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Microsoft opens cybersecurity center to protect Mexicans


MEXICO CITY — Feb. 24, 2017 — To reinforce its commitment to help people, companies and countries within Latin America to continue…
MEXICO CITY — Feb. 24, 2017 — To reinforce its commitment to help people, companies and countries within Latin America to continue their journey towards digital transformation, Microsoft is launching a Cybersecurity Engagement Center in Mexico, part of a global initiative to present the company’s unique perspective on matters of IT security, which is not only the result of several decades of experience in the development and ongoing improvement of software, but also of the operation of one of the industry’s most robust and trustworthy cloud computing platforms.
At Microsoft there is a strong belief that having a fixed stance on operational security is the starting point, which also implies its continuous practice. This is made a reality by the company’s goals that focus on protecting, detecting and responding to security threats.
“At Microsoft, we are committed to invest in the region so we can bring our cybersecurity capabilities to customers by identifying current threats that affect the economy’s prosperity. By opening this Cybersecurity Center, we are offering our clients protection from attacks and security risks, as well as ways to detect them and find solutions,” explained Jorge Silva, general manager of Microsoft Mexico.
The center will serve Mexico and other Latin American countries. Some of its functions will include:
“This new center will work together with Microsoft’s Cybercrime Center in Redmond, Washington. The objective is to help companies and governments with security solutions, which help them in their digital transformation through the international support of the intelligence, data analysis, avant-garde forensics and legal strategies that we offer,” added Jean-Philippe Courtois, executive vice president and president, Microsoft Global Sales, Marketing and Operations, during his visit to the Cybersecurity Center in Mexico City.
In conjunction with the opening of this center, Microsoft is signing with the Federal Police (in representation of the Mexican government), a Government Security Program that reinforces the work of carrying out actions focused on technological research in order to promote IT security and also to prevent and fight crimes that are committed through the internet.
The agreement was signed by Manelich Castilla, commissioner general of the Federal Police, and Jorge Silva, general manager of Microsoft Mexico. Renato Sales Heredia, national security commissioner of Mexico’s Secretariat of the Interior, and Jean-Philippe Courtois, executive vice president and president, Microsoft Global Sales, Marketing and Operations, were present as honorary witnesses.
“By opening this center, we are bringing Microsoft’s offer of security increasingly closer to customers in order to be a strategic part of their transformation, and together we will create a country and a region that are more prosperous and productive, and above all, that are safer,” concluded Jorge Silva, general manager of Microsoft Mexico.
About Microsoft
Microsoft (Nasdaq “MSFT” @microsoft) is the leading platform and productivity company for the mobile-first, cloud-first world, and its mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more.
Lead image: Jorge Silva, General Manager of Microsoft Mexico; Renato Sales Heredia, National Security Commissioner of Mexico’s Secretariat of the Interior; Jean-Philippe Courtois, Executive Vice President and President, Microsoft Global Sales, Marketing and Operations; and Alejandra Lagunes, Mexico’s National Digital Strategy Coordinator.

© Source: https://news.microsoft.com/2017/02/24/microsoft-opens-cybersecurity-center-to-protect-mexicans/
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Экс-первая ракетка мира Кербер после поражения Свитолиной пожаловалась на боли в колене


Вторая ракетка мира Ангелик Кербер (1), в полуфинале турнира в Дубае уступившая украинке Элине Свитолиной (7) 3:6, 6:7, рассказала о повреждении…
Немецкая теннисистка проиграла украинке третий матч подряд
Вторая ракетка мира Ангелик Кербер (1), в полуфинале турнира в Дубае уступившая украинке Элине Свитолиной (7) 3:6, 6:7, рассказала о повреждении правого колена, беспокоившем ее с начала недели.
« Поначалу я чувствовала его немного, но постепенно стала все больше и больше. Старалась не отвлекаться на это и просто делать то, что должна.
В конечном счете я сделала все, что могла. Я всегда стараюсь оставаться на корте и не обращать внимания на такие вещи ».
Добавим, поражение Кербер означает, что Серена Уильямс сохранит звание первой ракетки мира как минимум до турнира в Индиан-Уэллсе.
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Similarity rank: 7.4

© Source: http://sport.segodnya.ua/tennis/eks-pervaya-raketka-mira-kerber-posle-porazheniya-svitolinoy-pozhalovalas-na-boli-v-kolene-874491.html
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Playing Zelda on Nintendo Switch: Big world, small screen


