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Why Japan may finally emerge from its lost decades


A tightening labor force may mean the end of decades of deflation in Japan, according to some analysts.
Just how stubborn is Japan’s deflation?
Consider a recent note from High Frequency Economics’ Carl Weinberg, about the World Economic Forum gathering in Davos in January. “It used to be that…sessions with the Bank of Japan governor would sell out. Not this year. Mega-Japan sessions were not on the program. The only time Japan came up was in conversations such as, ‘Is the fate of country ‘x’ going to be the same as Japan’s?’”
If investors have indeed given up on Japan, as Weinberg suggests, it may be with good reason. For years, despite the obvious pitfalls, Japanese policymakers have remained doggedly optimistic about licking deflation. As time goes by and they miss their inflation target yet again, they simply revise forecasts so that inflation remains forever just over the horizon.
But if investors have finally embraced a “fool me once” view after years of false hopes, they may miss out on one of the bigger market surprises of recent years. Some analysts are becoming just as hopeful as Japanese policymakers – and bullish prospects for the economy could mean even better prospects for markets.
“Our sense is that the economy is close to full employment,” said Peter Berezin, who runs global investment strategy for BCA Research. “It will take time for wages to grow but they will. There’s a good chance that Japan will soon be exiting its long dark era of deflation, which will be a huge surprise to investors.”
There are some fundamental reasons for Berezin’s belief: the structural issues that caused deflation to first take hold in Japan’s economy, including the bursting of the real estate bubble in 1991, and corporate deleveraging, are finally coming to an end.
What’s more, the government is finally throwing the full weight of a unified set of policies at the problem. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe took office in late 2012 vowing to shake deflation, but that goal was muddled by another that worked at cross-purposes: shoring up Japan’s fiscal health. The government increased the national sales tax in 2014 to whittle down the country’s debt burden, which is among the highest in the world. The tax increase — from 5% to 8% — throttled consumption and sent the country into a recession.
Still, one of the biggest headwinds to a stronger Japanese economy is structural: its aging population. Many analysts believe the economy will struggle as long as more pensioners are relying on fewer prime-age workers.
But Berezin, and data from the Bank of Japan itself, have a different take.
The central bank’s measurement of the labor force input gap turned positive for the first time in the third quarter of last year. In simple English, that means the economy ran out of spare workers.
It’s worth noting that the input gap measurement has been positive during a few periods ever since the initial 1991 downturn, including one stretch that began in 2005, but was interrupted by the global financial crisis and recession.
A second period started in 2014, as some of the early enthusiasm about “Abenomics” bolstered growth, but it faltered along with the rest of the economy. But it wasn’t just a cooling economy that increased labor market slack, Berezin said. One of Abenomics’ most elusive components was its “third arrow” — big structural economic changes like liberalizing immigration and deregulating industries like agriculture and energy in order to complement monetary and fiscal stimulus.
Among those reforms, one of the most important was drawing more women into the labor force, a goal that was unexpectedly successful. The female labor force participation rate was 50.4% in December, compared to 47.8% when Abe took office in December 2012.
The success of “womenomics” is another reason why the Bank of Japan estimates that pretty much all the people who want to be working already are. That’s borne out by some statistics: that labor force input gap measurement in the third quarter of last year was five basis points higher than its peak in 2014 before turning negative. At the same time, Japan’s jobless rate remains low — 3.1% in December — and the ratio of job openings to applicants hit the highest since 1991 in December.
“That’s telling you this is a labor market that’s starting to really heat up,” Berezin said. He believes employers will have no choice but to increase wages to compete for workers.
What’s more, as the balance tips from prime-age workers saving for retirement to pensioners spending their savings, “the demographics are moving from being a deflationary force to a reflationary one,” Berezin said.
In a recent research note, Cumberland Advisors’ Chief Investment Officer David Kotok summarized another surprising development: the Japan Gerontological Society and the Japan Geriatrics Society argue that the definition of “elderly” should be revised to refer to people who are at least 75, rather than 65, as it is now.
“Does this measure portend the end of deflation in Japan? Will we finally see changes in incomes and movement away from the two-decade malaise of no inflation, limited growth, and continuously rising savings rates as people worked longer and accumulated more money in order to protect themselves in their old age? We just might be at an inflection point,” Kotok concluded.
If so, that could be “bullish” for investors, he added. “At Cumberland, we favor Japan in our international ETF strategies. We use combinations of ETFs, some of which include currency hedges.”
Berezin also sees a bullish scenario for investors. If wages do pick up enough to spur inflation, that means downward pressure on the yen. “That generates a virtuous cycle for the economy, exports will benefit, and the economy will overheat some more, and inflation expectations will rise further,” Berezin said.
His investment ideas include shorting the yen, while taking long positions in “Japanese exporting companies that will benefit from the weaker yen. They don’t have too many workers and won’t get hurt from rising wages,” he said.

