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ВЭФ в 2017г. пройдет без Меркель и Олланда, но с Си Цзинпином


NewsHubПредставители Всемирного экономического форума в Давосе подтвердили, что канцлер ФРГ Ангела Меркель и президент Франции Франсуа Олланд не примут участие в форуме, проходящем 17-20 января 2017г. в швейцарских Альпах, сообщает DW со ссылкой на агентство dpa.
« Нам жаль, но федеральное правительство, как и раньше, будет представлено делегацией высокого уровня », – сообщили агентству dpa представители ВЭФ по поводу неучастия А. Меркель. В 2016г. А. Меркель также не принимала участие в работе Форума.
В 2017г. ВЭФ впервые посетит руководитель КНР Си Цзинпин.
« В общей сложности в Давосе ожидают свыше 50 глав государств и правительств, а также руководителей ведущих международных корпораций. Германию на мероприятии будут представлять, в частности, министр финансов Вольфганг Шойбле и министр обороны Урсула фон дер Ляен », – говорится в сообщении DW.

Similarity rank: 7.6

© Source: http://interfax.com.ua/news/general/394442.html
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Суд Чехии решил, что кидание яиц в президента – не преступление


NewsHubРайонный суд Праги признал, что закидывания яйцами президента Чехии Милоша Земана 17 ноября 2014 года не является преступлением или проступком. О этом сообщила  » Русская служба Би-би-си « , 2 января.
Земан выступал в столице своей страны по случаю 25-летия падения коммунистического режима. Во время выступления на площадь подошла группа демонстрантов, которые критиковали президента за его высказывания против « бархатных революций » в других странах. Демонстранты показали президенту красные карточки, а несколько человек кинули Земана куриные яйца.
Полиция задержала одного мужчину, который подозревался в таком « выражении » недоверия к Земану. Сначала полиция открыла дело с формулировкой « действия, направленные против принципов гражданского общества », затем производство отправили на рассмотрение районной администрации. Там сочли, что митингующий ничего криминально не совершил. Однако в октябре прошлого года дело вернули на рассмотрение полиции повторно, а следователи направили его в суд. В итоге, суд пражского района « Прага-2″ решил, что метания яиц не содержит состава преступления или проступка ».
В 2012 году в экс-президента Украины Виктора Януковича также попала яйцо. Тогда он упал и был вынесен подальше от толпы телохранителями. .

Similarity rank: 3.2

© Source: http://kp.ua/politics/562715/
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Двое украинских военных погибли, двое ранены из-за неосторожного обращения с оружием – штаб


NewsHub2 января в результате нарушения правил обращения с оружием в одной из воинских частей в зоне проведения антитеррористической операции, вблизи Марьинки Донецкой области, погибли двое военнослужащих Вооруженных сил Украины. Об этом сообщает в Facebook пресс-центр штаба АТО.
Еще двое украинских военных получили ранения. Обстоятельства происшествия выясняются.
Вооруженный конфликт на востоке Украины начался в апреле 2014 года. Боевые действия ведутся между Вооруженными силами Украины и пророссийскими боевиками, которые контролируют часть Донецкой и Луганской областей.

Similarity rank: 4.2

© Source: http://gordonua.com/news/war/dvoe-ukrainskih-voennyh-pogibli-dvoe-raneny-iz-za-neostorozhnogo-obrashcheniya-s-oruzhiem-shtab-167202.html
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Заключенные устроили бунт в еще одной тюрьме Бразилии


NewsHubИнформации о пострадавших или беглых заключенных на данный момент нет. Бунт вспыхнул в центре предварительного заключения для мужчин, в котором содержатся 1586 преступников. При этом вместимость тюрьмы составляет 568 человек.
Напомним, что в городе Манаус произошел тюремный бунт , в ходе которого погибли по меньшей мере 60 человек. Отмечается, что беспорядки в исправительном учреждении начались днем 1 января из-за драки двух враждующих между собой преступных группировок.

