Netgear emphasized that they support both PC-based and mobile app-based setup for the Orbi. Particular stress was also made on the ability of the Orbi kits to operate effectively without any reliance on the cloud (unlike products such as the Google OnHub that have encountered various issues due to over-reliance on the cloud for day-to-day operation).
Netgear is also making the satellites available for purchase separately. The price points for these extenders range from $150 for the wall-plug variety to $250 for the one with the 4×4 backhaul link.
The new Orbi products also use the same Qualcomm Atheros IPQ4019 network processor SoC, along with the Wi-Fi SON features. While retaining the same feature set, the RBK30 and RBK40 expand the target market for Wi-Fi systems. The lower price points will also help Netgear in tackling the increasing competition.

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://www.anandtech.com/show/11231/netgear-expands-orbi-wifi-system-family-with-ac2200-kits
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Samsung Galaxy S8 launch: Watch it live here Wednesday, 8 a.m. PT


Samsung is finally launching the Galaxy S8 phone. Watch the event as it unfolds in real time.
It’s finally happening.
The Samsung Galaxy S8 is being officially unveiled on Wednesday in New York. For Samsung , the stakes are huge: After the Galaxy Note 7 battery fire fiasco , this is the company’s chance to show off its comeback phone, and it pretty much has to be a home run.
The press conference starts at 8 a.m. PT, 11 a.m. ET, 4 p.m. UK and 2 a.m. AEDT. You can watch the action live from Lincoln Center above, and follow live coverage from CNET’s Jessica Dolcourt , Shara Tibken and Roger Cheng , who will be on the ground.
We’ll also be adding links to our stories in real time as they become available.
Earlier coverage:

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: https://www.cnet.com/news/samsung-galaxy-s8-unpacked-watch-launch-live/
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NVIDIA Adds GeForce GTX 1060 To “Prepare for Battle” Bundle


In a brief announcement this morning, NVIDIA is expanding their « Prepare for Battle » bundle to include the GeForce GTX 1060. NVIDIA…
In a brief announcement this morning, NVIDIA is expanding their « Prepare for Battle » bundle to include the GeForce GTX 1060.
NVIDIA’s latest bundle launched nearly two months ago, at the end of January. At the time it launched, the bundle offered anyone who purchased a GeForce GTX 1080, GTX 1070, or a PC or laptop equipped with these cards the option to download either Ubisoft’s For Honor or Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands for free. NVIDIA then expanded the bundle to cover the GTX 1080 Ti upon its launch earlier this month.
Now that a good number of miles have been run on this offer, NVIDIA has included the GeForce GTX 1060 in on the action as well. This means that short of the entry-level GTX 1050 series, everything above in NVIDIA’s GeForce lineup includes a game bundle. It’s a notable distinction, in part because the GTX 1060 is the fastest card in a competitive market for NVIDIA – that is, where AMD offers a card with comparable performance. Consequently, NVIDIA’s bundle has taken on something of a new meaning, as it’s no longer about just throwing in a value add item to higher margin cards, but now about influencing mainstream video card buyers.
Looking at the updated lineup, one thing worth noting here is that while GTX 1080 and GTX 1070 systems were included in the bundle, there is no word on if GTX 1060-equipped desktops or laptops are part of this offer as well.
We haven’t yet received news to how long this offer will run, though we will update here when we catch news of the end date. Meanwhile it is worth remembering to verify the participation of any vendors purchased from as NVIDIA likely will not give codes for purchases made from sellers that are not participating. NVIDIA also makes clear that it is up to the buyer to confirm their vendor of choice is participating in this bundle as NVIDIA cannot provide download codes and coupons for purchases made at non-participating retailers and e-tailers.

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://www.anandtech.com/show/11230/geforce-gtx-1060-added-to-prepare-for-battle-bundle
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安達太良山で雪崩 69歳男性の死亡確認


27日に福島県の 安達太良山で、 登山中の 男性2人が雪崩に巻き込まれた事故で、 28日午後、 この うち69歳の 男性の 死亡が確認されました。
27日に福島県の安達太良山で、登山中の男性2人が雪崩に巻き込まれた事故で、28日午後、このうち69歳の男性の死亡が確認されました。 27日午後、福島県の二本松市と郡山市などの境にある安達太良山の山頂付近で、登山をしていた男性2人が雪崩に巻き込まれました。 警察などが捜索した結果、2人は、山頂から1.5キロほど北にある山小屋の辺りで見つかり、28日午後、ヘリコプターで病院に搬送されましたが、このうち、埼玉県新座市の横山義弘さん(69)の死亡が確認されました。 もう1人の64歳の男性にけがはありませんでした。 警察などによりますと、2人は登山仲間で、26日に山を登り始め、27日の日中に下山する計画だったということで、雪崩に遭った状況などを調べることにしています。