Similarity rank: 1

© Source: http://www.marketwatch.com/news/story.asp?guid=%7B418E8DF6-F1F9-11E6-82ED-7800910FCE87%7D&siteid=rss&rss=1
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米軍嘉手納基地(沖縄県嘉手納町など)の 周辺住民が、 米軍機の 飛行差し止めなどを求めた「第3次嘉手納爆音訴訟」 の 判決で、 差し止め請求が棄却されたことに、 原告住民からは「また門前払いか」 「残念だ」 など失望の 声が漏れた。 騒音被害を認めながら差し止め請求を退ける司法の
米軍嘉手納基地(沖縄県嘉手納町など)の周辺住民が、米軍機の飛行差し止めなどを求めた「第3次嘉手納爆音訴訟」の判決で、差し止め請求が棄却されたことに、原告住民からは「また門前払いか」「残念だ」など失望の声が漏れた。騒音被害を認めながら差し止め請求を退ける司法の判断に、「どこに訴えればいいのか」と憤った。 「残念の一語だ」。新川秀清原告団長(80)は23日、判決後の記者会見で肩を落とした。「私たちが願うのは爆音の差し止めだ。静かな夜にはほど遠い」と怒りをあらわにした。 原告の中でも最も騒音の激しい「うるささ指数」(W値)95の北谷町砂辺に住む渡慶次保さん(83)は、騒音による難聴と診断され、「一度耳をやられると元に戻ることはない」と唇をかむ。「当たり前に静かな夜がほしいだけだ。子どもたちに同じ思いをさせないためには、飛行差し止めしかない」と力を込めた。(2017/02/23-18:42)

Similarity rank: 9
Sentiment rank: -1.9

© Source: http://www.jiji.com/jc/article?k=2017022300987&g=soc
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[東京 23日 ロイター] – 日産自動車の カルロス・ ゴーン会長兼社長は23日、 同社社長に西川廣人・ 共同最高経営責任者(CEO)が就任する人事を発表した後、 ロイターと会見
[東京 23日 ロイター] – 日産自動車のカルロス・ゴーン会長兼社長は23日、同社社長に西川廣人・共同最高経営責任者(CEO)が就任する人事を発表した後、ロイターと会見し、「自分が育ててきた人材にバトンを渡す時が来た」と述べ、日産経営の主導権を西川氏に託す姿勢を明確にした。 ゴーン氏は引き続き代表権のある会長にはとどまるが、今後は日産、三菱自動車、仏ルノー の3社の連携推進により注力する。同氏は会見で、今回の人事によって日産の運営について経営陣がより広い裁量を持つようになる一方、自らが会長、益子修氏が社長を務める三菱自と「均衡した経営体制になる」と指摘した。 ルノーとともに自らが指揮する3社の連携については、「新しい技術を速やかに製品化し、市場に届けるには、一貫した考え方とパートナーシップが必要」とし、電気自動車、自動運転、コネクテッドカーの領域での成果をどうあげるかが課題と述べた。同時に、3社連携のシナジーの80%は購買、製品開発、生産の分野で実現できるとの見通しを示した。 ルノーのCEOとして、同社の経営にも引き続き積極的に関与すると述べるとともに、「ルノーの成長を継続し、強固なものにするには、なおやるべきことが多く残っている」と語った。 今回の人事は4月1日付。日産の社長交代は約17年ぶりとなる。ゴーン氏は1999年にルノーから派遣され、日産のCOOに就任。2000年の社長就任後、01年に社長兼CEO、03年から会長も兼務していた。

