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Japan PM Abe's wife did not donate to school at centre of scandal – govt


Japan’s top government spokesman said on Friday that Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s wife did not donate money to a school at the centre of a ballooning political scandal.
TOKYO: Japan’s top government spokesman said on Friday that Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s wife did not donate money to a school at the centre of a ballooning political scandal.
Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga had said on Thursday he had confirmed with Abe that the premier had not made a donation himself or through a third party including his wife, Akie. He added then that the government was checking on whether Akie herself had donated to Moritomo Gakuen, the school operator.
Abe has denied that either he or his wife intervened in a murky land deal by Moritomo Gakuen or in the process of its getting accreditation for a new school from local authorities. The educational group runs a kindergarten in western Japan and had planned to open an elementary school with an ultra-conservative curriculum.

Similarity rank: 2.5

© Source: http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/asiapacific/japan-pm-abe-s-wife-did-not-donate-to-school-at-centre-of-scanda/3603334.html
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籠池氏「昭恵夫人、領収書は結構と」 証人喚問決まる


学校法人「森友学園」 への 国有地売却問題が16日、 新たな展開を迎えた。 大阪を現地視察した参院予算委員会メンバーに対し、 学園の 籠池(かごいけ)泰典理事長が「安倍晋三首相から100万円もらった」 と発言。 首…
学校法人「森友学園」への国有地売却問題が16日、新たな展開を迎えた。大阪を現地視察した参院予算委員会メンバーに対し、学園の籠池(かごいけ)泰典理事長が「安倍晋三首相から100万円もらった」と発言。首相が否定する中、籠池氏の証人喚問が固まったことで、国会での疑惑解明の動きが本格化する見通しになった。 参院予算委の山本一太委員長(自民)ら委員11人は午後2時すぎ、森友学園が4月開校をめざしていた小学校(設置認可申請取り下げ)の建設地に大型バスで到着した。敷地内には、事前に着いていた籠池氏。詰めかけた報道陣らが見守る中、身ぶり手ぶりを交えた籠池氏の説明を聴いた。 視察に同行した関係者によると、籠池氏は校舎部分に入った予算委のメンバーにこう言った。「平成27年(2015年)の9月に安倍昭恵夫人が私どものところに講演会に来られた時、どうぞ、これお使いくださいと。どなたからですかと(聞くと)、安倍晋三からです、とおっしゃった」 さらに、籠池氏はこう続けた。「領収書はどうしましょうかって(聞くと)、それはもう結構でございますということで」。当時の気持ちについては、「そのようなものをいただいたということは、心と心は一緒だったんだ」と感じたことを明かした。 予算委のメンバーが「おいくら…

Similarity rank: 7
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TW sentiment: -9.1

© Source: http://www.asahi.com/articles/ASK3J5T0ZK3JPTIL01P.html
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Montblanc's first smartwatch, Summit, elevates Android Wear 2.0 into another stratosphere


If you were looking for something a bit different when it came to a wearable, you might want to consider Montblanc’s Summit. The luxury smartwatch is powered by Android Wear 2.0 and starts at $890.
A couple months ago, many were reporting about the demise of the wearable and there were even general concerns about how Google’s latest Android Wear 2.0 showcase looked a bit light when it came to launch devices. But things have changed dramatically over the past month, with several brands stepping up to the plate to offer up their own smartwatches in support of Google’s platform. Today, German luxury brand Montblanc, known for their exquisite writing instruments, watches, and jewelry, announced their first entry in the smartwatch category, the Summit.
The Summit will arrive in a 46mm steel or titanium case that measures 12.5mm in depth. The AMOLED display will be protected by a domed sapphire glass cover and the watch will be available in four different configurations.
Montblanc Summit specifications:
While the brand does tout the device’s ability to handle fitness and mapping tasks, the Summit does not offer a dedicated GPS module inside the watch. Although that might not be a huge deal, the device also omits NFC, a feature that if available could take advantage of Google’s Android Pay service that was newly introduced to supported wearables with Android Wear 2.0.
The Montblanc Summit will be available to purchase starting in May 2017 with a starting price of $890 USD. MR PORTER , will be the exclusive online retailer for the first two weeks before it will be made more widely available on the Montblanc website and other retail partners.

