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Japan leases military planes to Philippines for South China Sea patrols


The Philippines Monday took delivery of two Japanese military surveillance aircraft to help it patrol vital sea lanes in the…
The Philippines Monday took delivery of two Japanese military surveillance aircraft to help it patrol vital sea lanes in the South China Sea, despite Manila’s increasingly conciliatory stance to Beijing’s claims over the disputed waters. 
Japan will lease a total of five surplus Beechcraft TC-90 planes to the Philippines, according to Manila’s defence secretary Delfin Lorenzana.
Philippine military chief General Eduardo Ano said the new planes would be deployed over Benham Rise and the South China Sea.
Japan’s attempt to bolster defense cooperation with Manila comes at a time of heightened regional concern over China’s activities in disputed waters. 
“As we are faced with many security-related issues in the Asia-Pacific, including those in the South China Sea, our cooperation with the Philippines for the regional security and stability is now even more significant,” Japanese Defense Minister Kenji Wakamiya said at a ceremony to hand over the planes.
Japan, which has a territorial row with China over disputed islands in the East China Sea, has worked to strengthen ties with other countries in a bid to contain its regional rival.
China claims most of the sea, including waters close to the Philippine coast, despite the claim being declared as without basis last year by a United Nations-backed tribunal.
Beijing opposed the Philippines’ lease of the planes almost as soon as it was announced last year under Manila’s then-president Benigno Aquino, who took a tough stance on China’s territorial ambitions.
However, Aquino’s successor President Rodrigo Duterte has reversed this stance, openly courting China for trade and aid, while playing down the South China Sea dispute.
Earlier this month Duterte said he was open to sharing resources with Beijing in the flashpoint waters, saying he could not stop Beijing from building on a disputed shoal near his country’s west coast, which China seized from the Philippines in 2012.
He also brushed aside concerns over Chinese survey ships that had been seen near Benham Rise—waters east of the main Philippine island of Luzon that have been recognised by the United Nation as indisputably Philippine territory.
Parts of the South China Sea are also subject to competing claims by Brunei, Malaysia, Taiwan and Vietnam.
© 2017 AFP

Similarity rank: 3

© Source: https://www.japantoday.com/category/national/view/japan-leases-military-planes-to-philippines-for-south-china-sea-patrols
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高校生3人死亡、5人心肺停止40人負傷 栃木


27日午前9時20分ごろ、 栃木県那須町湯本の 那須温泉ファミリースキー場で雪崩が起きたと110番があった。 県や消防によると、 県内7高校から「春山登山」 の 研修に参加していたグループが雪崩に巻き込まれ、 県立大田原高(大田原市)の 生徒ら7人と引率教諭1人の 計8人が心肺停止で見つかり、 うち男子生徒3人が死亡した。 骨盤骨折などで自力で歩行できない生徒ら7人を含む計40人も負傷で治療を受けている。 冬型の 気圧配置の 影響で現場一帯は前日から雪が降り続いており、 古い雪面に積もった新雪が滑り落ちる「表層雪崩」 の 可能性がある。

Similarity rank: 6
Sentiment rank: -1.8

© Source: http://mainichi.jp/articles/20170328/k00/00m/040/056000c
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Порошенко договорился с G7 и ЕС минимизировать последствия блокады Донбасса


По информации пресс-службы президента Петра Порошенко, послы стран G7 и Евросоюза выразили понимание вынужденности шагов украинской власти, учитывая противоправную экспроприацию украинской собственности и безответственные действия отдельных политических сил.
Президент Петр Порошенко, послы стран G7 и Евросоюза обсудили решение Киева о транспортной блокаде Донбасса и договорились принять совместные меры для минимизации ее негативных последствий, сообщила в понедельник пресс-служба главы державы. По данным пресс-службы, стороны обсудили решение Совета нацбезопасности и обороны Украины (СНБО) о временном прекращении перемещения товаров через линию соприкосновения в Донбассе. « Послы выразили понимание вынужденности таких шагов украинской власти, учитывая противоправную экспроприацию украинской собственности и безответственные действия отдельных политических сил относительно самовольной и необдуманной так называемой блокады железнодорожных путей в Донбассе », — говорится в сообщении пресс-службы по итогам встречи Порошенко и послов. Стороны подчеркнули важность « недопущения ухудшения гуманитарной ситуации по обе стороны линии разграничения и договорились о принятии совместных мер для минимизации негативных последствий от ограничений », добавили в пресс-службе. В конце января группа бывших бойцов АТО, в числе которых депутаты Верховной Рады, заблокировала на ряде участков грузовое железнодорожное сообщение с неподконтрольной Киеву территорией Донбасса. Они заявили, что, по их мнению, любая торговля с самопровозглашенными республиками является незаконной, а все осуществляемые товарные перевозки являются контрабандой. СНБО 15 марта принял грузов через линию соприкосновения в зоне конфликта. СНБО одобрил предложение президента Петра Порошенко о введении с 15 марта неподконтрольных Киеву территорий Донбасса. Это решение будет действовать, пока предприятия в самопровозглашенных ДНР и ЛНР не вернутся под украинскую юрисдикцию. В ДНР и ЛНР заявили, что блокада противоречит минским соглашениям.