Similarity rank: 4.3

© Source: http://www.unn.com.ua/ru/news/1632530-uvyazneni-vlashtuvali-bunt-u-sche-odniy-vyaznitsi-braziliyi
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В Венесуэле 16 человек погибли в результате крушения военного самолета – СМИ


NewsHubВ Венесуэле разбился военный вертолет, в результате крушения погибли 11 солдат и пятеро гражданских, сообщает местное издание El Universal.
Отмечается, что связь с ним пропала еще 30 декабря 2016 года. По словам жителей населенных пунктов в муниципалитете Альто-Ориноко, они слышали грохот и видели дым в районе центральной части Амазонки.
По информации издания, погибли все, кто находился в вертолете. Власти страны пока официально не подтвердили эту информацию.

Similarity rank: 5.3

© Source: http://gordonua.com/news/localnews/v-venesuele-16-chelovek-pogibli-v-rezultate-krusheniya-voennogo-vertoleta-167216.html
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Под Львовом дотла сгорел музей-крыивка УПА


NewsHubФото: Из открытых источников
Неизвестные сожгли музей-крыивку УПА под Львовом
Фото: Из открытых источников
Неизвестные сожгли музей-крыивку УПА под Львовом
Фото: Из открытых источников
Неизвестные сожгли музей-крыивку УПА под Львовом
В с. Басивка Пустомытовского района Львовской обл. сгорел музей « Крыивка подпольной типографии УПА ». Об этом сообщает Zaxid.net .
Тайник сгорел полностью. Вероятной причиной пожара является умышленный поджог.
Новости по теме: Владельцы сгоревшего рынка секонд-хенда возле « Лесной » заявили о поджоге
« По моему мнению, сверху через отдушины, которых у нас шесть, залили какое-то горючее вещество и подожгли. Считаю, что не случайно такой инцидент произошел в ночь с 1 на 2 января, когда националисты отмечают 108-ю годовщину со дня рождения руководителя Провода ОУН, Героя Украины Степана Бандеры », – рассказал директор музея Иван Попович.
Новости по теме: В Донецке сгорел дельфинарий
Музей-тайник УПА, который расположен в Басовском лесу, открыли 7 сентября 2014 на месте, где 16 августа 1955 состоялся бой между повстанцами и отрядом НКВД. Тайник был подпольной типографией УПА.
Убежище нашли в 1970-х годах лесники, однако его разобрали. Впоследствии в 2014 году на этом месте обустроили музей.
Напомним, ранее в Кременчуге на штрафплощадке сгорел автомобиль, который задерживали пять патрулей полиции .

Similarity rank: 6.4

© Source: http://112.ua/avarii-chp/pod-lvovom-dotla-sgorel-muzey-kryivka-upa-pod-lvovom-363079.html
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Меркель и Олланд не посетят экономический форум в Давосе


NewsHub« Мы сожалеем, но федеральное правительство, как и ранее, будет представлено делегацией высокого уровня », – сообщили организаторы форума.
Причины отказа Меркель от участия мероприятии не сообщаются. Германию в Давосе будут представлять министр финансов Вольфганг Шойбле и министр обороны Урсула фон дер Ляйен.
Президент Франции Франсуа Олнд также не планирует участвовать в работе форума. При этом Давос в январе 2017 года впервые посетит глава КНР Си Цзиньпин.
Всемирный экономический форум в Давосе состоится 17-20 января 2017 года. В его работе примут участие главы более 50 государств и правительств, руководители крупных корпораций.
В прошлом году КНР в Давосе представляли два чиновника , о которых на мировой арене мало было известно: член политбюро Ли Юаньчао и заместитель председателя китайского регулятора в сфере безопасности Фань Синьхай.

Similarity rank: 7.4

© Source: http://zn.ua/WORLD/merkel-i-olland-ne-posetyat-ekonomicheskiy-forum-v-davose-234973_.html
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Telegram quietly ends Android 2.2, 2.3 and 3.0 support


NewsHubThe popular messenger application, WhatsApp, recently cut support for Android 2.1 and 2.2, iOS 6 and Windows Phone 7. It had previously mentioned this move earlier in the year in a blog post. Telegram has followed suit in cutting Android 2.2 support, but has decided to cut even further and nix Android 2.3 and 3.0 too; now users must be running Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich or above.
In WhatsApp’s cull, iOS 6 support was also removed; luckily for Telegram users still running iOS 6, updates will still be provided for the time being. Although not mentioned by Telegram, their motives for ending support of such old platforms is to enable the software to get more features which require a new operating system.
As a workaround, users could try Telegram’s web version which should work in most browsers. Additionally, there are also desktop clients for the three major operating systems: Windows, Mac and Linux.
Android 2.2, 2.3 and 3.0 devices make up around 1.4% of the Android usage share – about 19,600,000 devices. Telegram boasts about 100 million users, well below WhatsApp’s one billion users. Despite WhatsApp cutting less Android version from its supported devices roster, it’ll still likely impact more users than Telegram’s wider cuts, based on the sheer volume of WhatsApp users compared to Telegram users.
Source: Telegram | Image via Telegram