Similarity rank: 9
Sentiment rank: 1.2

© Source: http://www.asahi.com/business/reuters/CRBKBN16210F.html
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東京地裁立川支部の 裁判員裁判 「悔しい」 と心境語る 「私の 身体をこんなにめちゃくちゃにした。 頭がおかしくなるんじゃないかと思うくらい悔しい」 。 東京都小金井市で昨年5月、 岩埼友宏被告(28)=殺人未遂罪などで公判中=に刃物で刺された大学生の 冨田真由さん(21)は、 23日に東京地裁立川支部であった岩埼被告の 裁判員裁判で意見陳述し、 事件後初めて心境などを語った。

Similarity rank: 7.8
Sentiment rank: -3.3

© Source: http://mainichi.jp/articles/20170224/k00/00m/040/048000c
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Mann (26) in Niedersachsen festgenommen


In Northeim wurde ein Mann (26) festgenommen, der salafistischen Szene zuzurechnen ist. Er soll einen Sprengstoffanschlag vorbereitet haben.
Northeim (Niedersachsen) – Schlag gegen den internationalen Terrorismus!
Im niedersächsischen Northeim wurde ein Mann (26), der salafistischen Szene zuzurechnen ist, festgenommen. Er soll einen Sprengstoffanschlag vorbereitet haben.
Der Beschuldigte, ein deutscher Staatsbürger, ist dringend verdächtig, einen Mord vorbereitet zu haben. Dazu beschaffte er sich Gegenstände und Chemikalien, die zur Herstellung von Sprengstoff und Sprengvorrichtungen wesentlich sind.
Außerdem ist der Mann dringend verdächtig, ohne die erforderliche Erlaubnis mit explosionsgefährlichen Stoffen (Acetonperoxid) umgegangen zu sein.
Bei der Durchsuchung seiner Wohnung in Northeim wurden Gegenstände aufgefunden, die für den Bau einer unkonventionellen Sprengvorrichtung geeignet sind. Dazu zählen chemische Materialien, die zur Herstellung eines Acetonperoxid-Sprengsatzes benötigt werden, sowie die für eine Fernzündung erforderlichen elektronischen Bauteile.
► Die Generalstaatsanwaltschaft Celle hat aufgrund der Ermittlungen der Polizeiinspektion Northeim/Osterode ein Ermittlungsverfahren gegen den Mann aus Northeim wegen des Verdachts der Vorbereitung einer staatsgefährdenden Straftat und anderer Straftaten eingeleitet und beim Amtsgericht Northeim den Erlass eines Untersuchungshaftbefehls beantragt.
Der Beschuldigte sitzt seit Mittwoch in der Justizvollzugsanstalt Rosdorf ein.
In seiner ersten verantwortlichen Vernehmung hat der Mann eingeräumt, geplant zu haben, Polizeibeamte oder Soldaten in eine Falle zu locken und diese mit einem selbst gebauten Sprengsatz zu töten.
Die Ermittlungen dauern an.
Mehr News aus Hannover und Umgebung auf hannover.bild.de , Facebook und Twitter .