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/neowin-main/~3/tYQfwZUeza0/montblancs-first-smartwatch-summit-elevates-android-wear-20-into-another-stratosphere
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Аброськін: За зняття недоторканності з Парасюка підписалися вже 500 поліцейських


Особовий склад поліції звернувся до президенту Петра Порошенка, голови ВР Андрія Парубія і генпрокурора Юрія Луценка з проханням позбавити нардепа Володимира Парасюка недоторканності.
Особовий склад поліції звернувся до президенту Петра Порошенка, голови ВР Андрія Парубія і генпрокурора Юрія Луценка з проханням позбавити нардепа Володимира Парасюка недоторканності.
Про це повідомив заступник голови Нацполіціі начальник ГУНП в Донецькій області В’ячеслав Аброськін на сторінці в Facebook.
«Лист вже підписали понад 500 співробітників поліції Донеччини. Завтра він буде переданий до територіальних підрозділів поліції аби кожний бажаючий поліцейський зміг приєднатися. Також підтримати діючих співробітників зголосилися й пенсіонери та ветерани ОВС», – заявив він.
Також, за словами Аброськіна, заступник начальника Краматорського ОП Андрій Друмов, який зупиняв Парасюка та інших учасників блокади біля Слов’янська, почав отримувати погрози.
«Після опублікування «співчуваючими Парасюку» персональних даних в Інтернеті Андрій Друмов почав отримувати погрози: «Ми знаємо, де твоя сім’я, ми знаємо, де твоя донька», – написав Аброськін.

Similarity rank: 4.2

© Source: http://zik.ua/news/2017/03/17/abroskin_za_znyattya_nedotorkannosti_z_parasyuka_pidpysalysya_vzhe_500_1062157
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南スーダン国連平和維持活動(PKO)に派遣された陸上自衛隊の 日報問題で、 防衛省の 陸上幕僚監部上層部が2月、 陸自で見つかった日報の 電子データを消去するよう指示した疑いがあることが17日、 政府関係者への 取材で分かった。 防衛省は昨年12月に日報は「存在しない」 と
南スーダン国連平和維持活動(PKO)に派遣された陸上自衛隊の日報問題で、防衛省の陸上幕僚監部上層部が2月、陸自で見つかった日報の電子データを消去するよう指示した疑いがあることが17日、政府関係者への取材で分かった。 防衛省は昨年12月に日報は「存在しない」として不開示を決定したが、 稲 田 朋 美 防衛相は再度探すよう指示していた。データの存在を隠し、消去していれば稲田防衛相の指示を制服組が無視したことになり、文民統制上も重大な問題になる。 防衛省は外部からの情報公開請求に対し、「日報」を作成したPKO派遣施設隊と、上級部隊の中央即応集団司令部(座間駐屯地、相模原市)を中心にデータがあるか確認。昨年12月2日に、「日報はすでに廃棄され、存在しない」と回答した。 しかし、その後も複数の開示請求があったことや、 河 野 太 郎 衆院議員が再調査を求めるなどしたため、稲田防衛相が改めて探すよう指示していた。 その結果、12月26日に統幕に電子データがあることが判明。政府関係者によると、さらに今年1月に陸自にもデータが存在していることが分かり、陸自最高幹部も存在を把握していた。公開する準備が進められたが、1月下旬になり統幕に配属されている「背広組」と呼ばれる防衛官僚がデータを非公表にするよう指示。さらに2月に入り、陸自上層部がデータを消去するよう伝えたという。(2017/03/17-04:59)

Similarity rank: 3.2
Sentiment rank: 0.3
TW posts: 11
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TW sentiment: 2.5

© Source: http://www.jiji.com/jc/article?k=2017031700177&g=pol
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Antrittsbesuch 2.0: Merkel bei Trump


