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By the numbers: President Trump's first week


NewsHubPresident Trump’s first week in office has seen a whirlwind of activity on multiple fronts – from cabinet confirmations to speeches and executive actions. How can we take stock?
Longtime CBS News White House correspondent Mark Knoller has kept detailed tabs on presidential activity during the last few administrations, and he aims to do the same while covering Mr. Trump. Here’s Knoller’s rundown of President Trump’s first week by-the-numbers.
Mr. Trump visited the CIA last Saturday, just one day after his inauguration, where he blamed the media for his feud with the intelligence community and bragged about the size of his inauguration crowd. He visited the Department of Homeland Security on Wednesday, giving remarks after he took several executive actions dealing with immigration and border security.
Mr. Trump signed a bill last Friday , just after being sworn in, that granted a waiver to retired Gen. James Mattis to serve as Defense Secretary. Mattis needed the waiver because of a rule stipulating that the Pentagon cannot be led by anyone who’s served in the military in the last seven years.
Mr. Trump has signed Executive Orders – the most significant form of executive action – to cut off funding to so-called “sanctuary cities” that refuse to turn over undocumented immigrants to federal law enforcement, to prioritize construction of a wall along the U. S.-Mexico border, to roll back certain portions of the Affordable Care Act , and to reduce the time allowed for the environmental review process on some infrastructure projects.
Mr. Trump has issued a variety of presidential memoranda – a form of executive action that is slightly less significant than an order, but still quite meaningful. The memoranda have, among other things, withdrawn the United States from the Trans-Pacific Partnership , restricted U. S. funding to international organizations that provide abortion, frozen pending federal regulations, instituted a hiring freeze for federal workers, and approved a controversial pair of energy pipelines .
James Mattis has been sworn in as defense secretary, Mike Pompeo has been sworn in as CIA director, John Kelly has been sworn in as the secretary of homeland security, and Nikki Haley has been sworn in as United Nations ambassador.

Similarity rank: 8.8
Sentiment rank: 4

© Source: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/by-the-numbers-president-trumps-first-week/
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Pearl Harbor Navy salvage diver dies at 103


NewsHubBy the Associated Press
01/28/17, 1:17 PM PST | Updated: 2 hrs ago
SAN DIEGO >> Ken Hartle, who as a Navy diver during World War II had the grim task of retrieving bodies from ships sunk by the Japanese at Pearl Harbor, has died. He was 103.
Hartle died Tuesday afternoon at an Escondido, California, center for people with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia, the San Diego Union-Tribune reported Friday. A reporter was at his bedside with Hartle’s son and daughter three hours before his death.
Hartle may have been the oldest surviving Pearl Harbor salvage diver, said David Ball of San Diego, an officer with the Navy Divers Association.
Hartle and his fellow Seabees worked in the days before scuba diving equipment was commonplace. His heavy canvas diving suit and brass helmet weighed more than 200 pounds.
Japan’s Dec. 7, 1941 surprise attack on Pearl Harbor sank or beached 18 ships. Among them was the battleship Arizona, which went down with 1,177 crew members.
Hartle was working as a civilian ship-fitter at a Navy yard in the San Francisco Bay Area when the war broke out but he wasn’t allowed to enlist until 1943 because his job was deemed too important to the war effort.
Hartle was proud of the work he performed over the next two years, his children said. He risked death by towing away unexploded torpedoes and salvaging ships and planes, first at Pearl Harbor and later from Maine to the Philippines.
He suffered the bends — painful and dangerous bubbles in his bloodstream from improper decompression — and was nearly killed when an anchor chain cracked and spewed metal shards.
But he avoided mentioning one task: recovering the long-submerged bodies of sailors who went to the bottom at Pearl Harbor.
“He just didn’t like talking about it,” said his son, Ken W. Hartle, 64, of Montana. “He would only say that the hardest part of the job was ‘bringing up our boys.’ “
Ambert Kenneth Hartle was born in 1913 in Bakersfield, California. His mother, a brother and a sister died from illness or accidents before he was 10 and his father was sent to a tuberculosis sanitarium in 1916, according to Hartle’s children.
Hartle and his siblings were sent to Los Angeles to live with relatives but he hitchhiked to the San Francisco Bay Area. He worked as a prune-picker, a ranch hand and a cook for mining camps and resorts, earned a high school diploma and studied commercial art in college, where he also managed the basketball team.
His son said Hartle managed to cheat death several times, beginning at age 3 when a mule kicked him in the face and knocked him unconscious for 20 hours.
At 9, he was stabbed in the neck during a schoolyard brawl. In college, he was flung hundreds of feet when his car was crushed by a truck. He was bitten by a rattlesnake and a scorpion while working alone at a mining camp.
He had colon and prostate cancer, six heart bypass surgeries, and broke his shoulder falling from a ladder while trimming trees when he was 97.
“He was from a generation of people who were amazingly tough,” said his daughter and longtime caregiver, Karen Dahl, 66. “He had a lot of problems with pain from the work he did in his younger life, but he never complained.”
After the war, he settled in Buena Park, California, and later became a chicken breeder in Valley Center in northern San Diego County.
His second wife, Jeanne, died in 2008.
“He was a great storyteller. He could talk for hours about his life in the most amazing detail,” his daughter said. “He loved his life and he had a wonderful one.”