Similarity rank: 2.2

© Source: http://www.bild.de/news/2017/news/news-eilmeldung-anschlag-50569794.bild.html
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| Huawei MWC 2017 live blog: Huawei to announce 2017 flagship smartphone and second-gen Watch at MWC press conference


Huawei is at MWC 2017, and is rumoured to showcase a new smartphone alongside a new smartwatch. Here, we feature our live blog from the event, along with what we expect to see based on rumours. Huawei MWC 2017 live blog – Huawei MWC 2017 live stream.
While a few years ago Huawei was a relatively unknown brand in the UK, the announcement of the Huawei P9 at MWC 2016 changed all that. The company has gone from strength to strength with its high-end design philosophy and great value for money in its smartphones, and it’s looking to continue that trend in 2017. Huawei recently announced a press release at MWC 2017, and here’s where we show you how to watch the Huawei MWC 2017 announcement, along with what to expect. Read next: What to expect at MWC 2017
So, when is Huawei due to make its MWC 2017 announcement? Funnily enough, like other tech giants, Huawei’s MWC press conference takes place the day before the show officially kicks off, on Sunday 26 February 2017 at 2pm CET, or 1pm for those of us back here in the UK. While the show takes place in sunny Barcelona and is limited to press, there is still a way for fans of Huawei to follow the announcements as they happen from the comfort of their living rooms.
Sadly, it probably won’t be in the form of a live stream as Huawei generally steers clear of live streaming its announcements – although there has been exceptions to the rule in the past. If Huawei does decide last minute to host a live stream, it’ll probably be via the Huawei Press YouTube channel. If one is available we will also embed it to the top of this page.
Even if there is no live stream, all hope is not lost. We have reporters at the event who will be live-blogging the announcements as they are revealed. Head back here on Sunday 26 February 2017 at 1pm GMT to find out everything about the next Huawei flagship and smartwatch as it happens.
Read next: Best phone deals
So, what can we expect to see from Huawei in terms of its 2017 flagship, the Huawei P10? While it’s common practise for a smartphone to leak before its announcement, it seems Huawei has been hit hard in the leak department and many of its flagship features have already surfaced online, courtesy of anonymous sources and leaked images.
The rumours, while still unconfirmed, claim that the Huawei P10 will be similar in design to the P9, but with a few notable changes, including moving the fingerprint scanner from the rear of the device (something that Huawei has noted as setting itself apart from others in the past) to the front of the device, like most standard Android smartphones.
The other big draw of the upcoming flagship? According to teasers from Huawei itself, it seems as if the P10 will be made available in rather unusual colours when compared to the standard silver, black and white colour options from many manufacturers, with Huawei offering the P10 in blue and green, amongst other colours.
For more information on what to expect from the Huawei P10, take a look at our Huawei P10 release date and feature rumours article.
Also see: Best new phones 2017
While the P10 might be the main announcement of Huawei’s MWC 2017 press conference, rumours suggest it might not be the only device to make an appearance. Those with knowledge of the matter claim that Huawei is considering launching the second-generation Huawei Watch alongside the 2017 flagship, and that the upcoming smartwatch will be quite different to the original.
Alongside rumoured 4G connectivity, the Huawei Watch 2 is said to focus more on sport than design, although we’ll have to wait and see whether Huawei announces it on Sunday for confirmation.
For more information on what the Huawei Watch 2 could offer, take a look at our Huawei Watch 2 release date and feature rumours article.
Follow Lewis Painter on Twitter .

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://www.pcadvisor.co.uk/how-to/mobile-phone/how-watch-huawei-mwc-2017-live-stream-huawei-mwc-2017-live-blog-3624364/
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Japan to pay Okinawa residents record $267bn in damages over jet noise — RT News