Similarity rank: 9
Sentiment rank: 1.1

© Source: http://rian.com.ua/politics/20170327/1022655782.html
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Explore the World of Minecraft on Xbox One S for $249


Beginning on March 26, the Xbox One S Minecraft Favorites Bundle (500GB) is $249 while supplies last. This bundle features everything you need to create, explore, and survive on Xbox One S! Get full game downloads of Minecraft for Xbox One and…
Beginning on March 26, the Xbox One S Minecraft Favorites Bundle (500GB) is $249 while supplies last.
This bundle features everything you need to create, explore, and survive on Xbox One S! Get full game downloads of Minecraft for Xbox One and Windows 10, plus 13 fabulous, community-favorite content Packs, including Halo Mash-up and Festive Mash-up. Craft new Minecraft worlds together with friends on Xbox Live, the best community of gamers around the world.
Xbox One S is the only console that offers 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray, 4K video streaming and High Dynamic Range. With the fastest, most reliable gaming network with Xbox Live, play over 100 award-winning exclusive games and enjoy a growing library of more than 300 Xbox 360 games playable through Backward Compatibility on Xbox One. You can also stream your favorite movies and shows on Netflix and Hulu in stunning 4K Ultra HD. There’s no better time to buy an Xbox One S, the ultimate games and 4K entertainment system.
Head to Xbox.com to purchase a console from participating retailers including Amazon, Target, GameStop, Best Buy, Walmart.com, and Microsoft Store.

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://news.xbox.com/2017/03/26/minecraft-favorites-bundle-sale-xbox-one-s/
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"Большая семерка": Порошенко пожаловался послам на Россию


Президент Украины Петр Порошенко провел первую встречу с послами стран « Большой семерки » и Европейского Союза в рамках председательства Италии. Об этом сообщает пресс-служба главы государства. Говорили об обострению ситуации на Донбассе в связи с последними деструктивными действиями России…
Президент Украины Петр Порошенко провел первую встречу с послами стран « Большой семерки » и Европейского Союза в рамках председательства Италии. Об этом сообщает пресс-служба главы государства.
Говорили об обострению ситуации на Донбассе в связи с последними деструктивными действиями России на территории отдельных районов Донецкой и Луганской областей, которые подрывают мирный процесс и дальнейшую реализацию Минских договоренностей.
Договорились продолжать давление на российские власти, чтобы вернуться в рамки Минских договоренностей. В частности, путем сохранения и усиления международных санкций против РФ.
Обсудили также решение Совета нацбезопасности Украины о прекращении торговли между Украиной и ЛНР-ДНР.
« Послы выразили понимание по вынужденности таких шагов украинской власти с учетом противоправной экспроприации украинской собственности и безответственных действий отдельных политических сил относительно самовольной и необдуманной так называемой блокады железнодорожных путей на Донбассе.
Была подчеркнута важность недопущения ухудшения гуманитарной ситуации по обе стороны линии разграничения и договорились о принятии совместных мер по минимизации негативных последствий от ограничений перемещения товаров для гражданского населения », – отметили в пресс-службе.
Порошенко проинформировал международных партнеров о прогрессе и перспективе в реализации программы внутренних преобразований. В частности в части антикоррупционной политики, судебной реформы, децентрализации, дерегулирования, энергетики, здравоохранения и создания привлекательного инвестиционного климата.