Bislang haben US-Präsident Trump und Kanzlerin Merkel eher übereinander geredet. Damit soll Schluss sein – am Abend brach Merkel auf in Richtung USA. Im Schlepptau mehrere deutsche Wirtschaftsbosse – in Washington geht es vor allem ums Geld. Von S. Ueberbach.
Bislang haben US-Präsident Trump und Kanzlerin Merkel eher übereinander geredet. Damit soll Schluss sein – am Abend brach Merkel auf in Richtung USA. Im Schlepptau mehrere deutsche Wirtschaftsbosse – in Washington geht es vor allem ums Geld.
Es ist sozusagen der Antrittsbesuch 2.0 – und vielleicht klappt es ja im zweiten Anlauf. Obwohl die Kanzlerin am Montagabend von einem freundlichen Telefonat mit Donald Trump berichtet hat, sind die großen Fragezeichen geblieben: Was hat der neue US-Präsident vor? Wie denkt er über die NATO und die Europäische Union? Will er die amerikanische Wirtschaft wirklich abschotten und Produkte aus dem Ausland mit Strafzöllen künstlich teurer machen?
An der Haltung der Bundesregierung zum Thema Freihandel hat sich jedenfalls in den vergangenen Tagen nichts geändert. « Wir glauben weiterhin daran, dass Freihandel Vorteile für alle Beteiligten hat. Wir glauben an eine nichtprotektionistische Weltwirtschaftsordnung », sagte Regierungssprecher Steffen Seibert. Die Deutsche Industrie erwartet jedenfalls, dass sich die Kanzlerin in Washington für einen freien Welthandel stark macht, weil davon auch die USA profitieren. Industrie-Präsident Dieter Kempf sagte dem Deutschlandfunk: « BMW exportiert aus den USA mehr Automobile im Jahr als die beiden großen amerikanischen Unternehmen General Motors und Ford zusammen. Auch das gehört zur Wahrheit. « 
Mit den Chefs von Siemens, BMW und Schaeffler hat die Kanzlerin gleich drei Schwergewichte als Überzeugungshilfe aus der deutschen Wirtschaft im Schlepptau. Denn angeblich traut Donald Trump Industriebossen ja mehr zu als der Politik. Bundeswirtschaftsministerin Brigitte Zypries empfiehlt der deutschen Seite, cool zu bleiben: « Das ist ja auch in der Vergangenheit schon so gewesen, dass Herr Trump Ankündigungen gemacht hat, die er nachher nicht umgesetzt hat. Und man hat manchmal den Eindruck, dass man auch ein paar Fakten mal nachliefern muss, für die Bewertung. « 
Soll heißen: Der neue US-Präsident braucht ganz offensichtlich Nachhilfe, auch mit Blick auf die vielen Krisenherde dieser Welt. Von der Ukraine über Nordkorea, Syrien und Nordafrika bis hin zum Kampf gegen den islamistischen Terror – Angela Merkel und ihre Delegation sind darauf vorbereitet, in Washington als Ratgeber aufzutreten. Schließlich gilt Trump als außen- und sicherheitspolitischer Laie. Nach Ansicht von Sahra Wagenknecht sollte die Kanzlerin außerdem das Thema Überwachung durch die NSA zur Sprache bringen. Die Chefin der Linksfraktion sagte dem SWR: « Ich finde, es wäre tatsächlich an der Zeit, das deutlich anzusprechen und allen Druck, den man machen kann, auszuüben, damit das endlich abgestellt wird. « 
Was in Washington keine Rolle spielen soll, das sind die Ausfälle des damaligen Präsidentschafts-Kandidaten Trump. Dabei hatte der Milliardär im amerikanischen Wahlkampf die deutsche Flüchtlingspolitik und die Kanzlerin immer wieder scharf attackiert. Und ist dabei auch persönlich geworden: « Ich dachte immer, Merkel wäre eine großartige Anführerin. Aber was sie in Deutschland getan hat, ist geisteskrank », sagte er damals.
Aus der Bundesregierung heißt es dazu, man blicke nach vorn und nicht zurück. Das hält auch die Kanzlerin für richtig: « Das direkte Gespräch ist immer viel besser, als wenn man übereinander redet. Miteinander reden statt übereinander, das wird mein Motto sein bei diesem Besuch, auf den ich mich ausdrücklich freue. « 
Und dieser Besuch wird nach der Lage der Dinge diesmal wohl auch tatsächlich stattfinden können. Der Wetterbericht für Washington sagt nämlich viel Sonne voraus, und Temperaturen bis 14 Grad.

