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Leipzig und Hoffenheim beglücken Löw


NewsHubDer Bundestrainer verdankt beiden Klubs viel. Vor allem dies: dass das Sturmproblem der DFB-Elf bald gelöst sein könnte.
Natürlich sah der Bundestrainer wieder umwerfend aus. Eine Nachricht ist das ja eigentlich nicht mehr, wenn Joachim Löw in einem Bundesliga-Stadion seine Lässigkeit vorführt, aber an diesem Samstag hatten Löw und sein Style einen gewissen Neuigkeitswert: Als Beobachter gab er seine Premiere im Leipziger Stadion, und es machte ihm gar nichts aus, dass die Leute um ihn herum sich vermutlich fragten, ob man durch eine so dunkle Pilotenbrille überhaupt ein Spiel betrachten kann. Zu vermuten ist: Man kann.
Joachim Löw hat einiges zu sehen bekommen bei seinem Debüt, vielleicht sah er sogar die aktuell stilprägenden Mannschaften der Liga, deren Spiel zumindest deutlich zackiger ausschaut als das des sehr beliebigen FC Bayern. Vor allem aber dürfte Löw nach vielen, vielen Jahren erstmals eine leise Hoffnung beschleichen: Vielleicht muss er bald nicht mehr nur zwischen Mario Gomez und Mario Götze auswählen, wenn er den Sturm seiner Nationalmannschaft besetzen will.
Löw sah in Leipzig die beiden treffsichersten deutschen Stürmer, den immer noch sehr jungen Timo Werner, 20, und den nicht mehr sehr jungen Sandro Wagner, 29, die vor seiner Pilotenbrille durchaus bemerkenswerte Szenen hatten. Werner schoss eines der inzwischen für ihn schon typischen Tore, sein elftes in der Liga; und Wagner mischte auffällige spielerische Momente oft mit angemessener, manchmal aber auch mit unangemessener Aggressivität. Seine rote Karte dürfte dem sehr ästhetischen Bundestrainer nicht gefallen haben, aber selbstverständlich hat Löw dennoch nicht übersehen, auf welch beachtlichem Niveau dieser Wagner inzwischen zu stürmen versteht.
Auch das ist ja bisher eine Geschichte dieser Saison: Leipzig und Hoffenheim haben der Liga mit ihrer Art des Fußballs nicht nur eine neue Farbe hinzugefügt, sie haben auch dem anspruchsvollen Bundestrainer neue Optionen vermittelt: Werner gilt inzwischen als seriöser Kandidat für das Confed-Cup-Aufgebot, das Löw nach Saisonende nominieren wird; alternativ könnte er als Mittelstürmer der U21 versuchen, die DFB-Junioren bei deren Europameisterschaft in Polen zum Titel zu schießen. Sollte Werner in Polen stürmen, könnte an seiner Stelle tatsächlich der lange verkannte Sandro Wagner mit der A-Elf nach Russland reisen.
Joachim Löw weiß, was er Leipzig und Hoffenheim bzw. deren Trainern Ralph Hasenhüttl und Julian Nagelsmann zu verdanken hat. Sie sind nicht nur dabei, ihm zwei Stürmer zu erziehen, unter ihrer Hand sind auch andere Kandidaten zuletzt deutlich besser geworden: die Hoffenheimer Niklas Süle und Sebastian Rudy, die der FC Bayern sicherheitshalber gleich weggekauft hat; auch die Leipziger Verteidiger Willi Orban und (der zurzeit verletzte) Lukas Klostermann sind längst im Blickfeld der Pilotenbrille aufgetaucht; und der junge Hoffenheimer Nadiem Amiri, 20, gilt als Geheimtipp, der, wenn er so weitermacht, bald nicht mehr sehr geheim ist.
Im Moment sind es Leipzig und Hoffenheim, die dem Bundestrainer Freude machen. Mit den Gedanken an sie kann er sich trösten, wenn er mal wieder dem Dortmunder Götze oder den Münchner Müller bei der verzweifelten Formsuche zuschauen muss.