Similarity rank: 0

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/neowin-main/~3/ACshjCOtW04/telegram-quietly-ends-android-22-23-and-30-support
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My favorite tech items of 2016 [Joe]


NewsHubThe year 2016 is when the United States sold its soul to Donald Trump and I signed over mine to Apple. How’s that for introduction to the five favs series, joining colleagues Alan Buckingham , Brian Fagioli , and Wayne Williams? Yup. I’m an Apple whore as 2017 opens onto its second day. The fruit-logo company won back my business as I gave up the Google lifestyle. Three main reasons: 1) I believed CEO Tim Cook’s privacy promises, all while my concerns about Big G information collection increased. 2) I found the visual acuity of Apple fonts and user interfaces to be far superior to Google’s, which helped compensate for diminishing reading vision (later recovered through eye surgery). 3) Google’s platforms proved inadequate for easily recording, producing, and publishing the Frak That! podcast (a fun side project).
My contribution to the series is a bit disingenuous, though. I wouldn’t call these « My favorite tech items of 2016 ». They are what I bought, or was released, last year that I use most often, regardless of their benefits and flaws. Each will get belated review sometime during the next few months. Consider this story each’s preview. Okay, let’s get to them.
15.4-inch MacBook Pro with Touch Bar
If ever there was a flawed product to plunk down $3,000 (after tax), Apple’s newest notebook is it. I have never spent so much on a laptop than the larger MBP, which I bought from a local Apple Store in late November. The screen is among the brightest (500 nit) and color gamut range and accuracy are best of class. The second-generation butterfly keyboard and accompanying, expansive trackpad improve my writing and overall interaction with the laptop. I primarily chose the computer for these two benefits, and it satisfies. Immensely.
But looked at differently, a touchscreen, rather than the Touch Bar, could be more useful. The strip’s utility is questionable and demonstrates risky design emphasis. Many early buyers complain about shorter-than-expected battery life ; you can be sure more people would take longer charge time over newfangled Touch Bar. The point: Some of Apple’s design priorities need to be reevaluated.
The touchscreen operates in the plane of the eyes, while the other assumes plane of the fingers matters more. Until, and quite honestly if , there is broad third-party developer support, Touch Bar is too much a feature without purpose. Whether or not Apple chose the right plane—fingers over eyes—is a story to be told. The company’s heritage is exceptional: Providing products and user interfaces that people don’t know they need. It’s too early to say if Touch Bar does just that.
I like how the laptop looks; it’s pretty, but arguably pricey. The speakers produce excellent sound, and I find the fingerprint reader to be hugely useful for turning on the computer or authenticating some online purchases. Minimalism in design marries maximal utility.
iPhone 7 Plus
There is something sweet about Apple’s freshest fruits: They imbue the understated design ethic that I wrote about in February 2005. They are visual masterpieces. Works of art, which subtleties charm. My 128GB iPhone 7 Plus in matte black is example. The device feels fantastic to hold, and its appearance pleases my eyes. I can say the same about the new MacBook Pro, which thinness and refinement make older models immediately look outdated. The one is modern, and the other archaic.
What distinguishes Apple in Cook’s kitchen: Product design as refining art. This ethic won’t be appreciated by customers, developers, or investors demanding the next « one more thing » product. But innovation can be subtle, too, and perhaps that’s where it’s best. Understated. Unobvious. Apple innovates by iteration better than any rival.
Conceptually, iPhone 7 and 7 Plus are much like the original announced by Steve Jobs 10 years ago this month. The screen as the user interface, augmented by device-orienting sensors, is much the same then as now. But these features, and others, as well as the design, are incrementally improved over time to perfection. If example of other owners, I am more satisfied with the newest model than any other smartphone—and I have used or tested many.
There isn’t one thing about iPhone 7 Plus that satisfies, but many. Consider the two-lens camera, which changes little the device’s look but hugely increases capabilities. I may sell my larger, changeable-lens Fujifilm X-T1, because the smartphone so satisfies the majority of my shooting needs. Subtle changes matter, if done well.
Still, some Apple design choices are contradictions. MacBook Pro keeps the 3.5mm audio jack even while dumping all other legacy ports for USB-C. Meanwhile, it is absent on iPhone 7 and 7 Plus. Apple expects customers to connect via Bluetooth or use a Lightning cable. How strange: The need for dongles is where the two devices do share some design synergy.
Imposition of the Apple Way—taking something away—achieves other benefits. Yes, some users will need dongles to connect to legacy peripherals. But the ports’ removal stays true to a design ethic, and aesthetic, going back to 1998’s Bondi Blue iMac , when Apple ditched legacy ports for USB. The move to USB-C has historical precedent, and doing so allows the company to deliver thinner, lighter laptops that please eyes and fingers. But the principle challenges users to move on to wireless connectivity, for laptop or smartphone.