Similarity rank: 8.5
Sentiment rank: 0.5

© Source: https://gazeta.ua/ru/articles/politics/_bolshaya-semerka-poroshenko-pozhalovalsya-poslam-na-rossiyu/762002
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Onlineanmeldung fürs Ferienprogramm


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In der Ferienwoche vor den Osterfeiertagen bietet das Jugendzentrum Blues ein buntes Programm für Kinder im Alter von neun bis 13 Jahren an. Jeweils zwischen 8.30 und 15.30 Uhr gibt es eine kurzweilige Mischung aus bewährten und neuen Angeboten. Doch eines ist von diesem Jahr an anders: Unter der Internetadresse ferien.jugendzentrum-blues.de können die Eltern ihre Kinder jetzt auch online anmelden. In dem neuen Online-Portal können sich die Eltern registrieren, aus einer Programmübersicht das richtige Angebot für ihr Kind auswählen und es dort auch direkt anmelden. Geht die Überweisung des Teilnahmebeitrags innerhalb von zehn Tagen nach Anmeldung beim Veranstalter ein, so ist einem der Platz sicher. Weiterhin ist aber auch eine Anmeldung direkt im Jugendzentrum möglich.

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://www.sueddeutsche.de/muenchen/ebersberg/markt-schwaben-onlineanmeldung-fuers-ferienprogramm-1.3438827?source=rss
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macOS Sierra 10.12.4 just added iPhone’s best new feature


Night Shift is now available on your Mac
The next phase of macOS Sierra begins today, as version 10.12.4 has finally landed for general release. This version brings with it one of this editor’s most beloved iOS features, Night Shift, among other improvements.
Night Shift, if you’re a Mac user that somehow doesn’t own an iPhone, is a screen altering tool that reduces exposure to blue light, a part of the spectrum that is widely thought to interfere with sleep cycles if exposed to within a few hours before turning in.
The new option can be activated via the Displays menu within the System Preferences tool.
However, that’s about the only truly huge feature present in this fourth major update to macOS since its rebirth last autumn. That said, there are a few changes that some fans will appreciate.
Version 10.12.4 also allows Siri to tell cricket game scores and statistics for the Indian Premier League and International Cricket Council, for starters. The update also adds Dictation support for Shanghainese.
Finally, in addition to resolving several PDF rendering and annotation issues in Preview, the update also adds support for more RAW digital camera formats to render images from more of the latest cameras.
Well, that’s about it. While this was a small update, at least we Mac users now get to enjoy one of the iPhone’s best recent features. And, hey, at least WWDC 2017 is only a few months away.
Click here for the full list of changes launched via the macOS Sierra 10.12.4 update.

Similarity rank: 3.3

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/techradar/allnews/~3/t9HjcHaso9w/macos-sierra-10124-just-added-iphones-best-new-feature
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Between robots’ ‘safe’ and ‘unsafe’ zones, a sort of robot friend zone proposed


It goes without saying that working with robots and heavy machinery is more than a little dangerous. While better practices and ethical companies are still..
It goes without saying that working with robots and heavy machinery is more than a little dangerous. While better practices and ethical companies are still less common than they should be (as this excellent Bloomberg Businessweek piece describes ), smarter robots are another, parallel solution. German research outfit Fraunhofer suggests an intuitive model for human-robot collaboration in industrial settings.
In many places where there are robots operating, there are basically two zones: a safe zone and an unsafe zone. Robots can move quickly and with great force, so basically anywhere within their reach is unsafe, and a designated area away from it is officially safe. Many robots won’t operate at all if someone enters the safe zone.
But when humans and robots need to interact frequently — to inspect parts, to hand things off, or just to get by — it makes sense for there to be a third zone, for friendship and jolly cooperation. The Kooperation Zonen, as the creators call it.
But if the person steps closer, into the red, the robot stops moving altogether. That close it’s not safe for it to be moving at all, and anyway the human is probably getting close in order to shut it down or mess with its innards.
“Our system is already fully functional and has been tested in the lab,” said Mathias Putz, who leads the research division. “This year, the goal is get the trade association to test an application and enable its implementation in the industry.”
Robots are definitely taking over in many parts of industry, but operating and maintaining them is still a very human job. Anything like this that promotes healthy human-robot interactions sounds like a good idea to me.