Similarity rank: 2.1

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Klopps FC Liverpool scheidet gegen Wolverhampton aus


NewsHubAls Jürgen Klopp vor eineinhalb Jahren Brendan Rodgers als Trainer des FC Liverpool ablöste, übernahm er auch dessen Anwesen im beschaulichen Formby, 20 Kilometer nördlich vom Stadtzentrum. Vor Klopp und Rodgers hatte dort bereits Klublegende Steven Gerrard residiert. Anders als seine Vorgänger verzichtete Klopp darauf, das Haus zu kaufen, sondern mietete es.
Das Trainer-Dasein ist ja eher ein schnelllebiges Gewerbe. Ein Haus zu kaufen oder gar zu bauen, lohnt sich in den seltensten Fällen. Zumal der Hausbau selbst ein ziemlich unsicherer Akt ist, wie Klopp unter der Woche bemerkte: « Du startest voller Enthusiasmus. Im Sommer ist alles gut und du glaubst, du ziehst in ein paar Monaten ein. Aber dann wird es Winter, das Wetter wird schlecht und du bist immer noch am bauen.  »
Im Sommer 2016 hat Klopp seinen Vertrag vorzeitig bis 2022 verlängert. Er soll der Bauleiter sein, der den Klub wieder zur Größe vergangener Tage aufbaut. Und im Sommer war tatsächlich alles gut. Liverpool spielte gut, stand zwischenzeitlich sogar an der Spitze der Premier League. Doch zuletzt sind die Arbeiten ins Stocken geraten. Liverpool hat nur eines der letzten acht Spiele gewonnen. Am Mittwoch schied Klopps Mannschaft im Ligapokal gegen Southampton aus, zuvor gab es eine peinliche 2:3 Niederlage zu Hause gegen den Tabellenletzten Swansea City. Am Samstag hat sich die Lage weiter verschärft: Liverpool scheiterte in der vierten Runde des FA Cups an den Wolverhampton Wanderers, Tabellenachtzehnter der zweiten Liga.
Als Klopp nach der 1:2-Niederlage vor die Fernsehkameras trat, rang er sich ein gequältes Lächeln ab und gab dann zu: « Ich bin verantwortlich. Zu 100 Prozent. Das war richtig schlecht, viel mehr kann man dazu nicht sagen.  » Klopp hatte gegen den Zweitligisten zahlreiche Stammspieler geschont, unter anderem Philippe Coutinho und Nationalspieler Emre Can. Doch die Strategie ging gründlich schief. Schon nach 52 Sekunden traf Richard Stearman, kurz vor der Halbzeit erhöhte Andreas Weimann. « Wir sind schlecht gestartet und es wurde nicht besser. Jeder hat es gesehen », klagte Klopp. Jeder sah auch, dass es etwas besser wurde, als Klopp später Mittelfeldlenker Coutinho einwechselte. « Es war auch unmöglich, dass es schlechter wurde.  » Doch es war eben nicht gut genug, um das Spiel zu drehen.

Similarity rank: 2.1

© Source: http://www.sueddeutsche.de/sport/fussball-in-england-risse-in-klopps-werk-1.3352457?source=rss
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安倍首相、日本車産業の米への貢献を説明 会談のポイント


NewsHub日米首脳電話会談のポイント ・2月10日に米ワシントンで初の首脳会談を行うことで合意 ・経済や安全保障などの課題で日米同盟の重要性を確認。トランプ米大統領は日米同盟は極めて重要で、日本は米国にとって極めて重要なパートナーであると指摘 ・安倍晋三首相はトランプ氏のリーダーシップで米国がより偉大な国になることに期待感を示し、同盟国としての役割を果たす意向を表明 ・日米の経済関係の重要性で一致。環太平洋戦略的経済連携協定(TPP)や自由貿易協定(FTA)について具体的な言及はなし ・安倍首相がトランプ氏に日本の自動車産業の米国への貢献について説明

Similarity rank: 6
Sentiment rank: 4.6

© Source: http://www.sankei.com/politics/news/170129/plt1701290006-n1.html
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'Perry Mason' actress Barbara Hale dies at 94