A Japanese court has ruled that Tokyo should pay about 30.2 billion yen ($267 million) in damages to residents suffering from noise coming from the biggest US base on Okinawa, but rejected a call to suspend night and early morning flights.
On Thursday, the Okinawa branch of the Naha District Court ordered the Japanese government to pay the compensation to residents near Kadena Air Base, which hosts the largest combat wing in the US Air Force. The base hosts some 22,000 US soldiers, family members, and Japanese employees in the towns of Kadena and Chatan and the city of Okinawa in Okinawa Prefecture, according to base data. 
According to presiding Judge Tetsuya Fujikura, the noise burden on locals has continued despite a 2009 ruling that called upon Japanese authorities to improve the situation.
The damage has “caused mental pain, disturbance to sleep, and an increase in the risk of negative health effects from developing high blood pressure,” he said, according to Jiji Press, as cited by AFP. 
However, the court turned down a demand from the affected residents to ban nighttime and early morning flights at the airbase.
“Although the impact of the noise had become a social problem as early as 1970s around the military base, the US and Japanese governments have not taken fundamental prevention measures until today and illegal damage has been aimlessly left unresolved,” the court said in the ruling, as cited by Kyodo news. 
Some 22,000 residents living near the base had asked for a monthly payment of 57,500 yen each for future damages and called for a flight ban between 7pm and 7am at the base.
The plaintiffs complained of sleep disruptions and hearing disorders, claiming that they lived with noise at a value of 75 to 95 on the Weighted Equivalent Continuous Perceived Noise Level index (WECPNL). The average WECPNL index is 70-75, according to Japanese Ministry of Environment. 
However, the court said that Japan “cannot restrict” flights at the Kadena base, as the facility belongs to the US.
This is the third lawsuit brought against Kadena airbase, according to Kyodo data. The first, which was filed back in 1982, resulted in 1.37 yen billion payment. The plaintiffs in the second case, which was filed in 2000, received 5.63 billion yen in damages.
The latest compensation is the biggest so far in the history of lawsuits brought against US bases in Japan. Tokyo earlier paid 8.2 billion yen to people claiming to suffer from noise at the Atsugi US Naval Air Facility in Kanagawa Prefecture.

Similarity rank: 2

© Source: https://www.rt.com/news/378383-japan-damages-okinawa-noise/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=RSS
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Telefonica-Sigfox pact is a big deal for diverse IoT networks


The global partnership announced Wednesday between Telefonica and IoT specialist Sigfox could ensure the latter’s long-term success while accelerating the overall growth of LPWANs (low-power, wide-area networks).
The global partnership announced Wednesday between Telefonica and IoT specialist Sigfox could ensure the latter’s long-term success while accelerating the overall growth of LPWANs (low-power, wide-area networks).
Telefonica said it will integrate Sigfox’s energy-sipping, low-data-rate radios into millions of devices used for things like smart metering and asset tracking. The Spain-based mobile carrier operates in 21 countries across Europe and Latin America, so the deal should significantly expand Sigfox’s footprint. It’s talking with customers about possible large-scale rollouts across both regions, including in Spain, Germany, Colombia, Argentina, and Brazil.
Deals like this one, announced a week before the wireless industry gathers at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, are important for emerging LPWANs that come from outside the traditional cellular industry built around 2G, 3G, and LTE. While there are now many low-power network choices for companies exploring IoT, not all will survive for the decade or more that IoT deployments are expected to last, Tolaga Research analyst Phil Marshall says.
International or global reach is a key factor for the viability of these fledgling networks. In recent weeks, Nokia , Inmarsat , and others have announced platforms to tie together LPWANs in different countries.
But rather than being an exclusive deal for Sigfox, this partnership is part of a broader LPWAN (low-power, wide-area network) initiative by Telefonica. The carrier plans to also deploy LTE-M and NB-IoT, two emerging networks based on LTE, and even integrate Sigfox with those other LPWANs in some devices.
Telefonica expects the technologies to complement one another for security, backup, troubleshooting, and prevention of jamming. It will be able to build its own services for Sigfox networks by integrating the Sigfox cloud into its managed connectivity platform.
Other carriers also are taking multipronged approaches to low-power networks. South Korea’s SK Telecom plans to offer both LoRaWAN and LTE-M.
Just as there’s a universe of different IoT devices, there is a range of LPWANs to serve different applications. Sigfox offers some of the lowest data rates, measured in hundreds of bits per second, but promises a longer life for tiny batteries. It usually sends occasional, brief messages that don’t need to be acknowledged.
By contrast, LTE-M and NB-IoT have higher data rates and run over licensed spectrum, which can offer more protection from interference.