Also understated: How efficiently and transparently some cloud-based mechanisms work across devices. Safari’s seamless syncing of usernames and passwords now exceeds what Google does with Chrome. I don’t have to worry about forgetting login for this website or that regardless of device. For someone who uses different passwords on every service, the convenience matters much. The concept is tremendously understated, and beneficial, extending to some apps; iOS will prompt to use the Safari saved credentials to log into some of the app-accessed cloud services. Love it!
If you asked me a year ago about using Safari as my primary web browser, I would have laughed at the absurdity. Yet, as 2017 starts, I typically bring up Chrome only for sites that require Adobe Flash, which I refuse to add to Apple’s browser. iCloud is major reason for the change.
iCloud has been the ugly dog in Apple’s kennel for far too long. The service finally feels mature with autumn’s release of macOS Sierra and iOS 10. On the computer, by default, Desktop, as well as the Documents folder, syncs to the cloud—recognizing where most people drop their stuff. The process is seamless and understated, and the iCloud app on iOS is silky smooth.
But Siri still sucks. She isn’t the hearing-impaired ignoramus of past Apple release cycles, but the digital assistant falls far, far behind Google Now. Apple should buy some artificial intelligence startup with smarts and give Siri a much-needed brain transplant.
9.7-inch iPad Pro
Returning to the theme of incremental improvements, the device I pick up most often during the day is Apple’s smaller iPad Pro. I use it mainly for content consumption, rather than creation, despite support for the fruit-logo company’s so-called Pencil. I purchased the 128GB, WiFi model, which is easy to carry around the apartment or outside on the go.
Biggest benefit, for me: The display, which is fantastic—better than great. Colors are accurate but vivid; contrast is balanced, not saturated; text is super sharp, crisp. The tablet packs what Apple calls the True Tone display, which uses sensors to correct color regardless the hue of your environment.
True Tone is a magnificently useful feature for people who need it, and that’s not the largest audience. Anyone who creates content—artists, filmmakers, graphic designers, photographers, web designers, and the like—can benefit from the improved color accuracy, regardless whether they’re working under bright fluorescent lights or shaded canopy seating outside the local Starbucks.
The tech is clever, works well, but surprises the eyes—at first. Then you get used to the feature and miss it on other devices. Which brings up another Apple design oddity. Why offer True Tone on the one tablet, but not others? Or iPhone? The inconsistency in design stands out because of the incredible consistency so common among Apple products.
Other incremental improvements, such as audio quality and big-megapixel front camera, make iPad Pro 9.7 the Apple tablet I would most-likely recommend to anyone. Additionally, and importantly, the immersive content consumption experience exceeds anything available on Android.
Apple Watch 2
Finally—and you can call me crazy—I bought Apple Watch 2 last year. Tim Cook presented the wrist wear, like iPad Pro 12.9 and MacBook Pro with Touch Bar, as Steve Jobs might « One More Thing ». But the smartwatch, like the others, is less. Sometimes less is more, however, with understated design as example. Then there are incremental improvements made over several, sometimes many , generations.
As a disruptive platform, Apple Watch is a failure. I don’t see any utility that can make this thing transformative. Maybe Google sees a problem, too, given Android 2’s delay last year. holding back Apple: Design obsession with touch, which traces back 27 years to the original Macintosh.  » Finger-first  » is increasingly an anachronism when voice-enabled, touchless interaction is so sensible. Google gets it, delivering contextually meaningful utility—anytime, anywhere, and on any personal, portable device needed. By contrast, Apple’s approach to its smartwatch and Touch Bar development depend too much on fingers.
All that said, I don’t dislike Apple Watch 2, which I wear every day and obsessively use, mainly for alerts, flagged email, texting, and voice calls. But the need to touch, and Siri’s fireable offenses as digital assistant, compromise what could be a truly exceptional product. Maybe Apple will fix the problems incrementally. But only if touch gives way to better voice utility. The sign: When there no longer is that ridiculous crown that company execs raved about at launch of the first model.
Griping is my nature, so make no mistake: I am mostly satisfied with my adoption of the Apple lifestyle, conceding imperfections are many—and growing—under the tenure of Tim Cook and his management team. Too many new products are over-designed in ways that lack purpose. They are failed attempts to deliver that thing people don’t know they need. Steve Jobs brought good taste and sensibility to Apple products and their design, blooming visionary sensibilities that birthed several transforming tech devices—with iPod and iPhone, in 2001 and 2007, respectively, being most notable.
I don’t expect anything as monumental under Mr. Cook. But, hey, he got money. So will he really care?
Photo Credit: Joe Wilcox