NewsHubBarbara Hale, a movie actress who found her most famous role on television as steadfast secretary Della Street in the long-running « Perry Mason » series, has died. She was 94.
Hale was surrounded by family when she died Thursday at her Los Angeles area home, said Jaqueline Stander, an agent for Hale’s son, actor William Katt (« The Greatest American Hero, » « Carrie »).
« She was gracious and kind and silly and always fun to be with, » Katt posted on his Facebook page Thursday, calling Hale a wonderful actress and a « treasure as a friend and mother.  »
Stander declined to provide the cause of death.
Hale appeared in « Perry Mason » on CBS from 1957 to 1966, winning an Emmy as best actress in 1959. When the show was revived in 1985 on NBC as an occasional TV movie, she again appeared in court at the side of the ever-victorious lawyer played by Raymond Burr.
She continued her role after Burr died in 1993 and was replaced by Hal Holbrook for the movies that continued into 1995.
« I guess I was just meant to be a secretary who doesn’t take shorthand, » she once quipped. « I’m a lousy typist, too — 33 words a minute.  »
Hale was born in DeKalb, Illinois, daughter of a landscape gardener and a homemaker. The family moved to Rockford when she was 4, and she later took part in a local theater. But her goals were to be a nurse or journalist.
When her ambition turned to art she studied at the Chicago Academy of Fine Arts, where she was often sought as a model. Her work for a modeling agency prompted an offer for a routine contract at the RKO studio in Hollywood.
When she reported to the casting director, he was speaking on the phone to someone who needed an immediate replacement for an actress who was sick.
« It hit every paper the next day: the Cinderella story, » she recalled in a 1993 Chicago Tribune interview. « Of course they said it was a starring role. I had one line, but you know about those things.  »
The movie was a quickie, « Gildersleeve’s Bad Day, » but she went on to appear with Pat O’Brien in « The Iron Major, » Frank Sinatra in « Higher and Higher » and Robert Young in « Lady Luck.  »
Another co-star was a blond actor named Bill Williams (real name: William Katt), with whom she appeared in « West of the Pecos » and « A Likely Story.  » They had met over coffee in the studio commissary and married in Rockford in 1946. The couple had three children: Nita, William and Jody.
Williams, who died in 1992, later gained TV fame as star of « The Adventures of Kit Carson.  » Their son goes by his father’s original name, William Katt.
After her RKO contract ended, Hale worked at other studios, usually as the adoring wife of the leading man. She played opposite Larry Parks in « Jolson Sings Again, » James Stewart in « Jackpot » and James Cagney in « A Lion Is in the Streets.  »
In 1957, she joined the memorable cast of « Perry Mason » that included Burr as the defense attorney who solved his cases in the courtroom, William Hopper as investigator Paul Drake, William Talman as never-winning prosecutor Hamilton Burger and Ray Collins as police lieutenant Arthur Tragg.
« When we started, it was the beginning of women not working at home, » Hale said in the 1993 interview. « I liked that she was not married. My husband, Bill, didn’t have to see me married to another man, and our children didn’t have to see me mothering other children.  »
In the early 1970s, Hale took on another widely recognized role, touting Amana Radarange microwave ovens in TV commercials and print ads.
Burr and Hale were the only original cast members when the show resumed on NBC in 1985 in the movie format. Her son, William Katt, appeared in nine of the two-hour shows, as the investigator son of Paul Drake.
Hale’s later films included the original « Airport, » playing the wife of Dean Martin’s pilot character; « The Giant Spider Invasion, » and « Big Wednesday, » in which she appeared with her son.

This story has been corrected to say that Barbara Hale played the wife of Dean Martin’s pilot character in the film « Airport. « 

Similarity rank: 1.1
Sentiment rank: -1.8

© Source: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/entertainment/tv/article129285539.html
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Protests erupt at airports following Trump travel ban


NewsHubPresident Donald Trump’s travel ban barring citizens of seven predominantly Muslim nations entry into the U. S. has sparked protests around the country.
A look at what is happening:

A protest at John F. Kennedy Airport, where 12 refugees were detained Saturday, swelled to more than 2,000 people, including some celebrities. The agency that runs the airport tried to restore order by shutting down the train that runs to airport terminals. Gov. Andrew Cuomo, a Democrat, reversed that decision, saying people had a right to protest. « The people of New York will have their voices heard, » he said in a statement.