Similarity rank: 5.3

© Source: http://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/merkel-trump-113.html
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Xbox One Insider Preview build 15058 is now available in the Alpha ring – here's what's new


Microsoft today released Xbox One Insider Preview build 15058 to the Alpha ring, which is the first build in a couple of weeks to actually include a new feature, which is a new update screen.
After releasing a new Windows 10 for PCs Insider Preview build earlier today , Microsoft is now offering an Xbox One build to the Preview Alpha ring, bringing the build number to 15058.1000, or rs2_release_xbox_1703.170313-1900.
Unlike previous builds over the past couple weeks that focused on fixes, this one actually has a new feature:
There’s also one issue that’s been fixed:
And of course, there are known issues:
Build 15058 is most certainly not the RTM build, as 15060 was the build number for the Windows 10 preview that was released today, and these numbers will most certainly line up when the Creators Update is finalized. It’s actually rumored to be happening this week , so an RTM isn’t far off.
If you’re on the Alpha ring, you can get the update by going to Settings -> System -> Updates. If not, you can work your way up by completing Surveys and Quests in the Insider Hub.

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/neowin-main/~3/dvU4oZU1PFM/xbox-one-insider-preview-build-15058-is-now-available-in-the-alpha-ring—heres-whats-new
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Trump budget plans to slash US spending abroad but funds his wall


President Donald Trump has called for a dramatic reordering of America’s priorities in his first budget, with « less money on people overseas and more money on people at home ».
President Donald Trump has called for a dramatic reordering of America’s priorities in his first budget, with « less money on people overseas and more money on people at home ».
The budget plan boosts the country’s military spending and funds Mr Trump’s « border wall » with Mexico, but guts resources for aid, foreign diplomacy and the environment.
Calling it the « America First » plan, Mr Trump’s $1.1trn (€1trn) proposal is designed to strike fear in the hearts of US enemies, while making good on his election pledge to « drain the swamp » of government bureaucracy in Washington.
« We are absolutely reducing funding to the UN and various other foreign aid budgets, » said Mick Mulvaney, the White House’s budget director.
He said the Trump administration was cutting spending for climate-change efforts because « we consider that to be a waste of your money ».
The plan increases military spending by $54bn – a full 10pc. And it allocates $2.8bn to the department of homeland security, which will largely go towards paying for a wall along the border with Mexico and hiring 500 more border patrol guards. Mr Trump has always insisted Mexico will eventually pay for the wall.
« The president very clearly wants to send a message to our allies and our potential adversaries that this is strong power administration, » Mr Mulvaney said.
Overall, however, the budget calls for the most sizeable drawdown of government-funded programmes since the Second World War, slashing assistance to the poor, the funding of scientific research and foreign aid.
It takes an axe to America’s foreign diplomatic service, proposing to reduce the size of the state department by 28pc.
Secretary of state Rex Tillerson defended the cuts as a necessary correction to a « historically high » budget for the department that had grown to address conflicts abroad and provide foreign aid.
But Mr Trump’s swingeing cuts to the budget for diplomacy were met with dismay at the United Nations, where the US is the largest financier. One diplomat described the US « retreat » from global affairs as « a recipe for disaster », while Francois Delattre, France’s ambassador to the UN, said yesterday that they hoped their « US friends » would realise massive cuts to the UN’s budget would not help their stated aim of achieving security.
The fight against terrorism, migration issues and climate change all posed serious threats, he said, which were fought through the UN.
« In today’s testing times, when we are confronted with an unprecedented accumulation of crisis, we need a strong UN more than ever, » he said.
« America’s retreat and unilateralism – or even the perception of it by other players – would create the risk of going back to the old spheres of influence policy. And history teaches us the dangers of that.  »
Hardest hit from the domestic programmes is the Environmental Protection Agency, which would lose almost one-third of its resources.
Mr Trump, a sceptic of man-made climate change, wants to get rid of more than 50 of its programmes, including revoking funding for programmes aimed at reducing carbon dioxide emissions.
The budget also proposes totally eliminating government support for the National Endowment for the Arts, and other groups that fund public television and radio stations and support artists and writers.
Critics said the budget also harmed some of Mr Trump’s core electoral constituency, scrapping affordable housing and other programmes relied on by his blue-collar base. (© Daily Telegraph, London)