Similarity rank: 1.1
Sentiment rank: -3.5

© Source: http://www.presstelegram.com/obituaries/20170128/pearl-harbor-navy-salvage-diver-dies-at-103
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上地結衣が逆転で初制覇 車いすの部・女子シングルス


NewsHubテニスの全豪オープン車いすの部は28日、メルボルンで行われ、女子シングルス決勝は第2シードの上地結衣(エイベックス)が第1シードのイエスカ・グリフィユン(オランダ)に6-7、6-3、6-3で逆転勝ちし、初優勝を飾った。(共同) ▼【パラリンピック】車いすテニス・上地結衣 さらなる進化へ迷いなし 「目指すところは一つ」 ▼【リオパラリンピック】負けず嫌い、涙の銅 上地「うれしいけど、東京は金メダルを」 明石出身の22歳

Similarity rank: 6.4
Sentiment rank: 3.2

© Source: http://www.sankei.com/sports/news/170128/spo1701280026-n1.html
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NewsHub【1月28日 AFP】米首都ワシントン( Washington D. C. )で27日、人工妊娠中絶に反対する人々による集会が行われ、マイク・ペンス( Mike Pence )副大統領も出席した。
ドナルド・トランプ( Donald Trump )大統領は就任直後の23日に、人工妊娠中絶を支援している外国の非政府組織(NGO)への政府の補助金交付を禁止する大統領令に署名している。
国立公園ナショナル・モール( National Mall )に集まった数千人の人々を前に演説したペンス副大統領は、「アメリカでは命(を大切にする中絶反対派)が勝利しつつある。今日はその前進を祝う日だ」と語り、中絶反対派が圧倒的に多数を占める共和党の議員が上下両院で多数派を占めていることにも触れた。さらに「われわれは人の命にとって歴史的な瞬間にたどり着いた。すべての米国人への敬意と思いやりをもってこの瞬間に立ち会わねばならない」と述べた。
世界最大の中絶反対デモとされる「マーチ・フォー・ライフ( March for Life 、命のための行進)」は今年で44回目。米副大統領として初めてこの集会で演説したペンス氏はまた、トランプ政権は「われわれ自身、そしてわれわれの子孫のために米国の命の文化を取り戻すまで、休むことはない」と述べた。
トランプ大統領は来月2日に、空席となっている最高裁判事1人を指名するが、中絶する権利に強硬に反対する人物が指名されることが予想されている。(c)AFP/Anita Chang Beattie

Similarity rank: 6.5
Sentiment rank: 3.4

© Source: http://www.afpbb.com/articles/-/3115799
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「壁」の費用負担、当面は議論控える 米メキシコ電話協議で合意


NewsHub【ワシントン=加納宏幸、ロサンゼルス=中村将】トランプ米大統領とメキシコのペニャニエト大統領は27日、約1時間にわたり電話協議した。両首脳はトランプ氏が不法移民の流入阻止のため実現するとしているメキシコ国境への「壁」の建設費用について、協議を通じて解決を目指すことで一致した。 メキシコ政府はこの問題について当面、公の議論を差し控えることを両首脳が申し合わせたとしている。 トランプ氏は費用をまかなうためメキシコからの輸入品に対する課税を検討中だが、両国政府は電話協議が「建設的で生産的な対話だった」と強調。トランプ氏も27日の記者会見で「私たちは公平で新しい関係に向けて取り組んでいる」と述べた。一方で、トランプ氏はメキシコが貿易で「米国をたたきのめしている」とし、北米自由貿易協定(NAFTA)について再交渉する考えを重ねて強調した。 電話協議では、米国がメキシコに対して抱える貿易赤字の問題や、麻薬、銃器の密輸取り締まりでの協力なども話し合った。