More than 120 people clutching signs denouncing the Trump immigration orders gathered at Newark Liberty International Airport. NorthJersey.com reports that they joined lawyers who’d rushed to the airport to defend the rights of refugees and immigrants who were being detained and denied entry.

Dozens of people converged on Denver International to show their support for refugees. Standing in the main terminal Saturday, they sang « Refugees are welcome here.  » Some held signs declaring their identity, such as Jew or Christian, and the phrase « I come in peace.  » Denver has some direct international flights but it wasn’t clear whether anyone has been detained under the president’s executive order.

A crowd of demonstrators held a rally at O’Hare International Airport, where several people had been detained. The Chicago Sun-Times reports protesters blocked vehicle traffic to O’Hare’s international terminal for a time. The newspaper says some arriving travelers joined the protest, while others were upset by the demonstrations.

Protesters who gathered at Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport Saturday evening voiced their displeasure with Trump’s executive order. The Dallas Morning News reports the crowd of a few dozen ballooned into hundreds of demonstrators who frequently chanted « Set them free!  » At times, cheers erupted from the crowd as those who were detained got released.

About 1,000 pro-immigration protesters gathered Saturday at Seattle-Tacoma Airport to denounce Trump’s executive order. Aayah Khalaf, a Muslim American, was sitting at home watching the protest on television when she and her friend studying from Egypt decided to join the rally. It was her second time joining a protest. The first one was the Women’s March. « It’s not just against Muslims. It against environmental rights and human rights overall. I think everybody has to stand up against this, » said Khalaf, 29.

A protest by several dozen people in and around Portland International Airport briefly disrupted light rail service at the airport. The Oregonian/OregonLive reports that the demonstrators carried signs and chanted « Say it loud, say it clear, refugees are welcome here » and « No ban no wall America is for us all.  »

About 300 people expressed their displeasure with the ban at Los Angeles International Airport Saturday night. Protesters entered the airport’s Tom Bradley International Terminal after holding a candlelight vigil.

Hundreds of protesters blocked the street outside at San Francisco International Airport’s international terminal to express their opposition to the barring of some people from Muslim-majority nations.

As motorists honked their support, demonstrators outside San Diego International Airport chanted « No hate, no fear, everyone is welcome here. « 

Similarity rank: 35
Sentiment rank: -3.4

© Source: http://www.heraldonline.com/news/nation-world/national/article129422074.html
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Desert double: Berchelt beats Vargas; Miura stops Roman