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/zURj6-dYHG8/
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Samsung will sell a refurbished version of the Note 7 to address environmental concerns


The final chapter of Samsung’s lengthy Note 7 saga apparently has yet to be written. Following pressure from environmental groups that culminated with a..
The final chapter of Samsung’s lengthy Note 7 saga apparently has yet to be written. Following pressure from environmental groups that culminated with a on-site protester at the company’s Mobile World Congress press event , Samsung has confirmed its intentions to re-release the Note 7 back into the wild in refurbished form.
After announcing last year that it would simply “safely dispose of the phones,” the company today addressed plans to offer them back to the public in newer, safer form. The move is an attempt to address vocal environmental concerns over its initial plans to trash whole bunch of handsets all at once, no matter how safe it insisted the process would be.
“The objective of introducing refurbished devices is solely to reduce and minimize any environmental impact,” a spokesperson for the company told TechCrunch. Samsung is still hammering out the details of the resale, which will depend on, among other things, conversations with carriers and local authorities.
Though the company did hasten to add that it won’t be bringing the handset back to the States in refurbished form. “The product details including the name, technical specification and price range will be announced when the device is available,” the statement continues. “Samsung will not be offering refurbished Galaxy Note 7 devices for rent or sale in the US.”
The device is rumored to be arriving with a smaller capacity battery, in order to avoid the mistakes that got the company in hot water with two separate recalls during the seemingly endless saga, though Samsung is also apparently still working on those spec specifics.
Of course, this is likely the last thing (or second to last , perhaps) the company wants to be discussing during such an important week for the brand. On Wednesday, Samsung’s set to announce the Galaxy S8 , its first major release since everything went down with the Note 7.
Samsung has spent the months in the lead up to the release of its new handset pushing its newly instituted safety precautions, starting with a global press conference in which it discussed its findings and culminating with an aggressive on-going ad campaign. At the very least, it’s likely managed to avoid a repeat of February’s press conference protester.

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/OQziWtGjUfU/
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Elon Musk’s Neuralink wants to boost the brain to keep up with AI


Serial entrepreneur Elon Musk has a new company — Neuralink — focused on developing the capabilities of the brain through technological augmentation. It’s..
Serial entrepreneur Elon Musk has a new company — yes, another one — focused on developing the capabilities of the brain through technological augmentation. Neuralink, the new venture, officially broke cover thanks to a Wall Street Journal article today, though it’s been known for some time that Musk was working on brain-computer interface tech as a means to help ensure humans can keep pace with the accelerating development of artificial intelligence.
Musk at Code Conference last year brought up the prospect of a “neural lace” that would be surgically connected to a human brain and allow a user to interact with a computer without the bandwidth challenges that come with current input methods, including keyboards, mice and trackpads. He’s since tweeted that he has made progress on his own exploration of the tech, and more recently rumors emerged that he was planning to found another company with this project as its focus.
Neuralink isn’t going to be focused on upgrading ordinary human brainpower at first, however, according to the WSJ report. Instead, it’ll explore how brain interfaces might alleviate the symptoms of dangerous and chronic medical conditions.
These could include epilepsy and severe depressive disorder, according to the report. These efforts could build on existing therapies that use electrodes in the brain to treat symptoms of Parkinson’s, giving Neuralink a starting point with established science and an easier path to approval for human use. Clearing that lower hurdle would then set up the company for its longer-term goal of human augmentation.
It may sound far-fetched, but in fact this is basically the Musk standard playbook for building new companies based on big ideas. Both SpaceX and Tesla used the same model, starting with near-term products that weren’t nearly as ambitious as later efforts in order to crest a sustainable path to grand designs, like landing on Mars or affordable, mass-produced long-range EVs.
Musk will definitely have a full plate with Neuralink on top of Tesla and SpaceX, as well as his side venture The Boring Company, which is looking into solving urban transportation issues via tunnels. But the CEO sees AI as a risk that could potentially affect humanity at large, and his decision to pursue this potential solution likely seems as imperative to him as does the necessity of expanding our intergalactic colonial footprint, or weaning ourselves off of fossil fuels.

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/_2_uNrdnv3Y/
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