The Nintendo Switch gets a solo masterpiece with Breath of the Wild, and its quiet grandeur feels like a Miyazaki film.
We’ve played Link’s latest adventure on the Switch, and it’s big. Real big.
I’ve played Zelda games on the Nintendo 3DS, and DS and Game Boy Advance. I’ve played Zelda games on the GameCube, Wii and Wii U. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild arrives as an unusual launch game for the Nintendo Switch , because the Switch isn’t exactly a pure handheld or TV console. It’s a tweener. As I played Breath of the Wild, I realized that changed the way I approach the game, too.
I’ve only played about five hours so far (which is all I’m allowed to talk about, anyway), but it’s already gotten better at every step.
Breath of the Wild is a huge game, an open-world game. It feels oddly wide open compared with other Zelda experiences. I wake up, I wander around…and where do I go next? The landscape feels imposing, and I realize quickly I can go almost anywhere in it. Link can climb huge cliffs. Stamina becomes the major factor in how high you can climb, or how far you can swim.
Wandering becomes a theme.
The game also starts with a supreme sense of loneliness. It’s me and nature. The sounds of Breath of the Wild come through strongly: birds and breezes, soft rustlings. I’m not great with open-world games and my sense of purpose. Jeff Bakalar played, too, and got further along than I did. My first five hours or so were spent wandering to far places, finding rivers, picking up things. I jumped off a cliff by accident and into a pool and found a weird forest spirit who gave me something.
Zelda can be played on the go, even in tabletop mode, but TV-connected is best.
In handheld mode, on the Switch’s 6.2-inch screen, Breath of the Wild’s details can be a little hard to make out. The game’s design seems made for bigger-screen experiences, and handheld Zeldas don’t tend to get this large-scale (Ocarina of Time on 3DS made it work very well, though). The game looks just as good on the Switch’s screen as on the TV, to my eyes, but I couldn’t see into the distance as well. The game involves tremendous maps and, sometimes, small things you need to spot from far distances.
There’s a virtual tablet in the game, too: Link carries a « Sheikah Slate » that can held up like a tiny GPS navigator to show map info or scan for destinations. Points on the map can be tagged, and it’s necessary. Link learns some skills that become like magic powers, but most items I equipped wore down over time or had to be found. Swords shattered. Shields burned. Resources have to be managed.
I spent a lot of time like this.
So far, this feels like a fantastic game, and it’s growing on me the more I play. The recipe-gathering is driving me a little crazy, and I’m not always sure what to do next, but this is a great and challenging game to spend hours in. What also surprises me is how meditative and patient it is. An ambient soundtrack, subtle details, and a world full of surprises suggest a game that almost feels like animated art. Hayao Miyazaki , as a co-worker said. The reflections on nature, ruin and rebirth remind me of Horizon: Zero Dawn, and of my favorite science fiction. This Zelda isn’t just challenging; it’s a game I want to follow for the story.
And, I think, to just meander in for a bit.

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: https://www.cnet.com/news/zelda-breath-of-the-wild-is-a-nintendo-switch-epic-hands-on/
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Apple iPhone 7 Plus fire caught on video


An Apple smartphone user has captured her iPhone 7 Plus catching fire but the cause is still unknown.
An Apple iPhone 7 user has caught her device catching fire on a video posted to Twitter.
The video shows an iPhone 7 Plus in a pink case sitting on a bathroom basin billowing smoke while the user’s boyfriend films with his phone.
Brianna Olivas of Tucson, Arizona, said she’d been having problems turning the device on after owning it for a month, according to Mashable. After Apple Store employees tested it, they told her it was fine.
An Apple representative told CNET: « We are in touch with the customer and looking into it.  »
Samsung’s Galaxy Note 7 was withdrawn from the market after dozens of units caught fire worldwide. It was later determined two separate battery flaws were to blame. Reports of combustible iPhone batteries have been more isolated, but they do happen. In October, an iPhone 7 fire in Australia reportedly destroyed a user’s car, while an iPhone 6 Plus flamed out in New Jersey. Apple has previously blamed reported iPhone fires in China, meanwhile, on  » external damage.  »
Related coverage:

Similarity rank: 2.1

© Source: https://www.cnet.com/news/apple-iphone-7-plus-fire-caught-on-video/
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10 Reasons Samsung's Rumored Galaxy S8 Will Be a Worthwhile Buy


Mobile market chatter indicates that Samsung will introduce the rumored Galaxy S8 smartphone with features that will be good enough to make people forget about the ill-fated Galaxy Note7.
News reports say Samsung will unveil its next-generation Galaxy S8 on March 29 at a media briefing in New York City. The company will be ready to start shipping the device on April 21, if the news reports prove accurate. Samsung’s Galaxy S8 will reportedly deliver several major enhancements, including a large screen, a top-of-the-line processor as well as outstanding battery life and reliability. Those features should be enough to induce Samsung smartphone fans to line up to try out what mobile market pundits are saying will be the most powerful mobile handset on the market However, there are still those who question whether the Galaxy S8 will be a worthwhile buy. They point to Samsung’s past troubles with overheating batteries that caused fires in the ill-fated big-screen Galaxy Note7. While it’s impossible to say for sure what features will actually turn up in the Galaxy S8, many plausible rumors have surfaced that suggest the handset will be a groundbreaking release. This slide show discusses those rumors and why there will be strong reasons to buy the Galaxy S8 despite Samsung’s recent product quality problems.