Similarity rank: 0

© Source: http://feeds.betanews.com/~r/bn/~3/gFd-ujuLVHY/
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Looking ahead: For Microsoft, 2017 will be a year of work, play, and creativity unleashed


NewsHubAs 2016 drew to a close, we looked back at a remarkable year for Microsoft, reflecting upon its highs and lows over the last twelve months. The year was far from perfect for the Redmond giant, but many of its accomplishments still struck the right note with its customers, and with tech media.
Microsoft still has a great deal of work to do, of course. The tasks of improving its products, and earning the confidence and trust of customers old and new – whether consumers, businesses, schools or developers – are never complete. There will no doubt be many more surprises to come over the coming year, but we already know some of what to expect from Microsoft as it continues on its mission « to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more ».
That mission encompasses every branch of its activities, from productivity and development, to gaming and entertainment. From what we know of Microsoft’s plans for the next twelve months, 2017 will be a year of work, play, and creativity unleashed across the entire company.
For many of Microsoft’s customers, their primary point of interaction with its software and services comes through their use of its operating systems. Windows 10 is now installed on over 400 million devices worldwide, and while its growth has slowed – and the company no longer expects it to reach a billion devices by the end of 2018 – the OS is still one of Microsoft’s most important products.
In October, Microsoft announced the Creators Update , its next major ‘service pack’-style feature upgrade for Windows 10. The update will bring a diverse range of new additions and improvements to the OS, including:
Microsoft hasn’t yet revealed a firm release date for the update, but it could roll out in April , despite earlier internal references to Windows 10 ‘Version 1703’ hinting at a March launch.
The Creators Update was announced alongside Microsoft’s newest device, the Surface Studio all-in-one desktop PC – a machine developed specifically with the creative process in mind. The Studio quickly sold out (although Microsoft noted that it would be available in « limited quantities » through to the end of 2016), but the company will be making new stock available early this year.
One way in which Microsoft hopes to inspire fresh creativity among its users is with the new Paint 3D app that will ship with the Creators Update. Under its ‘3D for everyone’ mantra, Microsoft aims to make it far easier for all users to create 3D animations and objects. This could obviously be a lot of fun for people wanting to share enjoyable content with family and friends – but the company hopes that tools like these will also spark a new burst of creativity in business scenarios.
One such tool is the new Windows Capture 3D app , enabling users to scan a real-world object in real time using the camera on their phone, which is then turned into a 3D model that can be manipulated, edited, and then shared with others, or exported into other applications. Imagine, for example, a retailer being able to scan their products using the app, so that they can quickly and easily provide a 3D view of each product to their customers via their website or app.
Coupled with Microsoft’s ambitions in the mixed reality space, its 3D tools could be very exciting indeed. Imagine the same retailer being able to share 3D models of its products with its customers, which they can then view up close on a virtual reality headset, or even be able to visualize in their homes or offices through an augmented reality device like HoloLens.
In 2016, Microsoft launched its $3,000 HoloLens Development Edition headset in North America, and later brought it to six international markets. It will go on sale in China early this year too. Microsoft’s Alex Kipman said that the company aims « to bring mixed reality to every person and organization on the planet » – but in order for that to happen, the cost of such devices will need to fall considerably.
Even virtual reality remains prohibitively expensive for many users, but in 2017, Microsoft hopes that its efforts to drive down the cost of VR will pay off. The free Windows 10 Creators Update will include the Windows Holographic shell – the core operating environment for Microsoft’s mixed reality experiences – but more significantly, the company has also been working with its hardware partners to develop low-cost VR headsets that can connect to users’ PCs. These headsets will be priced as low as $299 – far less than products like the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive – and won’t require expensive, top-of-the-line PCs to power them.
While much discussion around VR has focused on entertainment, and buzz is continuing to build around the idea of VR and augmented reality for the workplace, we also expect to hear more from Microsoft this year about its plans to development Windows Holographic mixed reality experiences for education too.