Similarity rank: 6.6
Sentiment rank: -0.7

© Source: http://www.sankei.com/world/news/170128/wor1701280030-n1.html
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トランプ政権「米国第一」主張せず 対英貿易交渉で :日本経済新聞



Similarity rank: 7
Sentiment rank: 2.3

© Source: http://www.nikkei.com/article/DGXLASDF28H09_Y7A120C1NN1000/
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It really is a special relationship! Donald Trump and Theresa May walking outside the White House holding hands! pic.twitter.com/AsYcDVsugp
— Matt Dathan (@matt_dathan) 2017年1月27日
大衆紙「The i」は「特別な関係が帰ってきた」との見出しで写真を掲載した。
THE I: Special relationship is back on #tomorrowspaperstoday pic.twitter.com/rKzy257urD
— Neil Henderson (@hendopolis) 2017年1月27日
BBCのローラ・キューエンスバーグ記者はメイ首相から指名されて、トランプ氏に拷問に関する手厳しい 質問をした 。これに刺激されたのか、彼はメイ首相に対してこんな冗談まで口にした。「これがあなたの質問の選び方だったのか。ほらまた、あれについての質問が出た」
ハフィントンポストUK版 より翻訳・加筆しました。
【※】スライドショーが表示されない場合は、 こちら へ。

Similarity rank: 9
Sentiment rank: 0

© Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.jp/2017/01/28/donald-trump-and-theresa-may-hold-hands_n_14453862.html?utm_hp_ref=japan&ir=Japan
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首相 トランプ大統領と今夜電話会談 首脳会談日程など協議


NewsHub安倍総理大臣は28日夜遅く、アメリカのトランプ大統領と電話で会談し、初めての日米首脳会談の日程などを協議するものと見られます。 日米両政府は、安倍総理大臣とアメリカのトランプ大統領が28日午後11時から電話で会談すると発表しました。 安倍総理大臣とトランプ大統領は、大統領選挙後の去年11月に、ニューヨークで会談しているほか、電話でも一度話していますが、大統領就任後に電話で会談するのは初めてです。 電話会談で安倍総理大臣は、トランプ大統領の就任に祝意を表し、個人的な信頼関係を構築したいという考えを伝えるとともに、日米同盟の重要性を確認したい考えです。 そして、来月行う方向で調整している初めての日米首脳会談の具体的な日程や議題などを協議するものと見られます。 トランプ大統領は、TPP=環太平洋パートナーシップ協定から離脱するための大統領令に署名し、日本を含むTPP協定の参加国と2国間の経済連携協定を目指す考えを示しています。 また、大統領選挙の期間中、日本に在日アメリカ軍の駐留経費の負担増額を求めるなど、同盟国との関係見直しを示唆する発言を繰り返してきました。 これに対し安倍総理大臣は、トランプ政権との間で、日米の同盟関係を一層強化していきたいとしているほか、TPP協定の戦略的な意義や、自由貿易の重要性への理解を求めたいとしています。直接、会って話し合うのを前に、電話会談でのやり取りが注目されます。

Similarity rank: 13
Sentiment rank: 1.4

© Source: http://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20170128/k10010856311000.html
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Fury as airlines bar passengers from flying to US