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://www.eweek.com/mobile/slideshows/10-reasons-samsungs-rumored-galaxy-s8-will-be-a-worthwhile-buy.html
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LG continues its ad campaign showing off the seamless camera for its upcoming G6


We are only a couple days away from the announcement of the LG G6 and the firm is still offering up teaser videos on its YouTube channel. The latest offers a glimpse of the handset’s seamless design.
We are only a couple days away from the start of Mobile World Congress and LG has continued its advertisement of its upcoming mobile device , the G6. While it won’t give us a glimpse of the device, it has been dropping clues as to what kinds of features the handset will offer.
The latest videos posted to its YouTube channel tackle two premises: a phone that is too large and a camera that is seamless. We have known for quite some time that the handset will include big features in a small body thanks to its « Wish List » teaser video posted last month. LG is able to accomplish this thanks to its use of a ‘Full Vision’ display that will offer a unique 18:9 aspect ratio.
As for the seamless portion, it appears that LG is keen on highlighting the fact that its next smartphone will offer a camera that does not protrude from the body. As LG continues to play coy, we have seen the handset in its unofficial capacity via several leaks that have cropped up over the past couple months.
Neowin will be present at the LG event to give you our hands-on and first impressions of the G6. Also be sure to stay tuned as we cover more interesting finds from the show floor.
Source: LG Mobile Global (YouTube)

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/neowin-main/~3/Ash-NkWw0Yg/lg-continues-its-ad-campaign-showing-off-the-seamless-camera-for-its-upcoming-g6
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モーグル堀島、ジャンプ中村らが金 札幌冬季アジア大会 :日本経済新聞


札幌冬季アジア大会第6日(24日)フリースタイルスキー・ デュアルモーグルの 男子決勝で、 堀島行真(中京大)が原大智(ジョックス)を下して優勝した。 女子は村田愛里咲(行学学園教)が2位、 伊藤みき(北野建
男子デュアルモーグルで金メダルを獲得した堀島行真(中央)と銀メダルの原大智=左(24日、さっぽろばんけい)=共同 札幌冬季アジア大会第6日(24日)フリースタイルスキー・デュアルモーグルの男子決勝で、堀島行真(中京大)が原大智(ジョックス)を下して優勝した。女子は村田愛里咲(行学学園教)が2位、伊藤みき(北野建設)が3位。ノルディックスキー・ジャンプ男子個人ラージヒルは中村直幹(東海大)、バイアスロン男子12.5キロ追い抜きは立崎幹人(自衛隊)が金メダルを獲得した。 ノルディックスキー距離は男子30キロリレーで柏原暢仁、清水康平(ともに自衛隊)馬場直人(専大)レンティング陽(アキラ)の日本が優勝。女子20キロリレーも宮崎日香里(長野・中野立志館高)滝沢こずえ(早大)小林由貴(岐阜日野自動車)大林千沙(マズシャスジャパン)の日本が勝った。 フィギュアスケートの男子ショートプログラム(SP)で全日本選手権王者の宇野昌磨(中京大)は2位となり、アイスダンスで村元哉中、クリス・リード組(木下ク)が銀メダルをつかんだ。 カーリング男子決勝で日本は中国に4―11で大敗して銀メダルだった。アイスホッケー男子1部の日本は韓国に1―4で屈した。〔共同〕

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© Source: http://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXLSSXK51133_U7A220C1000000/
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HPE reports 10 per cent revenue fall – days after HP Inc posts rise