Virtual reality will also form an important part of Microsoft’s gaming proposition in 2017. Last June, at the E3 gaming expo, it announced Xbox ‘Project Scorpio’, calling it the « most powerful console ever » , with support for HDR, native 4K gaming , and VR experiences. Part of the Xbox One family, Scorpio will – unsurprisingly – cost more than the latest Xbox One S when it arrives at the end of the year. Expect to find out more about the new console at E3 this summer.
Microsoft is also working on improvements for PC gamers on Windows 10. It announced a handful of additions for gamers that will arrive with the Creators Update , but more recently, it also emerged that the firm is working on a new ‘Game Mode’ for Windows 10 , which will boost performance by optimizing the entire OS and system resources to prioritize the gameplay experience.
Last month, details were revealed of Project Evo, a collaboration with Intel to better integrate mixed reality and gaming experiences with Microsoft’s digital assistant, Cortana, and the company’s vast suite of security tools and features, including Windows Hello biometric authentication.
That project will bring far-field speech communications support for Cortana, allowing users to ask the assistant a question or to play a song from across the room – much like the Amazon Echo and Google Home speakers. Microsoft will be bringing some of this functionality to Windows 10 PCs as part of its ‘HomeHub’ project later this year.
Along with the recently-announced Cortana Skills Kit and Devices SDK , this will enable Microsoft’s partners to build new hardware running its digital assistant. Harman Kardon teased one such Cortana-powered device a few weeks ago, and Microsoft told Neowin to expect more hardware developed from Project Evo in time for the 2017 holiday season.
The Skills Kit will allow third-parties to connect to Cortana in all sorts of new ways, greatly expanding the assistant’s abilities. Microsoft is also bringing Cortana to its Windows 10 Internet of Things (IoT) platform this year, opening up the possibility of the assistant being built into a wider range of devices, such as high-end refrigerators, and smart home hubs.
‘Conversation as a platform’ is an important area of development for Microsoft, not just with Cortana, but also as it continues to build the Bot Framework that it announced last March. Like many other companies, including Google and Facebook, Microsoft sees bots as an exciting area of technology ripe for exploration, and it’s convinced that they’ll become exponentially more important to our everyday lives as the underlying technology continues to mature.
Whether ordering a pizza, asking a question, booking a flight, or getting basic customer service, Microsoft envisages a future filled with ‘digital agents’ that can help users to get stuff done, and as its natural language processing technology improves, the tasks that such bots can assist with will no doubt become more complex. The company is investing considerable sums into its research and development of conversational computing as part of those plans.
Microsoft has already made it clear that we’ll see a lot more bots emerging in 2017. The firm’s massive investment into artificial intelligence research will also help development of those digital agents, although it will surely be a while before users can begin to consistently rely on such tools.
The Azure cloud platform will play an important part in building a future filled with bots, which will no doubt fuel further growth of the company’s cloud business. Azure revenue rose by 116% year-over-year during the third quarter of 2016 , while Azure compute usage more doubled year-over-year, and Microsoft will obviously be keen to maintain that momentum in 2017.
Over the coming year, the company will also be expanding its Office products and cloud services, bringing Office 365 to 97 new markets across the globe. In the first quarter of the year, it will launch the full version of Teams, its new ‘chat-based workspace’ for Office 365 , which is currently available in preview form.
Last month, Microsoft completed its $26.2 billion acquisition of professional networking platform LinkedIn. During the weeks and months ahead, Microsoft will begin the process of integrating LinkedIn with its existing portfolio of products , including Office, Dynamics, Active Directory and Windows 10.
For many people, though, the most exciting announcements of 2017 will be those of Microsoft’s new devices. Last year, it ended production and sales of its lower-end Surface 3 , and its current Surface Pro 4 tablet and Surface Book detachable laptop are now over a year old.