NewsHub| Print | E-mail
Saturday, 28 January 2017 13:11
Carriers refuse to fly nationals from seven Muslim-majority countries to the US, after Trump’s ban comes into effect.
US President Donald Trump’s order banning arrivals from several Muslim-majority countries has come into effect, with some airlines already stopping would-be passengers from flying to the United States.
In a move that sparked widespread international criticism , Trump on Friday signed a sweeping executive order to suspend the arrival of refugees and impose tough new controls on travellers from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Syria and Yemen.
In some of the countries affected by the restrictions, would-be travellers preparing family visits, work trips or seeking to escape war reported chaotic disruption to their plans; with some saying they had been humiliated.
Some who were already in the air when Trump signed the measure were detained on arrival, according to The New York Times.
In Egypt, five Iraqi nationals and one Yemeni were prohibited from boarding an Egypt Air flight that was bound to New York from Cairo’s international airport on Saturday morning.
The six passengers, who were headed for John F. Kennedy International Airport, were reportedly prevented from boarding despite holding valid immigration visas.
In The Netherlands, the Dutch flag carrier KLM said it had stopped seven passengers from boarding its flights, five of whom it had been able to contact before departure. The identities of the seven, their countries of origin and destinations were not given.
« We would have liked to have had them fly with us, but it would not have made much sense because they would have been denied entry » to the United States, KLM spokesman Manel Vrijenhoek told AFP news agency.
In Canada, WestJet Airlines said it turned back a passenger bound for the United States on Saturday in order to comply with an executive order that prohibits people from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States.
WestJet spokeswoman Lauren Stewart said the airline would give full refunds to anyone affected by the US executive order. It did not say which country the passenger had come from.
In Iran’s capital, Tehran, two travel agencies told AFP they had been instructed by Etihad Airways, Emirates and Turkish Airlines not to sell US tickets or allow Iranians holding American visas to board US-bound flights.
Qatar Airways on Saturday issued a travel alert on their official website, saying nationals of the seven countries may travel to the US « only if they are in possession of a permanent resident card [Green card] or any of the below visas, » listing foreign government, United Nations, international organisation and NATO visas.
Across the Middle East, people reacted with fury saying the travel curbs were insulting and discriminatory.
« It’s not right to portray huge groups of Arabs and Muslims as possible terrorists, » Najeeb Haidari, a Yemeni-American security manager in Yemen, told Reuters news agency.
« This is a stupid, terrible decision which will hurt the American people more than us or anybody else, because it shows that this president can’t manage people, politics or global relationships.  »
READ MORE: Hassan Rouhani: Now is not the time to build walls
In Baghdad, Bayan Adil, a doctor working in the Iraqi Health Ministry who applied for a US visa to attend a medical seminar, said Iraqi academics should visit Europe instead of the United States, where they were no longer welcome.
« Trump’s decision is unfortunately a humiliating insult not only for us as academics but for all Iraqis, » she told Reuters.
Iran also slammed the « insulting » measure and said it would stop US citizens entering the country in retaliation to Washington’s visa ban, calling it an « open affront against the Muslim world and the Iranian nation ».

Similarity rank: 13
Sentiment rank: -2.1

© Source: http://mwcnews.net/news/middle-east/63494-airlines-bar-passengers.html
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Chinese Dating Apps Enjoy Increased Demand on Lunar New Year


NewsHubAs millions of people head home to celebrate the Chinese Lunar New Year holiday, desperate men looking to hire an instant girlfriend to present to their parents are keeping 24-year-old Luoluo busy on a mobile dating app.
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When visiting home during the Chinese Lunar New Year holiday, single people are often faced with tough lectures and questions from their relatives hell-bent on reinforcing the importance of the marriage institution and securing the family blood line.
To appease their inquisitive parents, single men often resort to paying girls to go home with them and act as their partners.
An increase in the use of smartphones has made that process much easier as one can now pay for such a date through several apps.
« Over 1,000 users on our platform have signed up as dates for hire for the New Year break, » said Cao Tiantian, founder of date-for-hire app Hire Me Plz.
The subscribers of these apps pay from as little as 1 Yuan ($0.15) to 1,999 Yuan ($299) for a dinner date, chat, a game of mah-jong or a foot massage. However, prices rocket up around the time of the Lunar New Year. During this period, thousands of attractive young people like Luoluo command fees of 3,000 Yuan ($450) to 10,000 Yuan ($1500) a day.
« I’m still seeking people to fill my time slots, » says Luoluo, a native of China’s southwestern province of Sichuan.
She added that she only meets people who stay in the same province as her.
Hire Me Plz shares the fake spouse market with other five other dating apps in China.
The apps make their money by taking a cut from the hires, and also from the subscription fees.
Hire Me Plz was launched in 2015. The mobile app has garnered a user base of 700,000 as well as 1.7 million followers on China’s biggest social media network, WeChat.
Despite its success, some netizens on social media platforms and legal experts have questioned the morality and legality of the dating sites.
« There are no clear prohibitions in Chinese law regarding date rentals. But risks exist among such deals, which may also violate the law to a certain extent, » Li Hongzhao, an official of the Beijing Lawyers Association Criminal Committee, is quoted as saying by China’s state media.
Prostitution is illegal in China, and sex is not offered by any of the mobile dating apps.

Similarity rank: 3

© Source: http://www.chinatopix.com/articles/110893/20170128/chinese-dating-app-demand-lunar-new-year.htm
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