It was supposed to be HP Inc that struggled and HPE, freed from boring PC manufacturing, that soared,Hardware,Software,Cloud and Infrastructure ,Cloud,Hewlett Packard Enterprise,Hewlett-Packard,Toni Sacconaghi,Bernstein Research,Meg Whitman,HP Inc
Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE), the enterprise-focused half of demerged HP, has reported a quarterly revenue drop, down by 10 per cent, in financial results for its fiscal 2017 first quarter.
The results make it four out of five quarters since the demerger that HPE has reported declining revenues – while its ‘other half’, HP Inc, earlier this week reported a strong quarter.
HPE reported revenues down by a chunky 10.4 per cent to $11.4bn in the three months to the end of January , compared to $12.7bn in the same quarter a year ago. Due to vigorous cost-cutting, especially in sales, earnings remained flat at $267m. Research and development was also slashed, down by 17 per cent from $585m to $485m.
HPE CEO Meg Whitman claimed that the company  » remains on the right track « . She added: « The steps we’re taking to strengthen our portfolio, streamline our organisation, and build the right leadership team, are setting us up to win long into the future.  »
However, the company was keen to highlight three « significant headwinds » that have blown-up since October 2016: adverse foreign exchange movements, the higher price of commodities, « and some near-term execution issues ».
More specifically, the company claimed that there was an « order shortfall » from a major customer during the quarter, and that memory components have become harder to get hold of and, hence, more expensive.
Those execution issues, though, would appear to be affecting the company across the board, with Enterprise Hardware down 12 per cent to $6.3bn, Enterprise Services down 11 per cent to $4bn, and Software down eight per cent to $721m, although only by one per cent when divestitures and currency movements are taken into account.
And the company warned investors that the fall in revenues won’t be made good by the end of the financial year, with Whitman hinting in the earnings conference call that « there may potentially be more costs to come out ».
Analysts on the call, however, weren’t convinced by the company’s explanations.
« Most people were aware of a much tougher commodity environment in November, » said Toni Sacconaghi, an analyst at Bernstein Research.
He continued: « Your sister company… had been calling that out well before November and had made provisions to adjust for that both in pricing and in building inventory. So I guess the question is, the only thing that really seems new, or that you shouldn’t have known about, was either the market changing or execution?  »
While HPE focuses on enterprise software and systems, HP Inc produces PCs, laptops and printers under the well-known HP brand. The expectation was that HPE would flourish and grow, while HP Inc would probably struggle in a cut-throat hardware mass-market hardware business where margins are razor thin.
However, the reverse so far appears to be the case.
HP Inc reported revenues up over the same period by 4 per cent, year on year, to $12.7bn. Despite the fiercely competitive market in which it operates, it was also more than twice as profitable, with net income rising to $611m.

© Source: http://www.computing.co.uk/ctg/news/3005322/hpe-reports-10-per-cent-revenue-fall-days-after-hp-inc-posts-rise
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ジョンナム氏殺害 VXの入手経路解明に全力


北朝鮮の キム・ ジョンウン(金正恩)朝鮮労働党委員長の 兄、 キム・ ジョンナム(金正男)氏が猛毒の VXで殺害された事件で、 マレーシアの 警察は、 化学…
北朝鮮のキム・ジョンウン(金正恩)朝鮮労働党委員長の兄、キム・ジョンナム(金正男)氏が猛毒のVXで殺害された事件で、マレーシアの警察は、化学兵器に指定され、製造や保有を禁じられているVXを容疑者たちがどのように入手したのか、経路の解明に全力を挙げる方針です。 この事件で、マレーシアの警察は、24日、猛毒のVXがキム・ジョンナム氏の遺体から検出されたと発表し、警察のハリド長官は、殺害にはVXが使われたと断定したことを明らかにしました。 殺傷能力の高いVXは、国際的な条約で化学兵器に指定され、製造や保有が禁止されており、マレーシアの警察は、容疑者らが、一般には入手できないVXをどのように手に入れたのか、経路の解明に全力を挙げる方針です。 地元のメディアによりますと、これまでに警察は、この事件で身柄を拘束されている北朝鮮国籍のリ・ジョンチョル(46)容疑者の自宅からおよそ2キロの場所にあるクアラルンプール郊外の高層マンションの部屋を捜索し、数種類の化学薬品や、薬品を扱うための手袋などを押収したということです。 また、実行犯として拘束したベトナム人とインドネシア人の女2人が、ジョンナム氏の顔に素手で液体を塗りつけたにもかかわらず、重い症状が出なかった理由についても調べています。

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© Source: http://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20170225/k10010889551000.html
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The top Amiga games you can play on your iPhone or Android


The Commodore Amiga was renowned for its vast library of exellent games including Lemmings, Cannon Fodder and Sensible Soccer. But which can you play right now on your mobile?,Cloud and Infrastructure,Mobile Software ,Cloud,Amiga,iPhone,Android
The Commodore Amiga was one of the machines to define the home computing era of the late ’80s and ’90s, with its superb sound and graphics capabilities and its affordability. And a healthy ecosystem…

Similarity rank: 1.1

© Source: http://www.computing.co.uk/ctg/news/3004843/the-top-amiga-games-you-can-play-on-your-iphone-or-android
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