NewsHubINDIO, California, January 28, 2017 – Fans saw the first “Fight of the Year” candidate for 2017 Saturday at the Fantasy Springs Casino in Indio, California.
But it was the co-main event that provided the superior fireworks.
In the main event, a determined Miguel “The Scorpion” Berchelt of Mexico battered Francisco “El Bandido” Vargas all over the ring, and despite Vargas’ best efforts, Berchelt finally did too much damage for the fight to continue, with referee Raul Caiz Jr. finally stopping the bout at 2:19 of the 11th round.
“When two Mexicans are in the ring we guarantee a spectacle, and it was,” said Berchelt. “He’s a great champion and that’s why he had two Fights of the Year. But I showed I have heart also, and I came here to win.” I’m young, I’m hungry, I wanted to be a world champion. I have the belt around my waist and it feels best.”
Berchelt credited his preparation for this opportunity. “I wanted to fight on HBO and I wanted to beat the champions,” said Berchelt. “I came here to win and prove I was a true champion.”
Vargas congratulated Berchelt. He admitted the cuts were a problem. After the fight, Vargas looked terribly bruised and was cut over both eyes. Did he ever consider quitting? “I’m a warrior, I fight till the end. It’s just blood.” Vargas said until the fight is over, he always feels he has a chance to win. “I was never going to stop.”
Berchelt paid tribute to his opponent. “I wanted to fight the best of the best, and this fight happened because of that,” said Berchelt. “Francisco is a great champion, he has fought the best and has been in two Fight of the Year contests. I knew what I was getting into; he has great heart … I am young and hungry, and I want to fight the best because that is how champions are made. I want to thank Vargas for this incredible opportunity.”
Vargas showed equal respect in defeat. “I want to wish Berchelt all the best. It was a tough fight, and he’s young with a lot of heart and passion and hunger. He cut me, and I just wasn’t able to see because the blood kept coming into my eyes. I am not the type of fighter to give in, and I will always be fighting. I am a warrior, and I will be that to the very end. I probably would have kept going if they wouldn’t have stopped the fight. I want a rematch.”
Fans love Vargas for his warrior mentality, but he may have reached the point of his career where he has simply absorbed more than his system can handle. Once again, Vargas suffered significant cuts and withstood a lot of pounding. Unlike his previous bouts, he didn’t dish out enough to make it worth the results in the end.
Vargas’s 2015 FOTY opponent, Takashi Miura of Japan, made his FOTY 2017 bid with his stoppage of lightweight veteran Miguel “Mickey” Roman of Mexico in the co-main event. It was a close, competitive fight in the early rounds. The partisan Mexican crowd cheered Roman on while Miura looked for ways to do damage with his left hook.
By the fourth round it turned into a firefight with both men throwing whatever they thought might land. Miura won the first few rounds but Roman had turned the fight around and by the end of the sixth, Miura landed a wicked right hook to Miura’s head. Miura was fortunate it happened at the end of the round.
Miura has impressive powers of recovery, and the pair went right back at each other with full force in the seventh. Roman suffered a cut above the eye, and Miura appeared to be bleeding from the mouth. No one should have been surprised to see this kind of a firefight, but it is incredible to see the determination of both men to withstand each other’s punishment and stay on their feet.
Miura finally landed the shot he wanted, a vicious left hook to the body that dropped Roman to the canvas at the end of the tenth round. Roman managed to get to his feet with super human effort, and the round ended. Miura went right back after the body in the 11th round, trying his best to finish the durable Roman off. He went down again and rose to his feet again although obviously hurting. The referee allowed them to continue and Roman showed he would do whatever it took to end the fight on his feet even as Miura continued to bring the heat.
But it was not to be for the Mexican warrior. Miura (31-3-2, 24 KOs) dropped Roman (56-12, 43 KOs) to the canvas for the third and final time just a few minutes shy of the fight’s end at 53 seconds of the 12th and final round. Miura’s two knockdowns had given him the fight and it wouldn’t have changed anything to see Roman finish. But as we have seen before, it’s best not to let the fight go to the scorecards.
Miura is now the mandatory WBC challenger. It sets Miura up for possible bout with Berchelt. Another man who would like a go at Berchelt and his belt is Vargas’s previous opponent Orlando Salido, who was sitting ringside. Fans wouldn’t say no to this match-up.
Welterweight Sadam Ali of Brooklyn (24-1-0, 14 KOs) made his case for some top name opportunities with a third round knockout over Jorge Silva of Mexico (22-13-2, 18 KOs). Ali bullied the overwhelmed Silva the entire fight. Inexplicably, Silva dropped his hands and taunted Ali, who rewarded him with a vicious lights out punch.
“I’m on my bounce back, and this win is solidifying my status as one of the ones to be watching,” said Ali. “My opponent was tough, and he was able to play for a couple of rounds. However, this win over him is a step forward into the right direction to the goals I want to accomplish. I have heart, and I hope people can see that in the ring.”
Super featherweight prospect Lamont Roach Jr. of Washington DC (13-0, 5 KOs) remained undefeated with a first round stoppage of Alejandro Valdez of Mexico (26-9-2, 20 KOs). Roach knocked Valdez down with snapping rights to the chin; Valdez got up, and Roach finished him off with a wicked right body shot straight down the middle. Even if the right hand was Roach’s only weapon, the speed and accuracy were impressive. Roach now holds the WBC youth super featherweight belt.
“It feels good to be 21 with a title already, and this just lines up everything for a future world championship,” said Roach. “I got him to go down twice and he didn’t want to come back for a third.”
Hometown favorite Luis Coria of Indio (3-0, 3 KOs) put on a show for family and friends and maintained his perfect record and 100 percent knockout rate with a first round knockout of opponent Gerardo Molina of Mexico (1-4, 1 KO) at 2:51 of the round.
“This was a big night for me because it was my first time on an HBO card,” said Coria. “It was also huge because Lupillo Rivera walked with me, and that was humbling because he is this huge star. I do this for my family members who are the biggest fans and who always come out to support every fight.”
The middleweight bout between Tureano Johnson of the Bahamas and Antonio Gutierrez of Mexico was scratched when Johnson failed to make weight on Friday.
Gayle Lynn Falkenthal, APR, is President/Owner of the Falcon Valley Group in San Diego, California. She is also a serious boxing fan covering the Sweet Science for Communities. Read more Ringside Seat in Communities Digital News. Follow Gayle on Facebook and on Twitter @PRProSanDiego.
Please credit “Gayle Falkenthal for Communities Digital News ” when quoting from or linking to this story.
Copyright © 2017 by Falcon Valley Group