Similarity rank: 13
Sentiment rank: 0

© Source: http://www.independent.ie/world-news/north-america/trump-budget-plans-to-slash-us-spending-abroad-but-funds-his-wall-35539611.html
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North Korea nuclear threat to dominate Tillerson talks in China


US Secretary of State also likely to discuss trade, Trump-Xi summit and tensions in South China Sea in talks with Chinese leaders during his first official trip to Beijing, analysts say
Heightened tensions over North Korea’s accelerated nuclear armaments programme, which pose a security dilemma for both Beijing and Washington, are expected to be the main focus during US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s first official visit to Beijing this weekend. The former chief executive of ExxonMobil’s trip to the Chinese capital, the first senior official in the Donald Trump administration to visit China, has been described by diplomats and pundits as the biggest test for Tillerson since he was confirmed as the United States’ top diplomat on February 1. Leaders in Beijing clearly have high hopes for Tillerson, who is tasked with “creating a positive environment” and paving the way for a much rumored summit between Trump and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping as early as next month. The US diplomat, who also placed North Korea on the top of his agenda during visits to Japan and South Korea over the past three days, is expected to have a hectic schedule in Beijing, including meeting Xi, Premier Li Keqiang, State Councilor Yang Jiechi and Foreign Minister Wang Yi. His visit comes as tensions on the Korean peninsula have reached an all-time high, with Pyongyang warning of an “actual war” and Wang Yi urging both North Korea and the US to rein in provocations to avoid a disastrous head-on collision. But privately, doubts and distrust run deep in Beijing over the predictability and reliability of Trump’s foreign policy that has yet to take shape, according to Chinese diplomats, especially its relations with China. There are also concerns over Tillerson’s ability to exert influence over the US president and former real estate mogul. “We are still scratching our heads to work out how to deal with Trump in the wake of the roller-coaster ride of China-US relations since he got elected,” one diplomat said. Trump’s protocol-breaking phone call with the independence-leaning Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen shortly after he was elected threw Beijing’s relations with Washington into disarray. After weeks in a standoff, both nations managed to stabilise their ties after Trump reaffirmed Washington’s decades-old commitment to the one-China policy during a phone call with Xi last month. Another diplomat said Trump had little regard for important traditions and past practices.“It’s like a nightmare coming true. In the Trump era, nothing seems impossible,” the diplomat said. Diplomatic observers caution against rosy expectations of breakthroughs during the talks in Beijing, citing deepening tensions between the two nations over a whole range of strategic, security and economic issues. Steve Tsang, the director of the London-based SOAS China Institute, said Tillerson’s visit would help put the two nations’ important relationship on a better footing, but it was unlikely to dispel their deep-rooted mistrust. He said the visit would also be a good opportunity for China to “ascertain Trump’s real intentions”. “Beijing doesn’t want a confrontation with Trump, but will want to know what it will cost to do business and make deals with Trump. But I doubt the Chinese Government can afford to trust Trump fully,” Tsang said. Michael Green, an Asia director on President George W. Bush’s National Security Council, said Tillerson would play a key role behind the scenes to coordinate the specifics of Xi’s reported visit to Trump’s lavish Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida early next month. He said Tillerson was also expected to discuss with Beijing the future of over 100 communications mechanisms between the two countries established under President Barack Obama. Beijing was apparently upset by Trump and his senior advisors who showed little interest in continuing with the Strategic and Economic Dialogue, a top-level series of meetings that have been held every year since 2006. “So what will be the framework for dialogue on strategic and economic issues? Tillerson can begin to frame that discussion,” said Green, who now works at the Washington-based Centre for Strategic and International Studies. Yuan Peng, vice-president of the China Institute of Contemporary International Relations, said Beijing and Washington had yet to work out a solution if Trump decided to abort the old mechanisms for regular high-level talks. “From China’s perspective, the fact that senior officials from both nations meet regularly itself is a positive achievement for bilateral ties. Beijing and Trump apparently have disagreements over whether it’s