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://www.computerworld.com/article/3173360/internet-of-things/telefonica-sigfox-pact-is-a-big-deal-for-diverse-iot-networks.html
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President Trump To Speak At CPAC Gathering Near Washington


President Donald Trump will be a guest of honor at this year’s Conservative Political Action Committee meeting — an event he skipped last year during his candidacy.
WASHINGTON (CBSNewYork) — President Donald Trump will be a guest of honor at this year’s Conservative Political Action Committee meeting — an event he skipped last year during his candidacy.
The event opened Thursday morning near Washington, D. C.
Many in the conservative movement are working to overcome doubts about the depth of Trump’s dedication to the cause. He skipped the event last year and only accepted his invitation to this year’s meeting a few days ago.
“I didn’t have any confidence in him advancing a conservative agenda, but guess what, that’s exactly what he’s doing,” one man said.
“I think he’ll do fantastic with the economy, I think he’ll well with the immigration problem that we have in this country,” one woman said.
“I think he’s making quite a statement, a statement of respect to the conservative movement, which is the heart and soul of the Republican party that I’m going to dance with the one who brung me, which is what Ronald Reagan said. And I think they’re going to appreciate it very much,” CPAC Chair Matt Schlapp said.
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker was among the first speakers at the event. He offered some advice to Trump saying, “Do what you said you were going to do.” He also urged the president and conservatives to “go big, go bold.”
Walker ran for president last year and after dropping out endorsed Texas Sen. Ted Cruz. Walker endorsed Trump after the Republican National Convention.
Counselor to Trump, Kellyanne Conway, was among the new administration movers and shakers speaking at the event.
“I think Donald trump, because he’s not a legacy candidate, he’s not a Bush or a Clinton, he’s sort of the first candidate of his type, that non-politician, true outsider who’s coming to shake up the system,” Conway said.
The controversial chief strategist to the president, Steve Bannon, will speak at the event Thursday afternoon. He’s appearing with White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus. That’s seen as an effort to squash rumors of tension between the men, CBS2’s Tony Aiello reported.
Vice President Mike Pence, a longtime conservative favorite, speaks Thursday night.
Trump is scheduled to speak at 10:30 a.m. Friday.
When Trump cancelled last year, CPAC tweeted “his choice sends a clear message to conservatives.”
But now the president is ready to take a victory lap, and the CPAC chair says Trump has “conservative instincts” married to “a populist appeal.”

Similarity rank: 8.5
Sentiment rank: 3.3

© Source: http://newyork.cbslocal.com/2017/02/23/cpac-trump/
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Rumored LG G6 release date of March 10 gives it a big head start over Samsung Galaxy S8


Gets in ahead of Samsung’s expected launch
After this week’s MWC 2017 showcase, it seems LG won’t be hanging around when it comes to getting its LG G6 smartphone on store shelves.
According to a « high-ranking official for a mobile network provider » speaking to ETnews, the Korean firm is looking at March 10 for the LG G6 release date.
The same source also claims to have insider knowledge of the Samsung Galaxy S8 release date, putting the rival Android flagship phone on an April 21 release date. That’d give LG a 42 day headstart for its smartphone hope against its greatest opposition.
While we’re still waiting for an exact date that the Samsung Galaxy S8 will be revealed, we do know that the LG G6 will be shown off in all its glory on February 26.
We’ll be going hands-on with the phone as soon as it’s revealed…but we already know almost everything there is to know about the phone. One of the most-leaked devices in recent memory, we’re expecting a waterproof metal bodied handset, with slim bezels and an unusual 18:9 screen aspect ratio.
We’ll be covering all the MWC 2017 action in Barcelona live from this Sunday (February 26), so stay locked on TechRadar to see how the LG G6 fares.

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/techradar/allnews/~3/GRm_3J3Njto/rumored-lg-g6-release-date-of-march-10-gives-it-a-big-head-start-over-samsung-galaxy-s8
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