It’s no surprise, then, that speculation has been intensifying over the company’s plans for its next-generation devices. In the last few days, a report suggested that the Surface Pro 5 could arrive by March, with an ultra-high-definition 4K display. That would be a curious change given the obvious impact on battery life from the need to power all those extra pixels, but it is possible that the Pro 5 will arrive before the second-generation Book.
It’s only been two months since Microsoft updated its high-end Surface Book models with a new Performance Base option. Just three weeks ago, it announced plans to launch the Performance Base in eight international markets in the first quarter of 2017. It seems very unlikely that the company would release the Surface Book 2 so soon after those announcements – so we may well have to wait until later in the year for that device to arrive.
For some, the only device they want to see is the much-rumored ‘Surface Phone’. Credible reports suggest that it may not arrive until the end of 2017, or perhaps as late as 2018 – but it may well be worth the wait.
Last month, Microsoft made a hugely important announcement in partnership with Qualcomm, promising to bring the full Windows 10 OS to devices with the latest Snapdragon chips, including support for 32-bit x86 applications through emulation. The announcement referred to « cellular PCs », hinting at a new wave of affordable and power-efficient notebooks and tablets with ARM-based processors, as well as that support for desktop-class applications.
But Microsoft fanned the flames of speculation surrounding a possible Surface Phone when it showed off the full desktop edition of Adobe Photoshop running on a device with a Snapdragon 820 – a chip that’s already available on two high-end Windows 10 Mobile phones. The prospect of a handset with a mobile interface on the go, and a desktop UI with x86 apps when docked and connected to a large display, is an exciting one – but there’s no guarantee that the Surface Phone will actually make an appearance this year.
Before that, Microsoft will deliver a range of improvements to its existing range of Windows 10 Mobile devices as part of the Creators Update.
Among the changes on the way are new features for the PC-like Continuum mode, which allows people to use a mouse and keyboard with their handset when it’s connected to a second screen. With the Creators Update, Continuum will be improved to include resizable and snappable windows, along with the ability to pin apps to the taskbar. There will be new customization options too, and more features aimed at businesses.
Some user interface and design changes are also expected across all Windows 10 devices in the second half of the year as part of Project NEON, which is linked to the company’s mixed reality efforts that we discussed earlier in this article.
Microsoft also has big plans in store for its Windows Insider Program this year. Program chief Dona Sarkar said this week that the company will share new insights with Insiders « into what the team is doing, how engineering decisions are made, what issues we’re prioritizing each week… and much more ‘behind the scenes’ things.  »
The company is also actively exploring new methods of helping the millions of Insiders around the world to communicate and collaborate with each other more easily, and the recent launch of its new Insider community blog is the first step in those plans.
Those efforts are linked to its #Insiders4Good initiative, to « use tech to make a lasting impact in the world ». #Insiders4Good will be expanded further in 2017, as Microsoft aims to make the Insider Program more than just a means to get people to evaluate its Windows 10 preview builds before their general release.
Of course, these are just some of the things that we know Microsoft is working on for the coming year, and there are undoubtedly plenty of other new products and improvements on the way.
It wasn’t all that long ago that Microsoft seemed to focus on little more than Windows and Office – but now its development is spread across a huge array of hardware, software, tools and services for a vast range of customers with greatly differing needs.
The challenge for Microsoft is to bring all of these products, old and new, together in the most seamless and useful ways. Whether that’s integrating LinkedIn with its Office 365 platform, equipping businesses with mixed reality tools to build new experiences and new business models, helping consumers to enjoy its apps and games across multiple platforms, or enabling developers to create more powerful and secure software, that challenge will continue throughout 2017 and beyond.
Last year, Microsoft managed to get people talking about it with genuine excitement, and some even began to hold it in higher esteem than Apple, as an example of a company that has embraced the value of innovation and listening to its users. If Microsoft can build on that momentum this year, and unleash its creativity to improve its products, and build compelling new experiences for work and play, 2017 could be very exciting indeed.

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