important that they can actually manage to reach any substantial agreements or get anything done,” he said. Experts also noted Beijing had doubts about Tillerson’s sway over Trump on key foreign policy decisions, even though it has been reported that the Secretary of State helped persuade the US president to accept the one-China policy. “The fact that it’s not clear how influential Tillerson is with Trump will make Beijing cautious,” said Tsang. “Tillerson is one of the ‘adults’ in the Trump Administration which remains dominated by tantrum throwing megalomaniacs, including Mr President himself. Can the ‘adults’ in such a set up manage to achieve anything more than preventing the tantrums wrecking havocs?” he said. Green at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies also noted Tillerson’s style, which was quiet but effective at ExxonMobil “does not always work in Washington”. “I think people in Asia and the US will be looking for him to set some strong themes the way Secretary of Defence Jim Mattis did during his first visit to Japan and Korea in early February,” he said. Tsang and other analysts said Beijing would have to work with Tillerson to try to remove potential pitfalls in relations with the Trump Administration. On the increasing tensions on the Korean peninsula, analysts said Beijing and Washington were unlikely to make much progress apart from reiterating their commitment to enhance cooperation to counter the North’s nuclear weapons programme. “Tillerson and his Chinese counterparts may emphasise the importance of working together to defuse tensions, but it is unlikely there will be any breakthroughs from the visit,” said Zhu Zhiqun, the director of the China Institute at Bucknell University in Pennsylvania. Zhu said Beijing would probably raise the issue of the controversial US anti-missile system deployed in South Korea, which Beijing says poses a threat to its national security, and the joint military exercise between Tokyo, Seoul and Washington. North Korea has markedly accelerated its nuclear programme in the past year with the aim of perfecting its nuclear weapons capabilities which could strike as far as the US. A study by the Brookings Institution think tank in Washington has depicted a rather gloomy picture, saying all policy options on the Korean peninsula were bad with most scenarios ranging from “dangerous to horrific”. “This process will continue to test the new administration. Given projected timelines in Pyongyang’s nuclear and missile development, President Trump could face an early decision on whether to shoot down or otherwise disable a North Korean long-range missile, very possibly triggering an even larger military crisis on the peninsula,” it said. Tillerson and Chinese officials are also expected to talk about trade and economic differences plus a growing rivalry in the disputed waters of the South China Sea. Premier Li Keqiang told the National People’s Congress on Wednesday that American companies would fare worst in the event of a trade war with China, which Trump and his top advisers have threatened to unleash amid allegations of unfair trade practices. Li also said both sides should work together to create “opportunities rather than troubles” for Southeast Asian nations that were caught between the intense power play between Beijing and Washington in the South China Sea. Jay Batongbacal, a law professor at the University of the Philippines, noted that tensions flared last year largely due to Beijing’s assertiveness to press its claims to the disputed waters in the South China Sea and Asia-Pacific nations were still wary of China’s growing military and economic clout. “It is good that China recognises that its interactions can be a potential ‘source of trouble’, but I also hope that China recognises that not all troubles necessarily arise because of that China-US interaction,” he said.

Similarity rank: 3

© Source: http://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy-defence/article/2079791/north-korea-nuclear-threat-dominate-tillerson-talks
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(Horb am Neckar) Einbruch in Wohnhaus – Täter machen keine Beute


Horb am Neckar (ots) – Nach einem Einbruch in ein Wohnhaus im Horber Stadtteil Talheim haben die unbekannten Täter den Tatort am Donnerstag ohne Beute wieder
Horb am Neckar (ots) – Nach einem Einbruch in ein Wohnhaus im Horber Stadtteil Talheim haben die unbekannten Täter den Tatort am Donnerstag ohne Beute wieder verlassen. Der Sachschaden, den sie anrichteten, wird auf zirka 500 Euro geschätzt. Zwischen 12.30 Uhr und 23.30 Uhr hebelten die Einbrecher die Terrassentüre auf. Im Schlafzimmer wühlten sie sich durch alle Schränke. Auch im Gästezimmer suchten sie nach Beute. Trotz der intensiven Suche verließen die Eindringlinge den Tatort, ohne etwas zu stehlen.

© Source: http://www.t-online.de/regionales/id_80649868/-horb-am-neckar-einbruch-in-wohnhaus-taeter-machen-keine-beute.html
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