Sentiment rank: -1.4

© Source: http://www.commdiginews.com/sports/desert-double-berchelt-beats-vargas-miura-stops-roman-77127/
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Путін і Трамп не обговорювали скасування санкцій – Пєсков


NewsHubТема скасування санкцій в телефонній розмові президента РФ Володимира Путіна і лідера США Дональда Трампа не обговорювалася. Про це повідомив  » Інтерфакс  » прес-секретар глави держави Дмитро Пєсков.
Раніше низка аналітиків і журналістів повідомила про підготовку в Білому домі проекту указу про скасування санкцій щодо РФ.
ЧИТАЙТЕ ТАКОЖ: У Кремлі розповіли про переговори Путіна з Трампом
У п’ятницю радник президента США Келліенн Конвей, відповідаючи в ефірі Fox News на питання, чи буде Трамп обговорювати з Путіним питання санкцій, сказала: « Все це знаходиться в процесі розгляду ».
Пізніше Трамп заявив, що поки занадто рано говорити про питання скасування санкцій проти Росії.

Similarity rank: 18

© Source: http://gazeta.ua/articles/world-life/_putin-i-tramp-ne-obgovoryuvali-skasuvannya-sankcij-pyeskov/749260
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Producers Guild Awards: The Oscar Implications of the 'La La Land' Win


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By winning the highest honor at the 28th annual PGA Awards on Saturday night, the Darryl F. Zanuck Award, La Land , a critically and commercially successful original musical about struggling artists in Hollywood, further solidified its status as the clear favorite to win the best picture Oscar. Not every past winner of the PGA’s top prize has gone on to claim the Academy’s top prize — just last year, The Big Short won the PGA Ward, but Spotlight won the Oscar. However, 19 of its 27 prior recipients did, and there is plenty of reason to believe that isn’t purely coincidental.
The PGA Awards, like the Oscars that follow it by almost a month, but unlike all of the other awards that precede it, reflects the preferences of people who actually make movies, which often is very different from those of people who don’t: The Hurt Locker , The King’s Speech and Birdman , among other recent best picture Oscar winners, first lost at the Critics’ Choice and Golden Globe awards — both determined by journalists, who aren’t represented in the Academy at all — and only saw their fortunes turn around after the PGA crowned them as the year’s best.
The number of PGA voters and the number of Academy members is almost exactly the same (both right around 7,000). The PGA Awards and the Oscars use the same quirky preferential balloting system (they both adopted it eight years ago as part of an effort to honor « consensus choices »). And, because — this year, at least — the PGA Awards were given out before final Oscar balloting even started (it opens Feb. 13), the results could, conceivably, influence Academy members.
What makes La Land ‘s PGA Award win extra significant is that the film was pitted against — and vanquished — the exact same films against which it is nominated for the best picture Oscar: Arrival , Fences , Hacksaw Ridge , Hell or High Water , Hidden Figures , La Land , Lion , Manchester by the Sea , Moonlight ), plus one other (the PGA, unlike the Academy, guarantees 10 nominees, and Deadpool also made its cut).
The win for La Land was not unexpected, but many representatives of its best picture Oscar competitors, and Oscar hopefuls from other categories, still showed up and presented other prizes — after all, putting oneself in front of a room full of the industry’s most powerful producers seems like a good way to drum up not only Oscar votes, but also job offers! Oscar-nominated presenters included Moonlight ‘s Mahershala Ali , Manchester by the Sea ‘s Casey Affleck , Lion ‘s Dev Patel and Nicole Kidman (separately), Hell or High Water ‘s Jeff Bridges , Hidden Figures ‘ Octavia Spencer and Trolls ‘ Justin Timberlake. Appearing on behalf of Oscar-nominated films were Arrival ‘s Amy Adams , 13th ‘s Common , Moonlight ‘s Alex R. Hibbert , Hidden Figures ‘ Taraji P. Henson and Janelle Monae , Hacksaw Ridge ‘s Teresa Palmer , Fences ‘ Mykelti Williamson and La Land ‘s John Legend (who made powerful off-the-cuff remarks criticizing President Donald Trump ‘s just-enacted immigration ban).
The race to Oscar night continues on Sunday with the 23rd Screen Actors Guild Awards. One thing is for sure: La Land will not be winning the top prize at that event — best ensemble — since it wasn’t even nominated for it. People can argue over why it was left out in favor of Moonlight , Manchester by the Sea, Hidden Figures , Fences and Captain Fantastic — most assume that the guild’s nominating committee deemed La Land too much of a two-hander to be recognized as an ensemble effort, which is understandable enough — but the fact remains that only one film in the 21 years in which the best ensemble prize previously was presented was not nominated for it but still won the best picture Oscar (1995’s Braveheart ). So, as tempting as it is to call this year’s best picture Oscar race right now, a lot can still happen between now and Feb. 26.