Similarity rank: 4.3
Sentiment rank: -12.2
TW posts: 14
TW reposts: 24
TW likes: 15
TW sentiment: -10

© Source: http://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20170328/k10010927881000.html
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Всі відділення "Сбербанку" розблоковані


З середи всі відділення працюють в штатному режимі.
« В даний час розблоковані всі відділення банку. Два з них – у Києві та Запоріжжі – зараз готуються до відновлення обслуговування клієнтів завтра (в середу) і відкриються в штатному режимі. Відділення банку в Дніпрі вже працює », – зазначила прес-служба.
Всі інші відділення « Сбербанку » працюють в штатному режимі, в тому числі в Сумах і Вінниці, які розблоковані раніше.
Раніше повідомлялося, що російський « Сбербанк » повідомив про продаж 100% акцій дочірнього українського « Сбербанку » консорціуму за участю латвійського Norvik Banka і неназваної приватної компанії з Білорусі.
16 березня, президент України Петро Порошенко затвердив санкції проти функціонуючих в Україні банків з російським капіталом. Санкції терміном в один рік торкнуться ПАТ « Сбербанк », ПАТ « ВиЭс Банк », ПАТ « Акціонерний комерційний промислово-інвестиційний банк » та ПАТ « БМ Банк ».
19 березня заступник голови Нацбанку Катерина Рожкова повідомила, що банки з російським капіталом ведуть переговори про продаж .
Детальніше про санкції проти банків з російським капіталом і їх можливі наслідки для української економіки читайте у матеріалі Юлії Самаевой « Замурували здоровий глузд » в тижневику « Дзеркало тижня. України ».

Similarity rank: 3.1

© Source: http://dt.ua/ECONOMICS/chotiri-z-p-yati-zablokovanih-viddilen-sberbanku-vidnovili-robotu-237853_.html
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В Харькове хирург погорел на крупной взятке


Согласно данным, медик систематически требовал деньги с людей, которые нуждались в медицинской помощи. Правоохранители задержали врача в его рабочем кабинете после получения взятки в 100 тысяч гривен.
КИЕВ, 28 мар — РИА Новости Украина. Служба безопасности Украины задержала харьковского врача, который требовал от пациента сто тысяч гривен за операцию. Врач работает заведующим кафедрой одного из научно-медицинских учреждений Харькова, сообщили в пресс-центре СБ Украины.
СБУ выяснила, что медик систематически требовал деньги с людей, которые нуждались в медицинской помощи. Правоохранители задержали врача в его рабочем кабинете после получения взятки в 100 тысяч гривен.
Открыто уголовное производство, продолжаются следственные действия.
Ранее сообщалось, что прокурор задержан на взятке во Львовской области .

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://rian.com.ua/incidents/20170328/1022679608.html
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Sign up for 2-for-1 tickets to Disrupt Berlin by April 4


Time to wake up people. Disrupt Berlin is going to be the best, most efficient and deal-friendly startup you will go to this year. But even though you’ve..
Time to wake up people. Disrupt Berlin is going to be the best, most efficient and deal-friendly startup you will go to this year.
But even though you’ve heard the rumblings , you haven’t yet signed up for 2-for-1 tickets to Disrupt Berlin 2017. That’s cool, we get it, you’re busy.
But… you don’t want to miss out on this opportunity. The time to act is now. On April 5, we’ll be releasing a limited number of tickets at a special two-for-one price.
By taking advantage of this opportunity now, you can use this extra ticket to bring a friend, colleague, or whoever else you might want to spend a few days geeking out with at Disrupt.
To sign up, all you need to do is enter your email address here on or before April 4. Seriously, that’s it. On April 5th, you’ll receive an email with a link to purchase these deeply discounted tickets. You’re going to want to act quickly, however, as there are only 50 pairs of tickets available , and tickets are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Disrupt attendees get to take in all the things that make the conference the best startup show in Europe. You’ll get to check out promising early-stage international companies in the Startup Alley, Hardware Alley, and the Startup Battlefield competition. Plus, you’ll hear from industry experts in a series of interviews and fireside chats, folks like BlueYard Capital co-founder Ciarán O’Leary and Earlybird Co-Founder and Partner Dr. Christian Nagel , to name a few.
Plus, you’ll get to keep the action going attending the many after-parties when the show floor closes up for the day.
If you happen to be a part of a startup, numerous members of the media will be in attendance as well, making Disrupt a perfect storm to get your company out in front of the folks that can help take it to the next level.
What are you waiting for? Sign up today.
Disrupt Berlin 2017 takes place December 4-5 at the historical Arena Berlin in the heart of Berlin, Germany. We can’t wait to see you all there!
Our sponsors help make Disrupt happen. If you are interested in learning more about sponsorship opportunities, please contact our sponsorship team at sponsors @techcrunch.com .

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