Similarity rank: 5.3
Sentiment rank: 3.1

© Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/thr/news/~3/ztqjBw0DkD4/producers-guild-awards-oscar-implications-la-la-land-win-969651
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Congressman: Trump refugee ban 'disgusting' on Holocaust Remembrance Day


NewsHubWASHINGTON — Congressman Jerry Nadler was swimming against the current at John F. Kennedy International Airport Saturday night, lobbying for the release of vetted refugees and visa holders that were en route to America as Donald Trump signed an executive order banning their entry.
He succeeded in securing the release of Hameed Khalid Darweesh, an Iraqi national who worked for the United States Army as a contractor and interpreter for nearly a decade. Darweesh was detained for 14 hours after the president on Friday directed the Department of Homeland Security to turn away all citizens of Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen.

Similarity rank: 22
Sentiment rank: -5

© Source: http://www.jpost.com/American-Politics/Congressman-Trump-refugee-ban-disgusting-on-Holocaust-Remembrance-Day-479865
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Местонахождение Клыха неизвестно в течение трех недель – адвокат


NewsHub« Его больного повезли из Грозного в Челябинск. У нас нет информации, где он находится. Состояние Стаса Клыха нас сейчас очень сильно беспокоит, потому что у него большие проблемы со здоровьем, и физическим, и психическим », – сообщил адвокат.
По его словам, информацию о Клыхе не удается получить из-за особенностей условий этапирования в России.
« В России действует такое условие этапирования, что никто не обязан сообщать ни семье, ни адвокату, где находится человек. Уже когда он прибудет, то постфактум мы узнаем », – сказал Новиков.
Как сообщалось, 26 октября Верховный суд России признал законным приговор, ранее вынесенный российским правосудием украинским гражданам Николаю Карпюку и Станиславу Клыху , приговоренных к 22,5 и 20 годам лишения свободы за якобы участие в войне против РФ в ходе Первой чеченской войны.
Оба не признали свою вину и заявляют, что были незаконно задержаны, а признание российские следователи получили от них пытками. Николай Карпюк говорил о пытках в российском СИЗО электрическим током, иглами под ногти и запретом спать круглосуточно.
В конце ноября Карпюк и Клых направили обращение о переводе их в Украину. Заместитель министра юстиции Сергей Петухов сообщал о том, что министерство вскоре отправит соответствующий запрос в Россию. По его словам, начата процедура возвращения Карпюка и Клыха согласно Конвенции о передаче осужденных лиц.

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